(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ ['general-property-page'], { '+jnJ': function (e, t, i) { 'use strict'; i.d(t, 'a', function () { return r; }), i.d(t, 'b', function () { return o; }); i('YFKU'), i('bf9a'); var r, a = i('m/cY'), s = i('Vdly'); function n(e) { return e === r.AlwaysOn || e === r.AlwaysOff ? e : r.VisibleOnMouseOver; } function o(e, t) { var i, o; function l() { if (!i) { i = Object(a.a)(); var r = s.getValue(e); void 0 === r && void 0 !== t && (r = s.getValue(t)), i.setValue(n(r)), i.subscribe(i, function (t) { s.setValue(e, n(t.value())); }); } return i; } return { property: l, availableValues: function () { return [ { value: r.VisibleOnMouseOver, title: window.t('Visible on Mouse Over'), }, { value: r.AlwaysOn, title: window.t('Always Visible') }, { value: r.AlwaysOff, title: window.t('Always Invisible') }, ]; }, actualBehavior: function () { if (!o) { o = Object(a.a)(); var e = l(), t = function () { var t = e.value(); t !== r.AlwaysOn && t !== r.AlwaysOff && (t = Modernizr.mobiletouch ? r.AlwaysOn : r.VisibleOnMouseOver), o && o.setValue(t); }; e.subscribe(o, t), t(); } return o; }, }; } !(function (e) { (e.AlwaysOn = 'alwaysOn'), (e.VisibleOnMouseOver = 'visibleOnMouseOver'), (e.AlwaysOff = 'alwaysOff'); })(r || (r = {})); }, '1ANp': function (e, t, i) { 'use strict'; i.r(t), i.d(t, 'navigationButtonsVisibilityKey', function () { return s; }), i.d(t, 'property', function () { return n; }), i.d(t, 'availableValues', function () { return o; }), i.d(t, 'actualBehavior', function () { return l; }); var r, a = i('+jnJ'), s = 'NavigationButtons.visibility', n = (r = Object(a.b)(s)).property, o = r.availableValues, l = r.actualBehavior; }, '34BO': function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, '5lPo': function (e, t, i) { 'use strict'; i.r(t); var r = i('mrSG'), a = i('Eyy1'), s = i('Kxc7'), n = (i('N22A'), i('hY0g')), o = i.n(n), l = i('HSjo'), c = i('1yQO'), h = i('1ANp'), u = i('RspR'), d = i('MWAT'), p = i('zqjM'), b = i('x2L+'), g = i('qFKp'), w = window.t('Symbol'), y = window.t('OHLC Values'), v = window.t('Bar Change Values'), O = window.t('Indicator Titles'), m = window.t('Indicator Arguments'), f = window.t('Indicator Values'), P = window.t('Background'), j = window.t('Wrap text'), _ = window.t('Show Open market status'), C = g.CheckMobile.any(); var S = i('oXaB'), V = i('Z5lT'), L = window.t('Symbol Name Label'), k = window.t('Symbol Last Value Label'), M = (window.t('Symbol Previous Close Value Label (Intraday Only)'), window.t('Indicator Name Label')), x = window.t('Indicator Last Value Label'), B = (window.t('Financials Name Label'), window.t('Financials Last Value Label'), window.t('Countdown To Bar Close')), A = window.t('Currency'), z = window.t('Scales Placement'), D = window.t('Date Format'), T = window.t('Lock Price to Bar Ratio'), R = window.t('No Overlapping Labels'), H = [ { value: S.PriceAxisLastValueMode.LastPriceAndPercentageValue, title: window.t('Price and Percentage Value'), }, { value: S.PriceAxisLastValueMode.LastValueAccordingToScale, title: window.t('Value according to Scale'), }, ]; var N = window.t('Background'), F = window.t('Vert Grid Lines'), G = window.t('Horz Grid Lines'), I = window.t('Session Breaks'), W = window.t('Scales text'), E = window.t('Scales lines'), K = window.t('Crosshair'), q = window.t('Watermark'), J = window.t('Top Margin'), U = window.t('Navigation Buttons'), Z = window.t('Pane Buttons'), Q = window.t('Bottom Margin'), Y = window.t('Right Margin'), X = window.t('bars', { context: 'unit' }); var $, ee = i('e1ZQ'), te = i('ZZnO'), ie = i('gQ5K'), re = i('+6ja'), ae = i('34BO'), se = i('ggCF'), ne = i('Iilx'), oe = i('DyO1'), le = i('iUxq'), ce = i('WS5G'), he = ((($ = {}).symbol = ae), ($.legend = se), ($.scales = ne), ($.appearance = oe), ($.events = le), ($.trading = ce), $); i.d(t, 'ChartPropertyDefinitionsViewModel', function () { return we; }); var ue = window.t('Symbol'), de = window.t('Status line'), pe = window.t('Scales'), be = window.t('Appearance'); window.t('Events'), window.t('Trading'); var ge = [ { value: 'description', title: window.t('Description') }, { value: 'ticker', title: window.t('Ticker') }, ], we = (function () { function e(e, t, i) { (this._propertyPages = null), (this._maxRightOffsetPropertyObject = null), (this._isDestroyed = !1), (this._undoModel = e), (this._model = this._undoModel.model()), (this._series = this._model.mainSeries()), (this._chartWidgetProperties = t), (this._options = i), (this._seriesPropertyDefinitionViewModel = this._createSeriesViewModel()), (this._legendPropertyPage = this._createLegendPropertyPage()), (this._scalesPropertyPage = this._createScalesPropertyPage()), (this._appearancePropertyPage = this._createAppearancePropertyPage()), (this._tradingPropertyPage = this._createTradingPropertyPage()), (this._eventsPropertyPage = this._createEventsPropertyPage()), this._series .onStyleChanged() .subscribe(this, this._updateDefinitions), this._series .priceScaleChanged() .subscribe(this, this._updateDefinitions); } return ( (e.prototype.destroy = function () { null !== this._propertyPages && this._propertyPages .filter(function (e, t) { return 0 !== t; }) .forEach(function (e) { Object(l.t)(e.definitions.value()); }), this._seriesPropertyDefinitionViewModel.destroy(), this._series .onStyleChanged() .unsubscribe(this, this._updateDefinitions), this._series .priceScaleChanged() .unsubscribe(this, this._updateDefinitions), Object(a.ensureNotNull)(this._model.timeScale()) .maxRightOffsetChanged() .unsubscribeAll(this), (this._isDestroyed = !0); }), (e.prototype.propertyPages = function () { var e = this; return null === this._propertyPages ? this._seriesPropertyDefinitionViewModel .propertyPages() .then(function (t) { if (e._isDestroyed) throw new Error( 'ChartPropertyDefinitionsViewModel already destroyed', ); return ( null === e._propertyPages && ((e._propertyPages = Object(r.__spreadArrays)(t)), e._propertyPages.push( e._legendPropertyPage, e._scalesPropertyPage, e._appearancePropertyPage, ), null !== e._tradingPropertyPage && e._propertyPages.push(e._tradingPropertyPage), null !== e._eventsPropertyPage && e._propertyPages.push(e._eventsPropertyPage)), e._propertyPages ); }) : Promise.resolve(this._propertyPages); }), (e.prototype._updateDefinitions = function () { Object(l.t)(this._scalesPropertyPage.definitions.value()); var e = this._createScalesDefinitions(); this._scalesPropertyPage.definitions.setValue(e); }), (e.prototype._createSeriesViewModel = function () { var e = { property: this._model.properties().timezone, values: re.availableTimezones.map(function (e) { return { value: e.id, title: e.title }; }), }; return new p.a( this._series, this._undoModel, 'symbol', ue, he.symbol, e, ); }), (e.prototype._createLegendPropertyPage = function () { var e = this._chartWidgetProperties .childs() .paneProperties.childs() .legendProperties.childs(), t = { property: this._series .properties() .childs() .statusViewStyle.childs().symbolTextSource, values: ge, }, i = (function (e, t, i, a) { var s = [], n = Object(l.j)( { checked: Object(l.b)( e, t.showSeriesTitle, 'Change Symbol Description Visibility', ), option: Object(l.b)( e, i.property, 'Change Symbol Legend Format', ), }, { id: 'symbolTextSource', title: w, options: new o.a(i.values), }, ); if ((s.push(n), null !