(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ ['new-edit-object-dialog'], { '/YRR': function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, '01Ho': function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, '4Njr': function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, '4ZyK': function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, '4pMH': function (e, t, n) {}, '5ijr': function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( '{"switcherWrapper":"switcherWrapper-1wFH-_jm","size-small":"size-small-1gT-kZYO","size-large":"size-large-MOSirnj_","intent-select":"intent-select-2kut8F29","switcherThumbWrapper":"switcherThumbWrapper-2u191lDO","input":"input-J7QIcTTo","switcherTrack":"switcherTrack-2XruDVTa","intent-default":"intent-default-3soo5rvS","switcherThumb":"switcherThumb-2yuEucci","focus":"focus-uZMRkCO0"}', ); }, '9FXF': function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, D2im: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, Dj0x: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, FzLb: function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), n('mrSG').__exportStar(n('j3s+'), t); }, KKsp: function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; n.d(t, 'a', function () { return i; }); var r = n('q1tI'), o = n('TSYQ'), a = n.n(o), l = n('NOPy'); function i(e) { var t = e.size, n = void 0 === t ? 'normal' : t, o = e.className; return r.createElement('div', { className: a()( l.separator, 'small' === n && l.small, 'normal' === n && l.normal, 'large' === n && l.large, o, ), }); } }, Ly1u: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, MB0Y: function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; n.d(t, 'a', function () { return u; }), n.d(t, 'b', function () { return d; }); var r = n('mrSG'), o = n('q1tI'), a = n.n(o), l = n('TSYQ'), i = n.n(l), s = n('FzLb'), c = n('QpNh'), p = n('OP2o'), u = p; function d(e) { var t = e.className, n = e.checked, o = e.id, l = e.label, u = e.labelDescription, d = e.value, h = e.preventLabelHighlight, m = e.reference, v = e.switchReference, y = e.theme, f = void 0 === y ? p : y, g = i()(f.label, n && !h && f.labelOn), b = i()(t, f.wrapper, n && f.wrapperWithOnLabel); return a.a.createElement( 'label', { className: b, htmlFor: o, ref: m }, a.a.createElement( 'div', { className: f.labelRow }, a.a.createElement('div', { className: g }, l), u && a.a.createElement('div', { className: f.labelHint }, u), ), a.a.createElement( s.Switch, Object(r.__assign)( { className: f.switch, reference: v, checked: n, onChange: function (t) { var n = t.target.checked; void 0 !== e.onChange && e.onChange(n); }, value: d, tabIndex: -1, id: o, }, Object(c.a)(e), ), ), ); } }, NOPy: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { separator: 'separator-25lkUpN-', small: 'small-1IE19htj', normal: 'normal-2jX5NqMI', large: 'large-3vmbMIE7', }; }, OP2o: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { wrapper: 'wrapper-3Sj-FzgR', hovered: 'hovered-1G0yygIe', labelRow: 'labelRow-3h7cSJ_L', label: 'label-3iLxp29M', labelHint: 'labelHint-3qxeiVfa', labelOn: 'labelOn-10QGwv2n', }; }, V1YL: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { recalculateCheckbox: 'recalculateCheckbox-1Xa1TR7D', descriptionCell: 'descriptionCell-3oIbGAm4', }; }, W7Dn: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { scrollable: 'scrollable-mKj9lAM_' }; }, Y5hB: function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; n.r(t); var r = n('mrSG'), o = (n('YFKU'), n('i8i4')), a = n('q1tI'), l = n.n(a), i = n('Eyy1'), s = (n('bSeV'), n('CLNU')), c = n('Vdly'), p = n('Kxc7'), u = n('FQhm'), d = n('PC8g'), h = n('aDg1'), m = n('vHME'), v = n('ycFu'), y = n('tWVy'), f = n('tmL0'), g = n('3ClC'), b = n('W7Dn'), w = (function (e) { function t(t) { var n = e.call(this, t) || this; (n._renderFooterLeft = function (e) { var t = n.props, r = t.source, o = t.model; if (Object(g.isStudy)(r)) return a.createElement(m.a, { model: o, source: r, mode: e ? 'compact' : 'normal', }); throw new TypeError('Unsupported source type.'); }), (n._handleSelect = function (e) { n.setState({ activeTabId: e }, function () { n._requestResize && n._requestResize(); }), n.props.onActiveTabChanged && n.props.onActiveTabChanged(e); }), (n._handleScroll = function () { y.a.fire(); }), (n._handleSubmit = function () { n.props.onSubmit(), n.props.onClose(); }); var r = n.props, o = r.pages, l = r.initialActiveTab; return ( (n.state = { activeTabId: o.allIds.includes(l) ? l : o.allIds[0], }), n ); } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.title, n = e.onCancel, r = e.onClose, o = this.state.activeTabId; return a.createElement(v.a, { dataName: 'indicator-properties-dialog', title: t, isOpened: !0, onSubmit: this._handleSubmit, onCancel: n, onClickOutside: r, onClose: r, footerLeftRenderer: this._renderFooterLeft, render: this._renderChildren(o), submitOnEnterKey: !1, }); }), (t.prototype._renderChildren = function (e) { var t = this; return function (n) { var r = n.requestResize; t._requestResize = r; var o = t.props, l = o.pages, i = o.source, s = o.model, c = l.byId[e]; 'Component' in c || c.page; return a.createElement( a.Fragment, null, a.createElement(h.a, { activeTabId: e, onSelect: t._handleSelect, tabs: l, }), a.createElement( f.a, { className: b.scrollable, onScroll: t._handleScroll }, 'Component' in c && a.createElement(c.Component, { source: i, model: s }), ), ); }; }), t ); })(a.PureComponent), _ = n('PjdP'), C = n('HfwS'), S = n('HGyE'), E = (function (e) { function t() { return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.input, n = e.value, o = e.onChange, l = e.onBlur, i = e.onKeyDown, s = t.options.reduce(function (e, t) { return (e[t] = 'NONE' === t ? window.t('Default') : t), e; }, {}), c = Object(r.__assign)(Object(r.