(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ [48], { '4Fxa': function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, '6w4h': function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { row: 'row-1NK-hr1x', wrap: 'wrap-tVR5Scov', breakpointNormal: 'breakpointNormal-KzkqSNOX', breakpointMedium: 'breakpointMedium-pbm8vBGT', breakpointSmall: 'breakpointSmall-32f3vdsC', }; }, '7EmB': function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { range: 'range-2i0X47Lu', valueInput: 'valueInput-2CKQO1Lv', rangeSlider: 'rangeSlider-suG521NL', input: 'input-2kx6q_pc', }; }, '8XTa': function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { lineEndSelect: 'lineEndSelect-25TizNST', right: 'right-3IlPseCZ', }; }, '9gev': function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { dropdown: 'dropdown-3Y1U1Nkm', normal: 'normal-i7fM20bU', big: 'big-2ruaa2z2', dropdownMenu: 'dropdownMenu-3UShCdED', }; }, CaTF: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { colorPicker: 'colorPicker-3NIIN0Y8', row: 'row-21qTMgcl', wrap: 'wrap-1s7U_70a', fontStyleButton: 'fontStyleButton-1445FY6N', dropdown: 'dropdown-5N0LMJdQ', dropdownMenu: 'dropdownMenu-yysG7ZzF', textarea: 'textarea-2fko2YtQ', normal: 'normal-AMDLZbUS', big: 'big-1CfoFALo', }; }, EJl2: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { input: 'input-DGMBjOG0', control: 'control-fEqNtKpC', item: 'item-1ym_rlZM', cell: 'cell-2byf6BGW', fragmentCell: 'fragmentCell-1FhKQVpC', withTitle: 'withTitle-QRL8YpBY', title: 'title-3K1l5aiR', }; }, FIOl: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, G7lD: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { range: 'range-46to1pZu', disabled: 'disabled-v1pYljFO', rangeSlider: 'rangeSlider-10OqoFDT', rangeSliderMiddleWrap: 'rangeSliderMiddleWrap-3-EULCcf', rangeSliderMiddle: 'rangeSliderMiddle-3BlpfHSS', dragged: 'dragged-36bXd7Hw', pointer: 'pointer-23eauHul', rangePointerWrap: 'rangePointerWrap-1vnhGySq', }; }, K5B3: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { input: 'input-2Cr8E1vs' }; }, Q40t: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { titleWrap: 'titleWrap-1bavobjQ' }; }, To8B: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, ZRxn: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { unit: 'unit-b-yYYxjl', input: 'input-124DCFwV', normal: 'normal-3N4mfpQO', big: 'big-1ixMJ1Cb', dropdown: 'dropdown-NF5Htz1I', dropdownMenu: 'dropdownMenu-36OGqXRr', }; }, ZcEB: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { dropdown: 'dropdown-2xTnctYy', menu: 'menu-ZFNz6yWw' }; }, aSdR: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { coordinates: 'coordinates-1KIxFYVo', input: 'input-1N6PPaVy', }; }, aw5J: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { container: 'container-1sHZXWOS', active: 'active-2c5C-1Pl', disabled: 'disabled-1s7-KBqG', icon: 'icon-2ux26WKl', }; }, bvfV: function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; var a = n('mrSG'), r = n('q1tI'), i = n.n(r), o = n('HSjo'), l = n('yqnI'), c = function (e) { var t = 'property' in e ? e.property : void 0, n = 'defaultValue' in e ? e.defaultValue : e.property.value(), a = Object(r.useState)(t ? t.value() : n), i = a[0], o = a[1]; Object(r.useEffect)( function () { if (t) { var n = {}; return ( o(t.value()), t.subscribe(n, function (t) { var n = t.value(); e.handler && e.handler(n), o(n); }), function () { return t.unsubscribeAll(n); } ); } return function () {}; }, [t], ); return [ i, function (e) { if (void 0 !== t) { var n = t.value(); l.a.logNormal( 'Changing property value from "' + n + '" to "' + e + '"', ), t.setValue(e); } }, ]; }, s = n('Q+1u'), u = n('qFKp'), d = n('fV0y'); function p(e) { var t = e.property, n = Object(a.__rest)(e, ['property']), r = c({ property: t }), o = r[0], l = r[1]; return i.a.createElement( d.Checkbox, Object(a.__assign)({}, n, { name: 'toggle-enabled', checked: o, onChange: function () { l(!o); }, }), ); } var m = n('TSYQ'), f = n.n(m), h = n('eG6P'); function b(e) { return i.a.createElement( 'div', { className: f()(h.wrap, e.className) }, e.children, ); } var v = n('vxCt'); function g(e) { var t = e.property, n = e.disabled, a = e.title, r = e.className, o = e.name, l = i.a.createElement('span', { className: v.title }, a); return i.a.createElement( b, { className: r }, t && i.a.createElement(p, { name: o, className: v.checkbox, property: t, disabled: n, label: l, labelAlignBaseline: !u.isIE, }), !t && l, ); } function E(e) { var t = e.id, n = e.offset, a = e.disabled, r = e.checked, o = e.title, l = e.children; return i.a.createElement( s.a.Row, null, i.a.createElement( s.a.Cell, { placement: 'first', verticalAlign: 'adaptive', offset: n, 'data-section-name': t, colSpan: Boolean(l) ? void 0 : 2, checkableTitle: !0, }, i.a.createElement(g, { name: 'is-enabled-' + t, title: o, disabled: a, property: r, }), ), Boolean(l) && i.a.createElement( s.a.Cell, { placement: 'last', 'data-section-name': t }, l, ), ); } function _(e) { var t = e.definition, n = t.id, a = t.properties, r = a.checked, o = a.disabled, l = t.title, s = e.offset, u = c({ property: o, defaultValue: !1 })[0]; return i.a.createElement(E, { id: n, offset: s, checked: r, title: l, disabled: e.disabled || u, }); } var y = n('KacW'); function w(e) { var t = e.property, n = c({ property: t }), r = n[0], o = n[1]; return i.a.createElement( y.a, Object(a.__assign)({}, e, { lineStyle: r, lineStyleChange: o }), ); } var N = n('H172'), O = n('kJwE'), S = [1, 2, 3, 4]; function j(e) { var t, n = e.value, a = e.items, r = void 0 === a ? S : a, o = e.disabled, l = e.onChange; return i.a.createElement(N.a, { disabled: o, hideArrowButton: !0, className: O.lineWidthSelect, items: ((t = r), t.map(function (e) { return { value: e, selectedContent: c(e, !0), content: c(e) }; })), value: n, onChange: l, 'data-name': 'line-width-select', }); function c(e, t) { var a, r = { borderTopWidth: e }; return i.a.createElement( 'div', { className: O.item }, i.a.createElement( 'div', { className: m( O.bar, ((a = {}), (a[O.isActive] = e === n && !t), a), ), style: r, }, ' ', ), ); } } function C(e) { var t = e.property, n = c({ property: t }), r = n[0], o = n[1]; return i.a.createElement( j, Object(a.