(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ ['create-dialog'], { '29gu': function (t, e, i) { 'use strict'; var o = 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t; } : function (t) { return t && 'function' == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? 'symbol' : typeof t; }, s = i('uOxu').getLogger('CommonUI.CreateTVBlockPlugin'); (t.exports.createTvBlockPlugin = function (t) { if (t) return function (e, i, o) { var s, n = $(this); function r(e, i) { return i ? t[e](n, i) : t[e](n); } return 'get' === e ? 'function' == typeof t[(s = i)] ? r(s, o) : t[s] : t[e] ? n.each(function () { return r(e, void 0); }) : n; }; }), (t.exports.createTvBlockWithInstance = function (t, e) { if (t && e) return ( (t = t.toString()), function (n, r, h) { var a, l, c; return ( 'get' === n ? (a = r) : ((l = r), 'object' === (void 0 === n ? 'undefined' : o(n)) && void 0 === r ? ((l = n), (n = 'init')) : 'string' != typeof n && (n = 'init')), 'getInstance' === n ? $(this).eq(0).data(t) : 'destroy' === n ? (c = $(this).eq(0).data(t)) ? void ('function' == typeof c.destroy ? (i(c, 'destroy', l), $(this).eq(0).removeData(t)) : s.logError( '[Block Plugin] ' + t + ' does not support destroy command', )) : void console.warn( '[Block Plugin] Trying to execute destroy method of ' + t + ' but it has not been inited', ) : 'get' === n ? (c = $(this).eq(0).data(t)) ? 'function' == typeof c[a] ? i(c, a, h) : c[a] : void console.warn( '[Block Plugin] Trying to get prop or execute method of ' + t + ' but it has not been inited', ) : $(this).each(function () { var o = $(this), r = o.data(t); void 0 === r && ((r = void 0 === l ? e(o) : e(o, l)), o.data(t, r)), 'init' !== n && ('function' == typeof r[n] ? i(r, n, l) : s.logError( '[Block Plugin] ' + t + ' does not support command ' + n, )); }) ); } ); function i(t, e, i) { return void 0 === i ? t[e]() : t[e](i); } }); }, IwoD: function (t, e, i) {}, QwKQ: function (t, e, i) { 'use strict'; (function (o) { Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var s = (function () { function t(t, e) { for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { var o = e[i]; (o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1), (o.configurable = !0), 'value' in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o); } } return function (e, i, o) { return i && t(e.prototype, i), o && t(e, o), e; }; })(), n = i('29gu'); i('b6p+'); var r = i('uOxu').getLogger('Ui.TvControlCheckbox'), h = { labelWrapper: '{{#hasLabel}}{{/hasLabel}}{{^hasLabel}}{{> inputWrapper }}{{/hasLabel}}', inputWrapper: '<{{ tag }} class="{{ customClass }}{{#disabled}} i-disabled{{/disabled}}">{{^hasCheckbox}}{{> checkbox }}{{/hasCheckbox}}{{> box }}{{> ripple }}', checkbox: '', checkboxClass: '{{ customClass }}__input', box: '' + i('aLUT') + '', ripple: '', }, a = (function () { function t(e) { var i = e.customClass, o = void 0 === i ? 'tv-control-checkbox' : i, s = e.$checkbox, n = e.tag, h = e.id, a = e.name, l = e.checked, c = e.disabled, p = e.labelLeft, d = e.labelRight, u = e.labelAddClass, _ = e.boxAddClass; !(function (t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); })(this, t), (this.$el = null), void 0 === n && (n = p || d ? 'span' : 'label'); var b = s instanceof $ && !!s.length; if (b) { if (!s.is('input[type=checkbox]')) return void r.logError( '`$checkbox` need to be input[type=checkbox]', ); if (s.hasClass('i-inited')) return; this._setInputId(s, h), this._setInputClass(s, o), this._setInputName(s, a), this._setInputChecked(s, l), this._setInputDisabled(s, c), (l = !!s.prop('checked')), (c = !!s.attr('disabled')); } (this.$el = this.render({ $checkbox: s, hasCheckbox: b, customClass: o, tag: n, id: h, name: a, checked: l, disabled: c, labelLeft: p, labelRight: d, hasLabel: p || d, labelAddClass: u, boxAddClass: _, })), (this.$checkbox = b ? s : this.$el.find('input[type=checkbox]')); } return ( s(t, [ { key: '_setInputId', value: function (t, e) { void 0 !== e && t.attr('id', e); }, }, { key: '_setInputClass', value: function (t, e) { var i = o.render(h.checkboxClass, { customClass: e }); t.addClass(i); }, }, { key: '_setInputName', value: function (t, e) { void 0 !== e && t.attr('name', e); }, }, { key: '_setInputChecked', value: function (t, e) { void 0 !