(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ [54], { '1yQO': function (e, i, t) { 'use strict'; t.d(i, 'a', function () { return r; }); var o = t('hY0g'), n = t.n(o); function r(e, i, t, o) { void 0 === o && (o = null); var r = { id: i, title: t, definitions: new n.a(e) }; return null !== o && (r.icon = o), r; } }, Equz: function (e, i, t) { 'use strict'; t.d(i, 'a', function () { return E; }); var o = t('mrSG'), n = t('Eyy1'), r = t('HSjo'), l = t('n5al'), s = t('hY0g'), c = t.n(s), a = t('Kxc7'), u = t('Z5lT'), d = t('LIFs'), b = window.t('Color Bars Based on Previous Close'), h = window.t('HLC Bars'), p = window.t('Up Color'), w = window.t('Down Color'), f = window.t('Thin Bars'), y = window.t('Bodies'), C = window.t('Borders'), S = window.t('Wick'), v = window.t('Price Source'), j = window.t('Type'), O = window.t('Line'), m = window.t('Top Line'), _ = window.t('Bottom Line'), g = window.t('Fill'), P = window.t('Fill Top Area'), L = window.t('Fill Bottom Area'), B = (window.t('Up bars'), window.t('Down bars'), window.t('Projection up bars'), window.t('Projection down bars'), window.t( 'Show real prices on price scale (instead of Heikin-Ashi price)', )), M = window.t('Base Level'), T = window.t('Bodies'), k = window.t('Borders'), D = window.t('Labels'); function A(e, i, t, o) { var n = Object(d.c)(t); return [ Object(r.r)( { checked: Object(r.b)( e, i.drawBody, 'Change ' + t + ' Bodies Visibility', ), color1: Object(r.u)( e, i.upColor, null, 'Change ' + t + ' Up Color', ), color2: Object(r.u)( e, i.downColor, null, 'Change ' + t + ' Down Color', ), }, { id: o + 'Symbol' + n + 'CandlesColor', title: y }, ), Object(r.r)( { checked: Object(r.b)( e, i.drawBorder, 'Change ' + t + ' Border Visibility', ), color1: Object(r.u)( e, i.borderUpColor, null, 'Change ' + t + ' Up Border Color', ), color2: Object(r.u)( e, i.borderDownColor, null, 'Change ' + t + ' Down Border Color', ), }, { id: o + 'Symbol' + n + 'BordersColor', title: C }, ), Object(r.r)( { checked: Object(r.b)( e, i.drawWick, 'Change ' + t + ' Wick Visibility', ), color1: Object(r.u)( e, i.wickUpColor, null, 'Change ' + t + ' Wick Up Color', ), color2: Object(r.u)( e, i.wickDownColor, null, 'Change ' + t + ' Wick Down Color', ), }, { id: o + 'Symbol' + n + 'WickColors', title: S }, ), ]; } function E(e, i, t, s, d) { switch (t) { case 0: return (function (e, i, t) { return [ Object(r.c)( { checked: Object(r.b)( e, i.barColorsOnPrevClose, 'Change Color Bars Based on Previous Close', ), }, { id: t + 'SymbolBarStyleBarColorsOnPrevClose', title: b }, ), Object(r.c)( { checked: Object(r.b)(e, i.dontDrawOpen, 'Change HLC Bars'), }, { id: t + 'SymbolDontDrawOpen', title: h }, ), Object(r.e)( { color: Object(r.u)( e, i.upColor, null, 'Change Bar Up Color', ), }, { id: t + 'SymbolUpColor', title: p }, ), Object(r.e)( { color: Object(r.u)( e, i.downColor, null, 'Change Bar Down Color', ), }, { id: t + 'SymbolDownColor', title: w }, ), Object(r.c)( { checked: Object(r.b)(e, i.thinBars, 'Change Thin Bars') }, { id: t + 'SymbolBarThinBars', title: f }, ), ]; })(e, i.barStyle.childs(), d); case 1: return (function (e, i, t) { var n = Object(r.c)( { checked: Object(r.b)( e, i.barColorsOnPrevClose, 'Change Color Bars Based on Previous Close', ), }, { id: t + 'SymbolCandleStyleBarColorsOnPrevClose', title: b }, ); return Object(o.