import { ChevronUpIcon, RefreshIcon } from '@heroicons/react/outline' import { Table, Thead, Tbody, Tr, Th, Td } from 'react-super-responsive-table' import { Disclosure } from '@headlessui/react' import useMangoStore, { serumProgramId } from '../stores/useMangoStore' import PageBodyContainer from '../components/PageBodyContainer' import TopBar from '../components/TopBar' import Button, { LinkButton } from '../components/Button' import Input from '../components/Input' import { useState, useEffect } from 'react' import Tooltip from '../components/Tooltip' import { floorToDecimal, tokenPrecision, perpContractPrecision, roundToDecimal, } from '../utils/index' import { formatUsdValue, usdFormatter } from '../utils' import { getMarketIndexBySymbol, getTokenBySymbol, getMarketByPublicKey, QUOTE_INDEX, } from '@blockworks-foundation/mango-client' import Switch from '../components/Switch' import Slider from 'rc-slider' import 'rc-slider/assets/index.css' import { AnchorIcon } from '../components/icons' import { serverSideTranslations } from 'next-i18next/serverSideTranslations' import { useTranslation } from 'next-i18next' import { useRouter } from 'next/router' import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js' export async function getStaticProps({ locale }) { return { props: { ...(await serverSideTranslations(locale, ['common', 'calculator'])), }, } } interface CalculatorRow { symbolName: string oracleIndex: number hasMarketSpot: boolean hasMarketPerp: boolean price: number spotNet: number spotDeposit: number spotBorrow: number spotInOrders: number spotBaseTokenFree: number spotBaseTokenLocked: number spotQuoteTokenFree: number spotQuoteTokenLocked: number spotMarketIndex: number spotPublicKey: number perpBasePosition: number perpInOrders: number perpBids: number perpAsks: number perpAvgEntryPrice: number perpScenarioPnL: number perpPositionPnL: number perpUnsettledFunding: number perpPositionSide: string perpBaseLotSize: number perpQuoteLotSize: number perpMarketIndex: number perpPublicKey: number initAssetWeightSpot: number initLiabWeightSpot: number maintAssetWeightSpot: number maintLiabWeightSpot: number initAssetWeightPerp: number initLiabWeightPerp: number maintAssetWeightPerp: number maintLiabWeightPerp: number precision: number priceDisabled: boolean } interface ScenarioCalculator { rowData: CalculatorRow[] } export default function RiskCalculator() { const { t } = useTranslation(['common', 'calculator']) const riskRanks = [ t('calculator:great'), t('calculator:ok'), t('calculator:poor'), t('calculator:very-poor'), t('calculator:rekt'), ] // Get mango account data const mangoGroup = useMangoStore((s) => s.selectedMangoGroup.current) const mangoCache = useMangoStore((s) => s.selectedMangoGroup.cache) const mangoConfig = useMangoStore((s) => s.selectedMangoGroup.config) const mangoAccount = useMangoStore((s) => s.selectedMangoAccount.current) const connected = useMangoStore((s) => s.wallet.connected) const setMangoStore = useMangoStore((s) => s.set) const router = useRouter() const { pubkey } = router.query // Set default state variables const [sliderPercentage, setSliderPercentage] = useState(0) const [scenarioInitialized, setScenarioInitialized] = useState(false) const [blankScenarioInitialized, setBlankScenarioInitialized] = useState(false) const [scenarioBars, setScenarioBars] = useState() const [accountConnected, setAccountConnected] = useState(false) const [showZeroBalances, setShowZeroBalances] = useState(true) const [interimValue, setInterimValue] = useState(new Map()) const [ordersAsBalance, toggleOrdersAsBalance] = useState(false) const [resetOnLeave, setResetOnLeave] = useState(false) const defaultSliderVal = 1 useEffect(() => { if (connected) { router.push('/risk-calculator') setScenarioInitialized(false) } }, [connected]) useEffect(() => { async function loadUnownedMangoAccount() { try { const unownedMangoAccountPubkey = new PublicKey(pubkey) const mangoClient = useMangoStore.getState().connection.client if (mangoGroup) { const unOwnedMangoAccount = await mangoClient.getMangoAccount( unownedMangoAccountPubkey, serumProgramId ) setMangoStore((state) => { state.selectedMangoAccount.current = unOwnedMangoAccount }) setScenarioInitialized(false) setResetOnLeave(true) } } catch (error) { router.push('/risk-calculator') } } if (pubkey) { loadUnownedMangoAccount() } }, [pubkey, mangoGroup]) useEffect(() => { const handleRouteChange = () => { if (resetOnLeave) { setMangoStore((state) => { state.selectedMangoAccount.current = undefined }) } }'routeChangeStart', handleRouteChange) return () => {'routeChangeStart', handleRouteChange) } }, [resetOnLeave]) // Set rules for updating the scenario useEffect(() => { if (mangoGroup && mangoCache) { if (mangoAccount && !scenarioInitialized) { setSliderPercentage(defaultSliderVal) createScenario('account') setScenarioInitialized(true) setAccountConnected(true) setBlankScenarioInitialized(false) } else if ( !mangoAccount && !scenarioInitialized && !blankScenarioInitialized ) { setSliderPercentage(defaultSliderVal) createScenario('blank') setBlankScenarioInitialized(true) } } }, [connected, mangoAccount, scenarioInitialized, mangoGroup, mangoCache]) // Handle toggling open order inclusion or order cancelling for heatlh calculation useEffect(() => { if (mangoGroup && mangoCache && mangoAccount) { setScenarioInitialized(!scenarioInitialized) createScenario('account') } }, [ordersAsBalance]) // Retrieve the data to create the scenario table const createScenario = (type) => { if (!mangoGroup || !mangoCache || !mangoAccount) { return null } const rowData = [] let calculatorRowData for (let i = -1; i < mangoGroup.numOracles; i++) { // Get market configuration data const spotMarketConfig = i < 0 ? null : getMarketByPublicKey( mangoConfig, mangoGroup.spotMarkets[i].spotMarket ) const perpMarketConfig = i < 0 ? null : getMarketByPublicKey( mangoConfig, mangoGroup.perpMarkets[i].perpMarket ) const symbol = i < 0 ? 'USDC' : spotMarketConfig?.baseSymbol ? spotMarketConfig?.baseSymbol : perpMarketConfig?.baseSymbol // Retrieve spot balances if present const spotDeposit = Number( mangoAccount && spotMarketConfig ? mangoAccount.getUiDeposit( mangoCache.rootBankCache[spotMarketConfig.marketIndex], mangoGroup, spotMarketConfig.marketIndex ) : mangoAccount && symbol === 'USDC' ? mangoAccount.getUiDeposit( mangoCache.rootBankCache[QUOTE_INDEX], mangoGroup, QUOTE_INDEX ) : 0 ) || 0 const spotBorrow = Number( mangoAccount && spotMarketConfig ? mangoAccount.getUiBorrow( mangoCache.rootBankCache[spotMarketConfig.marketIndex], mangoGroup, spotMarketConfig.marketIndex ) : mangoAccount && symbol === 'USDC' ? mangoAccount.getUiBorrow( mangoCache.rootBankCache[QUOTE_INDEX], mangoGroup, QUOTE_INDEX ) : 0 ) || 0 const spotBaseTokenLocked = mangoAccount && spotMarketConfig ? Number( mangoAccount.spotOpenOrdersAccounts[i]?.baseTokenTotal.sub( mangoAccount.spotOpenOrdersAccounts[i]?.baseTokenFree ) ) / Math.pow(10, spotMarketConfig.baseDecimals) || 0 : 0 const spotQuoteTokenLocked = mangoAccount && spotMarketConfig ? Number( mangoAccount.spotOpenOrdersAccounts[i]?.quoteTokenTotal.sub( mangoAccount.spotOpenOrdersAccounts[i]?.quoteTokenFree ) ) / Math.pow(10, 6) || 0 : 0 const spotBaseTokenFree = mangoAccount && spotMarketConfig ? Number(mangoAccount.spotOpenOrdersAccounts[i]?.baseTokenFree) / Math.pow(10, spotMarketConfig.baseDecimals) || 0 : 0 const spotQuoteTokenFree = mangoAccount && spotMarketConfig ? Number(mangoAccount.spotOpenOrdersAccounts[i]?.quoteTokenFree) / Math.pow(10, 6) || 0 : 0 let inOrders = 0 if (symbol === 'USDC' && ordersAsBalance) { for (let j = 0; j < mangoGroup.tokens.length; j++) { const inOrder = j !== QUOTE_INDEX && mangoConfig.spotMarkets[j]?.publicKey && mangoAccount?.spotOpenOrdersAccounts[j]?.quoteTokenTotal ? mangoAccount.spotOpenOrdersAccounts[j].quoteTokenTotal : 0 inOrders += Number(inOrder) / Math.pow(10, 6) } } else { inOrders = spotMarketConfig && mangoAccount?.spotOpenOrdersAccounts[i]?.baseTokenTotal ? Number(mangoAccount.spotOpenOrdersAccounts[i].baseTokenTotal) / Math.pow(10, spotMarketConfig.baseDecimals) : 0 } // Retrieve perp positions if present const perpPosition = perpMarketConfig?.publicKey && mangoAccount ? mangoAccount?.perpAccounts[i] : null const perpMarketIndex = perpMarketConfig?.publicKey && mangoAccount ? getMarketIndexBySymbol(mangoConfig, symbol) : null const perpAccount = perpMarketConfig?.publicKey && mangoAccount ? mangoAccount?.perpAccounts[perpMarketIndex] : null const perpMarketCache = perpMarketConfig?.publicKey && mangoAccount ? mangoCache?.perpMarketCache[perpMarketIndex] : null const perpMarketInfo = perpMarketConfig?.publicKey && mangoAccount ? mangoGroup?.perpMarkets[perpMarketIndex] : null const basePosition = perpMarketConfig?.publicKey && mangoAccount ? Number(perpAccount?.basePosition) / Math.pow(10, perpContractPrecision[symbol]) || 0 : 0 const unsettledFunding = perpMarketConfig?.publicKey && mangoAccount ? (Number(perpAccount?.getUnsettledFunding(perpMarketCache)) * basePosition) / Math.pow(10, 6) || 0 : 0 const positionPnL = perpMarketConfig?.publicKey && mangoAccount ? Number( perpAccount?.getPnl( perpMarketInfo, perpMarketCache, mangoCache.priceCache[perpMarketIndex].price ) ) / Math.pow(10, 6) || 0 : 0 const perpBids = perpMarketConfig?.publicKey && mangoAccount ? Number(perpPosition?.bidsQuantity) / Math.pow(10, perpContractPrecision[symbol]) || 0 : Number(0) const perpAsks = perpMarketConfig?.publicKey && mangoAccount ? Number(perpPosition?.asksQuantity) / Math.pow(10, perpContractPrecision[symbol]) || 