__assign)({}, t), { optionsTitles: s, }); return a.createElement(S.b, { input: c, value: n, onChange: o, onBlur: l, onKeyDown: i, }); }), t ); })(a.PureComponent), P = Object(C.a)(E), x = n('h5Dg'), O = n('rJEJ'), j = n('XDrA'), k = n('+8gn'), T = n('Q+1u'), L = (n('HbRj'), a.createContext(null)), M = window.t('{currency} per order'), N = window.t('{currency} per contract'), I = (function (e) { function t() { return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e, t = this.props.input, n = Object(i.ensureNotNull)(this.context), o = (((e = {}).percent = '%'), (e.cash_per_order = M.format({ currency: n })), (e.cash_per_contract = N.format({ currency: n })), e), l = Object(r.__assign)(Object(r.__assign)({}, t), { optionsTitles: o, }); return a.createElement(S.a, { input: l }); }), (t.contextType = L), t ); })(a.PureComponent), V = window.t('Contracts'), z = window.t('% of equity'), R = (function (e) { function t() { return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e, t = this.props.input, n = Object(i.ensureNotNull)(this.context), o = (((e = {}).fixed = V), (e.cash_per_order = n), (e.percent_of_equity = z), e), l = Object(r.__assign)(Object(r.__assign)({}, t), { optionsTitles: o, }); return a.createElement(S.a, { input: l }); }), (t.contextType = L), t ); })(a.PureComponent), D = n('V1YL'), B = (function (e) { function t() { return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props.inputs; return a.createElement( T.a, null, a.createElement( O.a, { label: window.t('Initial capital') }, a.createElement(_.a, { input: e.initial_capital }), ), a.createElement( O.a, { label: window.t('Base currency') }, a.createElement(P, { input: e.currency }), ), a.createElement( O.a, { label: window.t('Order size'), labelAlign: 'adaptive' }, a.createElement( j.a, null, a.createElement(_.a, { input: e.default_qty_value }), a.createElement(R, { input: e.default_qty_type }), ), ), a.createElement( O.a, { label: window.t('Pyramiding') }, a.createElement( 'span', null, a.createElement(_.a, { input: e.pyramiding }), ), a.createElement( 'span', { className: D.descriptionCell }, window.t('orders', { context: 'Pyramiding: count orders' }), ), ), a.createElement(T.a.Separator, null), a.createElement( O.a, { label: window.t('Commission'), labelAlign: 'adaptive' }, a.createElement( j.a, null, a.createElement(_.a, { input: e.commission_value }), a.createElement(I, { input: e.commission_type }), ), ), a.createElement( O.a, { label: window.t('Verify Price for Limit Orders') }, a.createElement( 'span', null, a.createElement(_.a, { input: e.backtest_fill_limits_assumption, }), ), a.createElement( 'span', { className: D.descriptionCell }, window.t('ticks', { context: 'slippage ... ticks' }), ), ), a.createElement( O.a, { label: window.t('Slippage') }, a.createElement( 'span', null, a.createElement(_.a, { input: e.slippage }), ), a.createElement( 'span', { className: D.descriptionCell }, window.t('ticks', { context: 'slippage ... ticks' }), ), ), a.createElement(T.a.Separator, null), a.createElement( O.a, { label: window.t('Recalculate'), labelAlign: 'top' }, a.createElement( 'div', null, a.createElement( 'div', { className: D.recalculateCheckbox }, a.createElement(x.a, { label: window.t('After Order is Filled'), input: e.calc_on_order_fills, }), ), a.createElement( 'div', { className: D.recalculateCheckbox }, a.createElement(x.a, { label: window.t('On Every Tick'), input: e.calc_on_every_tick, }), ), ), ), ); }), (t.contextType = k.b), t ); })(a.PureComponent); function A(e) { var t = e.property, n = e.model, r = e.inputs, o = e.study; return a.createElement( k.a, { property: t.inputs, model: n, study: o }, a.createElement(B, { inputs: r }), ); } var H = n('z61+'), F = n('uOxu'), G = Object(F.getLogger)( 'Platform.GUI.PropertyDialog.Indicators.StrategyPage', ), W = (function (e) { function t(t) { var n = e.call(this, t) || this; n._handleWatchedDataChange = function () { n.setState({ currency: n._getCurrency() }); }; var r = n.props.source; if (((n._source = r), !Object(g.isStudy)(n._source))) throw new TypeError('Strategy page works only for study.'); n._properties = r.properties(); var o = r.metaInfo(), a = new H.a(o); return ( (n._inputs = a.getStrategyProperties()), (n.state = { currency: n._getCurrency() }), n ); } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { this._source.watchedData.subscribe(this._handleWatchedDataChange); }), (t.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { this._source.watchedData.unsubscribe( this._handleWatchedDataChange, ); }), (t.prototype.render = function () { return a.createElement( L.Provider, { value: this.state.currency }, a.createElement(A, { inputs: this._inputs, property: this._properties, model: this.props.model, study: this.props.source, }), ); }), (t.prototype._getCurrency = function () { var e = this._source.reportData(); return null === e || void 0 === e.currency ? ((void 0 !== this.state && null === this.state.currency) || G.logWarn("Can't obtain currency from strategy report"), null) : e.currency; }), t ); })(a.PureComponent), U = n('5Ssy'), q = (function (e) { function t(t) { var n = e.call(this, t) || this; return ( (n._properties = n.props.source.properties()), (n._inputs = new H.a( n.props.source.metaInfo(), ).getUserEditableInputs()), n ); } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { return a.createElement(U.a, { property: this._properties, model: this.props.model, study: this.props.source, inputs: this._inputs, }); }), t ); })(a.PureComponent), Y = n('23IT'), Q = n('0YCj'), K = n.n(Q), J = a.createContext(null); var X = a.createContext(null), Z = (function (e) { function t() { var t = (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; return ( (t._setValue = function (e, n, r) { t.props.model.setProperty(e, n, r); }), t ); } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { var e = this; this.props.property.subscribe(this, function () { return e.forceUpdate(); }); }), (t.