(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ ['lazy-velocity'], { WJ2Z: function (e, t, r) { var a, i; !(function (e) { 'use strict'; if (!e.jQuery) { var t = function (e, r) { return new t.fn.init(e, r); }; (t.isWindow = function (e) { return e && e === e.window; }), (t.type = function (e) { return e ? 'object' == typeof e || 'function' == typeof e ? a[n.call(e)] || 'object' : typeof e : e + ''; }), (t.isArray = Array.isArray || function (e) { return 'array' === t.type(e); }), (t.isPlainObject = function (e) { var r; if (!e || 'object' !== t.type(e) || e.nodeType || t.isWindow(e)) return !1; try { if ( e.constructor && !i.call(e, 'constructor') && !i.call(e.constructor.prototype, 'isPrototypeOf') ) return !1; } catch (a) { return !1; } for (r in e); return void 0 === r || i.call(e, r); }), (t.each = function (e, t, r) { var a = 0, i = e.length, n = l(e); if (r) { if (n) for (; a < i && !1 !== t.apply(e[a], r); a++); else for (a in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty(a) && !1 === t.apply(e[a], r)) break; } else if (n) for (; a < i && !1 !== t.call(e[a], a, e[a]); a++); else for (a in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty(a) && !1 === t.call(e[a], a, e[a])) break; return e; }), (t.data = function (e, a, i) { if (void 0 === i) { var n = e[t.expando], o = n && r[n]; if (void 0 === a) return o; if (o && a in o) return o[a]; } else if (void 0 !== a) { var s = e[t.expando] || (e[t.expando] = ++t.uuid); return (r[s] = r[s] || {}), (r[s][a] = i), i; } }), (t.removeData = function (e, a) { var i = e[t.expando], n = i && r[i]; n && (a ? t.each(a, function (e, t) { delete n[t]; }) : delete r[i]); }), (t.extend = function () { var e, r, a, i, n, o, s = arguments[0] || {}, l = 1, u = arguments.length, c = !1; for ( 'boolean' == typeof s && ((c = s), (s = arguments[l] || {}), l++), 'object' != typeof s && 'function' !== t.type(s) && (s = {}), l === u && ((s = this), l--); l < u; l++ ) if ((n = arguments[l])) for (i in n) n.hasOwnProperty(i) && ((e = s[i]), s !== (a = n[i]) && (c && a && (t.isPlainObject(a) || (r = t.isArray(a))) ? (r ? ((r = !1), (o = e && t.isArray(e) ? e : [])) : (o = e && t.isPlainObject(e) ? e : {}), (s[i] = t.extend(c, o, a))) : void 0 !== a && (s[i] = a))); return s; }), (t.queue = function (e, r, a) { if (e) { r = (r || 'fx') + 'queue'; var i, n, o, s = t.data(e, r); return a ? (!s || t.isArray(a) ? (s = t.data( e, r, ((o = n || []), (i = a) && (l(Object(i)) ? (function (e, t) { for ( var r = +t.length, a = 0, i = e.length; a < r; ) e[i++] = t[a++]; if (r != r) for (; void 0 !== t[a]; ) e[i++] = t[a++]; e.length = i; })(o, 'string' == typeof i ? [i] : i) : [].push.call(o, i)), o), )) : s.push(a), s) : s || []; } }), (t.dequeue = function (e, r) { t.each(e.nodeType ? [e] : e, function (e, a) { r = r || 'fx'; var i = t.queue(a, r), n = i.shift(); 'inprogress' === n && (n = i.shift()), n && ('fx' === r && i.unshift('inprogress'), n.call(a, function () { t.dequeue(a, r); })); }); }), (t.fn = t.prototype = { init: function (e) { if (e.nodeType) return (this[0] = e), this; throw new Error('Not a DOM node.'); }, offset: function () { var t = this[0].getBoundingClientRect ? this[0].getBoundingClientRect() : { top: 0, left: 0 }; return { top: t.top + (e.pageYOffset || document.scrollTop || 0) - (document.clientTop || 0), left: t.left + (e.pageXOffset || document.scrollLeft || 0) - (document.clientLeft || 0), }; }, position: function () { var e = this[0], r = (function (e) { for ( var t = e.offsetParent; t && 'html' !== t.nodeName.toLowerCase() && t.style && 'static' === t.style.position; ) t = t.offsetParent; return t || document; })(e), a = this.offset(), i = /^(?:body|html)$/i.test(r.nodeName) ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : t(r).offset(); return ( (a.top -= parseFloat(e.style.marginTop) || 0), (a.left -= parseFloat(e.style.marginLeft) || 0), r.style && ((i.top += parseFloat(r.style.borderTopWidth) || 0), (i.left += parseFloat(r.style.borderLeftWidth) || 0)), { top: a.top - i.top, left: a.left - i.left } ); }, }); var r = {}; (t.expando = 'velocity' + new Date().getTime()), (t.uuid = 0); for ( var a = {}, i = a.hasOwnProperty, n = a.toString, o = 'Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error'.split( ' ', ), s = 0; s < o.length; s++ ) a['[object ' + o[s] + ']'] = o[s].toLowerCase(); (t.fn.init.prototype = t.fn), (e.Velocity = { Utilities: t }); } function l(e) { var r = e.length, a = t.type(e); return ( 'function' !== a && !t.isWindow(e) && (!(1 !== e.nodeType || !r) || 'array' === a || 0 === r || ('number' == typeof r && r > 0 && r - 1 in e)) ); } })(window), (function (n) { 'use strict'; 'object' == typeof e.exports ? (e.exports = n()) : void 0 === (i = 'function' == typeof (a = n) ? a.call(t, r, t, e) : a) || (e.exports = i); })(function () { 'use strict'; return (function (e, t, r, a) { var i, n = (function () { if (r.documentMode) return r.documentMode; for (var e = 7; e > 4; e--) { var t = r.createElement('div'); if ( ((t.innerHTML = '\x3c!--[if IE ' + e + ']>= 0 ? t : Math.max(0, a + t), s = (r < 0 ? a + r : Math.min(r, a)) - o; if (s > 0) if (((n = new Array(s)), this.charAt)) for (i = 0; i < s; i++) n[i] = this.charAt(o + i); else for (i = 0; i < s; i++) n[i] = this[o + i]; return n; }; } })(), u = function () { return Array.prototype.includes ? function (e, t) { return e.includes(t); } : Array.prototype.indexOf ? function (e, t) { return e.indexOf(t) >= 0; } : function (e, t) { for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) if (e[r] === t) return !0; return !1; }; }; function c(e) { return ( p.isWrapped(e) ? (e = l.call(e)) : p.isNode(e) && (e = [e]), e ); } var d, p = { isNumber: function (e) { return 'number' == typeof e; }, isString: function (e) { return 'string' == typeof e; }, isArray: Array.isArray || function (e) { return ( '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(e) ); }, isFunction: function (e) { return ( '[object Function]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(e) ); }, isNode: function (e) { return e && e.nodeType; }, isWrapped: function (e) { return ( e && e !== t && p.isNumber(e.length) && !p.isString(e) && !p.isFunction(e) && !p.isNode(e) && (0 === e.length || p.isNode(e[0])) ); }, isSVG: function (e) { return t.SVGElement && e instanceof t.SVGElement; }, isEmptyObject: function (e) { for (var t in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty(t)) return !1; return !0; }, }, f = !1; if ( (e.fn && e.fn.jquery ? ((d = e), (f = !0)) : (d = t.Velocity.Utilities), n <= 8 && !f) ) throw new Error( 'Velocity: IE8 and below require jQuery to be loaded before Velocity.', ); if (!