(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ [49], { '/KDZ': function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'a', function () { return i; }); var n = o('mrSG'), r = o('q1tI'), i = (function (e) { function t(t) { var o = e.call(this, t) || this; return ( (o._handleChange = function () { o.forceUpdate(); }), (o.state = { query: window.matchMedia(o.props.rule) }), o ); } return ( Object(n.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { this._subscribe(this.state.query); }), (t.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (e, t) { this.state.query !== t.query && (this._unsubscribe(t.query), this._subscribe(this.state.query)); }), (t.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { this._unsubscribe(this.state.query); }), (t.prototype.render = function () { return this.props.children(this.state.query.matches); }), (t.getDerivedStateFromProps = function (e, t) { return e.rule !== t.query.media ? { query: window.matchMedia(e.rule) } : null; }), (t.prototype._subscribe = function (e) { e.addListener(this._handleChange); }), (t.prototype._unsubscribe = function (e) { e.removeListener(this._handleChange); }), t ); })(r.PureComponent); }, '1TxM': function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'c', function () { return s; }), o.d(t, 'a', function () { return l; }), o.d(t, 'b', function () { return u; }); var n = o('q1tI'), r = o.n(n), i = o('17x9'), a = o.n(i), c = r.a.createContext({}); function s(e, t) { a.a.checkPropTypes(t, e, 'context', 'RegistryContext'); } function l(e) { var t = e.validation, o = e.value; return s(o, t), r.a.createElement(c.Provider, { value: o }, e.children); } function u() { return c; } }, '5YsI': function (e, t, o) { e.exports = { button: 'button-13wlLwhJ', hover: 'hover-3L87f6Kw', arrow: 'arrow-2pXEy7ej', arrowWrap: 'arrowWrap-r5l5nQXU', isOpened: 'isOpened-1939ai3F', }; }, '6KyJ': function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), o('mrSG').__exportStar(o('COH4'), t); }, '82wv': function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'a', function () { return v; }); var n = o('mrSG'), r = o('q1tI'), i = o('TSYQ'), a = o('9dlw'), c = o('ML8+'), s = o('QpNh'), l = o('mkWe'), u = o('Sn4D'), d = o('Iksw'), p = o('5YsI'), v = (function (e) { function t(t) { var o = e.call(this, t) || this; return ( (o._wrapperRef = null), (o._controller = r.createRef()), (o._handleWrapperRef = function (e) { (o._wrapperRef = e), o.props.reference && o.props.reference(e); }), (o._handleClick = function (e) { e.target instanceof Node && e.currentTarget.contains(e.target) && (o._handleToggleDropdown(), o.props.onClick && o.props.onClick(e, !o.state.isOpened)); }), (o._handleToggleDropdown = function (e) { var t = o.props, n = t.onClose, r = t.onOpen, i = o.state.isOpened, a = 'boolean' == typeof e ? e : !i; o.setState({ isOpened: a }), a && r && r(), !a && n && n(); }), (o._handleClose = function () { o.close(); }), (o.state = { isOpened: !1 }), o ); } return ( Object(n.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e, t = this.props, o = t.id, p = t.arrow, v = t.children, f = t.content, m = t.isDisabled, h = t.isDrawer, b = t.drawerPosition, g = void 0 === b ? 'Bottom' : b, w = t.isShowTooltip, O = t.minWidth, y = t.title, _ = t.className, E = t.menuClassName, C = t.hotKey, D = t.theme, S = this.state.isOpened, N = i( _, D.button, (((e = {})['apply-common-tooltip'] = w || !m), (e[D.isDisabled] = m), (e[D.isOpened] = S), e), ), T = S && h && g, x = { horizontalMargin: this.props.horizontalMargin || 0, verticalMargin: this.props.verticalMargin || 2, verticalAttachEdge: this.props.verticalAttachEdge, horizontalAttachEdge: this.props.horizontalAttachEdge, verticalDropDirection: this.props.verticalDropDirection, horizontalDropDirection: this.props.horizontalDropDirection, }; return r.createElement( 'div', Object(n.