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { this.props.property.unsubscribeAll(this); }), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = { setValue: this._setValue }; return a.createElement( X.Provider, { value: e }, this.props.children, ); }), t ); })(a.PureComponent); function $(e, t) { return (function (e, t) { return a.createElement(J.Consumer, null, function (n) { return n ? a.createElement( e, Object(r.__assign)({}, Object.assign({ model: n }, t)), ) : null; }); })(function (n) { var o = n.model; return a.createElement( Z, { model: o, property: t.property }, a.createElement(e, Object(r.__assign)({}, t)), ); }, t); } function ee(e) { return Array.isArray(e) ? e[0].value() : e.value(); } function te(e, t) { if (Array.isArray(e)) for (var n = 0, r = e; n < r.length; n++) { t(r[n]); } else t(e); } var ne, re = window.t('Change Visibility'), oe = (function (e) { function t() { var t = (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; return ( (t._onChange = function (e) { var n = t.context.setValue, r = t.props.visible; r && te(r, function (t) { return n(t, e, re); }); }), t ); } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.id, n = e.title, r = e.visible, o = e.disabled, l = Object(s.clean)(window.t(n, { context: 'input' }), !0); return a.createElement(x.b, { label: l, disabled: o, input: { id: t, type: 'bool', defval: !0, name: 'visible' }, value: !r || ee(r), onChange: this._onChange, }); }), (t.contextType = X), t ); })(a.PureComponent), ae = n('KKsp'), le = n('MB0Y'), ie = n('CHgb'), se = n('xHjM'), ce = n('/YRR'), pe = n('rlj/'), ue = n('ZtdB'), de = n('D2im'), he = n('tH7p'), me = n('tQCG'), ve = n('9FXF'), ye = n('sPU+'), fe = (((ne = {})[Y.LineStudyPlotStyle.Line] = { type: Y.LineStudyPlotStyle.Line, order: 0, icon: se, label: window.t('Line'), }), (ne[Y.LineStudyPlotStyle.LineWithBreaks] = { type: Y.LineStudyPlotStyle.LineWithBreaks, order: 1, icon: ce, label: window.t('Line With Breaks'), }), (ne[Y.LineStudyPlotStyle.StepLine] = { type: Y.LineStudyPlotStyle.StepLine, order: 2, icon: pe, label: window.t('Step Line'), }), (ne[Y.LineStudyPlotStyle.Histogram] = { type: Y.LineStudyPlotStyle.Histogram, order: 3, icon: ue, label: window.t('Histogram'), }), (ne[Y.LineStudyPlotStyle.Cross] = { type: Y.LineStudyPlotStyle.Cross, order: 4, icon: de, label: window.t('Cross', { context: 'chart_type' }), }), (ne[Y.LineStudyPlotStyle.Area] = { type: Y.LineStudyPlotStyle.Area, order: 5, icon: he, label: window.t('Area'), }), (ne[Y.LineStudyPlotStyle.AreaWithBreaks] = { type: Y.LineStudyPlotStyle.AreaWithBreaks, order: 6, icon: me, label: window.t('Area With Breaks'), }), (ne[Y.LineStudyPlotStyle.Columns] = { type: Y.LineStudyPlotStyle.Columns, order: 7, icon: ve, label: window.t('Columns'), }), (ne[Y.LineStudyPlotStyle.Circles] = { type: Y.LineStudyPlotStyle.Circles, order: 8, icon: ye, label: window.t('Circles'), }), ne), ge = Object.values(fe) .sort(function (e, t) { return e.order - t.order; }) .map(function (e) { return { value: e.type, selectedContent: l.a.createElement(ie.a, { icon: e.icon }), content: l.a.createElement(ie.b, { icon: e.icon, label: e.label, }), }; }), be = window.t('Price Line'), we = (function (e) { function t() { return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.plotType, n = e.className, o = e.priceLine, a = e.plotTypeChange, i = e.priceLineChange, s = e.disabled, c = { readonly: !0, content: l.a.createElement( l.a.Fragment, null, l.a.createElement(le.b, { id: 'PlotTypePriceLineSwitch', checked: o, label: be, preventLabelHighlight: !0, value: 'priceLineSwitcher', onChange: i, }), l.a.createElement(ae.a, null), ), }; return l.a.createElement(ie.c, { disabled: s, className: n, hideArrowButton: !0, items: Object(r.__spreadArrays)([c], ge), value: t, onChange: a, }); }), t ); })(l.a.PureComponent), _e = n('eJTA'), Ce = n('Tmoa'), Se = n('7MId'), Ee = window.t('Change Thickness'), Pe = window.t('Change Color'), xe = window.t('Change Opacity'), Oe = [1, 2, 3, 4], je = (function (e) { function t() { var t = (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; return ( (t._trackEventLabel = null), (t._getTransparencyValue = function () { var e = t.props.transparency; return e ? e.value() : 0; }), (t._getOpacityValue = function () { var e = ee(t.props.color); if (e) return Object(Ce.isHexColor)(e) ? Object(Ce.transparencyToAlpha)(t._getTransparencyValue()) : Object(_e.parseRgba)(e)[3]; }), (t._getColorValueInHex = function () { var e = ee(t.props.color); return e ? Object(Ce.isHexColor)(e) ? e : Object(_e.rgbToHexString)(Object(_e.parseRgb)(e)) : null; }), (t._onThicknessChange = function (e) { var n = t.props.thickness; void 0 !== n && t._setProperty(n, e, Ee); }), (t._onColorChange = function (e) { var n = t.props, r = n.color, o = n.isPaletteColor, a = ee(r), l = 0; a && (l = Object(Ce.isHexColor)(a) ? t._getTransparencyValue() : Object(Ce.alphaToTransparency)( Object(_e.parseRgba)(a)[3], )), t._setProperty( r, Object(Ce.generateColor)(String(e), l, !0), Pe, ), (t._trackEventLabel = 'Plot color > ' + (o ? 'Palette' : 'Single')); }), (t._onOpacityChange = function (e) { var n = t.props.color, r = ee(n); t._setProperty( n, Object(Ce.generateColor)( r, Object(Ce.alphaToTransparency)(e), !0, ), xe, ); }), (t._onPopupClose = function () { t._trackEventLabel && (Object(d.trackEvent)( 'GUI', 'Study settings', t._trackEventLabel, ), (t._trackEventLabel = null)); }), t ); } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { this._onPopupClose(); }), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.selectOpacity, n = void 0 === t || t, r = e.disabled; return l.a.createElement(Se.a, { disabled: r, color: this._getColorValueInHex(), selectOpacity: n, opacity: this._getOpacityValue(), thickness: this._getThicknessValue(), thicknessItems: Oe, onColorChange: this._onColorChange, onOpacityChange: this._onOpacityChange, onThicknessChange: this._onThicknessChange, onPopupClose: this._onPopupClose, }); }), (t.prototype._getThicknessValue = function () { var e = this.props.thickness; return e ? ee(e) : void 