__assign)({}, e, { value: r, onChange: o }), ); } var V = n('nc0P'), k = n('Eyy1'); function x(e, t, n) { var a = Object(r.useState)(e), i = a[0], o = a[1], l = Object(r.useRef)(i); return ( Object(r.useEffect)( function () { o(e); }, [e, n], ), [ i, function (e) { (l.current = e), o(e); }, function () { t(l.current); }, function () { (l.current = e), o(e); }, ] ); } var M = n('/3z9'), T = n('WboT'), P = n('Hr11'), I = n('zXvd'); function R(e) { var t = e.property, n = Object(a.__rest)(e, ['property']), o = Object(r.useState)(performance.now()), l = o[0], s = o[1], u = c({ property: t, handler: function () { return s(performance.now()); }, }), d = x(u[0], u[1], l); return i.a.createElement( B, Object(a.__assign)({}, n, { valueHash: l, sharedBuffer: d }), ); } function B(e) { var t = e.sharedBuffer, n = e.min, o = e.max, l = e.step, c = Object(a.__rest)(e, ['sharedBuffer', 'min', 'max', 'step']), s = t[0], d = t[1], p = t[2], m = t[3], f = Object(r.useRef)(null), h = Object(r.useRef)(null), b = { flushed: !1 }; return i.a.createElement( A, Object(a.__assign)({}, c, { ref: h, onValueChange: function (e, t) { d(e), 'step' !== t || b.flushed || (p(), (b.flushed = !0)); }, onKeyDown: function (e) { if (e.defaultPrevented || b.flushed) return; switch (Object(M.hashFromEvent)(e.nativeEvent)) { case 27: m(), (b.flushed = !0); break; case 13: e.preventDefault(); var t = Object(k.ensureNotNull)(h.current).getClampedValue(); null !== t && (d(t), p(), (b.flushed = !0)); } }, onBlur: function (e) { var t = Object(k.ensureNotNull)(f.current); if ( !t.contains(document.activeElement) && !t.contains(e.relatedTarget) ) { var n = Object(k.ensureNotNull)(h.current).getClampedValue(); null === n || b.flushed || (d(n), p(), (b.flushed = !0)); } }, value: s, roundByStep: !1, containerReference: function (e) { f.current = e; }, inputMode: u.CheckMobile.iOS() ? void 0 : 'numeric', min: n, max: o, step: l, }), ); } var F = { mode: 'float', min: -Number.MAX_VALUE, max: Number.MAX_VALUE, step: 1, precision: 0, inheritPrecisionFromStep: !0, }, A = (function (e) { function t(t) { var n = e.call(this, t) || this; (n._selection = null), (n._restoreSelection = !1), (n._input = null), (n._handleSelectionChange = function () { n._restoreSelection || document.activeElement !== Object(k.ensureNotNull)(n._input) || n._saveSelection(Object(k.ensureNotNull)(n._input)); }), (n._handleInputReference = function (e) { (n._input = e), n.props.inputReference && n.props.inputReference(e); }), (n._onFocus = function (e) { n._saveSelection(Object(k.ensureNotNull)(n._input)), n.setState({ focused: !0 }), n.props.onFocus && n.props.onFocus(e); }), (n._onBlur = function (e) { (n._selection = null), n.setState({ displayValue: W(n.props, n.props.value, L(n.props)), focused: !1, }), n.props.onBlur && n.props.onBlur(e); }), (n._onValueChange = function (e) { var t, a, r = e.currentTarget, i = r.value, o = (function (e, t, n) { switch (n) { case 'integer': return z.test(t) ? t : e; case 'float': return (t = t.replace(/,/g, '.')), D.test(t) ? t : e; } })(n.state.displayValue, i, n.props.mode), l = H(o), c = n._checkValueBoundaries(l); n.setState({ displayValue: o }), o !== i && ((t = n.state.displayValue), (a = (a = o).replace(/,/g, '.')), (t = t.replace(/,/g, '.')).includes('.') || !a.includes('.')) ? ((n._restoreSelection = !0), n.forceUpdate()) : n._saveSelection(r), c.value && W(n.props, l) === o && n.props.onValueChange(l, 'input'); }), (n._onValueByStepChange = function (e) { var t = n.props, a = t.roundByStep, r = void 0 === a || a, i = t.step, o = void 0 === i ? 1 : i, l = H(n.state.displayValue); if (!isNaN(l)) { var c = new V.Big(l), s = new V.Big(o), u = c.mod(s), d = c.plus(e * o); !u.eq(0) && r && (d = d.plus((e > 0 ? 0 : 1) * o).minus(u)); var p = Number(d); n._checkValueBoundaries(p).value && (n.setState({ displayValue: W(n.props, p, L(n.props)) }), n.props.onValueChange(p, 'step')); } }); var a = q(n.props.value); return ( (n.state = { value: a, displayValue: W(n.props, a, L(n.props)), focused: !1, valueHash: n.props.valueHash, }), n ); } return ( Object(a.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { document.addEventListener( 'selectionchange', this._handleSelectionChange, ); }), (t.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { document.removeEventListener( 'selectionchange', this._handleSelectionChange, ); }), (t.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function () { var e = Object(k.ensureNotNull)(this._input), t = this._selection; if ( null !== t && this._restoreSelection && document.activeElement === e ) { var n = t.start, a = t.end, r = t.direction; e.setSelectionRange(n, a, r); } this._restoreSelection = !1; }), (t.prototype.render = function () { return i.a.createElement(T.a, { inputMode: this.props.inputMode, name: this.props.name, borderStyle: 'thick', fontSizeStyle: 'medium', value: this.state.displayValue, className: this.props.className, placeholder: this.props.placeholder, disabled: this.props.disabled, onValueChange: this._onValueChange, onValueByStepChange: this._onValueByStepChange, containerReference: this.props.containerReference, inputReference: this._handleInputReference, onClick: this.props.onClick, onFocus: this._onFocus, onBlur: this._onBlur, onKeyDown: this.props.onKeyDown, }); }), (t.prototype.getClampedValue = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.min, n = e.max, a = H(this.state.displayValue); return isNaN(a) ? null : Object(P.clamp)(a, t, n); }), (t.getDerivedStateFromProps = function (e, t) { var n = e.valueHash, a = q(e.value); return t.value !== a || t.valueHash !== n ? { value: a, valueHash: n, displayValue: W( e, a, t.focused && t.valueHash === n ? void 0 : L(e), ), } : null; }), (t.prototype._saveSelection = function (e) { var t = e.selectionStart, n = e.selectionEnd, a = e.selectionDirection; null !== t && null !== n && null !