(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ ['load-chart-dialog'], { '/KDZ': function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; n.d(t, 'a', function () { return i; }); var r = n('mrSG'), o = n('q1tI'), i = (function (e) { function t(t) { var n = e.call(this, t) || this; return ( (n._handleChange = function () { n.forceUpdate(); }), (n.state = { query: window.matchMedia(n.props.rule) }), n ); } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { this._subscribe(this.state.query); }), (t.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (e, t) { this.state.query !== t.query && (this._unsubscribe(t.query), this._subscribe(this.state.query)); }), (t.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { this._unsubscribe(this.state.query); }), (t.prototype.render = function () { return this.props.children(this.state.query.matches); }), (t.getDerivedStateFromProps = function (e, t) { return e.rule !== t.query.media ? { query: window.matchMedia(e.rule) } : null; }), (t.prototype._subscribe = function (e) { e.addListener(this._handleChange); }), (t.prototype._unsubscribe = function (e) { e.removeListener(this._handleChange); }), t ); })(o.PureComponent); }, '02pg': function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; n.d(t, 'a', function () { return a; }); var r = n('q1tI'), o = n('TSYQ'), i = n('XiJV'); function a(e) { return r.createElement('div', { className: o(i.separator, e.className), }); } }, '0lTl': function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { wrap: 'wrap-ghxWUnOu', 'wrap--horizontal': 'wrap--horizontal-1sVOJLqZ', bar: 'bar-2ZGFe1r-', barInner: 'barInner-2f6z58Ci', 'barInner--horizontal': 'barInner--horizontal-35zIxXob', 'bar--horizontal': 'bar--horizontal-2ofOPj8L', }; }, AMW5: function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; n.r(t); var r = n('q1tI'), o = n.n(r), i = n('i8i4'), a = n('mrSG'), c = n('Eyy1'), l = n('YFKU'), s = n('Vdly'), u = n('qFKp'), d = n('g89m'), m = n('TSYQ'), f = n.n(m), v = n('9dlw'), h = n('Iksw'), p = n('Iivm'), b = n('e5nO'), g = n('UjII'), w = n('HjiN'); function C(e) { var t = e.sortDirection, n = e.children, i = Object(a.__rest)(e, ['sortDirection', 'children']), c = Object(r.useRef)(null), l = Object(r.useState)(!1), s = l[0], u = l[1]; return o.a.createElement( 'div', Object(a.__assign)({}, i, { ref: c, className: m( w.sortButton, 'apply-common-tooltip', 'common-tooltip-vertical', ), onClick: function () { u(!s); }, }), o.a.createElement(p.Icon, { className: w.icon, icon: 0 === t ? b : g, }), o.a.createElement( v.a, { doNotCloseOn: c.current, isOpened: s, onClose: function () { u(!1); }, position: Object(h.c)(c.current, { verticalMargin: -35, verticalAttachEdge: 0, }), }, n, ), ); } var O = n('N5tr'), E = n('H2qI'); function j(e) { var t = e.label, n = e.listSortField, o = e.itemSortField, i = e.listSortDirection, c = e.itemSortDirection, l = e.onClick, s = e.className, u = Object(a.__rest)(e, [ 'label', 'listSortField', 'itemSortField', 'listSortDirection', 'itemSortDirection', 'onClick', 'className', ]), d = o === n && c === i; return r.createElement( O.b, Object(a.__assign)({}, u, { className: m(E.container, s), label: r.createElement( 'div', { className: E.labelWrap }, r.createElement(p.Icon, { className: E.icon, icon: 0 === c ? b : g, }), r.createElement('span', { className: E.text }, t), ), isActive: d, onClick: function () { l(o, c); }, 'data-active': d.toString(), 'data-sort-field': o, 'data-sort-direction': 0 === c ? 'asc' : 'desc', }), ); } var N = n('QHWU'), _ = n('IePd'); function S(e) { var t = e.children, n = e.className; return o.a.createElement('div', { className: f()(_.container, n) }, t); } function y(e) { var t = e.title; return o.a.createElement('div', { className: _.title }, t); } var D = n('Hr11'), F = n('Ialn'), k = n('0lTl'); function x(e) { var t, n, i = e.size, a = e.scrollSize, l = e.clientSize, s = e.scrollProgress, u = e.onScrollProgressChange, d = e.horizontal, m = e.theme, v = void 0 === m ? k : m, h = e.onDragStart, p = e.onDragEnd, b = e.minBarSize, g = void 0 === b ? 