0; }), (t.prototype._setProperty = function (e, t, n) { var r = this.context.setValue; te(e, function (e) { return r(e, t, n); }); }), (t.contextType = X), t ); })(l.a.PureComponent), ke = n('wwEg'), Te = window.t('Change Plot Type'), Le = window.t('Change Price Line'), Me = (function (e) { function t() { var t = (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; return ( (t._onPlotTypeChange = function (e) { var n = t.context.setValue, r = t.props.styleProp.plottype; r && n(r, e, Te); }), (t._onPriceLineChange = function (e) { var n = t.context.setValue, r = t.props.styleProp.trackPrice; r && n(r, e, Le); }), t ); } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.paletteColor, n = e.paletteColorProps, r = e.styleProp, o = e.isLine, l = e.hasPlotTypeSelect, i = e.grouped, s = n.childs(); return a.createElement( O.a, { grouped: i, label: a.createElement( 'div', { className: ke.childRowContainer }, window.t(t.name, { context: 'input' }), ), }, a.createElement(je, { disabled: !r.visible.value(), color: s.color, transparency: r.transparency, thickness: o ? s.width : void 0, isPaletteColor: !0, }), o && l && r.plottype && r.trackPrice ? a.createElement(we, { disabled: !r.visible.value(), className: ke.smallStyleControl, plotType: r.plottype.value(), priceLine: r.trackPrice.value(), plotTypeChange: this._onPlotTypeChange, priceLineChange: this._onPriceLineChange, }) : null, ); }), (t.contextType = X), t ); })(a.PureComponent); var Ne = (function (e) { function t() { return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.plot, n = e.area, r = e.palette, o = e.paletteProps, l = e.hideVisibilitySwitch, s = e.styleProp, c = t ? t.id : Object(i.ensureDefined)(n).id, p = !c.startsWith('fill') && t && Object(Y.isLinePlot)(t); return a.createElement( a.Fragment, null, !l && a.createElement( T.a.Row, null, a.createElement( T.a.Cell, { placement: 'first', colSpan: 2, grouped: !0 }, a.createElement(oe, { id: c, title: n ? n.title : s.title.value(), visible: s.visible, }), ), ), (function (e, t, n, r) { var o = e.colors, l = t.colors; return Object.keys(o).map(function (e, t) { return a.createElement(Me, { key: e, grouped: !0, paletteColor: Object(i.ensureDefined)(o[e]), paletteColorProps: Object(i.ensureDefined)(l[e]), styleProp: n, isLine: r, hasPlotTypeSelect: 0 === t, }); }); })(r, o, s, p), a.createElement(T.a.GroupSeparator, null), ); }), (t.contextType = X), t ); })(a.PureComponent), Ie = window.t('Change Plot Type'), Ve = window.t('Change Price Line'), ze = (function (e) { function t() { var t = (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; return ( (t._onPlotTypeChange = function (e) { var n = t.context.setValue, r = t.props.property.plottype; r && n(r, e, Ie); }), (t._onPriceLineChange = function (e) { var n = t.context.setValue, r = t.props.property.trackPrice; r && n(r, e, Ve); }), t ); } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.id, n = e.property, r = n.title, o = n.color, l = n.plottype, i = n.linewidth, s = n.transparency, c = n.trackPrice, p = n.visible; return a.createElement( O.a, { label: a.createElement(oe, { id: t, title: r.value(), visible: p, }), }, a.createElement(je, { disabled: !p.value(), color: o, transparency: s, thickness: i, }), a.createElement(we, { disabled: !p.value(), className: ke.smallStyleControl, plotType: l.value(), priceLine: c.value(), plotTypeChange: this._onPlotTypeChange, priceLineChange: this._onPriceLineChange, }), ); }), (t.contextType = X), t ); })(a.PureComponent), Re = a.createContext(null), De = (function (e) { function t() { return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.id, n = e.property, r = n.colorup, o = n.colordown, l = n.transparency, s = n.visible; return a.createElement(Re.Consumer, null, function (e) { return a.createElement( O.a, { label: a.createElement(oe, { id: t, title: Be(Object(i.ensureNotNull)(e), t), visible: s, }), }, a.createElement(je, { disabled: !s.value(), color: r, transparency: l, }), a.createElement( 'span', { className: ke.additionalSelect }, a.createElement(je, { disabled: !s.value(), color: o, transparency: l, }), ), ); }); }), (t.contextType = X), t ); })(a.PureComponent); function Be(e, t) { var n = Object(i.ensureDefined)(e.metaInfo().styles), r = Object(i.ensureDefined)(n[t]).title; return Object(i.ensureDefined)(r); } var Ae, He, Fe = n('/SnT'), Ge = n.n(Fe), We = n('TSYQ'), Ue = n.n(We), qe = n('3G1X'), Ye = n('H172'), Qe = n('972a'), Ke = (((Ae = {})[Qe.MarkLocation.AboveBar] = { value: Qe.MarkLocation.AboveBar, content: window.t('Above Bar'), order: 0, }), (Ae[Qe.MarkLocation.BelowBar] = { value: Qe.MarkLocation.BelowBar, content: window.t('Below Bar'), order: 1, }), (Ae[Qe.MarkLocation.Top] = { value: Qe.MarkLocation.Top, content: window.t('Top'), order: 2, }), (Ae[Qe.MarkLocation.Bottom] = { value: Qe.MarkLocation.Bottom, content: window.t('Bottom'), order: 3, }), (Ae[Qe.MarkLocation.Absolute] = { value: Qe.MarkLocation.Absolute, content: window.t('Absolute'), order: 4, }), Ae), Je = Object.values(Ke).sort(function (e, t) { return e.order - t.order; }), Xe = (function (e) { function t() { return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.shapeLocation, n = e.className, r = e.menuItemClassName, o = e.shapeLocationChange, l = e.disabled; return a.createElement(Ye.a, { disabled: l, className: n, menuItemClassName: r, items: Je, value: t, onChange: o, }); }), t ); })(a.PureComponent), Ze = window.t('Change Char'), $e = window.t('Change Location'), et = (function (e) { function t() { var t = (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; return ( (t._onCharChange = function (e) { var n = t.context.setValue, r = e.currentTarget.value.trim(), o = Ge()(r), a = 0 === o.length ? '' : o[o.length - 1]; n(t.props.property.char, a, Ze); }), (t._onLocationChange = function (e) { (0, t.context.setValue)(t.props.property.location, e, $e); }), t ); } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.id, n = e.property, r = n.title, o = n.color, l = n.transparency, i = n.char, s = n.location, c = n.visible, p = e.hasPalette; return a.createElement( O.a, { grouped: p, label: a.createElement(oe, { id: t, title: r.value(), visible: c, }), }, !p && a.createElement(je, { disabled: !c.value(), color: o, transparency: l, }), a.createElement(qe.a, { disabled: !c.value(), className: ke.smallStyleControl, value: i.value(), onChange: this._onCharChange, }), a.createElement(Xe, { disabled: !c.value(), className: We(ke.defaultSelect, ke.additionalSelect), menuItemClassName: ke.defaultSelectItem, shapeLocation: s.value(), shapeLocationChange: this._onLocationChange, }), ); }), (t.contextType = X), t ); })(a.PureComponent), tt = n('Nu4p'), nt = n('4Njr'), rt = n('lOpG'), ot = n('br6c'), at = n('m+Gx'), lt = n('01Ho'), it = n('4ZyK'), st = n('kMtk'), ct = n('Dj0x'), pt = n('Ly1u'), ut = n('leq5'), dt = n('flzi'), ht = n('iB0j'), mt = (((He = {}).arrow_down = nt), (He.arrow_up = rt), (He.circle = ot), (He.cross = at), (He.diamond = lt), (He.flag = it), (He.label_down = st), (He.label_up = ct), (He.square = pt), (He.triangle_down = ut), (He.triangle_up = dt), (He.x_cross = ht), He); function vt(e) { return mt[e]; } var yt = []; Object.keys(tt.plotShapesData).forEach(function (e) { var t = tt.plotShapesData[e]; yt.push({ value: t.id, selectedContent: l.a.createElement(ie.a, { icon: vt(t.icon) }), content: l.a.createElement(ie.b, { icon: vt(t.icon), label: t.guiName, }), }); }); var ft = (function (e) { function t() { return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.shapeStyleId, n = e.className, r = e.shapeStyleChange, o = e.disabled; return l.a.createElement(ie.c, { disabled: o, className: n, hideArrowButton: !0, items: yt, value: t, onChange: r, }); }), t ); })(l.a.PureComponent), gt = window.t('Change Shape'), bt = window.t('Change Location'), wt = (function (e) { function t() { var t = (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; return ( (t._onPlotTypeChange = function (e) { (0, t.context.setValue)(t.props.property.plottype, e, gt); }), (t._onLocationChange = function (e) { (0, t.context.setValue)(t.props.property.location, e, bt); }), t ); } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.id, n = e.hasPalette, r = e.property, o = r.title, l = r.color, i = r.transparency, s = r.plottype, c = r.location, p = r.visible; return a.createElement( O.a, { grouped: n, label: a.createElement(oe, { id: t, title: o.value(), visible: p, }), }, !n && a.createElement(je, { disabled: !p.value(), color: l, transparency: i, }), a.createElement(ft, { disabled: !p.value(), className: ke.smallStyleControl, shapeStyleId: s.value(), shapeStyleChange: this._onPlotTypeChange, }), a.createElement(Xe, { disabled: !p.value(), className: We(ke.defaultSelect, ke.additionalSelect), menuItemClassName: ke.defaultSelectItem, shapeLocation: c.value(), shapeLocationChange: this._onLocationChange, }), ); }), (t.contextType = X), t ); })(a.PureComponent), _t = (function (e) { function t() { return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.id, n = e.title, r = e.visible, o = e.color, l = e.transparency, i = e.thickness, s = e.children, c = e.switchable, p = void 0 === c || c; return a.createElement( O.a, { label: p ? a.createElement(oe, { id: t, title: n, visible: r }) : n, }, a.createElement(je, { disabled: r && !(Array.isArray(r) ? r[0].value() : r.value()), color: o, transparency: l, thickness: i, }), s, ); }), (t.contextType = X), t ); })(a.PureComponent), Ct = Object(F.getLogger)('Chart.Study.PropertyPage'), St = (function (e) { function t() { return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.plot, n = e.palette, r = e.paletteProps, o = e.study, l = t.id, s = o.properties().styles[l], c = t.type; if ('line' === c || 'bar_colorer' === c || 'bg_colorer' === c) return n && r ? a.createElement(Ne, { plot: t, palette: n, paletteProps: r, styleProp: s, }) : a.createElement(ze, { id: l, property: s }); if ('arrows' === c) return a.createElement(De, { id: l, property: s }); if ('chars' === c || 'shapes' === c) return a.createElement( a.Fragment, null, 'chars' === c ? a.createElement(et, { id: l, property: s, hasPalette: Boolean(n), }) : a.createElement(wt, { id: l, property: s, hasPalette: Boolean(n), }), n && r && a.createElement(Ne, { plot: t, palette: n, paletteProps: r, hideVisibilitySwitch: !0, styleProp: s, }), ); if (Object(Y.isOhlcPlot)(t)) { var p = t.target, u = Object(i.ensureDefined)(o.metaInfo().defaults.ohlcPlots)[ p ], d = o.properties().ohlcPlots[p], h = void 0; h = n && r ? a.createElement(Ne, { plot: t, palette: n, paletteProps: r, styleProp: d, }) : a.createElement(_t, { id: p, title: d.title.value(), color: d.color, visible: d.visible, transparency: d.transparency, }); var m = void 0; return ( void 0 !== u && Object(Y.isOhlcPlotStyleCandles)(u) && (m = a.createElement( a.Fragment, null, a.createElement(_t, { id: p, title: window.t('Wick'), visible: d.drawWick, color: d.wickColor, transparency: d.transparency, }), a.createElement(_t, { id: p, title: window.t('Border'), visible: d.drawBorder, color: d.borderColor, transparency: d.transparency, }), )), a.createElement(a.Fragment, null, h, m) ); } return Ct.logError('Unknown plot type: ' + c), null; }), t ); })(a.PureComponent), Et = n('YS4w'), Pt = n('KacW'), xt = window.t('Change Line Style'), Ot = (function (e) { function t() { var t = (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; return ( (t._onLineStyleChange = function (e) { (0, t.context.setValue)(t.props.lineStyle, e, xt); }), t ); } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.lineStyle, n = Object(r.__rest)(e, ['lineStyle']); return l.a.createElement( Pt.a, Object(r.