== e && t.prop('checked', !!e); }, }, { key: '_setInputDisabled', value: function (t, e) { void 0 !== e && (e ? t.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled') : t.removeAttr('disabled')); }, }, { key: 'render', value: function (t) { var e = t.$checkbox, i = $(o.render(h.labelWrapper, t, h)); t.hasCheckbox && (i.insertBefore(e), i .find('.' + t.customClass) .andSelf() .filter('.' + t.customClass) .eq(0) .prepend(e.detach()), e.addClass('i-inited')); return i; }, }, { key: 'checked', set: function (t) { this._setInputChecked(this.$checkbox, !!t); }, get: function () { return !!this.$checkbox.prop('checked'); }, }, ]), t ); })(); ($.fn.tvControlCheckbox = (0, n.createTvBlockWithInstance)( 'tv-control-checkbox', function (t) { var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; return new a(TradingView.mergeObj(e, { $checkbox: t })); }, )), (e.default = a), (t.exports = e.default); }.call(this, i('nbsC'))); }, YDhE: function (t, e, i) { 'use strict'; i.r(e), i.d(e, 'createDialog', function () { return n; }); var o = i('6aJD'), s = i('tKRU'); function n(t) { var e = t.type || 'popup'; return delete t.type, 'modal' === e ? new o.a(t) : new s.a(t); } }, aLUT: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, 'b6p+': function (t, e, i) {}, nec0: function (t, e, i) {}, nzny: function (t, e, i) {}, pLUm: function (t, e, i) { t.exports = { wrapper: 'wrapper-2KWBfDVB', touch: 'touch-E6yQTRo_' }; }, sFgq: function (t, e, i) { 'use strict'; (function (t) { var o = i('5qpw').lazyJqueryUI; i('nzny'); var s = i('pLUm'); function n(e, i, o) { var n = this; if ( ((this._options = $.extend({}, this._defaultOptions, o || {})), (this._$wrapper = e), this._$wrapper.addClass(s.wrapper), (this._$content = i), (this._scroll_speed = 40), (this._shadow_offset = 10), (this._header_height = this._options.headerHeight), (this._scroll_margin_top = this._options.scrollMarginTop), (this.scrolled = new t()), (this.scrolltoend = new t()), (this.scrolltostart = new t()), (this.visibilityCallbacks = []), (this._touch = Modernizr.touch), this._touch) ) return ( this._$content.css('position', 'relative'), void this._$wrapper .addClass(s.touch) .scroll(this._onScroll.bind(this)) ); this._$wrapper.css('overflow', 'hidden'), this._$wrapper .on('mouseenter.sidebar-scroll', function () { n._bottomFixed || n._dragging || (n._options.alwaysVisible || n._$scrollBar.addClass('active'), n._onScroll()); }) .on('mouseleave.sidebar-scroll', function () { n._bottomFixed || n._dragging || (n._options.alwaysVisible || n._$scrollBar.removeClass('active'), n._onScroll()); }) .on('mousewheel.sidebar-scroll', function (t) { if (!t.isDefaultPrevented()) { var e = t.deltaY * (t.deltaFactor / 100); return n.scroll(e); } }), !1 !== this._options.showTopShadow && (this._$shadowTop = $( '
', ).appendTo(this._$wrapper)), !1 !== this._options.showBottomShadow && (this._$shadowBottom = $( '
', ).appendTo(this._$wrapper)), this._$shadowTop && this._header_height && this._$shadowTop.css( 'top', this._header_height - this._shadow_offset, ); var r = this._options.additionalClass ? ' ' + this._options.additionalClass : '', h = this._options.alwaysVisible ? ' active-always' : ''; (this._$scrollBarWrapper = $( '
', ).appendTo(this._$wrapper)), (this._$scrollBar = $( '
', ).appendTo(this._$scrollBarWrapper)), this._onScroll(); } (n.prototype.isTouch = function () { return this._touch; }), (n.prototype.getScrollBar = function () { return this._$scrollBar; }), (n.prototype._defaultOptions = { headerHeight: 0, additionalClass: '', alwaysVisible: !1, showBottomShadow: !0, scrollMarginTop: 1, bubbleScrollEvent: !1, }), (n.prototype.initDraggable = function () { if (this._dragInitialized) return this; var t = this; return ( o(this._$scrollBar).draggable({ axis: 'y', containment: this._$scrollBarWrapper, start: function () { t._dragging = !0; }, stop: function () { t._dragging = !1; }, drag: function (e, i) { t.updateScroll(); }, }), (this._dragInitialized = !0), this ); }), (n.prototype.updateScroll = function () { if (this._touch) return this; var t = Math.ceil( this._$scrollBar.position().top - this._scroll_margin_top - this._header_height, ), e = this.getContainerHeightWithoutHeader(), i = this._$content.outerHeight(), o = i - e - 1; return ( e <= 0 || ((this._scroll_target_top = o <= 0 ? this._header_height : Math.min( (-t * i) / e + this._header_height, this._header_height, )), t + this._$scrollBar.height() + 2 >= e ? this.scrollToEnd() : (this._$content.css('top', this._scroll_target_top + 'px'), this._onScroll())), this ); }), (n.prototype.getContainerHeightWithoutHeader = function () { return ( this._$wrapper[0].getBoundingClientRect().height - this._header_height ); }), (n.prototype.getContainerHeight = function () { return this._$wrapper[0].getBoundingClientRect().height; }), (n.prototype.getContentHeight = function () { return this._$content[0].getBoundingClientRect().height; }), (n.prototype.updateScrollBar = function () { if (this._touch) return this; var t = this._$content.position().top, e = this.getContentHeight(), i = this.getContainerHeight(), o = this.getContainerHeightWithoutHeader(), s = 1 + this._header_height, n = o - 2, r = ((Math.abs(t) - this._header_height) * n) / e, h = (i * i) / e; return ( this.isContentShort() ? (this._$scrollBar.addClass('js-hidden'), this._$wrapper.removeClass('sb-scroll-active')) : (this._$scrollBar .removeClass('js-hidden') .height(h) .css('top', s + r), this._$wrapper.addClass('sb-scroll-active'), this.initDraggable()), this ); }), (n.prototype.scroll = function (t, e) { var i = this._$content.position().top, o = this._$content.outerHeight() - this.getContainerHeightWithoutHeader() - 1, s = e || this._scroll_speed; return ( o <= 0 || ((this._scroll_target_top = Math.max( -o + this._header_height, Math.min(this._header_height, i + t * s), )), this.setContentTop(this._scroll_target_top), this._onScroll()) ); }), (n.prototype.animateTo = function (t) { if (this._touch) return this; var e = this._$content.outerHeight() - this.getContainerHeightWithoutHeader() - 1; if (e <= 0) return !0; (this._scroll_target_top = Math.max( -e + this._header_height, Math.min(this._header_height, -t), )), this._$content.animate( { top: this._scroll_target_top }, 500, function () { this._onScroll(); }.bind(this), ); }), (n.prototype.resize = function () { if (!this._bottomFixed) { var t = this._$content.outerHeight(), e = this._$wrapper.outerHeight(); !this._options.vAlignBottom && t < e ? this.atStart() || this.scrollToStart() : this.atEnd() ? this.scrollToEnd() : 'number' == typeof this._stickyBottom && this.setContentTop( Math.min( 0, this._stickyBottom + this._$wrapper.outerHeight() - this._$content.outerHeight(), ), ); } }), (n.prototype.resizeHeader = function (t) { var e = t - this._header_height; (this._header_height = t), (this._scroll_target_top += e), this._$shadowTop && this._$shadowTop.css( 'top', this._header_height - this._shadow_offset, ), this.resize(); }), (n.prototype.scrollTo = function (t, e) { (e = $.extend( { position: 'visible', areaHeight: t instanceof $ ? t.height() : 0, }, e, )), t instanceof $ && (t = e.offsetTop || t.position().top); var i = this._$content.position().top, o = this._$content.outerHeight(), s = this.getContainerHeightWithoutHeader(); if (o - s - 1 <= 0) return !0; var n = -1 * (i - this._header_height), r = n + s, h = 0; if ('visible' === e.position) { if (t > n && t + e.areaHeight < r) return !1; h = t + e.areaHeight > r ? r - t - e.areaHeight : n - t; } else 'top' === e.position && (h = n - t); return this.scroll(h, 1), this._onScroll(), !1; }), (n.prototype.scrollToEnd = function () { var t = this._$content.position().top, e = this._$content.outerHeight(), i = this._$wrapper.outerHeight(), o = e > i ? t + (i - (e + t)) + 1 : 1; return this.setContentTop(o), this._onScroll(), this; }), (n.prototype.scrollToStart = function () { return ( this.setContentTop(this._header_height), this._onScroll(), this ); }), (n.prototype.currentPosition = function () { return Math.round(this._$content.position().top); }), (n.prototype.atStart = function () { return ( Math.round(this._$content.position().top) >= this._header_height ); }), (n.prototype.atEnd = function (t) { ('number' == typeof t && isFinite(t)) || (t = 0); var e = Math.round(this._$content.position().top), i = this._$content.outerHeight(), o = this._$wrapper.outerHeight(); return i - Math.abs(e) - 1 <= o + t; }), (n.prototype._onScroll = function (t) { this._touch || this._$content.css('bottom', 'auto'), this.scrolled.fire(), (this._dragging && !0 !