== a && (this._selection = { start: t, end: n, direction: a }); }), (t.prototype._checkValueBoundaries = function (e) { var t = this.props; return { value: (function (e, t, n) { var a = e >= t, r = e <= n; return { passMin: a, passMax: r, pass: a && r, clamped: Object(P.clamp)(e, t, n), }; })(e, t.min, t.max).pass, }; }), (t.defaultProps = F), t ); })(i.a.PureComponent), z = /^\-?[0-9]*$/, D = /^(\-?([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)|(\-?[0-9]*))$/; function W(e, t, n) { return ( null !== (t = q(t)) && void 0 !== n && (n = Math.max(U(t), n)), (function (e, t) { if (null === e) return ''; return new I.NumericFormatter(t).format(e); })(t, n) ); } function L(e) { var t = 0; return ( e.inheritPrecisionFromStep && e.step <= 1 && (t = U(e.step)), Math.max(e.precision, t) || void 0 ); } function U(e) { var t = Math.trunc(e).toString(); return Object(P.clamp)( I.NumericFormatter.formatNoE(e).length - t.length - 1, 0, 15, ); } function H(e, t) { return new I.NumericFormatter(t).parse(e); } function q(e) { return 'number' == typeof e && Number.isFinite(e) ? e : null; } var G = n('eJTA'), X = n('7MId'), K = n('Tmoa'); function Y(e) { var t = e.color, n = e.thickness, r = e.thicknessItems, o = e.noAlpha, l = c({ property: t }), s = l[0], u = l[1], d = c(n ? { property: n } : { defaultValue: void 0 }), p = d[0], m = d[1]; return i.a.createElement( X.a, Object(a.__assign)({}, e, { color: (function () { if (!s) return null; return Object(G.rgbToHexString)(Object(G.parseRgb)(s)); })(), onColorChange: function (e) { var t = s ? Object(K.alphaToTransparency)(Object(G.parseRgba)(s)[3]) : 0; u(Object(K.generateColor)(String(e), t, !0)); }, thickness: p, thicknessItems: r, onThicknessChange: m, opacity: o ? void 0 : s ? Object(G.parseRgba)(s)[3] : void 0, onOpacityChange: o ? void 0 : function (e) { u( Object(K.generateColor)( s, Object(K.alphaToTransparency)(e), !0, ), ); }, }), ); } n('YFKU'); var Q = n('a7Ha'), Z = n('CHgb'), J = n('QpNh'), $ = n('FIOl'), ee = n('jAqK'), te = n('8XTa'), ne = [ { type: Q.LineEnd.Normal, icon: $, label: window.t('Normal') }, { type: Q.LineEnd.Arrow, icon: ee, label: window.t('Arrow'), }, ], ae = (function (e) { function t(t) { var n = e.call(this, t) || this; return ( (n._items = []), (n._items = ne.map(function (e) { return { value: e.type, selectedContent: i.a.createElement(Z.a, { icon: e.icon }), content: i.a.createElement(Z.b, { icon: e.icon, iconClassName: f()(t.isRight && te.right), label: e.label, }), }; })), n ); } return ( Object(a.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.lineEnd, n = e.className, r = e.lineEndChange, o = e.isRight, l = e.disabled; return i.a.createElement( Z.c, Object(a.__assign)( { disabled: l, className: f()(te.lineEndSelect, o && te.right, n), items: this._items, value: t, onChange: r, hideArrowButton: !0, }, Object(J.a)(this.props), ), ); }), t ); })(i.a.PureComponent); function re(e) { var t = e.property, n = c({ property: t }), r = n[0], o = n[1]; return i.a.createElement( ae, Object(a.__assign)({}, e, { lineEnd: r, lineEndChange: o }), ); } var ie, oe = n('6w4h'); function le(e) { var t = e.children, n = e.className, a = e.breakPoint, i = void 0 === a ? 'Normal' : a; return r.createElement( b, { className: m(oe.wrap, n, oe['breakpoint' + i]) }, r.Children.map(t, function (e) { return r.isValidElement(e) ? r.createElement( 'span', { key: null === e.key ? void 0 : e.key, className: oe.row }, e, ) : e; }), ); } var ce = (((ie = {})[1] = 'float'), (ie[0] = 'integer'), ie), se = n('vqb8'), ue = n('eU7S'); function de(e) { var t, n, a = e.definition, o = a.id, l = a.properties, s = l.checked, u = l.disabled, d = l.leftEnd, p = l.rightEnd, f = l.value, h = l.extendLeft, b = l.extendRight, v = a.title, g = a.valueMin, _ = a.valueMax, y = a.valueStep, N = a.valueUnit, O = a.extendLeftTitle, S = a.extendRightTitle, j = e.offset, V = c({ property: s, defaultValue: !0 })[0], k = c({ property: u, defaultValue: !1 })[0], x = Object(se.a)({ watchedValue: g, defaultValue: void 0 }), M = Object(se.a)({ watchedValue: _, defaultValue: void 0 }), T = Object(se.a)({ watchedValue: y, defaultValue: void 0 }), P = Object(se.a)({ watchedValue: N, defaultValue: void 0 }), I = e.disabled || !V; return i.a.createElement( r.Fragment, null, i.a.createElement( E, { id: o, offset: j, checked: s, title: v, disabled: e.disabled || k, }, i.a.createElement( le, { className: ue.line, breakPoint: 'Small' }, i.a.createElement( r.Fragment, null, (function () { var t = e.definition, n = t.properties, a = n.color, r = n.width, o = t.widthValues; if (a) return i.a.createElement( 'span', { className: ue.control }, i.a.createElement(Y, { color: a, thickness: r, disabled: I, thicknessItems: o, }), ); return ( r && i.a.createElement( 'span', { className: ue.control }, i.a.createElement(C, { items: o, property: r, disabled: I, }), ) ); })(), (n = e.definition.properties.style) && i.a.createElement( 'span', { className: ue.control }, i.a.createElement(w, { property: n, disabled: I }), ), ), (d || p || f) && i.a.createElement( r.Fragment, null, i.a.createElement( r.Fragment, null, d && i.a.createElement(re, { className: ue.control, property: d, disabled: I, 'data-name': 'left-end-select', }), p && i.a.createElement(re, { className: ue.control, property: p, disabled: I, 'data-name': 'right-end-select', isRight: !0, }), ), ((t = e.definition.valueType), f && i.a.createElement( 'span', { className: m(ue.valueInput, ue.control) }, i.a.createElement(R, { className: ue.input, property: f, min: x, max: M, step: T, disabled: I, mode: void 0 !== t ? ce[t] : void 0, name: 'line-value-input', }), i.a.createElement('span', { className: ue.valueUnit }, P), )), ), ), ), h && i.a.createElement(E, { id: o + 'ExtendLeft', offset: j, checked: h, title: O, disabled: e.disabled || k, }), b && i.a.createElement(E, { id: o + 'ExtendRight', offset: j, checked: b, title: S, disabled: e.disabled || k, }), ); } function pe(e) { var t = e.definition, n = t.id, a = t.properties, r = a.color, o = a.checked, l = a.disabled, s = t.title, u = t.noAlpha, d = e.offset, p = c({ property: o, defaultValue: !0 })[0], m = c({ property: l, defaultValue: !1 })[0], f = e.disabled || !p; return i.a.createElement( E, { id: n, offset: d, checked: o, title: s, disabled: e.disabled || m }, i.a.createElement( b, null, i.a.createElement(Y, { color: r, disabled: f, noAlpha: u }), ), ); } var me = n('U1eG'), fe = n('HGP3'), he = n('lB1i'); function be(e) { var t, n = e.value, a = e.disabled, r = e.onChange; return i.a.createElement( 'div', { className: m(he.wrap, ((t = {}), (t[he.disabled] = a), t)) }, i.a.createElement(me.a, { hideInput: !0, color: fe.colorsPalette['color-tv-blue-500'], opacity: 1 - n / 100, onChange: function (e) { a || r(100 - 100 * e); }, }), ); } function ve(e) { var t = e.property, n = Object(a.