40 : b, w = Object(r.useRef)(null), C = Object(r.useRef)(null), O = Object(r.useState)(!1), E = O[0], j = O[1], N = Object(r.useRef)(0); Object(r.useEffect)( function () { if (E) { h && h(); var e = Object(c.ensureNotNull)(w.current).ownerDocument; e && (e.addEventListener('mousemove', I), e.addEventListener('mouseup', L)); } else p && p(); return function () { var e = Object(c.ensureNotNull)(w.current).ownerDocument; e && (e.removeEventListener('mousemove', I), e.removeEventListener('mouseup', L)); }; }, [E], ); var _ = i / a || 0, S = l * _ || 0, y = Math.max(S, g), x = (i - y) / (i - S), T = (function (e) { if (Object(F.isRtl)() && d) return e - a + l; return e; })(Object(D.clamp)(s, 0, a - i)); return o.a.createElement( 'div', { ref: w, className: f()(v.wrap, d && v['wrap--horizontal']), style: ((t = {}), (t[d ? 'width' : 'height'] = i), t), onMouseDown: function (e) { if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return; e.preventDefault(); var t = Object(c.ensureNotNull)( C.current, ).getBoundingClientRect(); N.current = (d ? t.width : t.height) / 2; var n = a - i, r = M(e.nativeEvent, Object(c.ensureNotNull)(w.current)) - N.current; r < 0 ? ((r = 0), (N.current = M( e.nativeEvent, Object(c.ensureNotNull)(w.current), ))) : r > n * _ * x && ((r = n * _ * x), (N.current = M(e.nativeEvent, Object(c.ensureNotNull)(w.current)) - r)); u(r / _ / x), j(!0); }, }, o.a.createElement( 'div', { ref: C, className: f()(v.bar, d && v['bar--horizontal']), style: ((n = {}), (n[d ? 'minWidth' : 'minHeight'] = g), (n[d ? 'width' : 'height'] = y), (n.transform = 'translate' + (d ? 'X' : 'Y') + '(' + (T * _ * x || 0) + 'px)'), n), onMouseDown: function (e) { e.preventDefault(), (N.current = M( e.nativeEvent, Object(c.ensureNotNull)(C.current), )), j(!0); }, }, o.a.createElement('div', { className: f()(v.barInner, d && v['barInner--horizontal']), }), ), ); function I(e) { var t = M(e, Object(c.ensureNotNull)(w.current)) - N.current; u(t / _ / x); } function L(e) { j(!1); } function M(e, t) { var n = t.getBoundingClientRect(); return d ? e.clientX - n.left : e.clientY - n.top; } } var T = n('8d0Q'), I = n('ya27'); function L(e) { var t = e.reference, n = e.className, i = e.containerHeight, c = void 0 === i ? 0 : i, l = e.containerWidth, s = void 0 === l ? 0 : l, u = e.contentHeight, d = void 0 === u ? 0 : u, f = e.contentWidth, v = void 0 === f ? 0 : f, h = e.scrollPosTop, p = void 0 === h ? 0 : h, b = e.scrollPosLeft, g = void 0 === b ? 0 : b, w = e.onVerticalChange, C = e.onHorizontalChange, O = e.visible, E = Object(T.b)(), j = E[0], N = E[1], _ = Object(r.useState)(!1), S = _[0], y = _[1], D = c < d, F = s < v, k = D && F ? 8 : 0; return o.a.createElement( 'div', Object(a.__assign)({}, N, { ref: t, className: m(n, I.scrollWrap), style: { visibility: O || j || S ? 'visible' : 'hidden' }, }), D && o.a.createElement(x, { size: c - k, scrollSize: d - k, clientSize: c - k, scrollProgress: p, onScrollProgressChange: function (e) { w && w(e); }, onDragStart: L, onDragEnd: M, }), F && o.a.createElement(x, { size: s - k, scrollSize: v - k, clientSize: s - k, scrollProgress: g, onScrollProgressChange: function (e) { C && C(e); }, onDragStart: L, onDragEnd: M, horizontal: !0, }), ); function L() { y(!0); } function M() { y(!1); } } function M(e) { var t = e.items, n = e.countPerRender, i = void 0 === n ? 25 : n, a = e.initCount, c = void 0 === a ? 