__spreadArrays)([n], A(e, i, 'Candle', t)); })(e, i.candleStyle.childs(), d); case 2: return (function (e, i, t, o, n) { return [ Object(r.j)( { option: Object(r.b)( e, i.priceSource, 'Change Price Source', ), }, { id: n + 'SymbolLinePriceSource', title: v, options: new c.a(t), }, ), Object(r.j)( { option: Object(r.b)(e, i.styleType, 'Change Line Type') }, { id: n + 'SymbolStyleType', title: j, options: new c.a(o) }, ), Object(r.h)( { color: Object(r.u)(e, i.color, null, 'Change Line Color'), width: Object(r.b)(e, i.linewidth, 'Change Line Width'), }, { id: n + 'SymbolLineStyle', title: O }, ), ]; })( e, i.lineStyle.childs(), s.seriesPriceSources, s.lineStyleTypes, d, ); case 3: return (function (e, i, t, o) { return [ Object(r.j)( { option: Object(r.b)( e, i.priceSource, 'Change Area Price Source', ), }, { id: o + 'SymbolAreaPriceSource', title: v, options: new c.a(t), }, ), Object(r.h)( { color: Object(r.u)( e, i.linecolor, null, 'Change Area Line Color', ), width: Object(r.b)( e, i.linewidth, 'Change Area Line Width', ), }, { id: o + 'SymbolAreaLineStyle', title: O }, ), Object(r.r)( { color1: Object(r.u)( e, i.color1, i.transparency, 'Change Area Fill Color', ), color2: Object(r.u)( e, i.color2, i.transparency, 'Change Area Fill Color', ), }, { id: o + 'SymbolAreaFills', title: g }, ), ]; })(e, i.areaStyle.childs(), s.seriesPriceSources, d); case 9: return A(e, i.hollowCandleStyle.childs(), 'Hollow Candles', d); case 10: return (function (e, i, t, o) { return [ Object(r.j)( { option: Object(r.b)( e, i.priceSource, 'Change Baseline Price Source', ), }, { id: o + 'SymbolBaseLinePriceSource', title: v, options: new c.a(t), }, ), Object(r.h)( { color: Object(r.u)( e, i.topLineColor, null, 'Change Baseline Top Line Color', ), width: Object(r.b)( e, i.topLineWidth, 'Change Baseline Top Line Width', ), }, { id: o + 'SymbolBaseLineTopLine', title: m }, ), Object(r.h)( { color: Object(r.u)( e, i.bottomLineColor, null, 'Change Baseline Bottom Line Color', ), width: Object(r.b)( e, i.bottomLineWidth, 'Change Baseline Bottom Line Width', ), }, { id: o + 'SymbolBaseLineBottomLine', title: _ }, ), Object(r.r)( { color1: Object(r.u)( e, i.topFillColor1, null, 'Change Baseline Fill Top Area Color', ), color2: Object(r.u)( e, i.topFillColor2, null, 'Change Baseline Fill Top Area Color', ), }, { id: o + 'SymbolBaseLineTopFills', title: P }, ), Object(r.r)( { color1: Object(r.u)( e, i.bottomFillColor1, null, 'Change Baseline Fill Bottom Area Color', ), color2: Object(r.u)( e, i.bottomFillColor2, null, 'Change Baseline Fill Bottom Area Color', ), }, { id: o + 'SymbolBaseLineBottomFills', title: L }, ), Object(r.i)( { value: Object(r.b)( e, i.baseLevelPercentage, 'Change Base Level', [u.b], ), }, { id: o + 'SymbolBaseLevelPercentage', title: M, type: 0, min: new c.a(0), max: new c.a(100), step: new c.a(1), unit: new c.a('%'), }, ), ]; })(e, i.baselineStyle.childs(), s.seriesPriceSources, d); } var y = i; if (s.isJapaneseChartsAvailable && 8 === t) return (function (e, i, t) { var n = Object(r.c)( { checked: Object(r.b)( e, i.showRealLastPrice, 'Change Show real prices on price scale (instead of Heiken-Ashi price)', ), }, { id: t + 'SymbolRealLastPrice', title: B }, ), l = Object(r.c)( { checked: Object(r.b)( e, i.barColorsOnPrevClose, 'Change Color Bars Based on Previous Close', ), }, { id: t + 'SymbolHAStyleBarColorsOnPrevClose', title: b }, ); return Object(o.__spreadArrays)([n, l], A(e, i, 'Heikin Ashi', t)); })(e, y.haStyle.childs(), d); if (s.isJapaneseChartsAvailable && a.enabled('japanese_chart_styles')); if (a.enabled('chart_style_hilo') && 12 === t) { var C = y.hiloStyle.childs(), S = Object(l.chartStyleStudyId)(12); return (function (e, i, t, o) { var n = Object(r.e)( { checked: Object(r.b)( e, i.drawBody, 'Change High-Low Bodies Visibility', ), color: Object(r.u)( e, i.color, null, 'Change High-Low Bodies Color', ), }, { id: o + 'SymbolBodiesColor', title: T }, ), l = Object(r.e)( { checked: Object(r.b)( e, i.showBorders, 'Change Show High-Low Borders', ), color: Object(r.u)( e, i.borderColor, null, 