(n <= 7)) { var g = { State: { isMobile: /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test( navigator.userAgent, ), isAndroid: /Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent), isGingerbread: /Android 2\.3\.[3-7]/i.test( navigator.userAgent, ), isChrome: t.chrome, isFirefox: /Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent), prefixElement: r.createElement('div'), prefixMatches: {}, scrollAnchor: null, scrollPropertyLeft: null, scrollPropertyTop: null, isTicking: !1, calls: [], delayedElements: { count: 0 }, }, CSS: {}, Utilities: d, Redirects: {}, Easings: {}, Promise: t.Promise, defaults: { queue: '', duration: 400, easing: 'swing', begin: void 0, complete: void 0, progress: void 0, display: void 0, visibility: void 0, loop: !1, delay: !1, mobileHA: !0, _cacheValues: !0, promiseRejectEmpty: !0, }, init: function (e) { d.data(e, 'velocity', { isSVG: p.isSVG(e), isAnimating: !1, computedStyle: null, tweensContainer: null, rootPropertyValueCache: {}, transformCache: {}, }); }, hook: null, mock: !1, version: { major: 1, minor: 5, patch: 0 }, debug: !1, timestamp: !0, pauseAll: function (e) { var t = new Date().getTime(); d.each(g.State.calls, function (t, r) { if (r) { if ( void 0 !== e && (r[2].queue !== e || !1 === r[2].queue) ) return !0; r[5] = { resume: !1 }; } }), d.each(g.State.delayedElements, function (e, r) { r && w(r, t); }); }, resumeAll: function (e) { var t = new Date().getTime(); d.each(g.State.calls, function (t, r) { if (r) { if ( void 0 !== e && (r[2].queue !== e || !1 === r[2].queue) ) return !0; r[5] && (r[5].resume = !0); } }), d.each(g.State.delayedElements, function (e, r) { r && S(r, t); }); }, }; void 0 !== t.pageYOffset ? ((g.State.scrollAnchor = t), (g.State.scrollPropertyLeft = 'pageXOffset'), (g.State.scrollPropertyTop = 'pageYOffset')) : ((g.State.scrollAnchor = r.documentElement || r.body.parentNode || r.body), (g.State.scrollPropertyLeft = 'scrollLeft'), (g.State.scrollPropertyTop = 'scrollTop')); var m = (function () { function e(e) { return -e.tension * e.x - e.friction * e.v; } function t(t, r, a) { var i = { x: t.x + a.dx * r, v: t.v + a.dv * r, tension: t.tension, friction: t.friction, }; return { dx: i.v, dv: e(i) }; } function r(r, a) { var i = { dx: r.v, dv: e(r) }, n = t(r, 0.5 * a, i), o = t(r, 0.5 * a, n), s = t(r, a, o), l = (1 / 6) * (i.dx + 2 * (n.dx + o.dx) + s.dx), u = (1 / 6) * (i.dv + 2 * (n.dv + o.dv) + s.dv); return (r.x = r.x + l * a), (r.v = r.v + u * a), r; } return function e(t, a, i) { var n, o, s, l = { x: -1, v: 0, tension: null, friction: null }, u = [0], c = 0; for ( t = parseFloat(t) || 500, a = parseFloat(a) || 20, i = i || null, l.tension = t, l.friction = a, o = (n = null !== i) ? ((c = e(t, a)) / i) * 0.016 : 0.016; (s = r(s || l, o)), u.push(1 + s.x), (c += 16), Math.abs(s.x) > 1e-4 && Math.abs(s.v) > 1e-4; ); return n ? function (e) { return u[(e * (u.length - 1)) | 0]; } : c; }; })(); (g.Easings = { linear: function (e) { return e; }, swing: function (e) { return 0.5 - Math.cos(e * Math.PI) / 2; }, spring: function (e) { return 1 - Math.cos(4.5 * e * Math.PI) * Math.exp(6 * -e); }, }), d.each( [ ['ease', [0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1]], ['ease-in', [0.42, 0, 1, 1]], ['ease-out', [0, 0, 0.58, 1]], ['ease-in-out', [0.42, 0, 0.58, 1]], ['easeInSine', [0.47, 0, 0.745, 0.715]], ['easeOutSine', [0.39, 0.575, 0.565, 1]], ['easeInOutSine', [0.445, 0.05, 0.55, 0.95]], ['easeInQuad', [0.55, 0.085, 0.68, 0.53]], ['easeOutQuad', [0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94]], ['easeInOutQuad', [0.455, 0.03, 0.515, 0.955]], ['easeInCubic', [0.55, 0.055, 0.675, 0.19]], ['easeOutCubic', [0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1]], ['easeInOutCubic', [0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1]], ['easeInQuart', [0.895, 0.03, 0.685, 0.22]], ['easeOutQuart', [0.165, 0.84, 0.44, 1]], ['easeInOutQuart', [0.77, 0, 0.175, 1]], ['easeInQuint', [0.755, 0.05, 0.855, 0.06]], ['easeOutQuint', [0.23, 1, 0.32, 1]], ['easeInOutQuint', [0.86, 0, 0.07, 1]], ['easeInExpo', [0.95, 0.05, 0.795, 0.035]], ['easeOutExpo', [0.19, 1, 0.22, 1]], ['easeInOutExpo', [1, 0, 0, 1]], ['easeInCirc', [0.6, 0.04, 0.98, 0.335]], ['easeOutCirc', [0.075, 0.82, 0.165, 1]], ['easeInOutCirc', [0.785, 0.135, 0.15, 0.86]], ], function (e, t) { g.Easings[t[0]] = k.apply(null, t[1]); }, ); var h = (g.CSS = { RegEx: { isHex: /^#([A-f\d]{3}){1,2}$/i, valueUnwrap: /^[A-z]+\((.*)\)$/i, wrappedValueAlreadyExtracted: /[0-9.]+ [0-9.]+ [0-9.]+( [0-9.]+)?/, valueSplit: /([A-z]+\(.+\))|(([A-z0-9#-.]+?)(?=\s|$))/gi, }, Lists: { colors: [ 'fill', 'stroke', 'stopColor', 'color', 'backgroundColor', 'borderColor', 'borderTopColor', 'borderRightColor', 'borderBottomColor', 'borderLeftColor', 'outlineColor', ], transformsBase: [ 'translateX', 'translateY', 'scale', 'scaleX', 'scaleY', 'skewX', 'skewY', 'rotateZ', ], transforms3D: [ 'transformPerspective', 'translateZ', 'scaleZ', 'rotateX', 'rotateY', ], units: [ '%', 'em', 'ex', 'ch', 'rem', 'vw', 'vh', 'vmin', 'vmax', 'cm', 'mm', 'Q', 'in', 'pc', 'pt', 'px', 'deg', 'grad', 'rad', 'turn', 's', 'ms', ], colorNames: { aliceblue: '240,248,255', antiquewhite: '250,235,215', aquamarine: '127,255,212', aqua: '0,255,255', azure: '240,255,255', beige: '245,245,220', bisque: '255,228,196', black: '0,0,0', blanchedalmond: '255,235,205', blueviolet: '138,43,226', blue: '0,0,255', brown: '165,42,42', burlywood: '222,184,135', cadetblue: '95,158,160', chartreuse: '127,255,0', chocolate: '210,105,30', coral: '255,127,80', cornflowerblue: '100,149,237', cornsilk: '255,248,220', crimson: '220,20,60', cyan: '0,255,255', darkblue: '0,0,139', darkcyan: '0,139,139', darkgoldenrod: '184,134,11', darkgray: '169,169,169', darkgrey: '169,169,169', darkgreen: '0,100,0', darkkhaki: '189,183,107', darkmagenta: '139,0,139', darkolivegreen: '85,107,47', darkorange: '255,140,0', darkorchid: '153,50,204', darkred: '139,0,0', darksalmon: '233,150,122', darkseagreen: '143,188,143', darkslateblue: '72,61,139', darkslategray: '47,79,79', darkturquoise: '0,206,209', darkviolet: '148,0,211', deeppink: '255,20,147', deepskyblue: '0,191,255', dimgray: '105,105,105', dimgrey: '105,105,105', dodgerblue: '30,144,255', firebrick: '178,34,34', floralwhite: '255,250,240', forestgreen: '34,139,34', fuchsia: '255,0,255', gainsboro: '220,220,220', ghostwhite: '248,248,255', gold: '255,215,0', goldenrod: '218,165,32', gray: '128,128,128', grey: '128,128,128', greenyellow: '173,255,47', green: '0,128,0', honeydew: '240,255,240', hotpink: '255,105,180', indianred: '205,92,92', indigo: '75,0,130', ivory: '255,255,240', khaki: '240,230,140', lavenderblush: '255,240,245', lavender: '230,230,250', lawngreen: '124,252,0', lemonchiffon: '255,250,205', lightblue: '173,216,230', lightcoral: '240,128,128', lightcyan: '224,255,255', lightgoldenrodyellow: '250,250,210', lightgray: '211,211,211', lightgrey: '211,211,211', lightgreen: '144,238,144', lightpink: '255,182,193', lightsalmon: '255,160,122', lightseagreen: '32,178,170', lightskyblue: '135,206,250', lightslategray: '119,136,153', lightsteelblue: '176,196,222', lightyellow: '255,255,224', limegreen: '50,205,50', lime: '0,255,0', linen: '250,240,230', magenta: '255,0,255', maroon: '128,0,0', mediumaquamarine: '102,205,170', mediumblue: '0,0,205', mediumorchid: '186,85,211', mediumpurple: '147,112,219', mediumseagreen: '60,179,113', mediumslateblue: '123,104,238', mediumspringgreen: '0,250,154', mediumturquoise: '72,209,204', mediumvioletred: '199,21,133', midnightblue: '25,25,112', mintcream: '245,255,250', mistyrose: '255,228,225', moccasin: '255,228,181', navajowhite: '255,222,173', navy: '0,0,128', oldlace: '253,245,230', olivedrab: '107,142,35', olive: '128,128,0', orangered: '255,69,0', orange: '255,165,0', orchid: '218,112,214', palegoldenrod: '238,232,170', palegreen: '152,251,152', paleturquoise: '175,238,238', palevioletred: '219,112,147', papayawhip: '255,239,213', peachpuff: '255,218,185', peru: '205,133,63', pink: '255,192,203', plum: '221,160,221', powderblue: '176,224,230', purple: '128,0,128', red: '255,0,0', rosybrown: '188,143,143', royalblue: '65,105,225', saddlebrown: '139,69,19', salmon: '250,128,114', sandybrown: '244,164,96', seagreen: '46,139,87', seashell: '255,245,238', sienna: '160,82,45', silver: '192,192,192', skyblue: '135,206,235', slateblue: '106,90,205', slategray: '112,128,144', snow: '255,250,250', springgreen: '0,255,127', steelblue: '70,130,180', tan: '210,180,140', teal: '0,128,128', thistle: '216,191,216', tomato: '255,99,71', turquoise: '64,224,208', violet: '238,130,238', wheat: '245,222,179', whitesmoke: '245,245,245', white: '255,255,255', yellowgreen: '154,205,50', yellow: '255,255,0', }, }, Hooks: { templates: { textShadow: ['Color X Y Blur', 'black 0px 0px 0px'], boxShadow: [ 'Color X Y Blur Spread', 'black 0px 0px 0px 0px', ], clip: ['Top Right Bottom Left', '0px 0px 0px 0px'], backgroundPosition: ['X Y', '0% 0%'], transformOrigin: ['X Y Z', '50% 50% 0px'], perspectiveOrigin: ['X Y', '50% 50%'], }, registered: {}, register: function () { for (var e = 0; e < h.Lists.colors.length; e++) { var t = 'color' === h.Lists.colors[e] ? '0 0 0 1' : '255 255 255 1'; h.Hooks.templates[h.Lists.colors[e]] = [ 'Red Green Blue Alpha', t, ]; } var r, a, i; if (n) for (r in h.Hooks.templates) if (h.Hooks.templates.hasOwnProperty(r)) { i = (a = h.Hooks.templates[r])[0].split(' '); var o = a[1].match(h.RegEx.valueSplit); 'Color' === i[0] && (i.push(i.shift()), o.push(o.shift()), (h.Hooks.templates[r] = [ i.join(' '), o.join(' '), ])); } for (r in h.Hooks.templates) if (h.Hooks.templates.hasOwnProperty(r)) for (var s in (i = (a = h.Hooks.templates[r])[0].split( ' ', ))) if (i.hasOwnProperty(s)) { var l = r + i[s], u = s; h.Hooks.registered[l] = [r, u]; } }, getRoot: function (e) { var t = h.Hooks.registered[e]; return t ? t[0] : e; }, getUnit: function (e, t) { var r = (e.substr(t || 0, 5).match(/^[a-z%]+/) || [])[0] || ''; return r && u(h.Lists.units) ? r : ''; }, fixColors: function (e) { return e.replace( /(rgba?\(\s*)?(\b[a-z]+\b)/g, function (e, t, r) { return h.Lists.colorNames.hasOwnProperty(r) ? (t || 'rgba(') + h.Lists.colorNames[r] + (t ? '' : ',1)') : t + r; }, ); }, cleanRootPropertyValue: function (e, t) { return ( h.RegEx.valueUnwrap.test(t) && (t = t.match(h.RegEx.valueUnwrap)[1]), h.Values.isCSSNullValue(t) && (t = h.Hooks.templates[e][1]), t ); }, extractValue: function (e, t) { var r = h.Hooks.registered[e]; if (r) { var a = r[0], i = r[1]; return (t = h.Hooks.cleanRootPropertyValue(a, t)) .toString() .match(h.RegEx.valueSplit)[i]; } return t; }, injectValue: function (e, t, r) { var a = h.Hooks.registered[e]; if (a) { var i, n = a[0], o = a[1]; return ( ((i = (r = h.Hooks.cleanRootPropertyValue(n, r)) .toString() .match(h.RegEx.valueSplit))[o] = t), i.join(' ') ); } return r; }, }, Normalizations: { registered: { clip: function (e, t, r) { switch (e) { case 'name': return 'clip'; case 'extract': var a; return (a = h.RegEx.wrappedValueAlreadyExtracted.test( r, ) ? r : (a = r.toString().match(h.RegEx.valueUnwrap)) ? a[1].replace(/,(\s+)?/g, ' ') : r); case 'inject': return 'rect(' + r + ')'; } }, blur: function (e, t, r) { switch (e) { case 'name': return g.State.isFirefox ? 'filter' : '-webkit-filter'; case 'extract': var a = parseFloat(r); if (!a && 0 !== a) { var i = r .toString() .match(/blur\(([0-9]+[A-z]+)\)/i); a = i ? i[1] : 0; } return a; case 'inject': return parseFloat(r) ? 'blur(' + r + ')' : 'none'; } }, opacity: function (e, t, r) { if (n <= 8) switch (e) { case 'name': return 'filter'; case 'extract': var a = r .toString() .match(/alpha\(opacity=(.*)\)/i); return (r = a ? a[1] / 100 : 1); case 'inject': return ( (t.style.zoom = 1), parseFloat(r) >= 1 ? '' : 'alpha(opacity=' + parseInt(100 * parseFloat(r), 10) + ')' ); } else switch (e) { case 'name': return 'opacity'; case 'extract': case 'inject': return r; } }, }, register: function () { (n && !(n > 9)) || g.State.isGingerbread || (h.Lists.transformsBase = h.Lists.transformsBase.concat( h.Lists.transforms3D, )); for (var e = 0; e < h.Lists.transformsBase.length; e++) !(function () { var t = h.Lists.transformsBase[e]; h.Normalizations.registered[t] = function (e, r, a) { switch (e) { case 'name': return 'transform'; case 'extract': return void 0 === x(r) || void 0 === x(r).transformCache[t] ? /^scale/i.test(t) ? 1 : 0 : x(r).transformCache[t].replace(/[()]/g, ''); case 'inject': var i = !1; switch (t.substr(0, t.length - 1)) { case 'translate': i = !/(%|px|em|rem|vw|vh|\d)$/i.test(a); break; case 'scal': case 'scale': g.State.isAndroid && void 0 === x(r).transformCache[t] && a < 1 && (a = 1), (i = !/(\d)$/i.test(a)); break; case 'skew': case 'rotate': i = !/(deg|\d)$/i.test(a); } return ( i || (x(r).transformCache[t] = '(' + a + ')'), x(r).transformCache[t] ); } }; })(); for (var t = 0; t < h.Lists.colors.length; t++) !(function () { var e = h.Lists.colors[t]; h.Normalizations.registered[e] = function (t, r, a) { switch (t) { case 'name': return e; case 'extract': var i; if (h.RegEx.wrappedValueAlreadyExtracted.test(a)) i = a; else { var o, s = { black: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)', blue: 'rgb(0, 0, 255)', gray: 'rgb(128, 128, 128)', green: 'rgb(0, 128, 0)', red: 'rgb(255, 0, 0)', white: 'rgb(255, 255, 255)', }; /^[A-z]+$/i.test(a) ? (o = void 0 !== s[a] ? s[a] : s.black) : h.RegEx.isHex.test(a) ? (o = 'rgb(' + h.Values.hexToRgb(a).join(' ') + ')') : /^rgba?