== a)) { var c = Object(l.c)( { checked: Object(l.b)( e, a, 'Change show open market status', ), }, { id: 'showOpenMarketStatus', title: _ }, ); s.push(c); } var h = Object(l.c)( { checked: Object(l.b)( e, t.showSeriesOHLC, 'Change OHLC Values Visibility', ), }, { id: 'ohlcTitle', title: y }, ); s.push(h); var u = Object(l.c)( { checked: Object(l.b)( e, t.showBarChange, 'Change Bar Change Visibility', ), }, { id: 'barChange', title: v }, ); s.push(u); var d = Object(l.c)( { checked: Object(l.b)( e, t.showStudyArguments, 'Change Indicator Arguments Visibility', ), }, { id: 'studyArguments', title: m }, ), p = Object(l.d)( { checked: Object(l.b)( e, t.showStudyTitles, 'Change Indicator Titles Visibility', ), }, { id: 'studyTitles', title: O }, [d], ); s.push(p); var b = Object(l.c)( { checked: Object(l.b)( e, t.showStudyValues, 'Change Indicator Values Visibility', ), }, { id: 'studyValues', title: f }, ); s.push(b); var g = [], S = Object(l.q)( { checked: Object(l.b)( e, t.showBackground, 'Change Legend Background Visibility', ), transparency: Object(l.b)( e, t.backgroundTransparency, 'Change Legend Background Transparency', ), }, { id: 'legendBgTransparency', title: P }, ); if ((g.push(S), !C)) { var V = Object(l.c)( { checked: Object(l.b)(e, t.wrapText, 'Change wrap text'), }, { id: 'wrapText', title: j }, ); g.push(V); } return Object(r.__spreadArrays)( [Object(l.k)(s, 'generalLegendVisibilityGroup')], g, ); })( this._undoModel, e, t, this._options.marketStatusWidgetEnabled ? b.b : null, ); return Object(c.a)(i, 'legend', de, he.legend); }), (e.prototype._createScalesPropertyPage = function () { var e = this._createScalesDefinitions(); return Object(c.a)(e, 'scales', pe, he.scales); }), (e.prototype._createScalesDefinitions = function () { var e, t = this._chartWidgetProperties .childs() .scalesProperties.childs(), i = { property: this._model.properties() .priceScaleSelectionStrategyName, values: Object(d.allPriceScaleSelectionStrategyInfo)().map( function (e) { return { value: e.name, title: e.title }; }, ), }, r = { property: te.dateFormatProperty, values: ((e = new Date(Date.UTC(1997, 8, 29))), ee.availableDateFormats.map(function (t) { return { value: t, title: new ie.DateFormatter(t).format(e), }; })), }, a = this._model.mainSeriesScaleRatioProperty(); return (function (e, t, i, r) { var a = r.seriesPriceScale.properties().childs(), n = [], c = []; if (r.seriesHasClosePrice) { var h = Object(l.c)( { checked: Object(l.b)( e, i.showSymbolLabels, 'Show Symbol Labels', ), }, { id: 'symbolNameLabel', title: L }, ), u = Object(l.j)( { checked: Object(l.b)( e, i.showSeriesLastValue, 'Change Symbol Last Value Visibility', ), option: Object(l.b)( e, i.seriesLastValueMode, 'Change Symbol Last Value Mode', ), }, { id: 'symbolLastValueLabel', title: k, options: new o.a(H), }, ); c.push(h, u); } var d = Object(l.c)( { checked: Object(l.b)( e, i.showStudyPlotLabels, 'Show Study Plots Labels', ), }, { id: 'studyNameLabel', title: M }, ), p = Object(l.c)( { checked: Object(l.b)( e, i.showStudyLastValue, 'Change Indicator Last Value Visibility', ), }, { id: 