== t) || this.updateScrollBar(); var e = this.atStart(), i = this.atEnd(); return ( this._$shadowTop && this._$shadowTop.toggleClass('i-invisible', !!e), this._$shadowBottom && this._$shadowBottom.toggleClass('i-invisible', !!i), this._onContentVisible(), !this._atStart && e ? ((this._atStart = !0), this.scrolltostart.fire()) : this._atStart && !e && delete this._atStart, !this._atEnd && i ? ((this._atEnd = !0), this.scrolltoend.fire()) : this._atEnd && !i && delete this._atEnd, this._options.vAlignBottom && (this._stickyBottom = this._$content.outerHeight() - Math.abs(this._$content.position().top) - this._$wrapper.outerHeight()), !( (!this._atStart && !this._atEnd) || ('function' == typeof this._options.bubbleScrollEvent ? !this._options.bubbleScrollEvent() : !this._options.bubbleScrollEvent) ) ); }), (n.prototype.checkContentVisibility = function () { this._onContentVisible(); }), (n.prototype.subscribeToContentVisible = function (t, e, i) { this.visibilityCallbacks.push({ id: t, $el: e, callback: i }); }), (n.prototype.triggerVisibilityCallbacks = function (t) { this._onContentVisible(t); }), (n.prototype._contentIsVisible = function (t) { return t.$el.position().top > -1 * this.currentPosition(); }), (n.prototype._onContentVisible = function (t) { if (this.visibilityCallbacks.length) { var e = t || this._contentIsVisible.bind(this), i = [], o = this.visibilityCallbacks.filter(function (t, o) { if (!$.contains(this._$content, t.$el[0])) return !1; var s = e(t); return s && i.push(o), !s; }, this); i.forEach(function (e) { this.visibilityCallbacks[e].callback(!!t); }, this), delete this.visibilityCallbacks, (this.visibilityCallbacks = o); } }), (n.prototype.save = function () { return ( (this._saved = { top: this._$content.position().top, height: this._$content.outerHeight(), }), this ); }), (n.prototype.restore = function () { if (this._saved) { if ( this._saved.top === this._$content.position().top && this._saved.height === this._$content.outerHeight() ) return delete this._saved, this; this._options.vAlignBottom && ((this._saved.top -= this._$content.outerHeight() - this._saved.height), this._saved.top > this._header_height && (this._saved.top = this._header_height)), this.setContentTop(this._saved.top), delete this._saved, this._onScroll(!0); } return this; }), (n.prototype.fixBottom = function () { if (this._bottomFixed) return this; if (this._touch) { var t = this._$content.outerHeight(), e = this._$wrapper.scrollTop(); this._tempIntervalID = setInterval( function () { this._$wrapper.scrollTop( e + (this._$content.outerHeight() - t), ); }.bind(this), 0, ); } else this._$content.css({ top: 'auto', bottom: this._$wrapper.outerHeight() - this._$content.position().top - this._$content.outerHeight(), }); return (this._bottomFixed = !0), this; }), (n.prototype.releaseBottom = function () { return this._bottomFixed ? (this._touch ? clearInterval(this._tempIntervalID) : this._$content.css({ top: this._$content.position().top, bottom: 'auto', }), delete this._bottomFixed, this._onScroll(), this) : this; }), (n.prototype.setContentTop = function (t) { return ( this._touch ? this._options.vAlignBottom && this._$content.outerHeight() < this._$wrapper.outerHeight() ? (this._$wrapper.css('overflow-y', 'visible'), this._$content.css({ position: 'absolute', bottom: 0 })) : (this._$content.css({ position: 'relative', bottom: 'auto', }), this._$wrapper.css('overflow-y', 'auto'), this._$wrapper.scrollTop(-t)) : this._$content.css('top', t), this ); }), (n.prototype.isContentShort = function () { return ( this.getContentHeight() <= this.getContainerHeightWithoutHeader() ); }), (n.prototype.destroy = function () { this._$scrollBarWrapper && this._$scrollBarWrapper.remove(), this._$shadowBottom && this._$shadowBottom.remove(), this._$shadowTop && this._$shadowTop.remove(), this._$wrapper .attr('style', '') .off('mouseenter.sidebar-scroll') .off('mouseleave.sidebar-scroll') .off('mousewheel.sidebar-scroll'), this._$content.attr('style', ''); }), (e.SidebarCustomScroll = n); }.call(this, i('aIyQ'))); }, uo4K: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, }, ]);