__rest)(e, ['property']), i = c({ property: t }), o = i[0], l = i[1]; return r.createElement( be, Object(a.__assign)({}, n, { value: o, onChange: l }), ); } function ge(e) { var t = e.definition, n = t.id, a = t.properties, r = a.transparency, o = a.checked, l = a.disabled, s = t.title, u = e.offset, d = c({ property: o, defaultValue: !0 })[0], p = c({ property: l, defaultValue: !1 })[0], m = e.disabled || !d; return i.a.createElement( E, { id: n, offset: u, checked: o, title: s, disabled: e.disabled || p }, i.a.createElement( b, null, i.a.createElement(ve, { property: r, disabled: m }), ), ); } var Ee = n('oWdB'); function _e(e) { var t = e.definition, n = t.id, a = t.properties, r = a.color1, o = a.color2, l = a.checked, s = a.disabled, u = t.title, d = t.noAlpha1, p = t.noAlpha2, m = e.offset, f = c({ property: l, defaultValue: !0 })[0], h = c({ property: s, defaultValue: !1 })[0], v = e.disabled || !f; return i.a.createElement( E, { id: n, offset: m, checked: l, title: u, disabled: e.disabled || h }, i.a.createElement(b, { className: Ee.twoColors }, g(r, d), g(o, p)), ); function g(e, t) { return i.a.createElement( 'span', { className: Ee.colorPicker }, i.a.createElement(Y, { color: e, disabled: v, noAlpha: t }), ); } } var ye = n('ybVX'), we = n('gla1'); function Ne(e) { var t = e.property, n = e.options, o = Object(a.__rest)(e, ['property', 'options']), l = c({ property: t }), s = l[0], u = l[1], d = Object(we.a)(); return ( Object(r.useEffect)(function () { var e = function () { return d(); }; return ( n.subscribe(e), function () { return n.unsubscribe(e); } ); }, []), i.a.createElement( N.a, Object(a.__assign)({}, o, { onChange: u, value: s, items: n.value().map(function (e) { return { content: e.title, value: e.value }; }), }), ) ); } var Oe = n('ZRxn'); function Se(e) { var t = e.definition, n = t.id, a = t.properties, o = a.checked, l = a.value, s = a.unitOptionsValue, u = a.disabled, d = t.min, p = t.max, f = t.step, h = t.title, v = t.unit, g = t.unitOptions, _ = t.type, y = e.offset, w = c({ property: o, defaultValue: !0 })[0], N = c({ property: u, defaultValue: !1 })[0], O = Object(se.a)({ watchedValue: d, defaultValue: void 0 }), S = Object(se.a)({ watchedValue: p, defaultValue: void 0 }), j = Object(se.a)({ watchedValue: f, defaultValue: void 0 }), C = Object(se.a)({ watchedValue: v, defaultValue: void 0 }), V = Object(r.useContext)(ye.b), x = e.disabled || !w; return i.a.createElement( E, { id: n, offset: y, checked: o, title: h, disabled: e.disabled || N }, i.a.createElement( b, null, i.a.createElement( le, null, i.a.createElement(R, { className: m(Oe.input, V[n] && Oe[V[n]]), property: l, min: O, max: S, step: j, disabled: x, mode: ce[_], name: 'number-input', }), s && i.a.createElement(Ne, { className: Oe.dropdown, menuClassName: Oe.dropdownMenu, disabled: x, property: s, options: Object(k.ensureDefined)(g), 'data-name': 'unit-options-dropdown', }), ), i.a.createElement('span', { className: Oe.unit }, C), ), ); } function je(e) { var t = e.definition, n = t.id, a = t.properties, r = a.checked, o = a.disabled, l = t.childrenDefinitions, s = t.title, u = e.offset, d = c({ property: r, defaultValue: !0 })[0], p = c({ property: o, defaultValue: !1 })[0], m = e.disabled || !d; return i.a.createElement( i.a.Fragment, null, i.a.createElement(E, { id: n, offset: u, checked: r, title: s, disabled: e.disabled || p, }), l.map(function (e) { return i.a.createElement(vt, { key: e.id, disabled: m, definition: e, offset: !0, }); }), ); } var Ce = n('UXjO'); function Ve(e) { var t = e.property, n = c({ property: t }), r = n[0], o = n[1]; return i.a.createElement( Ce.a, Object(a.__assign)({}, e, { fontSize: r, fontSizeChange: o, 'data-name': 'font-size-select', }), ); } var ke = n('Iivm'), xe = n('aw5J'); function Me(e) { var t = e.className, n = e.checked, r = e.icon, o = e.disabled, l = e.onClick; return i.a.createElement( 'div', Object(a.__assign)( { className: f()( t, xe.container, n && !o && xe.active, o && xe.disabled, ), onClick: o ? void 0 : l, 'data-role': 'button', }, Object(J.a)(e), ), i.a.createElement(ke.Icon, { className: xe.icon, icon: r }), ); } function Te(e) { var t = e.icon, n = e.className, i = e.property, o = e.disabled, l = c({ property: i }), s = l[0], u = l[1]; return r.createElement( Me, Object(a.__assign)( { className: n, icon: t, checked: s, onClick: function () { u(!s); }, disabled: o, }, Object(J.a)(e), ), ); } var Pe = n('Wvr1'), Ie = n('k+zC'), Re = n('jggR'); function Be(e) { var t = e.value, n = e.className, a = e.onChange, i = e.disabled, o = e.readonly, l = e.name, c = e.highlight, s = e.onFocus, u = e.onBlur, d = e.intent, p = e.borderStyle, f = void 0 === p ? 'thin' : p, h = e.size, b = void 0 === h ? 'medium' : h, v = e.removeRoundBorder, g = void 0 === v ? 0 : v, E = e.highlightRemoveRoundBorder, _ = void 0 === E ? 0 : E, y = Object(Pe.a)(g), w = Object(Pe.a)(_); return r.createElement( 'span', { className: m( Re.container, n, Re['intent-' + d], Re['border-' + f], Re['size-' + b], i && Re.disabled, o && Re.readonly, y, c && Re.highlight, ), }, r.createElement('textarea', { className: Re.textarea, value: t, onChange: function (e) { i || o || a(e.currentTarget.value); }, onFocus: s, onBlur: u, disabled: i, readOnly: o, name: l, }), c && r.createElement('span', { className: m(Re.shadow, w) }), ); } function Fe(e) { return ( (e = Object(Ie.a)(e)), r.createElement(Be, Object(a.__assign)({}, e)) ); } function Ae(e) { var t = e.property, n = Object(a.