\(/i.test(a) || (o = s.black), (i = (o || a) .toString() .match(h.RegEx.valueUnwrap)[1] .replace(/,(\s+)?/g, ' ')); } return ( (!n || n > 8) && 3 === i.split(' ').length && (i += ' 1'), i ); case 'inject': return /^rgb/.test(a) ? a : (n <= 8 ? 4 === a.split(' ').length && (a = a.split(/\s+/).slice(0, 3).join(' ')) : 3 === a.split(' ').length && (a += ' 1'), (n <= 8 ? 'rgb' : 'rgba') + '(' + a .replace(/\s+/g, ',') .replace(/\.(\d)+(?=,)/g, '') + ')'); } }; })(); function r(e, t, r) { if ( ('border-box' === h .getPropertyValue(t, 'boxSizing') .toString() .toLowerCase()) === (r || !1) ) { var a, i, n = 0, o = 'width' === e ? ['Left', 'Right'] : ['Top', 'Bottom'], s = [ 'padding' + o[0], 'padding' + o[1], 'border' + o[0] + 'Width', 'border' + o[1] + 'Width', ]; for (a = 0; a < s.length; a++) (i = parseFloat(h.getPropertyValue(t, s[a]))), isNaN(i) || (n += i); return r ? -n : n; } return 0; } function a(e, t) { return function (a, i, n) { switch (a) { case 'name': return e; case 'extract': return parseFloat(n) + r(e, i, t); case 'inject': return parseFloat(n) - r(e, i, t) + 'px'; } }; } (h.Normalizations.registered.innerWidth = a('width', !0)), (h.Normalizations.registered.innerHeight = a( 'height', !0, )), (h.Normalizations.registered.outerWidth = a('width')), (h.Normalizations.registered.outerHeight = a('height')); }, }, Names: { camelCase: function (e) { return e.replace(/-(\w)/g, function (e, t) { return t.toUpperCase(); }); }, SVGAttribute: function (e) { var t = 'width|height|x|y|cx|cy|r|rx|ry|x1|x2|y1|y2'; return ( (n || (g.State.isAndroid && !g.State.isChrome)) && (t += '|transform'), new RegExp('^(' + t + ')$', 'i').test(e) ); }, prefixCheck: function (e) { if (g.State.prefixMatches[e]) return [g.State.prefixMatches[e], !0]; for ( var t = ['', 'Webkit', 'Moz', 'ms', 'O'], r = 0, a = t.length; r < a; r++ ) { var i; if ( ((i = 0 === r ? e : t[r] + e.replace(/^\w/, function (e) { return e.toUpperCase(); })), p.isString(g.State.prefixElement.style[i])) ) return (g.State.prefixMatches[e] = i), [i, !0]; } return [e, !1]; }, }, Values: { hexToRgb: function (e) { var t; return ( (e = e.replace( /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i, function (e, t, r, a) { return t + t + r + r + a + a; }, )), (t = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(e)) ? [ parseInt(t[1], 16), parseInt(t[2], 16), parseInt(t[3], 16), ] : [0, 0, 0] ); }, isCSSNullValue: function (e) { return ( !e || /^(none|auto|transparent|(rgba\(0, ?0, ?0, ?0\)))$/i.test( e, ) ); }, getUnitType: function (e) { return /^(rotate|skew)/i.test(e) ? 'deg' : /(^(scale|scaleX|scaleY|scaleZ|alpha|flexGrow|flexHeight|zIndex|fontWeight)$)|((opacity|red|green|blue|alpha)$)/i.test( e, ) ? '' : 'px'; }, getDisplayType: function (e) { var t = e && e.tagName.toString().toLowerCase(); return /^(b|big|i|small|tt|abbr|acronym|cite|code|dfn|em|kbd|strong|samp|var|a|bdo|br|img|map|object|q|script|span|sub|sup|button|input|label|select|textarea)$/i.test( t, ) ? 'inline' : /^(li)$/i.test(t) ? 'list-item' : /^(tr)$/i.test(t) ? 'table-row' : /^(table)$/i.test(t) ? 'table' : /^(tbody)$/i.test(t) ? 'table-row-group' : 'block'; }, addClass: function (e, t) { if (e) if (e.classList) e.classList.add(t); else if (p.isString(e.className)) e.className += (e.className.length ? ' ' : '') + t; else { var r = e.getAttribute(n <= 7 ? 'className' : 'class') || ''; e.setAttribute('class', r + (r ? ' ' : '') + t); } }, removeClass: function (e, t) { if (e) if (e.classList) e.classList.remove(t); else if (p.isString(e.className)) e.className = e.className .toString() .replace( new RegExp( '(^|\\s)' + t.split(' ').join('|') + '(\\s|$)', 'gi', ), ' ', ); else { var r = e.getAttribute(n <= 7 ? 'className' : 'class') || ''; e.setAttribute( 'class', r.replace( new RegExp( '(^|s)' + t.split(' ').join('|') + '(s|$)', 'gi', ), ' ', ), ); } }, }, getPropertyValue: function (e, r, a, i) { function o(e, r) { var a = 0; if (n <= 8) a = d.css(e, r); else { var s = !1; /^(width|height)$/.test(r) && 0 === h.getPropertyValue(e, 'display') && ((s = !0), h.setPropertyValue( e, 'display', h.Values.getDisplayType(e), )); var l, u = function () { s && h.setPropertyValue(e, 'display', 'none'); }; if (!i) { if ( 'height' === r && 'border-box' !== h .getPropertyValue(e, 'boxSizing') .toString() .toLowerCase() ) { var c = e.offsetHeight - (parseFloat( h.getPropertyValue(e, 'borderTopWidth'), ) || 0) - (parseFloat( h.getPropertyValue(e, 'borderBottomWidth'), ) || 0) - (parseFloat(h.getPropertyValue(e, 'paddingTop')) || 0) - (parseFloat( h.getPropertyValue(e, 'paddingBottom'), ) || 0); return u(), c; } if ( 'width' === r && 'border-box' !== h .getPropertyValue(e, 'boxSizing') .toString() .toLowerCase() ) { var p = e.offsetWidth - (parseFloat( h.getPropertyValue(e, 'borderLeftWidth'), ) || 0) - (parseFloat( h.getPropertyValue(e, 'borderRightWidth'), ) || 0) - (parseFloat(h.getPropertyValue(e, 'paddingLeft')) || 0) - (parseFloat( h.getPropertyValue(e, 'paddingRight'), ) || 0); return u(), p; } } (l = void 0 === x(e) ? t.getComputedStyle(e, null) : x(e).computedStyle ? x(e).computedStyle : (x(e).computedStyle = t.getComputedStyle(e, null))), 'borderColor' === r && (r = 'borderTopColor'), ('' !== (a = 9 === n && 'filter' === r ? l.getPropertyValue(r) : l[r]) && null !== a) || (a = e.style[r]), u(); } if ('auto' === a && /^(top|right|bottom|left)$/i.test(r)) { var f = o(e, 'position'); ('fixed' === f || ('absolute' === f && /top|left/i.test(r))) && (a = d(e).position()[r] + 'px'); } return a; } var s; if (h.Hooks.registered[r]) { var l = r, u = h.Hooks.getRoot(l); void 0 === a && (a = h.getPropertyValue(e, h.Names.prefixCheck(u)[0])), h.Normalizations.registered[u] && (a = h.Normalizations.registered[u]('extract', e, a)), (s = h.Hooks.extractValue(l, a)); } else if (h.Normalizations.registered[r]) { var c, p; 'transform' !== (c = h.Normalizations.registered[r]('name', e)) && ((p = o(e, h.Names.prefixCheck(c)[0])), h.Values.isCSSNullValue(p) && h.Hooks.templates[r] && (p = h.Hooks.templates[r][1])), (s = h.Normalizations.registered[r]('extract', e, p)); } if (!