'Change High-Low Border Color', ), }, { id: o + 'SymbolBorderColor', title: k }, ), s = t.map(function (e) { return { title: String(e), value: e }; }); return [ n, l, Object(r.p)( { checked: Object(r.b)( e, i.showLabels, 'Change Show High-Low Labels', ), color: Object(r.u)( e, i.labelColor, null, 'Change High-Low Labels Color', ), size: Object(r.b)( e, i.fontSize, 'Change High-Low Labels Font Size', ), }, { id: o + 'SymbolLabels', title: D, isEditable: !1, isMultiLine: !1, sizeItems: s, }, ), ]; })(e, C, Object(n.ensure)(s.defaultSeriesFontSizes)[S], d); } return []; } }, LIFs: function (e, i, t) { 'use strict'; t.d(i, 'b', function () { return r; }), t.d(i, 'c', function () { return l; }), t.d(i, 'a', function () { return s; }); var o = /[<"'&>]/g, n = function (e) { return '&#' + e.charCodeAt(0) + ';'; }; function r(e) { return e.replace(o, n); } function l(e) { return void 0 === e && (e = ''), e.replace(/\s+/g, ''); } function s(e) { return ( void 0 === e && (e = ''), e.replace(/\b\w/g, function (e) { return e.toUpperCase(); }) ); } }, Z5lT: function (e, i, t) { 'use strict'; t.d(i, 'b', function () { return n; }), t.d(i, 'a', function () { return r; }), t.d(i, 'c', function () { return l; }); var o = t('T6Of'); function n(e) { return Math.floor(e); } function r(e) { return parseInt(String(e)); } function l(e) { var i = new o.LimitedPrecisionNumericFormatter(e); return function (e) { if (null === e) return e; var t = i.parse(i.format(e)); return t.res ? t.value : null; }; } }, zqjM: function (e, i, t) { 'use strict'; var o = t('mrSG'), n = t('Eyy1'), r = t('HSjo'), l = t('hY0g'), s = t.n(l), c = t('n5al'), a = t('dfhE'), u = t('Equz'), d = t('Z5lT'); function b(e) { return e.map(function (e) { return { value: e, title: window.t(e) }; }); } function h(e, i, t, o, l, a, u) { var h = []; return ( t.forEach(function (t) { if ( (function (e, i) { return ( !e.isHidden && (void 0 === e.visible || (function (e, i) { if (!e) return !0; var t = e.split('=='); return !(t.length < 2) && i[t[0]].value() === t[1]; })(e.visible, i)) ); })(t, o) ) { var p = t.id; if (o.hasOwnProperty(p)) { var w = o[p], f = (function (e, i) { return 'style' === e.id ? window.t('Box size assignment method') : 'boxSize' === e.id ? window.t('Box Size') : window.t(i.childs().name.value()); })(t, l[p]); if ('options' in t) { var y = Object(n.ensure)(t.options); h.push( Object(r.j)( { option: Object(r.b)(e, w, 'Change ' + f) }, { id: '' + u + t.name, title: f, options: new s.a(b(y)) }, ), ); } else if ('integer' !== t.type) { if ('float' === t.type) { var C = void 0; return ( (C = (function (e, i) { return !( ((i === Object(c.chartStyleStudyId)(4) || i === Object(c.chartStyleStudyId)(6)) && 'boxSize' === e) || (i === Object(c.chartStyleStudyId)(5) && 'reversalAmount' === e) ); })(p, i) || null === a.value() ? new s.a(t.min) : a), void h.push( Object(r.i)( { value: Object(r.b)(e, w, 'Change ' + f) }, { id: '' + u + t.name, title: f, type: 1, min: C, max: new s.a(t.max), defval: t.defval, }, ), ) ); } 'text' !== t.type ? 'bool' !== t.type || h.push( Object(r.c)( { checked: Object(r.b)(e, w, 'Change ' + f) }, { id: '' + u + t.name, title: f }, ), ) : h.push( Object(r.p)( { text: Object(r.b)(e, w, 'Change ' + f) }, { id: '' + u + t.name, title: f, isEditable: !0, isMultiLine: !1, }, ), ); } else h.push( Object(r.i)( { value: Object(r.b)(e, w, 'Change ' + f, [d.b]), }, { id: '' + u + t.name, title: f, type: 0, min: new s.a(t.min), max: new s.a(t.max), defval: t.defval, }, ), ); } } }), h ); } var p, w = t('uOxu'), f = t('Cf1E'); t.d(i, 'b', function () { return E; }), t.d(i, 'c', function () { return I; }), t.d(i, 'd', function () { return W; }), t.d(i, 'a', function () { return