0 : Number(0) if ( spotMarketConfig?.publicKey || perpMarketConfig?.publicKey || symbol === 'USDC' ) { calculatorRowData = { symbolName: symbol, oracleIndex: symbol === 'USDC' ? null : i, hasMarketSpot: spotMarketConfig?.publicKey ? true : false, hasMarketPerp: perpMarketConfig?.publicKey ? true : false, priceDisabled: symbol === 'USDC' || symbol === 'USDT' ? true : false, price: floorToDecimal( Number( mangoGroup.getPrice( i < 0 ? mangoGroup.getTokenIndex( getTokenBySymbol(mangoConfig, 'USDC').mintKey ) : i, mangoCache ) ), 6 ), spotNet: type === 'account' ? Number( floorToDecimal( spotDeposit - spotBorrow + (ordersAsBalance ? inOrders : 0), spotMarketConfig?.baseDecimals || 6 ) ) : Number(0), spotDeposit: type === 'account' ? Number( floorToDecimal( spotDeposit, spotMarketConfig?.baseDecimals || 6 ) ) : Number(0), spotBorrow: type === 'account' ? Number( floorToDecimal( spotBorrow, spotMarketConfig?.baseDecimals || 6 ) ) : Number(0), spotInOrders: type === 'account' ? Number(floorToDecimal(inOrders, 6)) : Number(0), spotBaseTokenFree: type === 'account' ? Number(floorToDecimal(spotBaseTokenFree, 6)) : Number(0), spotBaseTokenLocked: type === 'account' ? Number(floorToDecimal(spotBaseTokenLocked, 6)) : Number(0), spotQuoteTokenFree: type === 'account' ? Number(floorToDecimal(spotQuoteTokenFree, 6)) : Number(0), spotQuoteTokenLocked: type === 'account' ? Number(floorToDecimal(spotQuoteTokenLocked, 6)) : Number(0), spotMarketIndex: mangoGroup.spotMarkets[i]?.spotMarket ? spotMarketConfig?.marketIndex : null, spotPublicKey: mangoGroup.spotMarkets[i]?.spotMarket ? mangoGroup.spotMarkets[i]?.spotMarket : null, perpAvgEntryPrice: floorToDecimal( Number( mangoGroup.getPrice( i < 0 ? mangoGroup.getTokenIndex( getTokenBySymbol(mangoConfig, 'USDC').mintKey ) : i, mangoCache ) ), 6 ), perpBasePosition: type === 'account' && perpMarketConfig?.publicKey ? Number(basePosition) : Number(0), perpScenarioPnL: 0, perpPositionPnL: type === 'account' && perpMarketConfig?.publicKey ? Number(floorToDecimal(positionPnL, 6)) : Number(0), perpUnsettledFunding: type === 'account' && perpMarketConfig?.publicKey ? Number(floorToDecimal(unsettledFunding, 6)) : Number(0), perpInOrders: type === 'account' && perpMarketConfig?.publicKey ? perpBids > Math.abs(perpAsks) ? perpBids : perpAsks : Number(0), perpBids: type === 'account' && perpMarketConfig?.publicKey ? perpBids || 0 : Number(0), perpAsks: type === 'account' && perpMarketConfig?.publicKey ? perpAsks || 0 : Number(0), perpPositionSide: type === 'account' && perpMarketConfig?.publicKey && basePosition < 0 ? 'short' : 'long', perpBaseLotSize: mangoGroup.perpMarkets[i]?.perpMarket ? Number(mangoGroup.perpMarkets[i]?.baseLotSize) : null, perpQuoteLotSize: mangoGroup.perpMarkets[i]?.perpMarket ? Number(mangoGroup.perpMarkets[i]?.quoteLotSize) : null, perpMarketIndex: mangoGroup.perpMarkets[i]?.perpMarket ? mangoGroup.perpMarkets[i]?.perpMarket : null, perpPublicKey: mangoGroup.perpMarkets[i]?.perpMarket ? mangoGroup.perpMarkets[i]?.perpMarket : null, initAssetWeightSpot: symbol === 'USDC' ? 1 : mangoGroup.spotMarkets[i]?.spotMarket ? roundToDecimal( Number(mangoGroup.spotMarkets[i]?.initAssetWeight), 2 ) : 1, initLiabWeightSpot: symbol === 'USDC' ? 1 : mangoGroup.spotMarkets[i]?.spotMarket ? roundToDecimal( Number(mangoGroup.spotMarkets[i]?.initLiabWeight), 2 ) : 1, maintAssetWeightSpot: symbol === 'USDC' ? 1 : mangoGroup.spotMarkets[i]?.spotMarket ? roundToDecimal( Number(mangoGroup.spotMarkets[i]?.maintAssetWeight), 2 ) : 1, maintLiabWeightSpot: symbol === 'USDC' ? 1 : mangoGroup.spotMarkets[i]?.spotMarket ? roundToDecimal( Number(mangoGroup.spotMarkets[i]?.maintLiabWeight), 2 ) : 1, initAssetWeightPerp: symbol === 'USDC' ? 1 : mangoGroup.perpMarkets[i]?.perpMarket ? roundToDecimal( Number(mangoGroup.perpMarkets[i]?.initAssetWeight), 2 ) : 1, initLiabWeightPerp: symbol === 'USDC' ? 1 : mangoGroup.perpMarkets[i]?.perpMarket ? roundToDecimal( Number(mangoGroup.perpMarkets[i]?.initLiabWeight), 2 ) : 1, maintAssetWeightPerp: symbol === 'USDC' ? 1 : mangoGroup.perpMarkets[i]?.perpMarket ? roundToDecimal( Number(mangoGroup.perpMarkets[i]?.maintAssetWeight), 2 ) : 1, maintLiabWeightPerp: symbol === 'USDC' ? 1 : mangoGroup.perpMarkets[i]?.perpMarket ? roundToDecimal( Number(mangoGroup.perpMarkets[i]?.maintLiabWeight), 2 ) : 1, precision: symbol === 'USDC' ? 