__rest)(e, ['property']), i = c({ property: t }), o = i[0], l = i[1]; return r.createElement( Fe, Object(a.__assign)({}, n, { value: o, onChange: l }), ); } var ze = n('rRJX'), De = n('4Fxa'), We = n('CaTF'), Le = function (e) { return { content: e.title, title: e.title, value: e.value }; }, Ue = function (e) { return { content: e.title, title: e.title, value: e.value }; }; function He(e) { var t = e.definition, n = t.id, a = t.properties, o = a.color, l = a.size, u = a.checked, d = a.disabled, p = a.bold, m = a.italic, h = a.text, v = a.alignmentHorizontal, g = a.alignmentVertical, _ = a.orientation, y = a.backgroundVisible, w = a.backgroundColor, O = a.borderVisible, S = a.borderColor, j = a.borderWidth, C = a.wrap, V = t.title, k = t.sizeItems, x = t.alignmentTitle, M = t.alignmentHorizontalItems, T = t.alignmentVerticalItems, P = t.orientationTitle, I = t.orientationItems, R = t.backgroundTitle, B = t.borderTitle, F = t.borderWidthItems, A = t.wrapTitle, z = e.offset, D = Object(r.useContext)(ye.a), W = c({ property: u, defaultValue: !0 })[0], L = c({ property: d, defaultValue: !1 })[0], U = c({ property: g, defaultValue: void 0 }), H = U[0], q = U[1], G = c({ property: _, defaultValue: 'horizontal' }), X = G[0], K = G[1], Q = c({ property: v, defaultValue: void 0 }), Z = Q[0], J = Q[1], $ = c({ property: y, defaultValue: !1 })[0], ee = c({ property: O, defaultValue: !1 })[0], te = e.disabled || !W; return i.a.createElement( r.Fragment, null, (function () { if (V) return i.a.createElement( E, { id: n, offset: z, checked: u, title: V, disabled: e.disabled || L, }, i.a.createElement(le, { breakPoint: 'Small' }, ae(), re()), ); return i.a.createElement( s.a.Row, null, i.a.createElement( s.a.Cell, { placement: 'first', colSpan: 2, offset: z, 'data-section-name': n, }, ae(), re(), ), ); })(), h && i.a.createElement( s.a.Row, null, i.a.createElement( s.a.Cell, { placement: 'first', colSpan: 2, offset: z, 'data-section-name': n, }, i.a.createElement(Ae, { className: f()(We.textarea, D[n] && We[D[n]]), property: h, disabled: te, onFocus: function (e) { e.target.select(); }, name: 'text-input', }), ), ), (v || g) && i.a.createElement( s.a.Row, null, i.a.createElement( s.a.Cell, { placement: 'first', verticalAlign: 'adaptive', offset: z, 'data-section-name': n, }, i.a.createElement(b, null, x), ), i.a.createElement( s.a.Cell, { placement: 'last', verticalAlign: 'adaptive', 'data-section-name': n, }, i.a.createElement( le, { breakPoint: 'Small' }, void 0 !== H && void 0 !== T && i.a.createElement(N.a, { className: We.dropdown, menuClassName: We.dropdownMenu, disabled: te, value: H, items: T.map(Le), onChange: q, 'data-name': 'alignment-vertical-select', }), void 0 !== Z && void 0 !== M && i.a.createElement(N.a, { className: We.dropdown, menuClassName: We.dropdownMenu, disabled: te, value: Z, items: M.map(Le), onChange: J, 'data-name': 'alignment-horizontal-select', }), ), ), ), void 0 !== _ && void 0 !== I && i.a.createElement( s.a.Row, null, i.a.createElement( s.a.Cell, { placement: 'first', verticalAlign: 'adaptive', offset: z, 'data-section-name': n, }, i.a.createElement(b, null, P), ), i.a.createElement( s.a.Cell, { placement: 'last', verticalAlign: 'adaptive', 'data-section-name': n, }, i.a.createElement( le, { breakPoint: 'Small' }, i.a.createElement(N.a, { className: We.dropdown, menuClassName: We.dropdownMenu, disabled: te, value: X, items: I.map(Ue), onChange: K, 'data-name': 'orientation-select', }), ), ), ), ie(R, y, w, !!y && !$), ie(B, O, S, !!O && !ee, j, F), C && i.a.createElement(E, { id: n + 'Wrap', offset: z, checked: C, title: A, disabled: e.disabled || L, }), ); function ne(e, t, n) { return e ? i.a.createElement(Te, { className: We.fontStyleButton, icon: t, property: e, disabled: te, 'data-name': n, }) : null; } function ae() { return i.a.createElement( r.Fragment, null, o && i.a.createElement( 'div', { className: We.colorPicker }, i.a.createElement(Y, { color: o, disabled: te }), ), l && k && i.a.createElement(Ve, { property: l, fontSizes: k, disabled: te, }), ); } function re() { return i.a.createElement( r.Fragment, null, ne(p, ze, 'toggle-bold'), ne(m, De, 'toggle-italic'), ); } function ie(t, a, r, o, l, c) { return r ? i.a.createElement( E, { id: n + 'ColorSelect', offset: z, checked: a, title: t, disabled: e.disabled || L, }, i.a.createElement(Y, { color: r, thickness: l, thicknessItems: c, disabled: te || o, }), ) : null; } } var qe = n('3G1X'), Ge = n('jAh7'), Xe = n('pZll'), Ke = n('RgaO'), Ye = n('0waE'), Qe = n('+EG+'), Ze = n('K5B3'), Je = (function (e) { function t(t) { var n = e.call(this, t) || this; return ( (n._symbolSearch = null), (n._input = null), (n._popup = null), (n._uuid = Object(Ye.guid)()), (n._updateSymbolName = function () { var e = n.props.definition, t = e.propType, a = e.properties[t]; n._symbolSearch && ((Object(k.ensureNotNull)(n._input).value = a.value()), n._symbolSearch.acceptTypeIn()); }), (n._onSetSymbol = function (e) { var t = n.props.definition, a = t.propType; t.properties[a].setValue(e); }), (n._handleOutsideClick = function (e) { null !== n._input && document.activeElement === n._input && e.target instanceof Node && null !== n._popup && !n._popup.contains(e.target) && n._input.blur(); }), (n._refInput = function (e) { n._input = e; }), (n.state = { expanded: !1 }), n ); } return ( Object(a.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { var e = this, t = this.props.definition; t.properties[t.propType].subscribe(this, this._updateSymbolName); var n = this.context || Object(Ge.getRootOverlapManager)(); Object(Xe.symbolSearchUIService)() .bindToInput(Object(k.ensureNotNull)(this._input), { syncWithChartWidget: !1, syncOnBlur: !0, callback: this._onSetSymbol, onPopupOpen: function (t) { (e._popup = n.ensureWindow(e._uuid)), t.appendTo(e._popup), e.setState({ expanded: !0 }); }, onPopupClose: function () { (e._popup = null), e.setState({ expanded: !1 }), n.removeWindow(e._uuid), e._input && e._input.focus(); }, keepFocus: !0, }) .then(function (t) { return (e._symbolSearch = t); }); }), (t.