__assign)( { id: o, className: N, onClick: m ? void 0 : this._handleClick, title: y, 'data-tooltip-hotkey': C, ref: this._handleWrapperRef, 'data-role': 'button', }, Object(s.a)(this.props), ), f, p && r.createElement( 'div', { className: D.arrow }, r.createElement( 'div', { className: D.arrowWrap }, r.createElement(c.a, { dropped: S }), ), ), T ? r.createElement( l.b, null, r.createElement( u.a, { onClose: this._handleClose, position: g }, v, ), ) : r.createElement( a.a, { controller: this._controller, closeOnClickOutside: this.props.closeOnClickOutside, doNotCloseOn: this, isOpened: S, minWidth: O, onClose: this._handleClose, position: Object(d.c)(this._wrapperRef, x), className: E, }, v, ), ); }), (t.prototype.close = function () { this._handleToggleDropdown(!1); }), (t.prototype.update = function () { null !== this._controller.current && this._controller.current.update(); }), (t.defaultProps = { arrow: !0, closeOnClickOutside: !0, theme: p }), t ); })(r.PureComponent); }, '9dlw': function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'a', function () { return p; }); var n = o('mrSG'), r = o('q1tI'), i = o.n(r), a = o('i8i4'), c = o.n(a), s = (o('bf9a'), o('AiMB')), l = o('DTHj'), u = o('X0gx'), d = o('8Rai'); function p(e) { var t = e.controller, o = e.children, a = e.isOpened, p = e.closeOnClickOutside, v = void 0 === p || p, f = e.doNotCloseOn, m = e.onClickOutside, h = e.onClose, b = Object(n.__rest)(e, [ 'controller', 'children', 'isOpened', 'closeOnClickOutside', 'doNotCloseOn', 'onClickOutside', 'onClose', ]), g = Object(r.useContext)(u.a), w = Object(d.a)({ handler: function (e) { m && m(e); if (!v) return; if (f && e.target instanceof Node) { var t = c.a.findDOMNode(f); if (t instanceof Node && t.contains(e.target)) return; } h(); }, mouseDown: !0, touchStart: !0, }); return a ? i.a.createElement( s.a, { top: '0', left: '0', right: '0', bottom: '0', pointerEvents: 'none', }, i.a.createElement( 'span', { ref: w, style: { pointerEvents: 'auto' } }, i.a.createElement( l.a, Object(n.__assign)({}, b, { isOpened: a, onClose: h, onScroll: function (t) { var o = e.onScroll; o && o(t); t.stopPropagation(); }, customCloseDelegate: g, ref: t, }), o, ), ), ) : null; } }, COH4: function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var n, r = o('mrSG'), i = o('q1tI'), a = o('TSYQ'), c = o('K9GE'), s = o('YZ9j'); o('O7m7'), (function (e) { (e[(e.Initial = 0)] = 'Initial'), (e[(e.Appear = 1)] = 'Appear'), (e[(e.Active = 2)] = 'Active'); })(n || (n = {})); var l = (function (e) { function t(t) { var o = e.call(this, t) || this; return ( (o._stateChangeTimeout = null), (o.state = { state: n.Initial }), o ); } return ( r.__extends(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e, t = this.props, o = t.className, n = t.color, r = void 0 === n ? 'black' : n, c = a(s.item, (((e = {})[s[r]] = Boolean(r)), e)); return i.createElement( 'span', { className: a(s.loader, o, this._getStateClass()) }, i.createElement('span', { className: c }), i.createElement('span', { className: c }), i.createElement('span', { className: c }), ); }), (t.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { var e = this; this.setState({ state: n.Appear }), (this._stateChangeTimeout = setTimeout(function () { e.setState({ state: n.Active }); }, 2 * c.dur)); }), (t.