4 : mangoGroup.spotMarkets[i]?.spotMarket ? tokenPrecision[spotMarketConfig?.baseSymbol] : tokenPrecision[perpMarketConfig?.baseSymbol] || 6, } rowData.push(calculatorRowData) } } const calcData = updateCalculator(rowData) setScenarioBars(calcData) } // Update the rows for the scenario const updateCalculator = (rowData: CalculatorRow[]) => { return { rowData: rowData, } as ScenarioCalculator } // Reset column details const resetScenarioColumn = (column) => { if (!mangoCache || !mangoAccount || !scenarioBars) { return } let resetRowData mangoGroup ? (resetRowData = => { let resetValue: number let resetDeposit: number let resetBorrow: number let resetInOrders: number let resetPositionSide: string let resetPerpPositionPnL: number let resetPerpUnsettledFunding: number let resetPerpInOrders: number switch (column) { case 'price': setSliderPercentage(defaultSliderVal) resetValue = floorToDecimal( Number( mangoGroup?.getPrice( asset.oracleIndex === null ? mangoGroup.getTokenIndex( getTokenBySymbol(mangoConfig, 'USDC').mintKey ) : asset.oracleIndex, mangoCache ) ), 6 ) || 0 break case 'perpAvgEntryPrice': setSliderPercentage(defaultSliderVal) resetValue = floorToDecimal( Number( mangoGroup?.getPrice( asset.oracleIndex === null ? mangoGroup.getTokenIndex( getTokenBySymbol(mangoConfig, 'USDC').mintKey ) : asset.oracleIndex, mangoCache ) ), 6 ) || 0 break case 'spotNet': { // Get market configuration data if present const spotMarketConfig = asset.oracleIndex === null ? null : getMarketByPublicKey( mangoConfig, mangoGroup.spotMarkets[asset.oracleIndex].spotMarket ) // Retrieve spot balances if present resetDeposit = Number( mangoAccount && spotMarketConfig ? mangoAccount.getUiDeposit( mangoCache.rootBankCache[ spotMarketConfig.marketIndex ], mangoGroup, spotMarketConfig.marketIndex ) : mangoAccount && asset.symbolName === 'USDC' ? mangoAccount.getUiDeposit( mangoCache.rootBankCache[QUOTE_INDEX], mangoGroup, QUOTE_INDEX ) : 0 ) || 0 resetBorrow = Number( mangoAccount && spotMarketConfig ? mangoAccount.getUiBorrow( mangoCache.rootBankCache[ spotMarketConfig.marketIndex ], mangoGroup, spotMarketConfig.marketIndex ) : mangoAccount && asset.symbolName === 'USDC' ? mangoAccount.getUiBorrow( mangoCache.rootBankCache[QUOTE_INDEX], mangoGroup, QUOTE_INDEX ) : 0 ) || 0 resetInOrders = 0 if (asset.symbolName === 'USDC' && ordersAsBalance) { for (let j = 0; j < mangoGroup.tokens.length; j++) { const inOrder = j !== QUOTE_INDEX && mangoConfig.spotMarkets[j]?.publicKey && mangoAccount?.spotOpenOrdersAccounts[j]?.quoteTokenTotal ? mangoAccount.spotOpenOrdersAccounts[j].quoteTokenTotal : 0 resetInOrders += Number(inOrder) / Math.pow(10, 6) } } else { resetInOrders = spotMarketConfig && mangoAccount?.spotOpenOrdersAccounts[asset.oracleIndex] ?.baseTokenTotal ? Number( mangoAccount.spotOpenOrdersAccounts[asset.oracleIndex] .baseTokenTotal ) / Math.pow(10, spotMarketConfig.baseDecimals) : 0 } resetValue = floorToDecimal( resetDeposit - resetBorrow + (ordersAsBalance ? resetInOrders : 0), spotMarketConfig?.baseDecimals || 6 ) } break case 'perpBasePosition': { // Get market configuration data const symbol = asset.symbolName const perpMarketConfig = asset.oracleIndex === null ? null : getMarketByPublicKey( mangoConfig, mangoGroup.perpMarkets[asset.oracleIndex].perpMarket ) // Retrieve perp positions if present const perpPosition = perpMarketConfig?.publicKey && mangoAccount ? mangoAccount?.perpAccounts[asset.oracleIndex] : null const perpMarketIndex = perpMarketConfig?.publicKey && mangoAccount ? getMarketIndexBySymbol(mangoConfig, symbol) : null const perpAccount = perpMarketConfig?.publicKey && mangoAccount ? mangoAccount?.perpAccounts[perpMarketIndex] : null const perpMarketCache = perpMarketConfig?.publicKey && mangoAccount ? mangoCache?.perpMarketCache[perpMarketIndex] : null const perpMarketInfo = perpMarketConfig?.publicKey && mangoAccount ? mangoGroup?.perpMarkets[perpMarketIndex] : null const basePosition = perpMarketConfig?.publicKey && mangoAccount ? Number(perpAccount?.basePosition) / Math.pow(10, perpContractPrecision[symbol]) : 0 const unsettledFunding = perpMarketConfig?.publicKey && mangoAccount ? (Number( perpAccount?.getUnsettledFunding(perpMarketCache) ) * basePosition) / Math.pow(10, 6) : 0 const positionPnL = perpMarketConfig?.publicKey && mangoAccount ? Number( perpAccount?.getPnl( perpMarketInfo, perpMarketCache, mangoCache.priceCache[perpMarketIndex].price ) ) / Math.pow(10, 6) : 0 const perpInOrders = perpMarketConfig?.publicKey ? Number(perpPosition?.bidsQuantity) > Math.abs(Number(perpPosition?.asksQuantity)) ? floorToDecimal( Number(perpPosition?.bidsQuantity), tokenPrecision[perpMarketConfig?.baseSymbol] || 6 ) : floorToDecimal( -1 * Number(perpPosition?.asksQuantity), tokenPrecision[perpMarketConfig?.baseSymbol] || 6 ) : 0 resetValue = basePosition resetPositionSide = resetValue < 0 ? 