__assign)({}, n, { lineStyle: t.value(), lineStyleChange: this._onLineStyleChange, }), ); }), (t.contextType = X), t ); })(l.a.PureComponent), jt = window.t('Change Value'), kt = (function (e) { function t() { var t = (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; return ( (t._onValueChange = function (e) { (0, t.context.setValue)(t.props.property.value, e, jt); }), t ); } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.id, n = e.property, r = n.name, o = n.color, l = n.linestyle, i = n.linewidth, s = n.transparency, c = n.value, p = n.visible; return a.createElement( O.a, { labelAlign: 'adaptive', label: a.createElement(oe, { id: t, title: r.value(), visible: p, }), }, a.createElement( 'div', { className: ke.block }, a.createElement( 'div', { className: ke.group }, a.createElement(je, { disabled: !p.value(), color: o, transparency: s, thickness: i, }), a.createElement(Ot, { disabled: !p.value(), className: ke.smallStyleControl, lineStyle: l, }), ), a.createElement( 'div', { className: We( ke.wrapGroup, ke.defaultSelect, ke.additionalSelect, ), }, a.createElement(Et.b, { input: { id: '', name: '', type: 'float', defval: 0 }, value: c.value(), disabled: !p.value(), onChange: this._onValueChange, }), ), ), ); }), (t.contextType = X), t ); })(a.PureComponent), Tt = (function (e) { function t() { return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props.orders, t = e.visible, n = e.showLabels, r = e.showQty; return a.createElement( a.Fragment, null, a.createElement( T.a.Row, null, a.createElement( T.a.Cell, { placement: 'first', colSpan: 2 }, a.createElement(oe, { id: 'chart-orders-switch', title: window.t('Trades on Chart'), visible: t, }), ), ), a.createElement( T.a.Row, null, a.createElement( T.a.Cell, { placement: 'first', colSpan: 2 }, a.createElement(oe, { id: 'chart-orders-labels-switch', title: window.t('Signal Labels'), visible: n, }), ), ), a.createElement( T.a.Row, null, a.createElement( T.a.Cell, { placement: 'first', colSpan: 2 }, a.createElement(oe, { id: 'chart-orders-qty-switch', title: window.t('Quantity'), visible: r, }), ), ), ); }), (t.contextType = X), t ); })(a.PureComponent), Lt = window.t('Change Font'), Mt = ['Verdana', 'Courier New', 'Times New Roman', 'Arial'].map( function (e) { return { value: e, content: e }; }, ), Nt = (function (e) { function t() { var t = (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; return ( (t._onFontFamilyChange = function (e) { (0, t.context.setValue)(t.props.fontFamily, e, Lt); }), t ); } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.fontFamily, n = e.className, r = e.disabled; return a.createElement(Ye.a, { disabled: r, className: Ue()(n, ke.defaultSelect), menuItemClassName: ke.defaultSelectItem, items: Mt, value: t.value(), onChange: this._onFontFamilyChange, }); }), (t.contextType = X), t ); })(a.PureComponent), It = n('UXjO'), Vt = window.t('Change Font Size'), zt = [10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40].map(function (e) { return { value: e, title: e.toString() }; }), Rt = (function (e) { function t() { var t = (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; return ( (t._onFontSizeChange = function (e) { (0, t.context.setValue)(t.props.fontSize, e, Vt); }), t ); } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.fontSize, n = Object(r.__rest)(e, ['fontSize']); return a.createElement( It.a, Object(r.__assign)({}, n, { fontSizes: zt, fontSize: t.value(), fontSizeChange: this._onFontSizeChange, }), ); }), (t.contextType = X), t ); })(a.PureComponent), Dt = window.t('Change Visibility'), Bt = window.t('Labels Font'), At = window.t('Show Labels'), Ht = { Traditional: new Set([ 'S5/R5', 'S4/R4', 'S3/R3', 'S2/R2', 'S1/R1', 'P', ]), Fibonacci: new Set(['S3/R3', 'S2/R2', 'S1/R1', 'P']), Woodie: new Set(['S4/R4', 'S3/R3', 'S2/R2', 'S1/R1', 'P']), Classic: new Set(['S4/R4', 'S3/R3', 'S2/R2', 'S1/R1', 'P']), DM: new Set(['S1/R1', 'P']), DeMark: new Set(['S1/R1', 'P']), Camarilla: new Set(['S4/R4', 'S3/R3', 'S2/R2', 'S1/R1', 'P']), }, Ft = (function (e) { function t() { var t = (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; return ( (t._onChange = function (e) { (0, t.context.setValue)( t.props.property.childs().levelsStyle.childs().showLabels, e, Dt, ); }), t ); } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props.property.childs(), t = e.font, n = e.fontsize, r = e.levelsStyle; return l.a.createElement( l.a.Fragment, null, l.a.createElement( O.a, { labelAlign: 'adaptive', label: l.a.createElement('span', null, Bt), }, l.a.createElement( 'div', { className: ke.block }, l.a.createElement( 'div', { className: ke.group }, l.a.createElement(Nt, { fontFamily: t }), ), l.a.createElement( 'div', { className: We(ke.wrapGroup, ke.additionalSelect) }, l.a.createElement(Rt, { fontSize: n }), ), ), ), l.a.createElement( T.a.Row, null, l.a.createElement( T.a.Cell, { placement: 'first', colSpan: 2 }, l.a.createElement(x.b, { label: At, input: { id: 'ShowLabels', type: 'bool', defval: !0, name: 'visible', }, value: r.childs().showLabels.value(), onChange: this._onChange, }), ), ), this._renderColors(), ); }), (t.prototype._renderColors = function () { var e = this.props.property.childs(), t = e.levelsStyle, n = e.inputs, r = t.childs(), o = r.colors, a = r.widths, s = r.visibility, c = n.childs().kind, p = Object(i.ensureDefined)(Ht[c.value()]); return o .childNames() .filter(function (e) { return p.has(e); }) .map(function (e) { return l.a.createElement(_t, { key: e, id: e, title: e, color: o.childs()[e], visible: s.childs()[e], thickness: a.childs()[e], }); }); }), (t.contextType = X), t ); })(l.a.PureComponent); for ( var Gt = { PivotPointsStandard: function () { var e = Object(i.ensureNotNull)( Object(a.useContext)(Re), ).properties(); return l.a.createElement(Ft, { property: e }); }, }, Wt = (function (e) { function t() { return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this, t = Object(i.ensureNotNull)(this.context); return a.createElement(Re.Consumer, null, function (n) { return a.createElement( Z, { property: Object(i.ensureNotNull)(n).properties(), model: t, }, a.createElement( T.a, null, e._renderCustomContent( Object(i.ensureNotNull)(n).metaInfo().shortId, ), ), ); }); }), (t.prototype._renderCustomContent = function (e) { if ((e in Gt)) { var t = Gt[e]; return a.createElement(t, null); } return null; }), (t.contextType = J), t ); })(a.PureComponent), Ut = n('Ecpn'), qt = window.t('Default'), Yt = window.t('Precision'), Qt = window.t('Change Precision'), Kt = [{ value: 'default', content: qt }], Jt = 0; Jt <= 8; Jt++ ) Kt.push({ value: Jt, content: Jt.toString() }); for ( var Xt = (function (e) { function t() { var t = (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; return ( (t._onChange = function (e) { (0, t.context.setValue)(t.props.precision, e, Qt); }), t ); } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props.precision; return a.createElement( O.a, { label: Yt }, a.createElement(Ye.a, { className: ke.defaultSelect, menuItemClassName: ke.defaultSelectItem, items: Kt, value: e.value(), onChange: this._onChange, }), ); }), (t.contextType = X), t ); })(a.PureComponent), Zt = window.t('Default'), $t = window.t('Override Min Tick'), en = window.t('Change Min Tick'), tn = [ { priceScale: 1, minMove: 1, frac: !1 }, { priceScale: 10, minMove: 1, frac: !1 }, { priceScale: 100, minMove: 1, frac: !1 }, { priceScale: 1e3, minMove: 1, frac: !1 }, { priceScale: 1e4, minMove: 1, frac: !1 }, { priceScale: 1e5, minMove: 1, frac: !1 }, { priceScale: 1e6, minMove: 1, frac: !1 }, { priceScale: 1e7, minMove: 1, frac: !1 }, { priceScale: 1e8, minMove: 1, frac: !1 }, { priceScale: 2, minMove: 1, frac: !0 }, { priceScale: 4, minMove: 1, frac: !0 }, { priceScale: 8, minMove: 1, frac: !0 }, { priceScale: 16, minMove: 1, frac: !0 }, { priceScale: 32, minMove: 1, frac: !0 }, { priceScale: 64, minMove: 1, frac: !0 }, { priceScale: 128, minMove: 1, frac: !0 }, { priceScale: 320, minMove: 1, frac: !0 }, ], nn = [{ value: 'default', content: Zt }], rn = 0; rn < tn.length; rn++ ) { var on = tn[rn]; nn.push({ value: on.priceScale + ',' + on.minMove + ',' + on.frac, content: on.minMove + '/' + on.priceScale, }); } var an = (function (e) { function t() { var t = (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; return ( (t._onChange = function (e) { (0, t.context.setValue)(t.props.minTick, e, en); }), t ); } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props.minTick; return a.createElement( O.a, { label: $t }, a.createElement(Ye.a, { className: ke.defaultSelect, menuItemClassName: ke.defaultSelectItem, items: nn, value: e.value(), onChange: this._onChange, }), ); }), (t.contextType = X), t ); })(a.PureComponent), ln = n('5YG5'), sn = (function (e) { function t() { var t = (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; return ( (t._findPlotPalette = function (e) { var n = t.props.study, r = n.metaInfo(), o = Object(i.ensureDefined)(r.palettes); return Object(Y.isBarColorerPlot)(e) || Object(Y.isBgColorerPlot)(e) ? { palette: o[e.palette], paletteProps: n.properties().palettes[e.palette], } : t._findPaletteByTargetId(e.id); }), t ); } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this, t = this.props.study, n = t.metaInfo(); if (Object(Ut.a)(n.shortId)) return a.createElement(Wt, null); var o = new H.a(n).getUserEditablePlots(), l = t.properties(), s = l.bands, c = l.bandsBackground, p = l.areaBackground, u = l.precision, d = l.strategy, h = l.minTick, m = n.filledAreas, v = n.graphics, y = o.length > 0 || (v && Object.keys(v).length > 0), f = Object(ln.a)(t).canOverrideMinTick(); return a.createElement( T.a, null, o.map(function (n) { var o = Object(Y.isOhlcPlot)(n) ? Object(r.__assign)(Object(r.__assign)({}, n), { id: n.target, }) : n, l = e._findPlotPalette(o), i = l.palette, s = l.paletteProps; return a.createElement(St, { key: n.id, plot: n, palette: i, paletteProps: s, study: t, }); }), s && s.childNames().map(function (e, t) { var n = s.child(e); if (!n.isHidden || !n.isHidden.value()) return a.createElement(kt, { key: t, id: n.name.value(), property: n, }); }), c && a.createElement(_t, { id: 'bandsBackground', title: 'Background', visible: c.fillBackground, color: c.backgroundColor, transparency: c.transparency, }), p && a.createElement(_t, { id: 'areaBackground', title: 'Background', visible: p.fillBackground, color: p.backgroundColor, transparency: p.transparency, }), m && m.map(function (n) { if (!n.isHidden) { var r = t.properties().filledAreasStyle[n.id], o = n.title || 'Background'; if (n.palette) { var l = e._findPaletteByTargetId(n.id); return a.createElement(Ne, { key: n.id, area: n, palette: Object(i.ensureDefined)(l.palette), paletteProps: Object(i.ensureDefined)(l.paletteProps), styleProp: r, }); } return a.createElement(_t, { key: n.id, id: n.id, title: o, color: r.color, visible: r.visible, transparency: r.transparency, }); } }), !1, y && a.createElement(Xt, { precision: u }), f && a.createElement(an, { minTick: h }), K.a.isScriptStrategy(n) && a.createElement(Tt, { orders: d.orders }), ); }), (t.prototype._findPaletteByTargetId = function (e) { for ( var t = this.props.study, n = t.metaInfo(), r = n.plots, o = Object(i.ensureDefined)(n.palettes), a = 0, l = r; a < l.length; a++ ) { var s = l[a]; if ( (Object(Y.isColorerPlot)(s) || Object(Y.isOhlcColorerPlot)(s)) && s.target === e ) return { palette: o[s.palette], paletteProps: t.properties().palettes[s.palette], }; } return {}; }), t ); })(a.PureComponent); function cn(e) { return $( sn, Object(r.__assign)(Object(r.__assign)({}, e), { property: e.study.properties(), }), ); } var pn = (function (e) { function t() { return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } return ( Object(r.