'studyLastValueLabel', title: x }, ); c.push(d, p); var b = Object(l.c)( { checked: Object(l.b)( e, a.alignLabels, 'Change No Overlapping Labels', ), }, { id: 'noOverlappingLabels', title: R }, ); if ((c.push(b), s.enabled('countdown'))) { var g = Object(l.c)( { checked: Object(l.b)( e, t.showCountdown, 'Change Show Countdown', ), }, { id: 'countdown', title: B }, ); c.push(g); } if (r.currencyLabelEnabled) { var w = Object(l.c)( { checked: Object(l.b)( e, i.showCurrency, 'Change Currency Label Visibility', ), }, { id: 'scalesCurrency', title: A }, ); c.push(w); } n.push(Object(l.k)(c, 'generalScalesLabelsGroup')); var y = Object(l.i)( { checked: Object(l.v)( e, a.lockScale, r.seriesPriceScale, 'Change lock scale', ), value: Object(l.x)( e, r.mainSeriesScaleRatioProperty, 'Change Price to Bar Ratio', [ Object(V.c)(7), function (e) { return e; }, ], ), }, { id: 'lockScale', title: T, min: new o.a( r.mainSeriesScaleRatioProperty.getMinValue(), ), max: new o.a( r.mainSeriesScaleRatioProperty.getMaxValue(), ), step: new o.a( r.mainSeriesScaleRatioProperty.getStepChangeValue(), ), }, ), v = Object(l.j)( { option: Object(l.w)( e, r.scalesPlacementPropertyObj.property, ), }, { id: 'scalesPlacement', title: z, options: new o.a(r.scalesPlacementPropertyObj.values), }, ); if ((n.push(y, v), s.enabled('scales_date_format'))) { var O = Object(l.j)( { option: Object(l.b)( e, r.dateFormatPropertyObj.property, 'Change Date Format', ), }, { id: 'dateFormat', title: D, options: new o.a(r.dateFormatPropertyObj.values), }, ); n.push(O); } return n; })(this._undoModel, this._series.properties().childs(), t, { disableSeriesPrevCloseValueProperty: this._series.isDWMProperty(), seriesHasClosePrice: this._series.hasClosePrice(), seriesPriceScale: this._series.priceScale(), mainSeriesScaleRatioProperty: a, scalesPlacementPropertyObj: i, dateFormatPropertyObj: r, currencyLabelEnabled: this._options.currencyLabelEnabled, }); }), (e.prototype._createMaxOffsetPropertyObject = function () { var e = Object(a.ensureNotNull)(this._model.timeScale()), t = new o.a(Math.floor(e.maxRightOffset())); e.maxRightOffsetChanged().subscribe(this, function (e) { t.setValue(Math.floor(e)); }), (this._maxRightOffsetPropertyObject = { property: e.defaultRightOffsetProperty(), min: new o.a(0), max: t, }); }), (e.prototype._createAppearancePropertyPage = function () { var e = this._chartWidgetProperties.childs(), t = e.paneProperties.childs(), i = e.scalesProperties.childs(), r = this._model.watermarkSource(), n = null; null !== r && (n = r.properties().childs()); var d = { property: h.property(), values: h.availableValues() }, p = { property: u.c(), values: u.b() }, b = this._model .sessions() .properties() .childs() .graphics.childs() .vertlines.childs() .sessBreaks.childs(); null === this._maxRightOffsetPropertyObject && this._createMaxOffsetPropertyObject(); var g = Object(a.ensureNotNull)( this._maxRightOffsetPropertyObject, ), w = (function (e, t, i, r, a, n, c, h, u) { var d = [], p = Object(l.e)( { color: Object(l.u)( e, t.background, null, 'Change Chart Background Color', ), }, { id: 'chartBackground', title: N, noAlpha: !0 }, ), b = t.vertGridProperties.childs(), g = Object(l.h)( { color: Object(l.u)( e, b.color, null, 'Change Vert Grid Lines Color', ), style: Object(l.b)( e, b.style, 'Change Vert Grid Lines Style', ), }, { id: 'vertGridLine', title: F }, ), w = t.horzGridProperties.childs(), y = Object(l.h)( { color: Object(l.u)( e, w.color, null, 'Change Horz Grid