'short' : 'long' resetPerpPositionPnL = positionPnL resetPerpUnsettledFunding = unsettledFunding resetPerpInOrders = perpInOrders } break } if (column === 'spotNet') { return { ...asset, [column]: resetValue, ['spotDeposit']: resetDeposit, ['spotBorrow']: resetBorrow, ['spotInOrders']: resetInOrders, } } else if (column === 'perpBasePosition') { return { ...asset, [column]: resetValue, ['perpPositionSide']: resetPositionSide, ['perpPositionPnL']: resetPerpPositionPnL, ['perpUnsettledFunding']: resetPerpUnsettledFunding, ['perpInOrders']: resetPerpInOrders, } } else { return { ...asset, [column]: resetValue } } })) : (resetRowData = scenarioBars.rowData) const updatedScenarioBarData = updateCalculator(resetRowData) setScenarioBars(updatedScenarioBarData) } // Update values based on user input const updateValue = (symbol, field, val) => { const updateValue = Number(val) if (!Number.isNaN(val)) { const updatedRowData = => { if (asset.symbolName.toLowerCase() === symbol.toLowerCase()) { switch (field) { case 'spotNet': return { ...asset, [field]: updateValue, ['spotDeposit']: updateValue > 0 ? updateValue : 0, ['spotBorrow']: updateValue < 0 ? updateValue : 0, } case 'perpBasePosition': return { ...asset, [field]: updateValue, ['perpPositionSide']: val < 0 ? 'short' : 'long', } case 'perpAvgEntryPrice': return { ...asset, [field]: Math.abs(updateValue), } case 'price': return { ...asset, [field]: Math.abs( sliderPercentage === 0 ? updateValue : updateValue / sliderPercentage ), } } } else { return asset } }) const calcData = updateCalculator(updatedRowData) setScenarioBars(calcData) } } // Anchor current displayed prices to zero const anchorPricing = () => { const updatedRowData = => { return { ...asset, ['price']: Math.abs(asset.price) * (asset.priceDisabled ? 1 : sliderPercentage), } }) const calcData = updateCalculator(updatedRowData) setScenarioBars(calcData) } // Handle slider usage const onChangeSlider = async (percentage) => { setSliderPercentage(percentage) } // Calculate scenario health for display function getScenarioDetails() { const scenarioHashMap = new Map() // Standard scenario variables let assets = 0 let liabilities = 0 let initAssets = 0 let maintAssets = 0 let initLiabilities = 0 let maintLiabilities = 0 let percentToLiquidation = 0 let percentToLiquidationAbsolute = 0 // Detailed health scenario variables let equity = 0 let leverage = 0 let initHealth = 1 let maintHealth = 1 let riskRanking = 'Not Set' if (scenarioBars) { // Return scenario health const scenarioDetails = getHealthComponents(sliderPercentage) assets = scenarioDetails['assets'] liabilities = scenarioDetails['liabilities'] initAssets = scenarioDetails['initAssets'] maintAssets = scenarioDetails['maintAssets'] initLiabilities = scenarioDetails['initLiabilities'] maintLiabilities = scenarioDetails['maintLiabilities'] equity = assets - liabilities if (equity > 0 && liabilities != 0) { leverage = Math.abs(liabilities / equity) } // Calculate health ratios and risk ranking if (liabilities > 0) { initHealth = initAssets / initLiabilities - 1 maintHealth = maintAssets / maintLiabilities - 1 } riskRanking = maintHealth > 0.4 ? riskRanks[0] : maintHealth > 0.3 ? riskRanks[1] : initHealth > 0 ? riskRanks[2] : maintHealth > 0 ? riskRanks[3] : riskRanks[4] // Calculate percent to liquidation const scenarioBaseLine = getHealthComponents(1) const scenarioBaseChange = getHealthComponents(1.01) const maintEquity = scenarioBaseLine['maintAssets'] - scenarioBaseLine['maintLiabilities'] const maintAssetsRateOfChange = scenarioBaseChange['maintAssets'] - scenarioBaseLine['maintAssets'] const maintLiabsRateOfChange = scenarioBaseChange['maintLiabilities'] - scenarioBaseLine['maintLiabilities'] const maintRateOfChange = maintLiabsRateOfChange - maintAssetsRateOfChange percentToLiquidation = maintHealth > 0 ? roundToDecimal( 100 + maintEquity / maintRateOfChange - sliderPercentage * 100, 1 ) : 0 percentToLiquidationAbsolute = maintHealth > 0 ? roundToDecimal(1 / (sliderPercentage / percentToLiquidation), 1) : 0 if (sliderPercentage * 100 + percentToLiquidation < 0) { percentToLiquidation = -9999 percentToLiquidationAbsolute = -9999 } } // Add scenario details for display scenarioHashMap.set('assets', assets) scenarioHashMap.set('liabilities', liabilities) scenarioHashMap.set('equity', equity) scenarioHashMap.set('leverage', leverage) scenarioHashMap.set('initWeightAssets', initAssets) scenarioHashMap.set('initWeightLiabilities', initLiabilities) scenarioHashMap.set('maintWeightAssets', maintAssets) scenarioHashMap.set('maintWeightLiabilities', maintLiabilities) scenarioHashMap.set('initHealth', initHealth) scenarioHashMap.set('maintHealth', maintHealth) scenarioHashMap.set('riskRanking', riskRanking) scenarioHashMap.set( 'percentToLiquidation', Number.isFinite(percentToLiquidation) ? percentToLiquidation === -9999 ? 'N/A' : percentToLiquidation : 'N/A' ) scenarioHashMap.set( 'percentToLiquidationAbsolute', Number.isFinite(percentToLiquidationAbsolute) ? percentToLiquidationAbsolute === -9999 ? 