/^[\d-]/.test(s)) { var f = x(e); if (f && f.isSVG && h.Names.SVGAttribute(r)) if (/^(height|width)$/i.test(r)) try { s = e.getBBox()[r]; } catch (m) { s = 0; } else s = e.getAttribute(r); else s = o(e, h.Names.prefixCheck(r)[0]); } return ( h.Values.isCSSNullValue(s) && (s = 0), g.debug >= 2 && console.log('Get ' + r + ': ' + s), s ); }, setPropertyValue: function (e, r, a, i, o) { var s = r; if ('scroll' === r) o.container ? (o.container['scroll' + o.direction] = a) : 'Left' === o.direction ? t.scrollTo(a, o.alternateValue) : t.scrollTo(o.alternateValue, a); else if ( h.Normalizations.registered[r] && 'transform' === h.Normalizations.registered[r]('name', e) ) h.Normalizations.registered[r]('inject', e, a), (s = 'transform'), (a = x(e).transformCache[r]); else { if (h.Hooks.registered[r]) { var l = r, u = h.Hooks.getRoot(r); (i = i || h.getPropertyValue(e, u)), (a = h.Hooks.injectValue(l, a, i)), (r = u); } if ( (h.Normalizations.registered[r] && ((a = h.Normalizations.registered[r]('inject', e, a)), (r = h.Normalizations.registered[r]('name', e))), (s = h.Names.prefixCheck(r)[0]), n <= 8) ) try { e.style[s] = a; } catch (d) { g.debug && console.log( 'Browser does not support [' + a + '] for [' + s + ']', ); } else { var c = x(e); c && c.isSVG && h.Names.SVGAttribute(r) ? e.setAttribute(r, a) : (e.style[s] = a); } g.debug >= 2 && console.log('Set ' + r + ' (' + s + '): ' + a); } return [s, a]; }, flushTransformCache: function (e) { var t = '', r = x(e); if ( (n || (g.State.isAndroid && !g.State.isChrome)) && r && r.isSVG ) { var a = function (t) { return parseFloat(h.getPropertyValue(e, t)); }, i = { translate: [a('translateX'), a('translateY')], skewX: [a('skewX')], skewY: [a('skewY')], scale: 1 !== a('scale') ? [a('scale'), a('scale')] : [a('scaleX'), a('scaleY')], rotate: [a('rotateZ'), 0, 0], }; d.each(x(e).transformCache, function (e) { /^translate/i.test(e) ? (e = 'translate') : /^scale/i.test(e) ? (e = 'scale') : /^rotate/i.test(e) && (e = 'rotate'), i[e] && ((t += e + '(' + i[e].join(' ') + ') '), delete i[e]); }); } else { var o, s; d.each(x(e).transformCache, function (r) { if ( ((o = x(e).transformCache[r]), 'transformPerspective' === r) ) return (s = o), !0; 9 === n && 'rotateZ' === r && (r = 'rotate'), (t += r + o + ' '); }), s && (t = 'perspective' + s + ' ' + t); } h.setPropertyValue(e, 'transform', t); }, }); h.Hooks.register(), h.Normalizations.register(), (g.hook = function (e, t, r) { var a; return ( (e = c(e)), d.each(e, function (e, i) { if ((void 0 === x(i) && g.init(i), void 0 === r)) void 0 === a && (a = h.getPropertyValue(i, t)); else { var n = h.setPropertyValue(i, t, r); 'transform' === n[0] && g.CSS.flushTransformCache(i), (a = n); } }), a ); }); var y = function () { var e; function a() { return i ? v.promise || null : n; } var i, n, o, s, l, f, m = arguments[0] && (arguments[0].p || (d.isPlainObject(arguments[0].properties) && !arguments[0].properties.names) || p.isString(arguments[0].properties)); p.isWrapped(this) ? ((i = !1), (o = 0), (s = this), (n = this)) : ((i = !0), (o = 1), (s = m ? arguments[0].elements || arguments[0].e : arguments[0])); var v = { promise: null, resolver: null, rejecter: null }; if ( (i && g.Promise && (v.promise = new g.Promise(function (e, t) { (v.resolver = e), (v.rejecter = t); })), m ? ((l = arguments[0].properties || arguments[0].p), (f = arguments[0].options || arguments[0].o)) : ((l = arguments[o]), (f = arguments[o + 1])), (s = c(s))) ) { var b, P = s.length, k = 0; if ( !/^(stop|finish|finishAll|pause|resume)$/i.test(l) && !d.isPlainObject(f) ) { var A = o + 1; f = {}; for (var F = A; F < arguments.length; F++) p.isArray(arguments[F]) || (!/^(fast|normal|slow)$/i.test(arguments[F]) && !/^\d/.test(arguments[F])) ? p.isString(arguments[F]) || p.isArray(arguments[F]) ? (f.easing = arguments[F]) : p.isFunction(arguments[F]) && (f.complete = arguments[F]) : (f.duration = arguments[F]); } switch (l) { case 'scroll': b = 'scroll'; break; case 'reverse': b = 'reverse'; break; case 'pause': var E = new Date().getTime(); return ( d.each(s, function (e, t) { w(t, E); }), d.each(g.State.calls, function (e, t) { var r = !1; t && d.each(t[1], function (e, a) { var i = void 0 === f ? '' : f; return ( (!0 !== i && t[2].queue !== i && (void 0 !== f || !1 !== t[2].queue)) || (d.each(s, function (e, i) { if (i === a) return ( (t[5] = { resume: !1 }), (r = !0), !1 ); }), !r && void 0) ); }); }), a() ); case 'resume': return ( d.each(s, function (e, t) { S(t); }), d.each(g.State.calls, function (e, t) { var r = !1; t && d.each(t[1], function (e, a) { var i = void 0 === f ? '' : f; return ( (!0 !== i && t[2].queue !== i && (void 0 !== f || !1 !== t[2].queue)) || !t[5] || (d.each(s, function (e, i) { if (i === a) return (t[5].resume = !0), (r = !0), !1; }), !r && void 0) ); }); }), a() ); case 'finish': case 'finishAll': case 'stop': d.each(s, function (e, t) { x(t) && x(t).delayTimer && (clearTimeout(x(t).delayTimer.setTimeout), x(t).delayTimer.next && x(t).delayTimer.next(), delete x(t).delayTimer), 'finishAll' !== l || (!0 !== f && !p.isString(f)) || (d.each( d.queue(t, p.isString(f) ? f : ''), function (e, t) { p.isFunction(t) && t(); }, ), d.queue(t, p.isString(f) ? f : '', [])); }); var N = []; return ( d.each(g.State.calls, function (e, t) { t && d.each(t[1], function (r, a) { var i = void 0 === f ? '' : f; if ( !0 !== i && t[2].queue !== i && (void 0 !== f || !1 !== t[2].queue) ) return !0; d.each(s, function (r, n) { if (n === a) if ( ((!0 === f || p.isString(f)) && (d.each( d.queue(n, p.isString(f) ? f : ''), function (e, t) { p.isFunction(t) && t(null, !0); }, ), d.queue(n, p.isString(f) ? f : '', [])), 'stop' === l) ) { var o = x(n); o && o.tweensContainer && !1 !== i && d.each( o.tweensContainer, function (e, t) { t.endValue = t.currentValue; }, ), N.push(e); } else ('finish' !== l && 'finishAll' !== l) || (t[2].duration = 1); }); }); }), 'stop' === l && (d.each(N, function (e, t) { C(t, !0); }), v.promise && v.resolver(s)), a() ); default: if (!d.isPlainObject(l) || p.isEmptyObject(l)) { if (p.isString(l) && g.Redirects[l]) { var H = (e = d.extend({}, f)).duration, O = e.delay || 0; return ( !0 === e.backwards && (s = d.extend(!0, [], s).reverse()), d.each(s, function (t, r) { parseFloat(e.stagger) ? (e.delay = O + parseFloat(e.stagger) * t) : p.isFunction(e.stagger) && (e.delay = O + e.stagger.call(r, t, P)), e.drag && ((e.duration = parseFloat(H) || (/^(callout|transition)/.test(l) ? 1e3 : 400)), (e.duration = Math.max( e.duration * (e.backwards ? 1 - t / P : (t + 1) / P), 0.75 * e.duration, 200, ))), g.Redirects[l].call( r, r, e || {}, t, P, s, v.promise ? v : void 0, ); }), a() ); } var j = 'Velocity: First argument (' + l + ') was not a property map, a known action, or a registered redirect. Aborting.'; return ( v.promise ? v.rejecter(new Error(j)) : t.console && console.log(j), a() ); } b = 'start'; } var q = { lastParent: null, lastPosition: null, lastFontSize: null, lastPercentToPxWidth: null, lastPercentToPxHeight: null, lastEmToPx: null, remToPx: null, vwToPx: null, vhToPx: null, }, z = []; d.each(s, function (e, t) { p.isNode(t) && W(t, e); }), ((e = d.extend({}, g.defaults, f)).loop = parseInt( e.loop, 10, )); var L = 2 * e.loop - 1; if (e.loop) for (var R = 0; R < L; R++) { var M = { delay: e.delay, progress: e.progress }; R === L - 1 && ((M.display = e.display), (M.visibility = e.visibility), (M.complete = e.complete)), y(s, 'reverse', M); } return a(); } function W(e, a) { var i, n, o = d.extend({}, g.defaults, f), c = {}; switch ( (void 0 === x(e) && g.init(e), parseFloat(o.delay) && !1 !