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { this._stateChangeTimeout && (clearTimeout(this._stateChangeTimeout), (this._stateChangeTimeout = null)); }), (t.prototype._getStateClass = function () { switch (this.state.state) { case n.Initial: return s['loader-initial']; case n.Appear: return s['loader-appear']; default: return ''; } }), t ); })(i.PureComponent); t.Loader = l; }, Iivm: function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), o('mrSG').__exportStar(o('swCq'), t); }, Iksw: function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'a', function () { return n; }), o.d(t, 'b', function () { return i; }), o.d(t, 'c', function () { return l; }); var n, r, i, a, c = o('Eyy1'); !(function (e) { (e[(e.Top = 0)] = 'Top'), (e[(e.Bottom = 1)] = 'Bottom'); })(n || (n = {})), (function (e) { (e[(e.Left = 0)] = 'Left'), (e[(e.Right = 1)] = 'Right'); })(r || (r = {})), (function (e) { (e[(e.FromTopToBottom = 0)] = 'FromTopToBottom'), (e[(e.FromBottomToTop = 1)] = 'FromBottomToTop'); })(i || (i = {})), (function (e) { (e[(e.FromLeftToRight = 0)] = 'FromLeftToRight'), (e[(e.FromRightToLeft = 1)] = 'FromRightToLeft'); })(a || (a = {})); var s = { verticalAttachEdge: n.Bottom, horizontalAttachEdge: r.Left, verticalDropDirection: i.FromTopToBottom, horizontalDropDirection: a.FromLeftToRight, verticalMargin: 0, horizontalMargin: 0, }; function l(e, t) { return function (o, l) { var u = Object(c.ensureNotNull)(e).getBoundingClientRect(), d = t.verticalAttachEdge, p = void 0 === d ? s.verticalAttachEdge : d, v = t.verticalDropDirection, f = void 0 === v ? s.verticalDropDirection : v, m = t.horizontalAttachEdge, h = void 0 === m ? s.horizontalAttachEdge : m, b = t.horizontalDropDirection, g = void 0 === b ? s.horizontalDropDirection : b, w = t.horizontalMargin, O = void 0 === w ? s.horizontalMargin : w, y = t.verticalMargin, _ = void 0 === y ? s.verticalMargin : y, E = p === n.Top ? -1 * _ : _, C = h === r.Right ? u.right : u.left, D = p === n.Top ? u.top : u.bottom; return { x: C - (g === a.FromRightToLeft ? o : 0) + O, y: D - (f === i.FromBottomToTop ? l : 0) + E, }; }; } }, KKsp: function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'a', function () { return c; }); var n = o('q1tI'), r = o('TSYQ'), i = o.n(r), a = o('NOPy'); function c(e) { var t = e.size, o = void 0 === t ? 'normal' : t, r = e.className; return n.createElement('div', { className: i()( a.separator, 'small' === o && a.small, 'normal' === o && a.normal, 'large' === o && a.large, r, ), }); } }, 'ML8+': function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'a', function () { return s; }); var n = o('q1tI'), r = o('TSYQ'), i = o('Iivm'), a = o('cvzQ'), c = o('R4+T'); function s(e) { var t, o = e.dropped, s = e.className; return n.createElement(i.Icon, { className: r(s, a.icon, ((t = {}), (t[a.dropped] = o), t)), icon: c, }); } }, N5tr: function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'a', function () { return d; }), o.d(t, 'b', function () { return f; }); var n = o('mrSG'), r = o('q1tI'), i = o.n(r), a = o('TSYQ'), c = o('tWVy'), s = o('PC8g'), l = o('QpNh'), u = o('v1bN'), d = u; function p(e) { var t = e.reference, o = Object(n.__rest)(e, ['reference']), r = Object(n.__assign)(Object(n.__assign)({}, o), { ref: t }); return i.a.createElement(e.href ? 