'N/A' : percentToLiquidationAbsolute : 'N/A' ) return scenarioHashMap } // Calculate health components function getHealthComponents(modPrice) { // Standard scenario variables let assets = 0 let liabilities = 0 let initAssets = 0 let maintAssets = 0 let initLiabilities = 0 let maintLiabilities = 0 // Spot Assets and Liabilities variables let quoteCalc = 0 let spotAssets = 0 let spotLiabilities = 0 // Perps Assets and Liabilities variables let perpsAssets = 0 let perpsLiabilities = 0 => { // SPOT // Calculate spot quote if (asset.symbolName === 'USDC' && Number(asset.spotNet) > 0) { quoteCalc += asset.spotNet } else if (asset.symbolName === 'USDC' && asset.spotNet < 0) { quoteCalc -= Math.abs(asset.spotNet) } let spotQuote = asset.spotNet * asset.price * (asset.priceDisabled ? 1 : modPrice) // Handle spot orders if not to be included as balance if ( !ordersAsBalance && asset.symbolName !== 'USDC' && asset.spotInOrders != 0 ) { const spotBidsBaseNet = asset.spotNet + (asset.price > 0 ? asset.spotQuoteTokenLocked / asset.price : 0) + asset.spotBaseTokenFree + asset.spotBaseTokenLocked const spotAsksBaseNet = asset.spotNet + asset.spotBaseTokenFree if (spotBidsBaseNet > Math.abs(spotAsksBaseNet)) { spotQuote = spotBidsBaseNet * asset.price * (asset.priceDisabled ? 1 : modPrice) quoteCalc += asset.spotQuoteTokenFree } else { spotQuote = spotAsksBaseNet * asset.price * (asset.priceDisabled ? 1 : modPrice) quoteCalc += (asset.price > 0 ? asset.spotBaseTokenLocked * asset.price : 0) + asset.spotQuoteTokenFree + asset.spotQuoteTokenLocked } } // Calculate spot assets spotAssets += spotQuote > 0 ? spotQuote : 0 initAssets += spotQuote > 0 && asset.symbolName !== 'USDC' ? spotQuote * asset.initAssetWeightSpot : 0 maintAssets += spotQuote > 0 && asset.symbolName !== 'USDC' ? spotQuote * asset.maintAssetWeightSpot : 0 // Calculate spot liabilities spotLiabilities += spotQuote < 0 ? Math.abs(spotQuote) : 0 initLiabilities += spotQuote <= 0 && asset.symbolName !== 'USDC' ? Math.abs(spotQuote) * asset.initLiabWeightSpot : 0 maintLiabilities += spotQuote <= 0 && asset.symbolName !== 'USDC' ? Math.abs(spotQuote) * asset.maintLiabWeightSpot : 0 // PERPS // Get simple perp asset and liability value let assetVal = 0 let liabVal = 0 const perpBasPosValSimple = asset.perpBasePosition * (asset.price * modPrice) liabVal = asset.perpBasePosition < 0 ? perpBasPosValSimple : 0 assetVal = asset.perpBasePosition > 0 ? perpBasPosValSimple : 0 // Calculate scenario profit and loss const scenarioPnL = asset.perpBasePosition > 0 ? asset.perpBasePosition * (asset.price * modPrice - asset.perpAvgEntryPrice) : Math.abs(asset.perpBasePosition) * (asset.perpAvgEntryPrice - asset.price * modPrice) // Get base and quote position values let basPosVal = asset.perpBasePosition * (asset.price * modPrice) let perpQuotePos = -1 * basPosVal + asset.perpPositionPnL + scenarioPnL // Handle perp orders if not to be cancelled if ( !ordersAsBalance && asset.symbolName !== 'USDC' && asset.perpInOrders != 0 ) { const perpBidsBaseNet = asset.perpBasePosition + asset.perpBids const perpAsksBaseNet = asset.perpBasePosition - asset.perpAsks if (!ordersAsBalance && perpBidsBaseNet > Math.abs(perpAsksBaseNet)) { perpQuotePos = -1 * basPosVal + asset.perpPositionPnL + scenarioPnL - asset.perpBids * asset.price basPosVal = perpBidsBaseNet * (asset.price * modPrice) } else { perpQuotePos = -1 * basPosVal + asset.perpPositionPnL + scenarioPnL + asset.perpAsks * asset.price basPosVal = perpAsksBaseNet * (asset.price * modPrice) } } // Adjust for PnL and unsettledFunding, then add to assets or liabilities const realQuotePosition = -1 * asset.perpBasePosition * (asset.price * modPrice) + asset.perpPositionPnL + scenarioPnL - asset.perpUnsettledFunding if (realQuotePosition < 0) { liabVal = Math.abs(liabVal + realQuotePosition) } else if (realQuotePosition > 0) { assetVal = Math.abs(assetVal + realQuotePosition) } liabVal = Math.abs(liabVal) assetVal = Math.abs(assetVal) perpsAssets += assetVal perpsLiabilities += liabVal // Assign to quote, assets and liabilities quoteCalc += perpQuotePos initAssets += basPosVal > 0 ? basPosVal * asset.initAssetWeightPerp : 0 initLiabilities += basPosVal < 0 ? Math.abs(basPosVal) * asset.initLiabWeightPerp : 0 maintAssets += basPosVal > 0 ? basPosVal * asset.maintAssetWeightPerp : 0 maintLiabilities += basPosVal < 0 ? Math.abs(basPosVal) * asset.maintLiabWeightPerp : 0 }) // Calculate basic scenario details assets = spotAssets + perpsAssets liabilities = spotLiabilities + perpsLiabilities // Calculate weighted assets and liabilities initAssets += quoteCalc > 0 ? quoteCalc : 0 maintAssets += quoteCalc > 0 ? quoteCalc : 0 initLiabilities += quoteCalc <= 0 ? Math.abs(quoteCalc) : 0 maintLiabilities += quoteCalc <= 0 ? Math.abs(quoteCalc) : 0 return { assets: assets, liabilities: liabilities, initAssets: initAssets, maintAssets: maintAssets, initLiabilities: initLiabilities, maintLiabilities: maintLiabilities, } } // Calculate single asset liquidation prices function getLiquidationPrices() { const liquidationHashMap = new Map() if (scenarioBars) { => { let liqPrice = 0 if (assetToTest.symbolName !