== o.queue && d.queue(e, o.queue, function (t) { g.velocityQueueEntryFlag = !0; var r = g.State.delayedElements.count++; g.State.delayedElements[r] = e; var a, i = ((a = r), function () { (g.State.delayedElements[a] = !1), t(); }); (x(e).delayBegin = new Date().getTime()), (x(e).delay = parseFloat(o.delay)), (x(e).delayTimer = { setTimeout: setTimeout(t, parseFloat(o.delay)), next: i, }); }), o.duration.toString().toLowerCase()) ) { case 'fast': o.duration = 200; break; case 'normal': o.duration = 400; break; case 'slow': o.duration = 600; break; default: o.duration = parseFloat(o.duration) || 1; } function m(n) { var m, y; if (o.begin && 0 === k) try { o.begin.call(s, s); } catch (X) { setTimeout(function () { throw X; }, 1); } if ('scroll' === b) { var w, S, C, A = /^x$/i.test(o.axis) ? 'Left' : 'Top', F = parseFloat(o.offset) || 0; o.container ? p.isWrapped(o.container) || p.isNode(o.container) ? ((o.container = o.container[0] || o.container), (C = (w = o.container['scroll' + A]) + d(e).position()[A.toLowerCase()] + F)) : (o.container = null) : ((w = g.State.scrollAnchor[ g.State['scrollProperty' + A] ]), (S = g.State.scrollAnchor[ g.State[ 'scrollProperty' + ('Left' === A ? 'Top' : 'Left') ] ]), (C = d(e).offset()[A.toLowerCase()] + F)), (c = { scroll: { rootPropertyValue: !1, startValue: w, currentValue: w, endValue: C, unitType: '', easing: o.easing, scrollData: { container: o.container, direction: A, alternateValue: S, }, }, element: e, }), g.debug && console.log( 'tweensContainer (scroll): ', c.scroll, e, ); } else if ('reverse' === b) { if (!(m = x(e))) return; if (!m.tweensContainer) return void d.dequeue(e, o.queue); for (var E in ('none' === m.opts.display && (m.opts.display = 'auto'), 'hidden' === m.opts.visibility && (m.opts.visibility = 'visible'), (m.opts.loop = !1), (m.opts.begin = null), (m.opts.complete = null), f.easing || delete o.easing, f.duration || delete o.duration, (o = d.extend({}, m.opts, o)), (y = d.extend(!0, {}, m ? m.tweensContainer : null)))) if (y.hasOwnProperty(E) && 'element' !== E) { var N = y[E].startValue; (y[E].startValue = y[E].currentValue = y[E].endValue), (y[E].endValue = N), p.isEmptyObject(f) || (y[E].easing = o.easing), g.debug && console.log( 'reverse tweensContainer (' + E + '): ' + JSON.stringify(y[E]), e, ); } c = y; } else if ('start' === b) { (m = x(e)) && m.tweensContainer && !0 === m.isAnimating && (y = m.tweensContainer); var H = function (t, r) { var i, n, s; return ( p.isFunction(t) && (t = t.call(e, a, P)), p.isArray(t) ? ((i = t[0]), (!p.isArray(t[1]) && /^[\d-]/.test(t[1])) || p.isFunction(t[1]) || h.RegEx.isHex.test(t[1]) ? (s = t[1]) : (p.isString(t[1]) && !h.RegEx.isHex.test(t[1]) && g.Easings[t[1]]) || p.isArray(t[1]) ? ((n = r ? t[1] : V(t[1], o.duration)), (s = t[2])) : (s = t[1] || t[2])) : (i = t), r || (n = n || o.easing), p.isFunction(i) && (i = i.call(e, a, P)), p.isFunction(s) && (s = s.call(e, a, P)), [i || 0, n, s] ); }, O = function (a, n) { var s, l = h.Hooks.getRoot(a), u = !1, f = n[0], v = n[1], b = n[2]; if ( (m && m.isSVG) || 'tween' === l || !1 !== h.Names.prefixCheck(l)[1] || void 0 !== h.Normalizations.registered[l] ) { ((void 0 !== o.display && null !== o.display && 'none' !== o.display) || (void 0 !== o.visibility && 'hidden' !== o.visibility)) && /opacity|filter/.test(a) && !b && 0 !== f && (b = 0), o._cacheValues && y && y[a] ? (void 0 === b && (b = y[a].endValue + y[a].unitType), (u = m.rootPropertyValueCache[l])) : h.Hooks.registered[a] ? void 0 === b ? ((u = h.getPropertyValue(e, l)), (b = h.getPropertyValue(e, a, u))) : (u = h.Hooks.templates[l][1]) : void 0 === b && (b = h.getPropertyValue(e, a)); var x, w, S, P = !1, k = function (e, t) { var r, a; return ( (a = (t || '0') .toString() .toLowerCase() .replace(/[%A-z]+$/, function (e) { return (r = e), ''; })), r || (r = h.Values.getUnitType(e)), [a, r] ); }; if (b !== f && p.isString(b) && p.isString(f)) { s = ''; var V = 0, T = 0, C = [], A = [], F = 0, E = 0, N = 0; for ( b = h.Hooks.fixColors(b), f = h.Hooks.fixColors(f); V < b.length && T < f.length; ) { var H = b[V], O = f[T]; if (/[\d\.-]/.test(H) && /[\d\.-]/.test(O)) { for ( var j = H, z = O, L = '.', R = '.'; ++V < b.length; ) { if ((H = b[V]) === L) L = '..'; else if (!/\d/.test(H)) break; j += H; } for (; ++T < f.length; ) { if ((O = f[T]) === R) R = '..'; else if (!/\d/.test(O)) break; z += O; } var M = h.Hooks.getUnit(b, V), W = h.Hooks.getUnit(f, T); if ( ((V += M.length), (T += W.length), M === W) ) j === z ? (s += j + M) : ((s += '{' + C.length + (E ? '!' : '') + '}' + M), C.push(parseFloat(j)), A.push(parseFloat(z))); else { var $ = parseFloat(j), B = parseFloat(z); (s += (F < 5 ? 'calc' : '') + '(' + ($ ? '{' + C.length + (E ? '!' : '') + '}' : '0') + M + ' + ' + (B ? '{' + (C.length + ($ ? 1 : 0)) + (E ? '!' : '') + '}' : '0') + W + ')'), $ && (C.push($), A.push(0)), B && (C.push(0), A.push(B)); } } else { if (H !== O) { F = 0; break; } (s += H), V++, T++, (0 === F && 'c' === H) || (1 === F && 'a' === H) || (2 === F && 'l' === H) || (3 === F && 'c' === H) || (F >= 4 && '(' === H) ? F++ : ((F && F < 5) || (F >= 4 && ')' === H && --F < 5)) && (F = 0), (0 === E && 'r' === H) || (1 === E && 'g' === H) || (2 === E && 'b' === H) || (3 === E && 'a' === H) || (E >= 3 && '(' === H) ? (3 === E && 'a' === H && (N = 1), E++) : N && ',' === H ? ++N > 3 && (E = N = 0) : ((N && E < (N ? 5 : 4)) || (E >= (N ? 4 : 3) && ')' === H && --E < (N ? 5 : 4))) && (E = N = 0); } } (V === b.length && T === f.length) || (g.debug && console.error( 'Trying to pattern match mis-matched strings ["' + f + '", "' + b + '"]', ), (s = void 0)), s && (C.length ? (g.debug && console.log( 'Pattern found "' + s + '" -> ', C, A, '[' + b + ',' + f + ']', ), (b = C), (f = A), (w = S = '')) : (s = void 0)); } s || ((b = (x = k(a, b))[0]), (S = x[1]), (f = (x = k(a, f))[0].replace( /^([+-\/*])=/, function (e, t) { return (P = t), ''; }, )), (w = x[1]), (b = parseFloat(b) || 0), (f = parseFloat(f) || 0), '%' === w && (/^(fontSize|lineHeight)$/.test(a) ? ((f /= 100), (w = 'em')) : /^scale/.test(a) ? ((f /= 100), (w = '')) : /(Red|Green|Blue)$/i.test(a) && ((f = (f / 100) * 255), (w = '')))); if (/[\/*]/.test(P)) w = S; else if (S !== w && 0 !