25 : a, l = e.onUpdate, s = Object(r.useState)(c), u = s[0], d = s[1], m = Object(r.useRef)(l); m.current = l; var f = u; return ( Object(r.useEffect)( function () { var e = [ window.requestIdleCallback || function (e) { var t = Date.now(); return setTimeout(function () { return e({ didTimeout: !1, timeRemaining: function () { return Math.max(0, 50 - (Date.now() - t)); }, }); }, 1); }, window.cancelIdleCallback || function (e) { return clearTimeout(e); }, ], n = e[0], r = e[1], o = function (e) { for ( u < t.length && ((f += i), d(function (e) { return e + i; })); u < t.length && e.timeRemaining() > 0; ) (f += i), d(function (e) { return e + i; }); (a = t.length - f > 0 ? n(o, { timeout: 500 }) : null), m.current && m.current(); }, a = n(o, { timeout: 500 }); return function () { null !== a && r(a); }; }, [t.length], ), o.a.createElement(o.a.Fragment, null, t.slice(0, u)) ); } var z = n('tmL0'), A = { onMouseOver: function () {}, onMouseOut: function () {} }; var R = n('ntBy'); function B(e) { var t = e.className, n = e.listKey, i = e.data, l = e.renderItem, s = e.onScroll, d = e.onTouchStart, m = e.reference, v = (function () { var e = Object(r.useRef)(null), t = Object(r.useRef)(null), n = Object(T.b)(), o = n[0], i = n[1], l = Object(r.useState)({ reference: e, containerHeight: 0, containerWidth: 0, contentHeight: 0, contentWidth: 0, scrollPosTop: 0, scrollPosLeft: 0, onVerticalChange: function (e) { d(function (t) { return Object(a.__assign)(Object(a.__assign)({}, t), { scrollPosTop: e, }); }), (Object(c.ensureNotNull)(t.current).scrollTop = e); }, onHorizontalChange: function (e) { d(function (t) { return Object(a.__assign)(Object(a.__assign)({}, t), { scrollPosLeft: e, }); }), (Object(c.ensureNotNull)(t.current).scrollLeft = e); }, visible: o, }), s = l[0], d = l[1], m = Object(r.useCallback)(function () { if (t.current) { var n = t.current, r = n.clientHeight, o = n.scrollHeight, i = n.scrollTop, c = n.clientWidth, l = n.scrollWidth, s = n.scrollLeft, u = e.current ? e.current.offsetTop : 0; d(function (e) { return Object(a.__assign)(Object(a.__assign)({}, e), { containerHeight: r - u, contentHeight: o - u, scrollPosTop: i, containerWidth: c, contentWidth: l, scrollPosLeft: s, }); }); } }, []); function f() { d(function (e) { return Object(a.__assign)(Object(a.__assign)({}, e), { scrollPosTop: Object(c.ensureNotNull)(t.current).scrollTop, scrollPosLeft: Object(c.ensureNotNull)(t.current).scrollLeft, }); }); } return ( Object(r.useEffect)( function () { o && m(), d(function (e) { return Object(a.__assign)(Object(a.__assign)({}, e), { visible: o, }); }); }, [o], ), Object(r.useEffect)( function () { return ( t.current && t.current.addEventListener('scroll', f), function () { t.current && t.current.removeEventListener('scroll', f); } ); }, [t], ), [s, u.CheckMobile.any() ? A : i, t, m] ); })(), h = v[0], p = v[1], b = v[2], g = v[3], w = m || b, C = Object(r.useMemo)( function () { return i.map(l); }, [i, l], ); return o.a.createElement( z.a, Object(a.__assign)({}, p, { reference: w, className: f()(R.scrollContainer, t), onScroll: s, onTouchStart: d, }), o.a.createElement( 'div', { className: R.overlapScrollWrap }, o.a.createElement(L, Object(a.__assign)({}, h)), ), o.a.createElement(M, { key: n, initCount: 10, items: C, onUpdate: g, }), ); } var P = n('ldgD'), W = n.n(P), q = n('BxxN'), H = n('dTSQ'), U = n('pr86'), K = n('i/MG'), Q = n('xp8i'); function Y(e) { var t = e.searchString, n = e.text, i = e.isActive; if (!t) return o.a.createElement(o.a.Fragment, null, n); var a = Object(r.useMemo)( function () { return n.split( new RegExp('(' + Object(H.regExpEscape)(t) + ')', 'i'), ); }, [t], ); return o.a.createElement( o.a.Fragment, null, a.map(function (e, t) { return t % 2 ? o.a.createElement( 'span', { key: t, className: f()(Q.highlight, i && Q.active) }, e, ) : o.a.createElement(o.a.Fragment, { key: t }, e); }), ); } function X(e) { var t = e.url, n = e.title, r = e.renderTitle, i = e.subtitle, c = e.removeBtnLabel, l = e.onClick, s = e.onClickFavorite, d = e.onClickRemove, m = e.isActive, v = e.isFavorite, h = e.isMobile, p = void 0 !