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { var e = this.props.definition; e.properties[e.propType].unsubscribe( this, this._updateSymbolName, ); }), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this, t = this.props.definition, n = t.id, a = t.title, r = void 0 === a ? '' : a, o = this.state.expanded, l = this.props.definition, c = l.propType, s = l.properties[c].value() || ''; return i.a.createElement( E, { id: n, title: r }, i.a.createElement( b, null, i.a.createElement( Ke.a, { mouseDown: !0, touchStart: !0, handler: this._handleOutsideClick, }, function (t) { return i.a.createElement(qe.b, { className: Ze.input, reference: e._refInput, containerReference: t, defaultValue: s, 'data-haspopup': !0, 'data-expanded': o, }); }, ), ), ); }), (t.contextType = Qe.b), t ); })(r.PureComponent), $e = n('aSdR'); function et(e) { var t = e.definition, n = t.properties, a = n.x, r = n.y, o = n.disabled, l = t.id, c = t.minX, u = t.maxX, d = t.stepX, p = t.minY, m = t.maxY, f = t.stepY, h = t.title, b = t.typeX, v = t.typeY, g = e.offset, E = (o && o.value()) || e.disabled, _ = Object(se.a)({ watchedValue: c, defaultValue: void 0 }), y = Object(se.a)({ watchedValue: u, defaultValue: void 0 }), w = Object(se.a)({ watchedValue: d, defaultValue: void 0 }), N = Object(se.a)({ watchedValue: p, defaultValue: void 0 }), O = Object(se.a)({ watchedValue: m, defaultValue: void 0 }), S = Object(se.a)({ watchedValue: f, defaultValue: void 0 }); return i.a.createElement( s.a.Row, null, i.a.createElement( s.a.Cell, { verticalAlign: 'adaptive', placement: 'first', offset: g, 'data-section-name': l, }, i.a.createElement('span', { className: $e.coordinates }, h), ), (a || r) && i.a.createElement( s.a.Cell, { placement: 'last', offset: g, 'data-section-name': l }, i.a.createElement( le, { breakPoint: 'Medium' }, r && i.a.createElement(R, { className: $e.input, property: r, min: N, max: O, step: S, disabled: E, name: 'y-input', mode: void 0 !== v ? ce[v] : 'integer', }), a && i.a.createElement(R, { className: $e.input, property: a, min: _, max: y, step: w, disabled: E, name: 'x-input', mode: void 0 !== b ? ce[b] : 'integer', }), ), ), ); } var tt = n('9gev'); function nt(e) { var t = e.definition, n = t.id, a = t.properties, o = a.checked, l = a.option, s = a.disabled, u = t.title, d = t.options, p = e.offset, m = c({ property: o, defaultValue: !0 })[0], h = c({ property: s, defaultValue: !1 })[0], v = Object(r.useContext)(ye.b), g = e.disabled || !m; return i.a.createElement( E, { id: n, offset: p, checked: o, title: u, disabled: e.disabled || h }, i.a.createElement( b, null, i.a.createElement(Ne, { className: f()(tt.dropdown, v[n] && tt[v[n]]), menuClassName: f()(tt.dropdownMenu, v[n] && tt[v[n]]), disabled: g, property: l, options: d, 'data-name': 'options-dropdown', }), ), ); } var at = n('Ialn'), rt = n('G7lD'), it = (function (e) { function t(t) { var n = e.call(this, t) || this; return ( (n._container = null), (n._pointer = null), (n._rafPosition = null), (n._rafDragStop = null), (n._refContainer = function (e) { n._container = e; }), (n._refPointer = function (e) { n._pointer = e; }), (n._handlePosition = function (e) { null !== n._rafPosition || n.props.disabled || (n._rafPosition = requestAnimationFrame(function () { var t = n.props, a = t.from, r = t.to, i = t.min, o = t.max, l = n._getNewPosition(e), c = 1 === n._detectPointerMode(e), s = c ? Object(P.clamp)(l, i, r) : a, u = c ? r : Object(P.clamp)(l, a, o); s <= u && n._handleChange(s, u), (n._rafPosition = null); })); }), (n._handleDragStop = function () { null !== n._rafDragStop || n.props.disabled || (n._rafDragStop = requestAnimationFrame(function () { n.setState({ pointerDragMode: 0 }), (n._rafDragStop = null), n.props.onCommit(); })); }), (n._onSliderClick = function (e) { u.CheckMobile.any() || (n._handlePosition(e.nativeEvent), n._dragSubscribe()); }), (n._mouseUp = function (e) { n._dragUnsubscribe(), n._handlePosition(e), n._handleDragStop(); }), (n._mouseMove = function (e) { n._handlePosition(e); }), (n._onTouchStart = function (e) { n._handlePosition(e.nativeEvent.touches[0]); }), (n._handleTouch = function (e) { n._handlePosition(e.nativeEvent.touches[0]); }), (n._handleTouchEnd = function () { n._handleDragStop(); }), (n.state = { pointerDragMode: 0 }), n ); } return ( Object(a.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { null !== this._rafPosition && (cancelAnimationFrame(this._rafPosition), (this._rafPosition = null)), null !== this._rafDragStop && (cancelAnimationFrame(this._rafDragStop), (this._rafDragStop = null)), this._dragUnsubscribe(); }), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e, t, n, a = this.props, i = a.className, o = a.disabled, l = a.from, c = a.to, s = a.min, u = a.max, d = 0 !== this.state.pointerDragMode, p = u - s, f = (l - s) / p, h = (c - s) / p, b = Object(at.isRtl)() ? 'right' : 'left'; return r.createElement( 'div', { className: m(i, rt.range, o && rt.disabled) }, r.createElement( 'div', { className: rt.rangeSlider, ref: this._refContainer, onMouseDown: this._onSliderClick, onTouchStart: this._onTouchStart, onTouchMove: this._handleTouch, onTouchEnd: this._handleTouchEnd, }, r.createElement( 'div', { className: rt.rangeSliderMiddleWrap }, r.createElement('div', { className: m(rt.rangeSliderMiddle, d && rt.dragged), style: ((e = {}), (e[b] = 100 * f + '%'), (e.width = 100 * (h - f) + '%'), e), }), ), r.createElement( 'div', { className: rt.rangePointerWrap }, r.createElement('div', { className: m(rt.pointer, d && rt.dragged), style: ((t = {}), (t[b] = 100 * f + '%'), t), ref: this._refPointer, }), ), r.createElement( 'div', { className: rt.rangePointerWrap }, r.createElement('div', { className: m(rt.pointer, d && rt.dragged), style: ((n = {}), (n[b] = 100 * h + '%'), n), }), ), ), ); }), (t.prototype._dragSubscribe = function () { var e = Object(k.ensureNotNull)(this._container).ownerDocument; e && (e.addEventListener('mouseup', this._mouseUp), e.addEventListener('mousemove', this._mouseMove)); }), (t.prototype._dragUnsubscribe = function () { var e = Object(k.ensureNotNull)(this._container).ownerDocument; e && (e.removeEventListener('mousemove', this._mouseMove), e.removeEventListener('mouseup', this._mouseUp)); }), (t.prototype._getNewPosition = function (e) { var t = this.props, n = t.min, a = t.max - n, r = Object(k.ensureNotNull)(this._container), i = Object(k.ensureNotNull)(this._pointer), o = r.getBoundingClientRect(), l = i.offsetWidth, c = e.clientX - l / 2 - o.left; return ( Object(at.isRtl)() && (c = o.width - c - l), Object(P.clamp)(c / (o.width - l), 0, 1) * a + n ); }), (t.prototype._detectPointerMode = function (e) { var t = this.props, n = t.from, a = t.to, r = this.state.pointerDragMode; if (0 !