F; }); var y = Object(w.getLogger)('Chart.Definitions.Series'), C = (window.t('Adjust Data for Dividends'), window.t('Extended Hours (Intraday Only)'), window.t('Last value line')), S = (window.t('Previous close value line'), window.t('Precision')), v = window.t('Time Zone'), j = window.t('Open'), O = window.t('High'), m = window.t('Low'), _ = window.t('Close'), g = window.t('(H + L)/2'), P = window.t('(H + L + C)/3'), L = window.t('(O + H + L + C)/4'), B = window.t('Simple'), M = window.t('With Markers'), T = window.t('Step'), k = window.t('Default'), D = (((p = {})[Object(c.chartStyleStudyId)(12)] = [ 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, ]), p), A = [ { priceScale: 1, minMove: 1, frac: !1 }, { priceScale: 10, minMove: 1, frac: !1 }, { priceScale: 100, minMove: 1, frac: !1 }, { priceScale: 1e3, minMove: 1, frac: !1 }, { priceScale: 1e4, minMove: 1, frac: !1 }, { priceScale: 1e5, minMove: 1, frac: !1 }, { priceScale: 1e6, minMove: 1, frac: !1 }, { priceScale: 1e7, minMove: 1, frac: !1 }, { priceScale: 1e8, minMove: 1, frac: !1 }, { priceScale: 2, minMove: 1, frac: !0 }, { priceScale: 4, minMove: 1, frac: !0 }, { priceScale: 8, minMove: 1, frac: !0 }, { priceScale: 16, minMove: 1, frac: !0 }, { priceScale: 32, minMove: 1, frac: !0 }, { priceScale: 64, minMove: 1, frac: !0 }, { priceScale: 128, minMove: 1, frac: !0 }, { priceScale: 320, minMove: 1, frac: !0 }, ], E = [ { title: j, value: 'open' }, { title: O, value: 'high' }, { title: m, value: 'low' }, { title: _, value: 'close' }, { title: g, value: 'hl2' }, { title: P, value: 'hlc3' }, { title: L, value: 'ohlc4' }, ], I = [ { title: B, value: a.STYLE_LINE_TYPE_SIMPLE }, { title: M, value: a.STYLE_LINE_TYPE_MARKERS }, { title: T, value: a.STYLE_LINE_TYPE_STEP }, ]; function W() { for (var e = [{ title: k, value: 'default' }], i = 0; i < A.length; i++) e.push({ title: A[i].minMove + '/' + A[i].priceScale, value: A[i].priceScale + ',' + A[i].minMove + ',' + A[i].frac, }); return e; } var F = (function () { function e(e, i, t, o, n, r) { (this._definitions = null), (this._inputsSubscriptions = null), (this._isDestroyed = !1), (this._propertyPages = null), (this._seriesMinTickWV = null), (this._series = e), (this._undoModel = i), (this._model = this._undoModel.model()), (this._propertyPageId = t), (this._propertyPageName = o), (this._propertyPageIcon = n), (this._timezonePropertyObj = r), this._series .onStyleChanged() .subscribe(this, this._updateDefinitions), this._series .dataEvents() .symbolResolved() .subscribe(this, this._updateSeriesMinTickWV), this._updateSeriesMinTickWV(); } return ( (e.prototype.destroy = function () { null !== this._propertyPages && this._propertyPages.forEach(function (e) { Object(r.t)(e.definitions.value()); }), this._series .onStyleChanged() .unsubscribe(this, this._updateDefinitions), this._series.dataEvents().symbolResolved().unsubscribeAll(this), this._unsubscribeInputsUpdate(), (this._isDestroyed = !0); }), (e.prototype.propertyPages = function () { var e = this; return null === this._propertyPages ? this._getDefinitions().then(function (i) { if (e._isDestroyed) throw new Error( 'SeriesPropertyDefinitionsViewModel already destroyed', ); return ( null === e._propertyPages && (e._propertyPages = [ { id: e._propertyPageId, title: e._propertyPageName, icon: e._propertyPageIcon, definitions: new s.a(i), }, ]), e._propertyPages ); }) : Promise.resolve(this._propertyPages); }), (e.prototype._seriesMinTick = function () { var e = this._series.symbolInfo(); return null !== e ? e.minmov / e.pricescale : null; }), (e.prototype._updateSeriesMinTickWV = function () { null === this._seriesMinTickWV ? (this._seriesMinTickWV = new s.a(this._seriesMinTick())) : this._seriesMinTickWV.setValue(this._seriesMinTick()); }), (e.prototype._updateDefinitions = function () { var e = this; null !