== h && h, b = e.showFavorite, g = void 0 === b || b, w = Object(a.__rest)(e, [ 'url', 'title', 'renderTitle', 'subtitle', 'removeBtnLabel', 'onClick', 'onClickFavorite', 'onClickRemove', 'isActive', 'isFavorite', 'isMobile', 'showFavorite', ]); return o.a.createElement( 'a', Object(a.__assign)({}, w, { className: f()(Q.itemRow, m && Q.active, p && Q.mobile), onClick: Z.bind(null, l), href: t, 'data-role': 'list-item', 'data-active': m, }), g && s && o.a.createElement(U.a, { className: f()( Q.favoriteButton, v && Q.favorite, u.CheckMobile.any() && Q.mobile, ), isActive: m, isFilled: v, onClick: Z.bind(null, s), 'data-name': 'list-item-favorite-button', 'data-favorite': v, }), o.a.createElement( 'div', { className: f()(Q.itemInfo, !g && Q.itemInfoWithPadding) }, o.a.createElement( 'div', { className: f()(Q.title, m && Q.active, p && Q.mobile), 'data-name': 'list-item-title', }, r || n, ), o.a.createElement( 'div', { className: f()(Q.details, m && Q.active, p && Q.mobile) }, i, ), ), o.a.createElement(K.a, { className: Q.removeButton, isActive: m, onClick: Z.bind(null, d), 'data-name': 'list-item-remove-button', title: c, }), ); } function Z(e, t) { t.defaultPrevented || (t.preventDefault(), e(t)); } var J = n('pPtI'), G = n('+EG+'), V = n('oNDq'), $ = n('LIFs'); var ee = Object(l.t)("Do you really want to delete Chart Layout '{0}' ?"); function te(e) { var t; try { t = Object(J.getTranslatedResolution)(e); } catch (n) { t = e; } return t; } function ne(e) { var t = e.chart, n = e.chartWidgetCollection, i = (e.trackEvent, e.localFavorites), c = (e.onClose, e.searchString), l = e.onClickRemove, s = e.onRemoveCanceled, u = Object(r.useState)(function () { return t.active(); }), d = u[0], m = u[1], f = Object(q.a)({ chartId: t.url }), v = Object(r.useContext)(G.b); return ( Object(r.useEffect)(function () { return ( n && n.metaInfo.id.subscribe(p), function () { n && n.metaInfo.id.unsubscribe(p); } ); }, []), o.a.createElement(X, { url: f, title: o.a.createElement(Y, { searchString: c, isActive: d, text: t.title, }), subtitle: o.a.createElement( o.a.Fragment, null, o.a.createElement(Y, { searchString: c, isActive: d, text: t.symbol, }), ', ', o.a.createElement(Y, { searchString: c, isActive: d, text: te(t.interval), }), ' ', '(', W.a.unix(t.modified).format('DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm'), ')', ), onClick: function (e) { 0; t.openAction(), !1; }, onClickFavorite: function () { 0; var e = Object(a.__assign)({}, i); e[t.id] ? delete e[t.id] : (e[t.id] = !0); t.favoriteAction(e); }, onClickRemove: function () { !(function (e, t, n, r) { Object(V.createConfirmDialog)({ content: Object($.b)(e), manager: r || void 0, }).then(function (e) { e.on('action:yes', function () { t(), e.close(); }), e.on('afterClose', function () { return n(); }), e.open(); }); })(ee.format(t.title), h, s, v); }, isFavorite: Boolean(i[t.id]), isActive: d, 'data-name': 'load-chart-dialog-item', }) ); function h() { t.deleteAction().then(function () { return l(t.id); }); } function p(e) { m(t.id === e); } } var re = n('tWVy'), oe = n('YCUu'), ie = { sortField: 'modified', sortDirection: 1 }; function ae(e) { var t = e.charts, n = e.onClose, i = e.favoriteChartsService, l = e.chartWidgetCollection, m = Object(r.useState)(''), f = m[0], v = m[1], h = Object(r.useState)(f), p = h[0], b = h[1], g = Object(r.useState)([]), w = g[0], O = g[1], E = Object(r.useRef)(null), _ = Object(r.useState)(function () { return i.get(); }), D = _[0], F = _[1], k = Object(r.useState)(function () { return s.getJSON('loadChartDialog.viewState', ie); }), x = k[0], T = k[1], I = Object(r.useRef)(null); Object(r.useEffect)(function () { u.CheckMobile.any() || Object(c.ensureNotNull)(I.current).focus(); }, []); var L = null; Object(r.useEffect)( function () { L && L(); }, [f, w], ); var M = Object(r.useRef)(); Object(r.useEffect)( function () { return ( (M.current = setTimeout(function () { v(p); }, 300)), function () { clearTimeout(M.current); } ); }, [p], ), Object(r.useEffect)(function () { return ( i.getOnChange().subscribe(null, q), function () { i.getOnChange().unsubscribe(null, q); } ); }, []); var z = Object(r.useMemo)( function () { return Object(a.