== 'USDC') { let quoteCalc = 0 let weightedAsset = 0 let partialHealth = 0 // Calculate quote => { if (asset.symbolName === 'USDC' && Number(asset.spotNet) > 0) { quoteCalc += asset.spotNet } else if (asset.symbolName === 'USDC' && asset.spotNet < 0) { quoteCalc -= Math.abs(asset.spotNet) } const scenarioPnL = asset.perpBasePosition > 0 ? asset.perpBasePosition * (asset.price * sliderPercentage - asset.perpAvgEntryPrice) : Math.abs(asset.perpBasePosition) * (asset.perpAvgEntryPrice - asset.price * sliderPercentage) const basPosVal = asset.perpBasePosition * (asset.price * sliderPercentage) const perpQuotePos = -1 * basPosVal + asset.perpPositionPnL + scenarioPnL quoteCalc += perpQuotePos }) // Calculate weighted asset and partial health to draw from partialHealth = quoteCalc => { if (asset.symbolName !== 'USDC') { if (asset.symbolName === assetToTest.symbolName) { const weightedSpot = asset.spotNet * (asset.spotNet > 0 ? asset.maintAssetWeightSpot : asset.maintLiabWeightSpot) const weightedPerp = asset.perpBasePosition * (asset.perpBasePosition > 0 ? asset.maintAssetWeightPerp : asset.maintLiabWeightPerp) weightedAsset += (weightedSpot + weightedPerp) * -1 } else { const spotHealth = asset.spotNet * asset.price * (asset.priceDisabled ? 1 : sliderPercentage) * (asset.spotNet > 0 ? asset.maintAssetWeightSpot : asset.maintLiabWeightSpot) const perpHealth = asset.perpBasePosition * asset.price * (asset.priceDisabled ? 1 : sliderPercentage) * (asset.perpBasePosition > 0 ? asset.maintAssetWeightPerp : asset.maintLiabWeightPerp) partialHealth += spotHealth + perpHealth } } }) // Calculate liquidation price if (weightedAsset === 0) { liqPrice = 0 } else { liqPrice = partialHealth / weightedAsset if (liqPrice < 0) { liqPrice = 0 } } liquidationHashMap.set(assetToTest.symbolName.toString(), liqPrice) } else { liquidationHashMap.set(assetToTest.symbolName.toString(), liqPrice) } }) } return liquidationHashMap } // Get detailed scenario summary and liquidation prices const scenarioDetails = getScenarioDetails() const liquidationPrices = getLiquidationPrices() // Update focused input and update scanerio if input is valid const updateInterimValue = (symbol, field, type, identifier, val) => { const interimVal = val const interimIdentifier = identifier switch (type) { case 'focus': setInterimValue(interimValue.set(interimIdentifier, interimVal)) break case 'change': if (Number(val) === 0 || Number.isNaN(val)) { setInterimValue(interimValue.set(interimIdentifier, interimVal)) updateValue(symbol, field, 0) } else { updateValue(symbol, field, val) setInterimValue(interimValue.set(interimIdentifier, val)) } break case 'blur': if (Number(val) === 0 || Number.isNaN(val)) { updateValue(symbol, field, 0) interimValue.delete(interimIdentifier) setInterimValue(new Map()) } else { updateValue(symbol, field, val) interimValue.delete(interimIdentifier) setInterimValue(new Map()) } break } } // Display all return (



{scenarioBars?.rowData.length > 0 ? (


{ onChangeSlider(e) }} step={0.01} value={sliderPercentage} min={0} max={3.5} defaultValue={defaultSliderVal} trackStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#F2C94C' }} handleStyle={{ borderColor: '#F2C94C', backgroundColor: '#f7f7f7', }} railStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#F2C94C' }} />
{`${Number((sliderPercentage - 1) * 100).toFixed(0)}%`}
setSliderPercentage(defaultSliderVal)} > {t('reset')}
setShowZeroBalances(!showZeroBalances)} > {t('show-zero')}
toggleOrdersAsBalance(!ordersAsBalance)} > {t('calculator:simulate-orders-cancelled')}
{/*Hidden panel that displays a short scenario summary on mobile instead of the detailed one*/}
{({ open }) => ( <>

{open ? t('calculator:scenario-details') : t('calculator:scenario-maint-health')}

{open ? null : (
{scenarioDetails.get('maintHealth') * 100 >= 9999 ? '>10000' : scenarioDetails.get('maintHealth') * 100 < 0 ? '<0' : ( scenarioDetails.get('maintHealth') * 100 ).toFixed(2)} %
{scenarioDetails.get('maintHealth') * 100 >= 9999 ? '>10000' : scenarioDetails.get('maintHealth') * 100 < 0 ? '<0' : ( scenarioDetails.get('maintHealth') * 100 ).toFixed(2)} %
{scenarioDetails.get('initHealth') * 100 >= 9999 ? '>10000' : scenarioDetails.get('initHealth') * 100 < 0 ? '<0' : ( scenarioDetails.get('initHealth') * 100 ).toFixed(2)} %
= 0 ? 'text-th-green' : 'text-th-red' }`} > {scenarioDetails.get('initHealth') * 100 >= 0 ? t('calculator:yes') : t('calculator:no')}