== r) return r; var i = this._getNewPosition(e), o = Math.abs(n - i), l = Math.abs(a - i), c = o === l ? (i < n ? 1 : 2) : o < l ? 1 : 2; return this.setState({ pointerDragMode: c }), c; }), (t.prototype._handleChange = function (e, t) { var n = this.props, a = n.from, r = n.to, i = n.onChange; (e === a && t === r) || i(e, t); }), t ); })(r.PureComponent), ot = n('/KDZ'), lt = n('7EmB'); function ct(e) { var t = e.definition, n = t.id, a = t.properties, r = a.checked, o = a.disabled, l = a.from, s = a.to, u = t.title, d = t.max, p = t.min, m = e.offset, f = c({ property: r, defaultValue: !0 })[0], h = c({ property: o, defaultValue: !1 })[0], v = Object(se.a)({ watchedValue: p, defaultValue: void 0 }), g = Object(se.a)({ watchedValue: d, defaultValue: void 0 }), _ = c({ property: l }), y = x(_[0], _[1]), w = y[0], N = y[1], O = y[2], S = c({ property: s }), j = x(S[0], S[1]), C = j[0], V = j[1], k = j[2], M = e.disabled || !f, T = { flushed: !1 }; return i.a.createElement( E, { id: n, offset: m, checked: r, title: u, disabled: e.disabled || h }, i.a.createElement( b, { className: lt.range }, (function () { if (!v || !g) return null; return i.a.createElement( ot.a, { rule: 'screen and (max-width: 460px)' }, function (e) { return i.a.createElement( le, { breakPoint: 'Medium' }, i.a.createElement( i.a.Fragment, null, i.a.createElement( 'span', { className: lt.valueInput }, i.a.createElement(B, { className: lt.input, sharedBuffer: y, min: v, max: C, step: 1, disabled: M, name: 'from-input', mode: 'integer', }), e ? i.a.createElement( 'span', { className: lt.rangeSlider }, '—', ) : i.a.createElement(it, { className: lt.rangeSlider, from: w, to: C, min: v, max: g, onChange: P, onCommit: I, disabled: M, }), ), ), i.a.createElement( i.a.Fragment, null, i.a.createElement( 'span', { className: lt.valueInput }, i.a.createElement(B, { className: lt.input, sharedBuffer: j, min: w, max: g, step: 1, disabled: M, name: 'to-input', mode: 'integer', }), ), ), ); }, ); })(), ), ); function P(e, t) { N(Math.round(e)), V(Math.round(t)); } function I() { T.flushed || (O(), k(), (T.flushed = !0)); } } var st = n('Q40t'); function ut(e) { return i.a.createElement( s.a.Row, null, i.a.createElement( s.a.Cell, { className: st.titleWrap, placement: 'first', verticalAlign: 'adaptive', colSpan: 2, 'data-section-name': e.name, checkableTitle: !0, }, i.a.createElement(g, { title: e.title, name: 'is-enabled-' + e.name, }), ), ); } var dt = n('EJl2'); function pt(e) { var t = e.definitions, n = e.name, a = e.offset; return i.a.createElement( s.a.Row, null, i.a.createElement( s.a.Cell, { className: f()(dt.cell, dt.fragmentCell), offset: a, placement: 'first', verticalAlign: 'adaptive', colSpan: 2, 'data-section-name': n, checkableTitle: !0, }, t.map(function (e) { return i.a.createElement( 'div', { className: dt.item, key: e.id, 'data-section-name': e.id }, i.a.createElement(ft, { definition: e }), ); }), ), ); } function mt(e) { var t = e.definition, n = e.offset; return i.a.createElement( s.a.Row, null, i.a.createElement( s.a.Cell, { className: dt.cell, offset: n, placement: 'first', verticalAlign: 'adaptive', colSpan: 2, checkableTitle: !0, }, i.a.createElement(ft, { definition: t }), ), ); } function ft(e) { var t = e.definition, n = t.id, a = t.properties, r = a.disabled, o = a.checked, l = a.color, s = a.level, u = a.width, d = a.style, p = t.title, m = t.widthValues, h = t.styleValues, b = c({ property: o, defaultValue: !0 })[0], v = c({ property: r, defaultValue: !1 })[0], E = v || !b; return i.a.createElement( i.a.Fragment, null, i.a.createElement(g, { name: 'is-enabled-' + n, className: f()(p && dt.withTitle), title: p && i.a.createElement('span', { className: dt.title }, p), property: o, disabled: v, }), s && i.a.createElement(R, { className: f()(dt.input, dt.control), property: s, disabled: E, }), l && i.a.createElement(Y, { className: dt.control, disabled: E, color: l, thickness: u, thicknessItems: m, }), d && i.a.createElement(w, { className: dt.control, property: d, disabled: E, allowedLineStyles: h, }), ); } var ht = n('ZcEB'); function bt(e) { var t = e.definition, n = t.id, a = t.properties, r = a.option1, o = a.option2, l = a.checked, s = a.disabled, u = t.title, d = t.optionsItems1, p = t.optionsItems2, m = e.offset, f = c({ property: l, defaultValue: !0 })[0], h = c({ property: s, defaultValue: !1 })[0], b = e.disabled || !f; return i.a.createElement( E, { id: n, offset: m, checked: l, title: u, disabled: e.disabled || h }, i.a.createElement( le, { className: ht.twoOptions }, i.a.createElement(Ne, { className: ht.dropdown, menuClassName: ht.menu, property: r, disabled: b, options: d, 'data-name': 'two-options-dropdown-1', }), i.a.createElement(Ne, { className: ht.dropdown, menuClassName: ht.menu, property: o, disabled: b, options: p, 'data-name': 'two-options-dropdown-2', }), ), ); } function vt(e) { var t, n = e.definition; if ( ((function (e) { Object(r.useEffect)( function () { if (void 0 !== e) { var t = Object(a.__assign)({}, e.properties); return ( Object.entries(t).forEach(function (n) { var a = n[0], r = n[1]; void 0 !== r && r.subscribe(t, function () { return l.a.logNormal( 'Property "' + a + '" in definition "' + e.id + '" was updated to value "' + r.value() + '"', ); }); }), function () { Object.entries(t).forEach(function (e) { var n = e[1]; void 0 !== n && n.unsubscribeAll(t); }); } ); } }, [e], ); })(Object(o.z)(n) ? void 0 : n), Object(o.z)(n)) ) { var c = n.definitions; return i.a.createElement( r.Fragment, null, n.title && i.a.createElement(ut, { title: n.title, name: n.id }), c && ((t = c.value()), t.reduce(function (e, t) { if (Object(o.z)(t) || 'leveledLine' !