__spreadArrays)(t) .sort( ((e = x.sortDirection), function (t, n) { if (D[t.id] && !D[n.id]) return -1; if (!D[t.id] && D[n.id]) return 1; var r = 0 === e ? 1 : -1; return 'modified' === x.sortField ? r * (t.modified - n.modified) : r * t.title.localeCompare(n.title); }), ) .filter(function (e) { return ( !w.includes(e.id) && (U(e.title) || U(e.symbol) || U(te(e.interval))) ); }); var e; }, [f, x, w, D], ); return o.a.createElement(d.a, { ref: E, onClose: n, onClickOutside: n, isOpened: !0, title: window.t('Load layout'), dataName: 'load-layout-dialog', render: function (e) { var t = e.requestResize; return ( (L = t), o.a.createElement( o.a.Fragment, null, o.a.createElement(N.a, { reference: I, onChange: R, placeholder: window.t('Search'), }), o.a.createElement( S, null, o.a.createElement(y, { title: window.t('Layout name') }), o.a.createElement( C, { sortDirection: x.sortDirection, title: window.t('Sort by layout name, date changed'), 'data-name': 'load-chart-dialog-sort-button', }, o.a.createElement(j, { label: window.t('Layout name (A to Z)'), listSortField: x.sortField, itemSortField: 'title', listSortDirection: x.sortDirection, itemSortDirection: 0, onClick: K, 'data-name': 'load-chart-dialog-sort-menu-item', }), o.a.createElement(j, { label: window.t('Layout name (Z to A)'), listSortField: x.sortField, itemSortField: 'title', listSortDirection: x.sortDirection, itemSortDirection: 1, onClick: K, 'data-name': 'load-chart-dialog-sort-menu-item', }), o.a.createElement(j, { label: window.t('Date modified (oldest first)'), listSortField: x.sortField, itemSortField: 'modified', listSortDirection: x.sortDirection, itemSortDirection: 0, onClick: K, 'data-name': 'load-chart-dialog-sort-menu-item', }), o.a.createElement(j, { label: window.t('Date modified (newest first)'), listSortField: x.sortField, itemSortField: 'modified', listSortDirection: x.sortDirection, itemSortDirection: 1, onClick: K, 'data-name': 'load-chart-dialog-sort-menu-item', }), ), ), o.a.createElement(B, { listKey: [f, x.sortField, x.sortDirection].join('_'), className: oe.contentList, data: z, onScroll: A, renderItem: function (e) { return o.a.createElement(ne, { key: (D[e.id] ? 'f_' : '') + e.id, chart: e, onClose: n, chartWidgetCollection: l, trackEvent: P, onRemoveCanceled: H, localFavorites: D, searchString: f, onClickRemove: W, }); }, }), ) ); }, }); function A() { re.a.fire(); } function R(e) { var t = e.currentTarget.value; b(t); } function P(e) { 0; } function W(e) { O(Object(a.__spreadArrays)([e], w)); } function q(e) { F(e); } function H() { Object(c.ensureNotNull)(E.current).focus(); } function U(e) { return e.toLowerCase().includes(f.toLowerCase()); } function K(e, t) { var n = { sortField: e, sortDirection: t }; T(n), s.setValue('loadChartDialog.viewState', JSON.stringify(n), { forceFlush: !0, }), P(); } } function ce(e, t, n) { var o = document.createElement('div'); i.render( r.createElement(ae, { charts: e, favoriteChartsService: t, chartWidgetCollection: n, onClose: function () { i.unmountComponentAtNode(o); }, }), o, ); } n.d(t, 'showLoadChartDialog', function () { return ce; }); }, ASyk: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { 'tablet-normal-breakpoint': 'screen and (max-width: 768px)', 'small-height-breakpoint': 'screen and (max-height: 360px)', 'tablet-small-breakpoint': 'screen and (max-width: 419px)', }; }, H2qI: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { container: 'container-3Qk84Vpk', labelWrap: 'labelWrap-1kffAsJL', icon: 'icon-3s9Fy0WO', text: 'text-1ie73mtL', }; }, HjiN: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { sortButton: 'sortButton-16hjqEoU', icon: 'icon-2nbSQjFT' }; }, IePd: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { container: 'container-1oGzHiUj', title: 'title-2FsC4R5h' }; }, Iksw: function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; n.d(t, 'a', function () { return r; }), n.d(t, 'b', function () { return i; }), n.d(t, 'c', function () { return s; }); var r, o, i, a, c = n('Eyy1'); !(function (e) { (e[(e.Top = 0)] = 'Top'), (e[(e.Bottom = 1)] = 'Bottom'); })(r || (r = {})), (function (e) { (e[(e.Left = 0)] = 'Left'), (e[(e.Right = 1)] = 'Right'); })(o || (o = {})), (function (e) { (e[(e.FromTopToBottom = 0)] = 'FromTopToBottom'), (e[(e.FromBottomToTop = 1)] = 'FromBottomToTop'); })(i || (i = {})), (function (e) { (e[(e.FromLeftToRight = 0)] = 'FromLeftToRight'), (e[(e.FromRightToLeft = 1)] = 'FromRightToLeft'); })(a || (a = {})); var l = { verticalAttachEdge: r.Bottom, horizontalAttachEdge: o.Left, verticalDropDirection: i.FromTopToBottom, horizontalDropDirection: a.FromLeftToRight, verticalMargin: 0, horizontalMargin: 0, }; function s(e, t) { return function (n, s) { var u = Object(c.ensureNotNull)(e).getBoundingClientRect(), d = t.verticalAttachEdge, m = void 0 === d ? l.verticalAttachEdge : d, f = t.verticalDropDirection, v = void 0 === f ? l.verticalDropDirection : f, h = t.horizontalAttachEdge, p = void 0 === h ? l.horizontalAttachEdge : h, b = t.horizontalDropDirection, g = void 0 === b ? l.horizontalDropDirection : b, w = t.horizontalMargin, C = void 0 === w ? l.horizontalMargin : w, O = t.verticalMargin, E = void 0 === O ? l.verticalMargin : O, j = m === r.Top ? -1 * E : E, N = p === o.Right ? u.right : u.left, _ = m === r.Top ? u.top : u.bottom; return { x: N - (g === a.FromRightToLeft ? n : 0) + C, y: _ - (v === i.FromBottomToTop ? s : 0) + j, }; }; } }, ItnF: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { dialog: 'dialog-2QwUBM-N', wrapper: 'wrapper-3ePvQMAQ', separator: 'separator-1L40XQyb', }; }, LIFs: function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; n.d(t, 'b', function () { return i; }), n.d(t, 'c', function () { return a; }), n.d(t, 'a', function () { return c; }); var r = /[<"'&>]/g, o = function (e) { return '&#' + e.charCodeAt(0) + ';'; }; function i(e) { return e.replace(r, o); } function a(e) { return void 0 === e && (e = ''), e.replace(/\s+/g, ''); } function c(e) { return ( void 0 === e && (e = ''), e.replace(/\b\w/g, function (e) { return e.toUpperCase(); }) ); } }, MyWJ: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { container: 'container-jKs34Xgq', inputContainer: 'inputContainer-1KMWEbBN', withCancel: 'withCancel-2WUzxNv9', input: 'input-2pz7DtzH', icon: 'icon-3SNZP2-_', cancel: 'cancel-CnoMjYid', }; }, QHWU: function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; n.d(t, 'a', function () { return m; }); var r = n('mrSG'), o = n('q1tI'), i = n.n(o), a = n('TSYQ'), c = n.n(a), l = n('YFKU'), s = n('Iivm'), u = n('hYdZ'), d = n('MyWJ'); function m(e) { var t = e.renderInput, n = e.onCancel, o = Object(r.__rest)(e, ['renderInput', 'onCancel']); return i.a.createElement( 'div', { className: d.container }, i.a.createElement( 'div', { className: c()(d.inputContainer, n && d.withCancel) }, t || i.a.createElement(f, Object(r.__assign)({}, o)), ), i.a.createElement(s.Icon, { className: d.icon, icon: u }), n && i.a.createElement( 'div', { className: d.cancel, onClick: n }, Object(l.t)('Cancel'), ), ); } function f(e) { var t = e.className, n = e.reference, o = e.value, a = e.onChange, l = e.onFocus, s = e.onKeyDown, u = e.onSelect, m = e.placeholder, f = Object(r.