== b) if (0 === f) w = S; else { i = i || (function () { var a = { myParent: e.parentNode || r.body, position: h.getPropertyValue( e, 'position', ), fontSize: h.getPropertyValue( e, 'fontSize', ), }, i = a.position === q.lastPosition && a.myParent === q.lastParent, n = a.fontSize === q.lastFontSize; (q.lastParent = a.myParent), (q.lastPosition = a.position), (q.lastFontSize = a.fontSize); var o = {}; if (n && i) (o.emToPx = q.lastEmToPx), (o.percentToPxWidth = q.lastPercentToPxWidth), (o.percentToPxHeight = q.lastPercentToPxHeight); else { var s = m && m.isSVG ? r.createElementNS( 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'rect', ) : r.createElement('div'); g.init(s), a.myParent.appendChild(s), d.each( [ 'overflow', 'overflowX', 'overflowY', ], function (e, t) { g.CSS.setPropertyValue( s, t, 'hidden', ); }, ), g.CSS.setPropertyValue( s, 'position', a.position, ), g.CSS.setPropertyValue( s, 'fontSize', a.fontSize, ), g.CSS.setPropertyValue( s, 'boxSizing', 'content-box', ), d.each( [ 'minWidth', 'maxWidth', 'width', 'minHeight', 'maxHeight', 'height', ], function (e, t) { g.CSS.setPropertyValue( s, t, '100%', ); }, ), g.CSS.setPropertyValue( s, 'paddingLeft', '100em', ), (o.percentToPxWidth = q.lastPercentToPxWidth = (parseFloat( h.getPropertyValue( s, 'width', null, !0, ), ) || 1) / 100), (o.percentToPxHeight = q.lastPercentToPxHeight = (parseFloat( h.getPropertyValue( s, 'height', null, !0, ), ) || 1) / 100), (o.emToPx = q.lastEmToPx = (parseFloat( h.getPropertyValue( s, 'paddingLeft', ), ) || 1) / 100), a.myParent.removeChild(s); } return ( null === q.remToPx && (q.remToPx = parseFloat( h.getPropertyValue( r.body, 'fontSize', ), ) || 16), null === q.vwToPx && ((q.vwToPx = parseFloat(t.innerWidth) / 100), (q.vhToPx = parseFloat(t.innerHeight) / 100)), (o.remToPx = q.remToPx), (o.vwToPx = q.vwToPx), (o.vhToPx = q.vhToPx), g.debug >= 1 && console.log( 'Unit ratios: ' + JSON.stringify(o), e, ), o ); })(); var I = /margin|padding|left|right|width|text|word|letter/i.test( a, ) || /X$/.test(a) || 'x' === a ? 'x' : 'y'; switch (S) { case '%': b *= 'x' === I ? i.percentToPxWidth : i.percentToPxHeight; break; case 'px': break; default: b *= i[S + 'ToPx']; } switch (w) { case '%': b *= 1 / ('x' === I ? i.percentToPxWidth : i.percentToPxHeight); break; case 'px': break; default: b *= 1 / i[w + 'ToPx']; } } switch (P) { case '+': f = b + f; break; case '-': f = b - f; break; case '*': f *= b; break; case '/': f = b / f; } (c[a] = { rootPropertyValue: u, startValue: b, currentValue: b, endValue: f, unitType: w, easing: v, }), s && (c[a].pattern = s), g.debug && console.log( 'tweensContainer (' + a + '): ' + JSON.stringify(c[a]), e, ); } else g.debug && console.log( 'Skipping [' + l + '] due to a lack of browser support.', ); }; for (var j in l) if (l.hasOwnProperty(j)) { var L = h.Names.camelCase(j), R = H(l[j]); if (u(h.Lists.colors)) { var M = R[0], W = R[1], $ = R[2]; if (h.RegEx.isHex.test(M)) { for ( var B = ['Red', 'Green', 'Blue'], I = h.Values.hexToRgb(M), D = $ ? h.Values.hexToRgb($) : void 0, G = 0; G < B.length; G++ ) { var Q = [I[G]]; W && Q.push(W), void 0 !== D && Q.push(D[G]), O(L + B[G], Q); } continue; } } O(L, R); } c.element = e; } c.element && (h.Values.addClass(e, 'velocity-animating'), z.push(c), (m = x(e)) && ('' === o.queue && ((m.tweensContainer = c), (m.opts = o)), (m.isAnimating = !0)), k === P - 1 ? (g.State.calls.push([ z, s, o, null, v.resolver, null, 0, ]), !1 === g.State.isTicking && ((g.State.isTicking = !0), T())) : k++); } if ( (!1 !== g.mock && (!0 === g.mock ? (o.duration = o.delay = 1) : ((o.duration *= parseFloat(g.mock) || 1), (o.delay *= parseFloat(g.mock) || 1))), (o.easing = V(o.easing, o.duration)), o.begin && !p.isFunction(o.begin) && (o.begin = null), o.progress && !p.isFunction(o.progress) && (o.progress = null), o.complete && !p.isFunction(o.complete) && (o.complete = null), void 0 !== o.display && null !== o.display && ((o.display = o.display.toString().toLowerCase()), 'auto' === o.display && (o.display = g.CSS.Values.getDisplayType(e))), void 0 !== o.visibility && null !== o.visibility && (o.visibility = o.visibility.toString().toLowerCase()), (o.mobileHA = o.mobileHA && g.State.isMobile && !g.State.isGingerbread), !1 === o.queue) ) if (o.delay) { var y = g.State.delayedElements.count++; g.State.delayedElements[y] = e; var w = ((n = y), function () { (g.State.delayedElements[n] = !1), m(); }); (x(e).delayBegin = new Date().getTime()), (x(e).delay = parseFloat(o.delay)), (x(e).delayTimer = { setTimeout: setTimeout(m, parseFloat(o.delay)), next: w, }); } else m(); else d.queue(e, o.queue, function (e, t) { if (!0 === t) return v.promise && v.resolver(s), !0; (g.velocityQueueEntryFlag = !0), m(); }); ('' !== o.queue && 'fx' !== o.queue) || 'inprogress' === d.queue(e)[0] || d.dequeue(e); } v.promise && (l && f && !1 === f.promiseRejectEmpty ? v.resolver() : v.rejecter()); }; (g = d.extend(y, g)).animate = y; var v = t.requestAnimationFrame || o; if (!g.State.isMobile && void 0 !== r.hidden) { var b = function () { r.hidden ? ((v = function (e) { return setTimeout(function () { e(!0); }, 16); }), T()) : (v = t.requestAnimationFrame || o); }; b(), r.addEventListener('visibilitychange', b); } return ( (e.Velocity = g), e !== t && ((e.fn.velocity = y), (e.fn.velocity.defaults = g.defaults)), d.each(['Down', 'Up'], function (e, t) { g.Redirects['slide' + t] = function (e, r, a, i, n, o) { var s = d.extend({}, r), l = s.begin, u = s.complete, c = {}, p = { height: '', marginTop: '', marginBottom: '', paddingTop: '', paddingBottom: '', }; void 0 === s.display && (s.display = 'Down' === t ? 'inline' === g.CSS.Values.getDisplayType(e) ? 'inline-block' : 'block' : 'none'), (s.begin = function () { for (var r in (0 === a && l && l.call(n, n), p)) if (p.hasOwnProperty(r)) { c[r] = e.style[r]; var i = h.getPropertyValue(e, r); p[r] = 'Down' === t ? [i, 0] : [0, i]; } (c.overflow = e.style.overflow), (e.style.overflow = 'hidden'); }), (s.complete = function () { for (var t in c) c.hasOwnProperty(t) && (e.style[t] = c[t]); a === i - 1 && (u && u.call(n, n), o && o.resolver(n)); }), g(e, p, s); }; }), d.each(['In', 'Out'], function (e, t) { g.Redirects['fade' + t] = function (e, r, a, i, n, o) { var s = d.extend({}, r), l = s.complete, u = { opacity: 'In' === t ? 1 : 0, }; 0 !== a && (s.begin = null), (s.complete = a !== i - 1 ? null : function () { l && l.call(n, n), o && o.resolver(n); }), void 0 === s.display && (s.display = 'In' === t ? 'auto' : 'none'), g(this, u, s); }; }), g ); } function x(e) { var t = d.data(e, 'velocity'); return null === t ? void 0 : t; } function w(e, t) { var r = x(e); r && r.delayTimer && !r.delayPaused && ((r.delayRemaining = r.delay - t + r.delayBegin), (r.delayPaused = !0), clearTimeout(r.delayTimer.setTimeout)); } function S(e, t) { var r = x(e); r && r.delayTimer && r.delayPaused && ((r.delayPaused = !1), (r.delayTimer.setTimeout = setTimeout( r.delayTimer.next, r.delayRemaining, ))); } function P(e) { return function (t) { return Math.round(t * e) * (1 / e); }; } function k(e, r, a, i) { var n = 4, o = 0.001, s = 1e-7, l = 10, u = 11, c = 1 / (u - 1), d = 'Float32Array' in t; if (4 !