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { return a.createElement( J.Provider, { value: this.props.model }, a.createElement( Re.Provider, { value: this.props.source }, a.createElement(cn, { study: this.props.source }), ), ); }), t ); })(a.PureComponent), un = n('CW80'); n.d(t, 'EditObjectDialogRenderer', function () { return dn; }); var dn = (function () { function e(e, t, n, r) { var a = this; (this._container = document.createElement('div')), (this._isVisible = !1), (this._timeout = null), (this._handleClose = function () { o.unmountComponentAtNode(a._container), (a._isVisible = !1), a._subscription.unsubscribe(a, a._handleCollectionChanged); }), (this._handleCancel = function () { a._model.undoToCheckpoint(a._checkpoint); }), (this._handleSubmit = function () {}), (this._handleActiveTabChanged = function (e) { c.setValue(a._activeTabSettingsName(), e); }), (this._source = e), (this._model = t), (this._propertyPages = r), (this._checkpoint = this._ensureCheckpoint(n)), (this._subscription = this._model .model() .dataSourceCollectionChanged()), this._subscription.subscribe(this, this._handleCollectionChanged); } return ( (e.prototype.hide = function (e) { e ? this._handleCancel() : this._handleSubmit(), this._handleClose(); }), (e.prototype.isVisible = function () { return this._isVisible; }), (e.prototype.focusOnText = function () {}), (e.prototype.show = function (e) { if ((void 0 === e && (e = {}), p.enabled('property_pages'))) { var t = this._source.metaInfo(); if ( (Object(un.isLineTool)(this._source) && Object(d.trackEvent)( 'GUI', 'Drawing Properties', this._source.name(), ), Object(g.isStudy)(this._source)) ) { var n = !this._source.isPine() || this._source.isStandardPine() ? t.description : 'Custom Pine'; Object(d.trackEvent)('GUI', 'Study Properties', n); } var r = { byId: { inputs: { title: window.t('Inputs'), Component: q }, style: { title: window.t('Style'), Component: pn, }, properties: { title: window.t('Properties'), Component: W }, }, allIds: [], }, l = new H.a(t); l.hasUserEditableInputs() && r.allIds.push('inputs'), l.hasUserEditableProperties() && r.allIds.push('properties'), l.hasUserEditableStyles() && r.allIds.push('style'), (r = this._getPagesForStudyLineTool(r)); var i = e.initialTab || c.getValue(this._activeTabSettingsName()) || 'inputs', h = Object(s.clean)(t.shortDescription, !0); 0, o.render( a.createElement(w, { title: h, model: this._model, source: this._source, initialActiveTab: r.allIds.includes(i) ? i : r.allIds[0], pages: r, onSubmit: this._handleSubmit, onCancel: this._handleCancel, onClose: this._handleClose, onActiveTabChanged: this._handleActiveTabChanged, }), this._container, ), (this._isVisible = !0), u.emit('edit_object_dialog', { objectType: 'study', scriptTitle: this._source.title(), }); } }), (e.prototype._activeTabSettingsName = function () { return 'properties_dialog.active_tab.study'; }), (e.prototype._ensureCheckpoint = function (e) { return void 0 === e && (e = this._model.createUndoCheckpoint()), e; }), (e.prototype._getPagesForStudyLineTool = function (e) { if (this._propertyPages) { var t = this._propertyPages.filter(function (e) { return 'coordinates' === e.id || 'visibility' === e.id; }), n = { allIds: t.map(function (e) { return e.id; }), byId: t.reduce(function (e, t) { var n; return Object(r.__assign)( Object(r.__assign)({}, e), (((n = {})[t.id] = { title: t.title, page: t }), n), ); }, {}), }; return { allIds: Object(r.__spreadArrays)(e.allIds, n.allIds), byId: Object(r.__assign)( Object(r.__assign)({}, e.byId), n.byId, ), }; } return e; }), (e.prototype._handleCollectionChanged = function () { var e = this; null === this._timeout && (this._timeout = setTimeout(function () { e._closeDialogIfSourceIsDeleted(), (e._timeout = null); })); }), (e.prototype._closeDialogIfSourceIsDeleted = function () { null === this._model.model().dataSourceForId(this._source.id()) && this._handleClose(); }), e ); })(); }, ZtdB: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, br6c: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, flzi: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, iB0j: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, 'j3s+': function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var r = n('mrSG'), o = n('q1tI'), a = n('TSYQ'), l = n('5ijr'); function i(e) { var t = e.className, n = void 0 === t ? '' : t, r = e.intent, o = void 0 === r ? 'default' : r, i = e.size, s = void 0 === i ? 'small' : i, c = e.disabled; return a(n, l.switcherWrapper, l['size-' + s], !c && l['intent-' + o]); } n('4pMH'); var s = (function (e) { function t() { return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } return ( r.__extends(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.reference, n = (e.size, e.intent, r.__rest(e, ['reference', 'size', 'intent'])), s = a(l.input, -1 !== this.props.tabIndex && l.focus); return o.createElement( 'div', { className: i(this.props) }, o.createElement( 'input', r.__assign({}, n, { type: 'checkbox', className: s, ref: t }), ), o.createElement( 'div', { className: l.switcherThumbWrapper }, o.createElement('div', { className: l.switcherTrack }), o.createElement('div', { className: l.switcherThumb }), ), ); }), t ); })(o.PureComponent); t.Switch = s; }, kMtk: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, lOpG: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, leq5: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, 'm+Gx': function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, 'rlj/': function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, 'sPU+': function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, tH7p: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, tQCG: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, wwEg: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { smallStyleControl: 'smallStyleControl-1XGqoHgA', additionalSelect: 'additionalSelect-1RoWzlTA', childRowContainer: 'childRowContainer-_iCnmDPI', defaultSelect: 'defaultSelect-DeTJWnAh', defaultSelectItem: 'defaultSelectItem-1jN74NCa', block: 'block-3Tp_jRog', group: 'group-2HQIdqE5', wrapGroup: 'wrapGroup-3gHGJIrr', textMarkGraphicBlock: 'textMarkGraphicBlock-1nDopgxR', textMarkGraphicWrapGroup: 'textMarkGraphicWrapGroup-3QaIoY03', }; }, xHjM: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, }, ]);