__rest)(e, [ 'className', 'reference', 'value', 'onChange', 'onFocus', 'onKeyDown', 'onSelect', 'placeholder', ]); return i.a.createElement( 'input', Object(r.__assign)({}, f, { ref: n, type: 'text', className: c()(t, d.input), autoComplete: 'off', 'data-role': 'search', placeholder: m, value: o, onChange: a, onFocus: l, onSelect: u, onKeyDown: s, }), ); } }, To8B: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, UjII: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, XfUw: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, XiJV: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { separator: 'separator-1TZB5HZ-' }; }, YCUu: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { contentList: 'contentList-VpXJB1aY' }; }, e5nO: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, fEjm: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { favorite: 'favorite-2V8VHwKe', active: 'active-3pQAvYvT', checked: 'checked-2bhy04CF', }; }, g89m: function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; var r = n('mrSG'), o = n('q1tI'), i = n.n(o), a = n('Eyy1'), c = n('TSYQ'), l = n.n(c), s = n('/3z9'), u = n('d700'), d = n('WXjp'), m = n('02pg'), f = n('uhCe'), v = n('/KDZ'), h = n('pafz'), p = n('ZjKI'), b = n('FQhm'), g = n('Iivm'), w = n('zztK'), C = n('px1m'); function O(e) { var t = e.title, n = e.subtitle, r = e.onClose, o = e.renderBefore, a = e.renderAfter; return i.a.createElement( 'div', { className: l()(C.container, n && C.unsetAlign) }, o, i.a.createElement( 'div', { 'data-dragg-area': !0, className: C.title }, i.a.createElement('div', { className: C.ellipsis }, t), n && i.a.createElement( 'div', { className: l()(C.ellipsis, C.subtitle) }, n, ), ), a, i.a.createElement(g.Icon, { className: C.close, icon: w, onClick: r, 'data-name': 'close', 'data-role': 'button', }), ); } var E = n('ItnF'); n.d(t, 'a', function () { return _; }); var j = { vertical: 20 }, N = { vertical: 0 }, _ = (function (e) { function t() { var t = (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; return ( (t._controller = null), (t._reference = null), (t._renderChildren = function (e, n) { return ( (t._controller = e), t.props.render({ requestResize: t._requestResize, centerAndFit: t._centerAndFit, isSmallWidth: n, }) ); }), (t._handleReference = function (e) { return (t._reference = e); }), (t._handleClose = function () { t.props.onClose(); }), (t._handleKeyDown = function (e) { if (!e.defaultPrevented) switch ( (t.props.onKeyDown && t.props.onKeyDown(e), Object(s.hashFromEvent)(e)) ) { case 27: var n = document.activeElement, r = Object(a.ensureNotNull)(t._reference); if (null !== n) { if ((e.preventDefault(), S(n))) return void t._handleClose(); if (Object(u.b)(n)) return void r.focus(); if (r.contains(n)) return void t._handleClose(); } } }), (t._requestResize = function () { null !== t._controller && t._controller.recalculateBounds(); }), (t._centerAndFit = function () { null !== t._controller && t._controller.centerAndFit(); }), t ); } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { b.subscribe( p.CLOSE_POPUPS_AND_DIALOGS_COMMAND, this._handleClose, null, ); }), (t.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { b.unsubscribe( p.CLOSE_POPUPS_AND_DIALOGS_COMMAND, this._handleClose, null, ); }), (t.prototype.focus = function () { Object(a.ensureNotNull)(this._reference).focus(); }), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this, t = this.props, n = t.className, r = t.isOpened, o = t.title, a = t.dataName, c = t.onClickOutside, s = t.additionalElementPos, u = t.additionalHeaderElement, p = t.backdrop, b = t.shouldForceFocus, g = void 0 === b || b, w = t.showSeparator, C = t.subtitle, _ = t.fullScreen, S = void 0 !== _ && _, y = 'after' !