Lines Color', ), style: Object(l.b)( e, w.style, 'Change Horz Grid Lines Style', ), }, { id: 'horizGridLine', title: G }, ), v = Object(l.h)( { disabled: Object(l.b)( e, n, 'Change Intraday Interval Property', ), checked: Object(l.b)( e, a.visible, 'Change Sessions Breaks Visibility', ), color: Object(l.u)( e, a.color, null, 'Change Sessions Breaks Color', ), width: Object(l.b)( e, a.width, 'Change Sessions Breaks Width', ), style: Object(l.b)( e, a.style, 'Change Sessions Breaks Style', ), }, { id: 'sessionBeaks', title: I }, ), O = Object(l.p)( { color: Object(l.u)( e, r.textColor, null, 'Change Scales Text Color', ), size: Object(l.b)( e, r.fontSize, 'Change Scales Font Size', ), }, { id: 'scalesText', title: W }, ), m = Object(l.h)( { color: Object(l.u)( e, r.lineColor, null, 'Change Scales Lines Color', ), }, { id: 'scalesLine', title: E }, ), f = t.crossHairProperties.childs(), P = Object(l.h)( { color: Object(l.u)( e, f.color, f.transparency, 'Change Crosshair Color', ), width: Object(l.b)( e, f.width, 'Change Crosshair Width', ), style: Object(l.b)( e, f.style, 'Change Crosshair Style', ), }, { id: 'crossHair', title: K }, ); if ((d.push(p, g, y, v, O, m, P), null !== i)) { var j = Object(l.e)( { checked: Object(l.b)( e, i.visibility, 'Change Symbol Watermark Visibility', ), color: Object(l.u)( e, i.color, null, 'Change Symbol Watermark Color', ), }, { id: 'watermark', title: q }, ); d.push(j); } var _ = Object(l.j)( { option: Object(l.b)( e, h.property, 'Change Navigation Buttons Visibility', ), }, { id: 'navButtons', title: U, options: new o.a(h.values) }, ); d.push(_); var C = Object(l.j)( { option: Object(l.b)( e, u.property, 'Change Pane Buttons Visibility', ), }, { id: 'paneButtons', title: Z, options: new o.a(u.values) }, ); d.push(C); var S = Object(l.i)( { value: Object(l.b)( e, t.topMargin, 'Change Top Margin', [V.b], ), }, { type: 0, id: 'paneTopMargin', title: J, min: new o.a(0), max: new o.a(25), step: new o.a(1), unit: new o.a('%'), }, ), L = Object(l.i)( { value: Object(l.b)( e, t.bottomMargin, 'Change Bottom Margin', [V.b], ), }, { type: 0, id: 'paneBottomMargin', title: Q, min: new o.a(0), max: new o.a(25), step: new o.a(1), unit: new o.a('%'), }, ), k = Object(l.i)( { value: Object(l.b)( e, c.property, 'Change Right Margin', [V.b], ), }, { type: 0, id: 'paneRightMargin', title: Y, min: c.min, max: c.max, step: new o.a(1), unit: new o.a(X), }, ), M = [Object(l.k)(d, 'generalAppearanceGroup'), S, L]; return ( s.enabled('chart_property_page_right_margin_editor') && M.push(k), M ); })( this._undoModel, t, n, i, b, this._series.isDWMProperty(), g, d, p, ); return Object(c.a)(w, 'appearance', be, he.appearance); }), (e.prototype._createTradingPropertyPage = function () { return null; }), (e.prototype._createEventsPropertyPage = function () { return null; }), e ); })(); }, DyO1: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, Iilx: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, RspR: function (e, t, i) { 'use strict'; i.d(t, 'c', function () { return n; }), i.d(t, 'b', function () { return o; }), i.d(t, 'a', function () { return l; }); var r, a = i('+jnJ'), s = i('1ANp'), n = (r = Object(a.b)( 'PaneButtons.visibility', s.navigationButtonsVisibilityKey, )).property, o = r.availableValues, l = r.actualBehavior; }, WS5G: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, ggCF: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, iUxq: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, }, ]);