'a' : 'div', r); } function v(e) { e.stopPropagation(); } function f(e) { var t, o, d, f = e.className, m = e.title, h = e.labelRowClassName, b = e.shortcut, g = e.forceShowShortcuts, w = e.icon, O = e.isActive, y = e.isDisabled, _ = e.isHovered, E = e.appearAsDisabled, C = e.label, D = e.link, S = e.showToolboxOnHover, N = e.target, T = e.toolbox, x = e.reference, j = e.onMouseOut, k = e.onMouseOver, I = e.theme, M = void 0 === I ? u : I, B = Object(l.a)(e), A = Object(r.useRef)(null); return i.a.createElement( p, Object(n.__assign)({}, B, { className: a( f, M.item, w && M.withIcon, ((t = {}), (t[M.isActive] = O), (t[M.isDisabled] = y || E), (t[M.hovered] = _), t), ), title: m, href: D, target: N, reference: function (e) { (A.current = e), x && x(e); }, onClick: function (t) { var o = e.dontClosePopup, n = e.onClick, r = e.onClickArg, i = e.trackEventObject; if (y) return; i && Object(s.trackEvent)(i.category, i.event, i.label); n && n(r, t); o || Object(c.b)(); }, onContextMenu: function (t) { var o = e.trackEventObject, n = e.trackRightClick; o && n && Object(s.trackEvent)( o.category, o.event, o.label + '_rightClick', ); }, onMouseUp: function (t) { var o = e.trackEventObject, n = e.trackMouseWheelClick; if (1 === t.button && D && o) { var r = o.label; n && (r += '_mouseWheelClick'), Object(s.trackEvent)(o.category, o.event, r); } }, onMouseOver: k, onMouseOut: j, }), void 0 !== w && i.a.createElement('div', { className: M.icon, dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: w }, }), i.a.createElement( 'div', { className: a(M.labelRow, h) }, i.a.createElement('div', { className: M.label }, C), ), (void 0 !== b || g) && i.a.createElement( 'div', { className: M.shortcut }, (d = b) && d.split('+').join(' + '), ), void 0 !== T && i.a.createElement( 'div', { onClick: v, className: a(M.toolbox, ((o = {}), (o[M.showOnHover] = S), o)), }, T, ), ); } }, NOPy: function (e, t, o) { e.exports = { separator: 'separator-25lkUpN-', small: 'small-1IE19htj', normal: 'normal-2jX5NqMI', large: 'large-3vmbMIE7', }; }, O7m7: function (e, t, o) {}, 'R4+T': function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, Sn4D: function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'a', function () { return f; }); var n = o('q1tI'), r = o.n(n), i = o('Eyy1'), a = o('TSYQ'), c = o('x0D+'), s = o('33OQ'), l = o('AiMB'), u = o('mkWe'), d = o('qFKp'), p = o('tWVy'), v = o('sHQ4'); function f(e) { var t = e.position, o = e.onClose, f = e.children, m = e.className, h = Object(i.ensureNotNull)(Object(n.useContext)(u.a)), b = Object(n.useState)(0), g = b[0], w = b[1], O = Object(n.useRef)(null); return ( Object(n.useEffect)(function () { var e; return ( null === (e = O.current) || void 0 === e || e.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }), p.a.subscribe(h, o), Object(s.setFixedBodyState)(!0), d.CheckMobile.iOS() && Object(c.disableBodyScroll)(Object(i.ensureNotNull)(O.current)), w(h.addDrawer()), function () { p.a.unsubscribe(h, o); var e = h.removeDrawer(); d.CheckMobile.iOS() && Object(c.enableBodyScroll)( Object(i.ensureNotNull)(O.current), ), 0 === e && Object(s.setFixedBodyState)(!1); } ); }, []), r.a.createElement( l.a, null, r.a.createElement( 'div', { className: a(v.wrap, v['position' + t]) }, g === h.currentDrawer && r.a.createElement('div', { className: v.backdrop, onClick: o }), r.a.createElement( 'div', { className: a(v.drawer, v['position' + t], m), ref: function (e) { O.current = e; }, tabIndex: -1, }, f, ), ), ) ); } }, X0gx: function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'a', function () { return a; }); var n = o('q1tI'), r = o.n(n), i = o('tWVy'), a = r.a.createContext(i.a); }, YZ9j: function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( '{"loader":"loader-8x1ZxRwP","item":"item-2-89r_cd","tv-button-loader":"tv-button-loader-23vqS1uY","black":"black-20Ytsf0V","white":"white-1ucCcc2I","gray":"gray-XDhHSS-T","loader-initial":"loader-initial-1deQDeio","loader-appear":"loader-appear-2krFtMrd"}', ); }, bQ7Y: function (e, t, o) { e.exports = { button: 'button-2ioYhFEY', hover: 'hover-yHQNmTbI', isInteractive: 'isInteractive-20uLObIc', isGrouped: 'isGrouped-2BBXQnbO', isActive: 'isActive-22S-lGpa', isOpened: 'isOpened-p-Ume5l9', isDisabled: 'isDisabled-1_tmrLfP', text: 'text-1sK7vbvh', icon: 'icon-beK_KS0k', }; }, cvzQ: function (e, t, o) { e.exports = { icon: 'icon-3yfDkFjY', dropped: 'dropped-50rfOQ8V' }; }, mkWe: function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'b', function () { return a; }), o.d(t, 'a', function () { return c; }); var n = o('mrSG'), r = o('q1tI'), i = o.n(r), a = (function (e) { function t(t) { var o = e.call(this, t) || this; return ( (o._addDrawer = function () { var e = o.state.currentDrawer + 1; return o.setState({ currentDrawer: e }), e; }), (o._removeDrawer = function () { var e = o.state.currentDrawer - 1; return o.setState({ currentDrawer: e }), e; }), (o.state = { currentDrawer: 0 }), o ); } return ( Object(n.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { return i.a.createElement( c.Provider, { value: { addDrawer: this._addDrawer, removeDrawer: this._removeDrawer, currentDrawer: this.state.currentDrawer, }, }, this.props.children, ); }), t ); })(i.a.PureComponent), c = i.a.createContext(null); }, nPPD: function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; function n(e, t, o) { void 0 === o && (o = {}); for ( var n = Object.assign({}, t), r = 0, i = Object.keys(t); r < i.length; r++ ) { var a = i[r], c = o[a] || a; c in e && (n[a] = [e[c], t[a]].join(' ')); } return n; } function r(e, t, o) { return void 0 === o && (o = {}), Object.assign({}, e, n(e, t, o)); } o.d(t, 'b', function () { return n; }), o.d(t, 'a', function () { return r; }); }, sHQ4: function (e, t, o) { e.exports = { wrap: 'wrap-3vvdSnDX', backdrop: 'backdrop-1knaw_yl', positionBottom: 'positionBottom-3zJf6Byh', drawer: 'drawer-1_nJUEiM', positionLeft: 'positionLeft-2wxVhi9G', }; }, swCq: function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var n = o('mrSG'), r = o('q1tI'); t.Icon = r.forwardRef(function (e, t) { var o = e.icon, i = void 0 === o ? '' : o, a = n.__rest(e, ['icon']); return r.createElement( 'span', n.__assign({}, a, { ref: t, dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: i } }), ); }); }, tU7i: function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'a', function () { return s; }), o.d(t, 'b', function () { return l; }); var n = o('mrSG'), r = o('q1tI'), i = o('TSYQ'), a = o('Iivm'), c = o('bQ7Y'), s = c, l = r.forwardRef(function (e, t) { var o, s = e.icon, l = e.isActive, u = e.isOpened, d = e.isDisabled, p = e.isGrouped, v = e.isHovered, f = e.onClick, m = e.text, h = e.textBeforeIcon, b = e.title, g = e.theme, w = void 0 === g ? c : g, O = e.className, y = e.forceInteractive, _ = Object(n.__rest)(e, [ 'icon', 'isActive', 'isOpened', 'isDisabled', 'isGrouped', 'isHovered', 'onClick', 'text', 'textBeforeIcon', 'title', 'theme', 'className', 'forceInteractive', ]), E = i( O, w.button, b && 'apply-common-tooltip', (((o = {})[w.isActive] = l), (o[w.isOpened] = u), (o[w.isInteractive] = (y || Boolean(f)) && !d), (o[w.isDisabled] = d), (o[w.isGrouped] = p), (o[w.hover] = v), o), ), C = s && ('string' == typeof s ? r.createElement(a.Icon, { className: w.icon, icon: s }) : r.cloneElement(s, { className: i(w.icon, s.props.className), })); return r.createElement( 'div', Object(n.