== s ? u : void 0, D = 'after' === s ? u : void 0; return i.a.createElement( v.a, { rule: f.a.SmallHeight }, function (t) { return i.a.createElement( v.a, { rule: f.a.TabletSmall }, function (s) { return i.a.createElement( d.a, { className: l()(E.dialog, n), isOpened: r, reference: e._handleReference, onKeyDown: e._handleKeyDown, onClickOutside: c, fullscreen: s || S, guard: t ? N : j, boundByScreen: s || S, shouldForceFocus: g, backdrop: p, name: e.props.dataName, }, i.a.createElement( 'div', { className: E.wrapper, 'data-name': a, 'data-dialog-name': o, }, i.a.createElement(O, { onClose: e._handleClose, renderAfter: D, renderBefore: y, subtitle: C, title: o, }), w && i.a.createElement(m.a, { className: E.separator }), i.a.createElement(h.a.Consumer, null, function (t) { return e._renderChildren(t, s || S); }), ), ); }, ); }, ); }), t ); })(i.a.PureComponent); function S(e) { return ( 'true' === e.getAttribute('data-haspopup') && 'true' !== e.getAttribute('data-expanded') ); } }, hYdZ: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, 'i/MG': function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; n.d(t, 'a', function () { return u; }); var r = n('mrSG'), o = (n('YFKU'), n('q1tI')), i = n('TSYQ'), a = n('Iivm'), c = n('To8B'), l = n('kXJy'), s = { remove: window.t('Remove') }; function u(e) { var t = e.className, n = e.isActive, u = e.onClick, d = e.title, m = e.hidden, f = e['data-name'], v = void 0 === f ? 'remove-button' : f, h = Object(r.__rest)(e, [ 'className', 'isActive', 'onClick', 'title', 'hidden', 'data-name', ]); return o.createElement( a.Icon, Object(r.__assign)({}, h, { 'data-name': v, className: i( l.button, 'apply-common-tooltip', n && l.active, m && l.hidden, t, ), icon: c, onClick: u, title: d || s.remove, }), ); } }, kXJy: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { button: 'button-1scLo53s', active: 'active-2T0ofIIp', hidden: 'hidden-2GRQzIQ1', }; }, ntBy: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { overlapScrollWrap: 'overlapScrollWrap-236iNA0w', scrollContainer: 'scrollContainer-1OsLRrZC', }; }, pr86: function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; n.d(t, 'a', function () { return d; }); var r = n('mrSG'), o = (n('YFKU'), n('q1tI')), i = n('TSYQ'), a = n('Iivm'), c = n('sg5d'), l = n('XfUw'), s = n('fEjm'), u = { add: window.t('Add to favorites'), remove: window.t('Remove from favorites'), }; function d(e) { var t = e.className, n = e.isFilled, d = e.isActive, m = e.onClick, f = Object(r.__rest)(e, [ 'className', 'isFilled', 'isActive', 'onClick', ]); return o.createElement( a.Icon, Object(r.__assign)({}, f, { className: i( s.favorite, 'apply-common-tooltip', n && s.checked, d && s.active, t, ), icon: n ? c : l, onClick: m, title: n ? u.remove : u.add, }), ); } }, px1m: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { 'small-height-breakpoint': 'screen and (max-height: 360px)', container: 'container-12F9cTKw', unsetAlign: 'unsetAlign-39w7dDTj', title: 'title-TQFObfxW', subtitle: 'subtitle-EM1kLgFz', ellipsis: 'ellipsis-1PT8QOxq', close: 'close-3NTwKnT_', }; }, sg5d: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, uhCe: function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; n.d(t, 'a', function () { return o; }); var r = n('ASyk'), o = { SmallHeight: r['small-height-breakpoint'], TabletSmall: r['tablet-small-breakpoint'], TabletNormal: r['tablet-normal-breakpoint'], }; }, xp8i: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { itemRow: 'itemRow-3JQtg1cT', favoriteButton: 'favoriteButton-1yjXmqy0', active: 'active-2Ne8Zyok', mobile: 'mobile-3cRbBpAw', itemInfo: 'itemInfo-3NQvH05Z', title: 'title-utNMTX_N', details: 'details-1rOd8IMz', highlight: 'highlight-3BtgMHlt', itemInfoWithPadding: 'itemInfoWithPadding-2CZUseHM', favorite: 'favorite-3iQ0dczX', removeButton: 'removeButton-1FahXcg8', }; }, ya27: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { scrollWrap: 'scrollWrap-2ycJ5xsk' }; }, zztK: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, }, ]);