== this._definitions && Object(r.t)(this._definitions), (this._definitions = null), this._unsubscribeInputsUpdate(), this._createSeriesDefinitions().then(function (i) { if (e._isDestroyed) throw new Error( 'SeriesPropertyDefinitionsViewModel already destroyed', ); Object(n.ensureNotNull)( e._propertyPages, )[0].definitions.setValue(i); }); }), (e.prototype._getDefinitions = function () { return null === this._definitions ? this._createSeriesDefinitions() : Promise.resolve(this._definitions); }), (e.prototype._unsubscribeInputsUpdate = function () { var e = this; null !== this._inputsSubscriptions && (this._inputsSubscriptions.forEach(function (i) { i.unsubscribeAll(e); }), (this._inputsSubscriptions = null)); }), (e.prototype._subscribeInputsUpdate = function (e, i) { var t = this, o = []; e.forEach(function (e) { if (void 0 !== e.visible) { var n = e.visible.split('=='); if (2 === n.length) { var r = i[n[0]]; -1 === o.indexOf(r) && (r.subscribe(t, t._updateDefinitions), o.push(r)); } } }), o.length > 0 ? (this._inputsSubscriptions = o) : (this._inputsSubscriptions = null); }), (e.prototype._createSeriesDefinitions = function () { var e = this, i = this._series.properties().childs(), t = this._series.getInputsProperties(), l = this._series.getInputsInfoProperties(), a = i.style.value(), d = this._series.getStyleShortName(); return new Promise(function (i) { var o = Object(c.chartStyleStudyId)(a); null !== o ? e._model .studyMetaInfoRepository() .findById({ type: 'java', studyId: o }) .then(function (o) { if (e._isDestroyed) throw new Error( 'SeriesPropertyDefinitionsViewModel already destroyed', ); if (null === e._definitions) { var r = Object(n.ensureNotNull)(e._seriesMinTickWV), s = h(e._undoModel, o.id, o.inputs, t, l, r, d); e._subscribeInputsUpdate(o.inputs, t), i(s); } else i(null); }) .catch(function (e) { y.logWarn( 'Find meta info for create series definitions with error - ' + Object(f.a)(e), ), i(null); }) : i(null); }).then(function (t) { if (e._isDestroyed) throw new Error( 'SeriesPropertyDefinitionsViewModel already destroyed', ); if (null !== e._definitions) return e._definitions; var n = Object(u.a)( e._undoModel, i, a, { seriesPriceSources: E, lineStyleTypes: I, isJapaneseChartsAvailable: !0, defaultSeriesFontSizes: D, }, 'mainSeries', ); null !== t && n.push.apply(n, t); var l = Object(r.j)( { option: Object(r.b)( e._undoModel, i.minTick, 'Change Decimal Places', ), }, { id: d + 'SymbolMinTick', title: S, options: new s.a(W()) }, ), c = Object(r.j)( { option: Object(r.b)( e._undoModel, e._timezonePropertyObj.property, 'Change Timezone', ), }, { id: d + 'SymbolTimezone', title: v, options: new s.a(e._timezonePropertyObj.values), }, ); return ( (e._definitions = Object(o.__spreadArrays)( [Object(r.k)(n, 'generalSymbolStylesGroup')], e._seriesPriceLinesDefinitions(d), e._seriesDataDefinitions(d), [l, c], )), e._definitions ); }); }), (e.prototype._seriesDataDefinitions = function (e) { this._series.dividendsAdjustmentProperty(); return []; }), (e.prototype._seriesPriceLinesDefinitions = function (e) { var i = [], t = this._series.properties().childs(); if (this._series.hasClosePrice()) { var o = Object(r.h)( { checked: Object(r.b)( this._undoModel, t.showPriceLine, 'Change Price Price Line', ), color: Object(r.u)( this._undoModel, t.priceLineColor, null, 'Change Price Line Color', ), width: Object(r.b)( this._undoModel, t.priceLineWidth, 'Change Price Line Width', ), }, { id: e + 'SymbolLastValuePriceLine', title: C }, ); i.push(o); } return this._series.hasClosePrice(), i; }), e ); })(); }, }, ]);