__assign)({}, _, { ref: t, 'data-role': 'button', className: E, onClick: d ? void 0 : f, title: b, }), h && m && r.createElement( 'div', { className: i('js-button-text', w.text) }, m, ), C, !h && m && r.createElement( 'div', { className: i('js-button-text', w.text) }, m, ), ); }); }, v1bN: function (e, t, o) { e.exports = { 'tablet-small-breakpoint': 'screen and (max-width: 419px)', item: 'item-2xPVYue0', hovered: 'hovered-1uf45E05', isDisabled: 'isDisabled-1wLqKupj', isActive: 'isActive-2j-GhQs_', shortcut: 'shortcut-30pveiCO', toolbox: 'toolbox-3ulPxfe-', withIcon: 'withIcon-1xBjf-oB', icon: 'icon-2Qm7YIcz', labelRow: 'labelRow-3Q0rdE8-', label: 'label-3Xqxy756', showOnHover: 'showOnHover-1q6ySzZc', }; }, 'x0D+': function (e, t, o) { var n, r, i; (r = [t]), void 0 === (i = 'function' == typeof (n = function (e) { 'use strict'; function t(e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) { for (var t = 0, o = Array(e.length); t < e.length; t++) o[t] = e[t]; return o; } return Array.from(e); } Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var o = !1; if ('undefined' != typeof window) { var n = { get passive() { o = !0; }, }; window.addEventListener('testPassive', null, n), window.removeEventListener('testPassive', null, n); } var r = 'undefined' != typeof window && window.navigator && window.navigator.platform && /iP(ad|hone|od)/.test(window.navigator.platform), i = [], a = !1, c = -1, s = void 0, l = void 0, u = function (e) { return i.some(function (t) { return !( !t.options.allowTouchMove || !t.options.allowTouchMove(e) ); }); }, d = function (e) { var t = e || window.event; return ( !!u(t.target) || 1 < t.touches.length || (t.preventDefault && t.preventDefault(), !1) ); }, p = function () { setTimeout(function () { void 0 !== l && ((document.body.style.paddingRight = l), (l = void 0)), void 0 !== s && ((document.body.style.overflow = s), (s = void 0)); }); }; (e.disableBodyScroll = function (e, n) { if (r) { if (!e) return void console.error( 'disableBodyScroll unsuccessful - targetElement must be provided when calling disableBodyScroll on IOS devices.', ); if ( e && !i.some(function (t) { return t.targetElement === e; }) ) { var p = { targetElement: e, options: n || {} }; (i = [].concat(t(i), [p])), (e.ontouchstart = function (e) { 1 === e.targetTouches.length && (c = e.targetTouches[0].clientY); }), (e.ontouchmove = function (t) { var o, n, r, i; 1 === t.targetTouches.length && ((n = e), (i = (o = t).targetTouches[0].clientY - c), !u(o.target) && ((n && 0 === n.scrollTop && 0 < i) || ((r = n) && r.scrollHeight - r.scrollTop <= r.clientHeight && i < 0) ? d(o) : o.stopPropagation())); }), a || (document.addEventListener( 'touchmove', d, o ? { passive: !1 } : void 0, ), (a = !0)); } } else { (f = n), setTimeout(function () { if (void 0 === l) { var e = !!f && !0 === f.reserveScrollBarGap, t = window.innerWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth; e && 0 < t && ((l = document.body.style.paddingRight), (document.body.style.paddingRight = t + 'px')); } void 0 === s && ((s = document.body.style.overflow), (document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden')); }); var v = { targetElement: e, options: n || {} }; i = [].concat(t(i), [v]); } var f; }), (e.clearAllBodyScrollLocks = function () { r ? 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