== t.propType) e.push(t); else { var n = e[e.length - 1]; Array.isArray(n) ? n.push(t) : e.push([t]); } return e; }, [])).map(function (t) { return Array.isArray(t) ? i.a.createElement(pt, { key: t[0].id, name: n.id, definitions: t, }) : i.a.createElement( vt, Object(a.__assign)({ key: t.id }, e, { definition: t }), ); }), 'general' === n.groupType && i.a.createElement(s.a.GroupSeparator, { size: 1 }), ); } switch (n.propType) { case 'line': return i.a.createElement( de, Object(a.__assign)({}, e, { definition: n }), ); case 'checkable': return i.a.createElement( _, Object(a.__assign)({}, e, { definition: n }), ); case 'color': return i.a.createElement( pe, Object(a.__assign)({}, e, { definition: n }), ); case 'transparency': return i.a.createElement( ge, Object(a.__assign)({}, e, { definition: n }), ); case 'twoColors': return i.a.createElement( _e, Object(a.__assign)({}, e, { definition: n }), ); case 'number': return i.a.createElement( Se, Object(a.__assign)({}, e, { definition: n }), ); case 'symbol': return i.a.createElement( Je, Object(a.__assign)({}, e, { definition: n }), ); case 'text': return i.a.createElement( He, Object(a.__assign)({}, e, { definition: n }), ); case 'checkableSet': return i.a.createElement( je, Object(a.__assign)({}, e, { definition: n }), ); case 'options': return i.a.createElement( nt, Object(a.__assign)({}, e, { definition: n }), ); case 'range': return i.a.createElement( ct, Object(a.__assign)({}, e, { definition: n }), ); case 'coordinates': return i.a.createElement( et, Object(a.__assign)({}, e, { definition: n }), ); case 'twoOptions': return i.a.createElement( bt, Object(a.__assign)({}, e, { definition: n }), ); case 'leveledLine': return i.a.createElement( mt, Object(a.__assign)({}, e, { definition: n }), ); default: return null; } } n.d(t, 'a', function () { return vt; }); }, eG6P: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { wrap: 'wrap-3VxI_YR4' }; }, eU7S: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { line: 'line-Xef4M09H', control: 'control-3967I_nS', valueInput: 'valueInput-1ujFKjiy', valueUnit: 'valueUnit-WuH55OtL', input: 'input-3Sw_tvuz', }; }, gla1: function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; n.d(t, 'a', function () { return r; }); var a = n('q1tI'), r = function () { return Object(a.useReducer)(function (e, t) { return e + 1; }, 0)[1]; }; }, 'i/MG': function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; n.d(t, 'a', function () { return u; }); var a = n('mrSG'), r = (n('YFKU'), n('q1tI')), i = n('TSYQ'), o = n('Iivm'), l = n('To8B'), c = n('kXJy'), s = { remove: window.t('Remove') }; function u(e) { var t = e.className, n = e.isActive, u = e.onClick, d = e.title, p = e.hidden, m = e['data-name'], f = void 0 === m ? 'remove-button' : m, h = Object(a.__rest)(e, [ 'className', 'isActive', 'onClick', 'title', 'hidden', 'data-name', ]); return r.createElement( o.Icon, Object(a.__assign)({}, h, { 'data-name': f, className: i( c.button, 'apply-common-tooltip', n && c.active, p && c.hidden, t, ), icon: l, onClick: u, title: d || s.remove, }), ); } }, jAqK: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, jggR: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { container: 'container-2IsTVQ49', focused: 'focused-1QCDvHCH', readonly: 'readonly-3TW7INT8', disabled: 'disabled-Ju2phm9i', 'size-small': 'size-small-1qV-ZeVg', 'size-medium': 'size-medium-2lM1uGoO', 'size-large': 'size-large-1NHR4lnE', 'font-size-small': 'font-size-small-3eSt8Wl7', 'font-size-medium': 'font-size-medium-3lwViqM8', 'font-size-large': 'font-size-large-uTIroj7p', 'border-none': 'border-none-2LzWNqL7', shadow: 'shadow-AN9BmmG5', 'border-thin': 'border-thin-2QjYg4o3', 'border-thick': 'border-thick-3XUkSewU', 'intent-default': 'intent-default-1A7eWGEJ', 'intent-success': 'intent-success-1Oz2EYaq', 'intent-warning': 'intent-warning-2CIKi-Sg', 'intent-danger': 'intent-danger-34bo52Yx', 'intent-primary': 'intent-primary-30cIvmgZ', 'corner-top-left': 'corner-top-left-3jqic47X', 'corner-top-right': 'corner-top-right-YZ3WAu2k', 'corner-bottom-right': 'corner-bottom-right-3_DA5L_W', 'corner-bottom-left': 'corner-bottom-left-3lFAslf6', textarea: 'textarea-bk9MQutx', }; }, kJwE: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { lineWidthSelect: 'lineWidthSelect-3ziEuHcz', bar: 'bar-37_AfcZG', isActive: 'isActive-dohf9HfR', item: 'item-2zVrXM_1', }; }, kXJy: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { button: 'button-1scLo53s', active: 'active-2T0ofIIp', hidden: 'hidden-2GRQzIQ1', }; }, lB1i: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { wrap: 'wrap-K_N9jM1e', disabled: 'disabled-2QK47L8c' }; }, oWdB: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { twoColors: 'twoColors-iyrZVlk4', colorPicker: 'colorPicker-3hYQ60NL', }; }, rRJX: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, vqb8: function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; n.d(t, 'a', function () { return r; }); var a = n('q1tI'), r = function (e) { var t = 'watchedValue' in e ? e.watchedValue : void 0, n = 'defaultValue' in e ? e.defaultValue : e.watchedValue.value(), r = Object(a.useState)(t ? t.value() : n), i = r[0], o = r[1]; return ( Object(a.useEffect)( function () { if (t) { o(t.value()); var e = function (e) { return o(e); }; return ( t.subscribe(e), function () { return t.unsubscribe(e); } ); } return function () {}; }, [t], ), i ); }; }, vxCt: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { checkbox: 'checkbox-1So8p7GP', title: 'title-1uAaOORo' }; }, ybVX: function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; n.d(t, 'b', function () { return i; }), n.d(t, 'a', function () { return o; }); var a = n('q1tI'), r = n.n(a), i = r.a.createContext({}), o = r.a.createContext({}); }, yqnI: function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; n.d(t, 'a', function () { return r; }); var a = n('uOxu'), r = Object(a.getLogger)('Platform.GUI.PropertyDefinitionTrace'); }, }, ]);