{scenarioDetails.get('maintHealth') * 100 < 0 ? riskRanks[4] : scenarioDetails.get('riskRanking')}
{formatUsdValue( scenarioDetails.get('equity') )}
{scenarioDetails.get( 'percentToLiquidationAbsolute' )} %
{/*Create scenario table for display*/}
{/*Populate scenario table with data*/} {, i) => asset.symbolName === 'USDC' || (asset.spotNet != 0 && asset.hasMarketSpot) || (asset.perpBasePosition != 0 && asset.hasMarketPerp) || showZeroBalances ? ( ) : null )}
resetScenarioColumn('spotNet')} > {t('reset')}
resetScenarioColumn('perpBasePosition') } > {t('reset')}
resetScenarioColumn('perpAvgEntryPrice') } > {t('reset')}
resetScenarioColumn('price')} > {t('reset')}
{asset.symbolName} === ? updateInterimValue( asset.symbolName, 'spotNet', 'focus', ('spotNet_' + i).toString(), asset.spotNet !== 0 ? asset.spotNet : '' ) : null } onChange={(e) => updateInterimValue( asset.symbolName, 'spotNet', 'change', ('spotNet_' + i).toString(), ) } onBlur={(e) => updateInterimValue( asset.symbolName, 'spotNet', 'blur', ('spotNet_' + i).toString(), ) } placeholder={'0.0'} value={ interimValue.has( ('spotNet_' + i).toString() ) ? interimValue.get( ('spotNet_' + i).toString() ) : asset.spotNet !== 0 ? asset.spotNet : '' } disabled={ asset.hasMarketSpot || asset.symbolName === 'USDC' ? false : true } /> === ? updateInterimValue( asset.symbolName, 'perpBasePosition', 'focus', ( 'perpBasePosition_' + i ).toString(), asset.spotNet !== 0 ? asset.spotNet : '' ) : null } onChange={(e) => updateInterimValue( asset.symbolName, 'perpBasePosition', 'change', ('perpBasePosition_' + i).toString(), ) } onBlur={(e) => updateInterimValue( asset.symbolName, 'perpBasePosition', 'blur', ('perpBasePosition_' + i).toString(), ) } placeholder={'0.0'} value={ interimValue.has( ('perpBasePosition_' + i).toString() ) ? interimValue.get( ('perpBasePosition_' + i).toString() ) : asset.perpBasePosition !== 0 ? asset.perpBasePosition : '' } disabled={ asset.hasMarketPerp ? false : true } /> === ? updateInterimValue( asset.symbolName, 'perpAvgEntryPrice', 'focus', ( 'perpAvgEntryPrice_' + i ).toString(), asset.perpAvgEntryPrice !== 0 ? asset.perpAvgEntryPrice : '' ) : null } onChange={(e) => updateInterimValue( asset.symbolName, 'perpAvgEntryPrice', 'change', ('perpAvgEntryPrice_' + i).toString(), ) } onBlur={(e) => updateInterimValue( asset.symbolName, 'perpAvgEntryPrice', 'blur', ('perpAvgEntryPrice_' + i).toString(), ) } placeholder={'0.0'} value={ interimValue.has( ('perpAvgEntryPrice_' + i).toString() ) ? interimValue.get( ( 'perpAvgEntryPrice_' + i ).toString() ) : asset.perpAvgEntryPrice !== 0 ? asset.perpAvgEntryPrice : '' } disabled={ asset.hasMarketPerp ? false : true } /> === ? updateInterimValue( asset.symbolName, 'price', 'focus', ('price_' + i).toString(), asset.perpAvgEntryPrice !== 0 ? asset.perpAvgEntryPrice : '' ) : null } onChange={(e) => { updateInterimValue( asset.symbolName, 'price', 'change', ('price_' + i).toString(), ) }} onBlur={(e) => updateInterimValue( asset.symbolName, 'price', 'blur', ('price_' + i).toString(), ) } placeholder={'0.0'} value={ asset.priceDisabled ? interimValue.has( ('price_' + i).toString() ) ? interimValue.get( ('price_' + i).toString() ) : asset.price !== 0 ? asset.price : '' : interimValue.has( ('price_' + i).toString() ) ? interimValue.get( ('price_' + i).toString() ) : asset.price !== 0 ? asset.price * sliderPercentage : '' } disabled={asset.priceDisabled} />
{/*Populate detailed scenario summary*/} {scenarioBars?.rowData.length > 0 ? (


{/* Joke Wrapper */}
{scenarioDetails.get('liabilities') === 0 && scenarioDetails.get('equity') === 0 ? (
) : null} {scenarioDetails.get('liabilities') === 0 && scenarioDetails.get('equity') > 0 ? (
) : null} {scenarioDetails.get('riskRanking') === riskRanks[0] && scenarioDetails.get('leverage') !== 0 ? (
) : null} {scenarioDetails.get('riskRanking') === riskRanks[1] ? (
) : null} {scenarioDetails.get('riskRanking') === riskRanks[2] ? (
) : null} {scenarioDetails.get('riskRanking') === riskRanks[3] ? (
) : null} {scenarioDetails.get('riskRanking') === riskRanks[4] ? (
) : null}
{scenarioDetails.get('maintHealth') * 100 >= 9999 ? '>10000' : scenarioDetails.get('maintHealth') * 100 < 0 ? '<0' : (scenarioDetails.get('maintHealth') * 100).toFixed(2)} %
{scenarioDetails.get('initHealth') * 100 >= 9999 ? '>10000' : scenarioDetails.get('initHealth') * 100 < 0 ? '<0' : (scenarioDetails.get('initHealth') * 100).toFixed(2)} %
= 0 ? 'text-th-green' : 'text-th-red' }`} > {scenarioDetails.get('initHealth') * 100 >= 0 ? t('calculator:yes') : t('calculator:no')}
{scenarioDetails.get('maintHealth') * 100 < 0 ? riskRanks[4] : scenarioDetails.get('riskRanking')}
{formatUsdValue( scenarioDetails.get('maintWeightLiabilities') )}
{formatUsdValue( scenarioDetails.get('initWeightLiabilities') )}
) : null}
) : (
) }