== arguments.length) return !1; for (var p = 0; p < 4; ++p) if ( 'number' != typeof arguments[p] || isNaN(arguments[p]) || !isFinite(arguments[p]) ) return !1; (e = Math.min(e, 1)), (a = Math.min(a, 1)), (e = Math.max(e, 0)), (a = Math.max(a, 0)); var f = d ? new Float32Array(u) : new Array(u); function g(e, t) { return 1 - 3 * t + 3 * e; } function m(e, t) { return 3 * t - 6 * e; } function h(e) { return 3 * e; } function y(e, t, r) { return ((g(t, r) * e + m(t, r)) * e + h(t)) * e; } function v(e, t, r) { return 3 * g(t, r) * e * e + 2 * m(t, r) * e + h(t); } function b(t, r) { for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) { var o = v(r, e, a); if (0 === o) return r; r -= (y(r, e, a) - t) / o; } return r; } function x() { for (var t = 0; t < u; ++t) f[t] = y(t * c, e, a); } function w(t, r, i) { var n, o, u = 0; do { (n = y((o = r + (i - r) / 2), e, a) - t) > 0 ? (i = o) : (r = o); } while (Math.abs(n) > s && ++u < l); return o; } function S(t) { for (var r = 0, i = 1, n = u - 1; i !== n && f[i] <= t; ++i) r += c; --i; var s = r + ((t - f[i]) / (f[i + 1] - f[i])) * c, l = v(s, e, a); return l >= o ? b(t, s) : 0 === l ? s : w(t, r, r + c); } var P = !1; function k() { (P = !0), (e === r && a === i) || x(); } var V = function (t) { return ( P || k(), e === r && a === i ? t : 0 === t ? 0 : 1 === t ? 1 : y(S(t), r, i) ); }; V.getControlPoints = function () { return [ { x: e, y: r }, { x: a, y: i }, ]; }; var T = 'generateBezier(' + [e, r, a, i] + ')'; return ( (V.toString = function () { return T; }), V ); } function V(e, t) { var r = e; return ( p.isString(e) ? g.Easings[e] || (r = !1) : (r = p.isArray(e) && 1 === e.length ? P.apply(null, e) : p.isArray(e) && 2 === e.length ? m.apply(null, e.concat([t])) : !(!p.isArray(e) || 4 !== e.length) && k.apply(null, e)), !1 === r && (r = g.Easings[g.defaults.easing] ? g.defaults.easing : 'swing'), r ); } function T(e) { if (e) { var t = g.timestamp && !0 !== e ? e : s.now(), r = g.State.calls.length; r > 1e4 && ((g.State.calls = (function (e) { for (var t = -1, r = e ? e.length : 0, a = []; ++t < r; ) { var i = e[t]; i && a.push(i); } return a; })(g.State.calls)), (r = g.State.calls.length)); for (var a = 0; a < r; a++) if (g.State.calls[a]) { var i = g.State.calls[a], o = i[0], l = i[2], u = i[3], c = !!u, f = null, m = i[5], y = i[6]; if ((u || (u = g.State.calls[a][3] = t - 16), m)) { if (!0 !== m.resume) continue; (u = i[3] = Math.round(t - y - 16)), (i[5] = null); } y = i[6] = t - u; for ( var b = Math.min(y / l.duration, 1), w = 0, S = o.length; w < S; w++ ) { var P = o[w], k = P.element; if (x(k)) { var V = !1; if ( void 0 !== l.display && null !== l.display && 'none' !== l.display ) { if ('flex' === l.display) { d.each( [ '-webkit-box', '-moz-box', '-ms-flexbox', '-webkit-flex', ], function (e, t) { h.setPropertyValue(k, 'display', t); }, ); } h.setPropertyValue(k, 'display', l.display); } for (var A in (void 0 !== l.visibility && 'hidden' !== l.visibility && h.setPropertyValue(k, 'visibility', l.visibility), P)) if (P.hasOwnProperty(A) && 'element' !== A) { var F, E = P[A], N = p.isString(E.easing) ? g.Easings[E.easing] : E.easing; if (p.isString(E.pattern)) { var H = 1 === b ? function (e, t, r) { var a = E.endValue[t]; return r ? Math.round(a) : a; } : function (e, t, r) { var a = E.startValue[t], i = E.endValue[t] - a, n = a + i * N(b, l, i); return r ? Math.round(n) : n; }; F = E.pattern.replace(/{(\d+)(!)?}/g, H); } else if (1 === b) F = E.endValue; else { var O = E.endValue - E.startValue; F = E.startValue + O * N(b, l, O); } if (!c && F === E.currentValue) continue; if (((E.currentValue = F), 'tween' === A)) f = F; else { var j; if (h.Hooks.registered[A]) { j = h.Hooks.getRoot(A); var q = x(k).rootPropertyValueCache[j]; q && (E.rootPropertyValue = q); } var z = h.setPropertyValue( k, A, E.currentValue + (n < 9 && 0 === parseFloat(F) ? '' : E.unitType), E.rootPropertyValue, E.scrollData, ); h.Hooks.registered[A] && (h.Normalizations.registered[j] ? (x(k).rootPropertyValueCache[ j ] = h.Normalizations.registered[j]( 'extract', null, z[1], )) : (x(k).rootPropertyValueCache[j] = z[1])), 'transform' === z[0] && (V = !0); } } l.mobileHA && void 0 === x(k).transformCache.translate3d && ((x(k).transformCache.translate3d = '(0px, 0px, 0px)'), (V = !0)), V && h.flushTransformCache(k); } } void 0 !== l.display && 'none' !== l.display && (g.State.calls[a][2].display = !1), void 0 !== l.visibility && 'hidden' !== l.visibility && (g.State.calls[a][2].visibility = !1), l.progress && l.progress.call( i[1], i[1], b, Math.max(0, u + l.duration - t), u, f, ), 1 === b && C(a); } } g.State.isTicking && v(T); } function C(e, t) { if (!g.State.calls[e]) return !1; for ( var r = g.State.calls[e][0], a = g.State.calls[e][1], i = g.State.calls[e][2], n = g.State.calls[e][4], o = !1, s = 0, l = r.length; s < l; s++ ) { var u = r[s].element; t || i.loop || ('none' === i.display && h.setPropertyValue(u, 'display', i.display), 'hidden' === i.visibility && h.setPropertyValue(u, 'visibility', i.visibility)); var c = x(u); if ( !0 !== i.loop && (void 0 === d.queue(u)[1] || !/\.velocityQueueEntryFlag/i.test(d.queue(u)[1])) && c ) { (c.isAnimating = !1), (c.rootPropertyValueCache = {}); var p = !1; d.each(h.Lists.transforms3D, function (e, t) { var r = /^scale/.test(t) ? 1 : 0, a = c.transformCache[t]; void 0 !== c.transformCache[t] && new RegExp('^\\(' + r + '[^.]').test(a) && ((p = !0), delete c.transformCache[t]); }), i.mobileHA && ((p = !0), delete c.transformCache.translate3d), p && h.flushTransformCache(u), h.Values.removeClass(u, 'velocity-animating'); } if (!t && i.complete && !i.loop && s === l - 1) try { i.complete.call(a, a); } catch (y) { setTimeout(function () { throw y; }, 1); } n && !0 !== i.loop && n(a), c && !0 === i.loop && !t && (d.each(c.tweensContainer, function (e, t) { if ( /^rotate/.test(e) && (parseFloat(t.startValue) - parseFloat(t.endValue)) % 360 == 0 ) { var r = t.startValue; (t.startValue = t.endValue), (t.endValue = r); } /^backgroundPosition/.test(e) && 100 === parseFloat(t.endValue) && '%' === t.unitType && ((t.endValue = 0), (t.startValue = 100)); }), g(u, 'reverse', { loop: !0, delay: i.delay })), !1 !== i.queue && d.dequeue(u, i.queue); } g.State.calls[e] = !1; for (var f = 0, m = g.State.calls.length; f < m; f++) if (!1 !== g.State.calls[f]) { o = !0; break; } !1 === o && ((g.State.isTicking = !1), delete g.State.calls, (g.State.calls = [])); } jQuery.fn.velocity = jQuery.fn.animate; })( window.jQuery || window.Zepto || window, window, window ? window.document : void 0, ); }); }, }, ]);