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'compact' : 'normal', }) ); }, ); }), (o._subscribe = function (e) { e && e.definitions.subscribe(o._onChangeActivePageDefinitions); }), (o._unsubscribe = function (e) { e && e.definitions.unsubscribe(o._onChangeActivePageDefinitions); }), (o._getActiveTabSettingsName = function () { var e = o.props.source; return e instanceof k.Series ? 'properties_dialog.active_tab.chart' : e instanceof j.LineDataSource ? 'properties_dialog.active_tab.drawing' : e instanceof N.Study ? 'properties_dialog.active_tab.study' : ''; }), (o._handleSelectPage = function (e) { var t = o.state.activePageId, n = o._getActionPageById(t), i = o._getActionPageById(e), r = o._getActiveTabSettingsName(); t !== e && (o._unsubscribe(n), r && d.a.setValue(r, e), o._subscribe(i), o.setState( { activePageId: e, tableKey: Date.now() }, function () { o._requestResize && o._requestResize(), o._focusActivePageFirstTextInput(); }, )); }), (o._handleScroll = function () { m.a.fire(); }), (o._handleSubmit = function () { o.props.onSubmit(), o._closePopupDialog(); }), (o._closePopupDialog = function () { window.lineToolPropertiesToolbar && window.lineToolPropertiesToolbar.refresh(), o.props.onClose(); }); var i, r = o.props.pages; if (o._getActionPageById(o.props.activePageId)) i = Object(c.ensureDefined)(o.props.activePageId); else { var a = d.a.getValue(o._getActiveTabSettingsName(), ''), s = o._getActionPageById(a); i = s ? s.id : r[0].id; } return ( (o.state = { activePageId: i, tableKey: Date.now() }), window.lineToolPropertiesToolbar && window.lineToolPropertiesToolbar.hide(), o ); } return ( Object(s.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { var e = this.state.activePageId, t = this._getActionPageById(e); this._focusActivePageFirstTextInput(), this._subscribe(t); }), (t.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { var e = this.props.activePageId, t = this._getActionPageById(e); clearTimeout(this._timeout), this._unsubscribe(t); }), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e, t = this.props, o = t.source, i = t.onCancel, r = this.state.activePageId, a = (null === (e = o.properties().title) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.value()) || o.title(); return n.createElement(p.a, { dataName: 'source-properties-editor', title: a, isOpened: !0, onSubmit: this._handleSubmit, onCancel: i, onClickOutside: this._handleSubmit, onClose: this._closePopupDialog, footerLeftRenderer: this._renderFooterLeft, render: this._renderChildren(r), submitOnEnterKey: !1, }); }), (t.prototype._renderChildren = function (e) { var t = this; return function (o) { var i = o.requestResize; t._requestResize = i; var r = t.props.pages, a = { allIds: r.map(function (e) { return e.id; }), byId: r.reduce(function (e, t) { var o; return Object(s.__assign)( Object(s.__assign)({}, e), (((o = {})[t.id] = { title: t.title }), o), ); }, {}), }, c = r.find(function (t) { return t.id === e; }); return n.createElement( n.Fragment, null, n.createElement(h.a, { activeTabId: e, onSelect: t._handleSelectPage, tabs: a, }), n.createElement( A.a, { className: W.scrollable, onScroll: t._handleScroll }, n.createElement(L, { page: c, pageRef: t._activePageRef, tableKey: t.state.tableKey, }), ), ); }; }), (t.prototype._focusActivePageFirstTextInput = function () { if (!l.CheckMobile.any() && this._activePageRef.current) { var e = this._activePageRef.current.querySelector( 'input[type=text],textarea', ); e && (this._timeout = setTimeout(function () { e.focus(); }, 0)); } }), t ); })(n.PureComponent); o.d(t, 'SourcePropertiesEditorRenderer', function () { return M; }); var M = (function () { function e(e) { var t = this; (this._container = document.createElement('div')), (this._isVisible = !1), (this._timeout = null), (this._handleClose = function () { r.unmountComponentAtNode(t._container), (t._isVisible = !1), t._onClose && t._onClose(), t._subscription.unsubscribe(t, t._handleCollectionChanged); }), (this._handleSubmit = function () { var e = t._source; Object(D.isLineTool)(e) && e.hasAlert.value() && setTimeout(function () { e.localAndServerAlertsMismatch && e.synchronizeAlert(!0); }); }), (this._handleCancel = function () { t._model.undoToCheckpoint(t._checkpoint); }), (this._propertyPages = e.propertyPages), (this._model = e.model), (this._activePageId = e.activePageId), (this._onClose = e.onClose), (this._source = e.source), (this._checkpoint = this._ensureCheckpoint(e.undoCheckPoint)), (this._subscription = this._model .model() .dataSourceCollectionChanged()), this._subscription.subscribe(this, this._handleCollectionChanged); } return ( (e.prototype.hide = function (e) { e ? this._handleCancel() : this._handleSubmit(), this._handleClose(); }), (e.prototype.isVisible = function () { return this._isVisible; }), (e.prototype.focusOnText = function () {}), (e.prototype.show = function () { r.render( n.createElement(z, { source: this._source, onSubmit: this._handleSubmit, onClose: this._handleClose, onCancel: this._handleCancel, pages: this._propertyPages, model: this._model, activePageId: this._activePageId, }), this._container, ), (this._isVisible = !0), a.emit('drawings_settings_dialog', { objectType: 'drawing', scriptTitle: this._source.title(), }); }), (e.prototype._handleCollectionChanged = function () { var e = this; null === this._timeout && (this._timeout = setTimeout(function () { e._closeDialogIfSourceIsDeleted(), (e._timeout = null); })); }), (e.prototype._closeDialogIfSourceIsDeleted = function () { null === this._model.model().dataSourceForId(this._source.id()) && this._handleClose(); }), (e.prototype._ensureCheckpoint = function (e) { return void 0 === e && (e = this._model.createUndoCheckpoint()), e; }), e ); })(); }, lpmA: function (e, t, o) { e.exports = { themesButtonText: 'themesButtonText-2XRZOVS_', themesButtonIcon: 'themesButtonIcon-37H2TIZ0', defaultsButtonText: 'defaultsButtonText-3NI8VPPT', defaultsButtonItem: 'defaultsButtonItem-3mtq1Y8x', }; }, ttKw: function (e, t, o) { e.exports = { scrollable: 'scrollable-1DxdJw53' }; }, }, ]);