import { useEffect, useState, useMemo } from 'react' // import { nativeToUi } from '@blockworks-foundation/mango-client/lib/utils' import { groupBy } from '../utils' import useTradeHistory from '../hooks/useTradeHistory' import useMangoStore from '../stores/useMangoStore' import FloatingElement from './FloatingElement' import Tooltip from './Tooltip' import Button from './Button' import AlertsModal from './AlertsModal' const calculatePNL = (tradeHistory, prices, mangoGroup) => { if (!tradeHistory.length) return '0.00' const profitAndLoss = {} const groupedTrades = groupBy(tradeHistory, (trade) => trade.marketName) if (!prices.length) return '-' const assetIndex = { 'BTC/USDC': 0, 'ETH/USDC': 1, 'SOL/USDC': 2, 'SRM/USDC': 3, USDC: 4, } groupedTrades.forEach((val, key) => { profitAndLoss[key] = val.reduce( (acc, current) => (current.side === 'sell' ? current.size * -1 : current.size) + acc, 0 ) }) const totalNativeUSDC = tradeHistory.reduce((acc, current) => { const usdtAmount = current.side === 'sell' ? parseInt(current.nativeQuantityReleased) : parseInt(current.nativeQuantityPaid) * -1 return usdtAmount + acc }, 0) profitAndLoss['USDC'] = nativeToUi( totalNativeUSDC, mangoGroup.mintDecimals[assetIndex['USDC']] ) let total = 0 for (const assetName in profitAndLoss) { total = total + profitAndLoss[assetName] * prices[assetIndex[assetName]] } return total.toFixed(2) } export default function MarginInfo() { const connection = useMangoStore((s) => s.connection.current) const connected = useMangoStore((s) => s.wallet.connected) const selectedMarginAccount = useMangoStore( (s) => s.selectedMarginAccount.current ) const selectedMangoGroup = useMangoStore((s) => s.selectedMangoGroup.current) const tradeHistory = useTradeHistory() const tradeHistoryLength = useMemo(() => tradeHistory.length, [tradeHistory]) const [mAccountInfo, setMAccountInfo] = useState< | { label: string value: string unit: string desc: string currency: string }[] | null >(null) const [openAlertModal, setOpenAlertModal] = useState(false) useEffect(() => { if (selectedMangoGroup) { selectedMangoGroup.getPrices(connection).then((prices) => { const collateralRatio = selectedMarginAccount ? selectedMarginAccount.getCollateralRatio( selectedMangoGroup, prices ) || 200 : 200 const accountEquity = selectedMarginAccount ? selectedMarginAccount.computeValue(selectedMangoGroup, prices) : 0 let leverage if (selectedMarginAccount) { leverage = accountEquity ? ( 1 / (selectedMarginAccount.getCollateralRatio( selectedMangoGroup, prices ) - 1) ).toFixed(2) : '0' } else { leverage = '0' } setMAccountInfo([ { label: 'Equity', value: accountEquity.toFixed(2), unit: '', currency: '$', desc: 'The value of the account', }, { label: 'Leverage', value: leverage, unit: 'x', currency: '', desc: 'Total position size divided by account value', }, { label: 'Total PNL', value: calculatePNL(tradeHistory, prices, selectedMangoGroup), unit: '', currency: '$', desc: 'Total PNL reflects trades placed after March 15th 2021 04:00 AM UTC. Visit the Learn link in the top menu for more information.', }, { // TODO: Get collaterization ratio label: 'Collateral Ratio', value: collateralRatio > 2 ? '>200' : (100 * collateralRatio).toFixed(0), unit: '%', currency: '', desc: 'The current collateral ratio', }, { label: 'Maint. Collateral Ratio', value: (selectedMangoGroup.maintCollRatio * 100).toFixed(0), unit: '%', currency: '', desc: 'The collateral ratio you must maintain to not get liquidated', }, { label: 'Initial Collateral Ratio', value: (selectedMangoGroup.initCollRatio * 100).toFixed(0), currency: '', unit: '%', desc: 'The collateral ratio required to open a new margin position', }, ]) }) } }, [selectedMarginAccount, selectedMangoGroup, tradeHistoryLength]) return ( <> {mAccountInfo ?, i) => (
{entry.currency + entry.value} {entry.unit}
)) : null} {openAlertModal ? ( setOpenAlertModal(false)} marginAccount={selectedMarginAccount} /> ) : null}
) }