380 lines
16 KiB
380 lines
16 KiB
"about-to-withdraw": "You're about to withdraw",
"above": "Above",
"accept": "Accept",
"accept-terms": "I understand and accept the risks",
"account": "Account",
"account-address-warning": "Do not send tokens directly to your account address.",
"account-details-tip-desc": "When you make your first deposit we'll set you up with a Mango Account. You'll need at least 0.0035 SOL in your wallet to cover the rent/cost of creating the account.",
"account-details-tip-title": "Account Details",
"account-health-tip-desc": "To avoid liquidation you must keep your account health above 0%. To increase the health of your account, reduce borrows or deposit funds.",
"account-health-tip-title": "Account Health",
"account-name": "Account Name",
"account-risk": "Account Risk",
"account-value": "Account Value",
"accounts": "Accounts",
"add-name": "Add Name",
"all-assets": "All Assets",
"amount": "Amount",
"approximate-time": "Approx Time",
"asset": "Asset",
"assets": "Assets",
"assets-liabilities": "Assets & Liabilities",
"available-balance": "Available Balance",
"average-borrow": "Average Borrow Rates",
"average-deposit": "Average Deposit Rates",
"average-entry": "Avg Entry Price",
"average-funding": "Avg. 1h Funding Rate",
"back": "Back",
"balance": "Balance",
"balances": "Balances",
"being-liquidated": "You are being liquidated!",
"below": "Below",
"borrow": "Borrow",
"borrow-funds": "Borrow Funds",
"borrow-interest": "Borrow Interest",
"borrow-notification": "Borrowed funds are withdrawn to your connected wallet.",
"borrow-rate": "Borrow Rate",
"borrow-value": "Borrow Value",
"borrow-withdraw": "Borrow and Withdraw",
"borrows": "Borrows",
"break-even": "Break-even Price",
"buy": "Buy",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"cancel-error": "Error cancelling order",
"cancel-success": "Successfully cancelled order",
"change-account": "Change Account",
"change-language": "Change Language",
"change-theme": "Change Theme",
"character-limit": "Account name must be 32 characters or less",
"chinese": "简体中文",
"chinese-traditional": "繁體中文",
"claim": "Claim",
"claim-reward": "Claim Reward",
"close": "Close",
"close-and-long": "Close position and open long",
"close-and-short": "Close position and open short",
"close-confirm": "Are you sure you want to market close your {{config_name}} position?",
"close-open-long": "100% close position and open {{size}} {{symbol}} long",
"close-open-short": "100% close position and open {{size}} {{symbol}} short",
"close-position": "Close Position",
"collateral-available": "Collateral Available",
"collateral-available-tip-desc": "The collateral value that can be used to take on leverage. Assets carry different collateral weights depending on the risk they present to the platform.",
"collateral-available-tip-title": "Collateral Available",
"condition": "Condition",
"confirm-deposit": "Confirm Deposit",
"confirm-withdraw": "Confirm Withdraw",
"connect": "Connect",
"connect-view": "Connect a wallet to view your account",
"connect-wallet": "Connect Wallet",
"connect-wallet-tip-desc": "We'll show you around...",
"connect-wallet-tip-title": "Connect your wallet",
"connected-to": "Connected to wallet ",
"copy-address": "Copy address",
"country-not-allowed": "Country Not Allowed",
"country-not-allowed-tooltip": "You are using an open-source frontend facilitated by the Mango DAO. As such, it restricts access to certain regions out of an abundance of caution, due to regulatory uncertainty.",
"create-account": "Create Account",
"current-stats": "Current Stats",
"custom": "Custom",
"daily-change": "Daily Change",
"daily-range": "Daily Range",
"daily-volume": "24hr Volume",
"dark": "Dark",
"data-refresh-tip-desc": "Data is refreshed automatically but you can manually refresh it here.",
"data-refresh-tip-title": "Manual Data Refresh",
"date": "Date",
"default-market": "Default Market",
"delay-displaying-recent": "There may be a delay in displaying the latest activity.",
"deposit": "Deposit",
"deposit-before": "You need more {{tokenSymbol}} in your wallet to fully repay your borrow",
"deposit-failed": "Deposit failed",
"deposit-funds": "Deposit Funds",
"deposit-help": "Add {{tokenSymbol}} to your wallet and fund it with {{tokenSymbol}} to deposit.",
"deposit-history": "Deposit History",
"deposit-interest": "Deposit Interest",
"deposit-rate": "Deposit Rate",
"deposit-successful": "Deposit successful",
"deposit-to-get-started": "Deposit funds to get started",
"deposit-value": "Deposit Value",
"depositing": "You're about to deposit",
"deposits": "Deposits",
"depth-rewarded": "Depth Rewarded",
"details": "Details",
"disconnect": "Disconnect",
"done": "Done",
"edit": "Edit",
"edit-name": "Edit Name",
"edit-nickname": "Edit the public nickname for your account",
"english": "English",
"enter-amount": "Enter an amount to deposit",
"enter-name": "Enter an account name",
"equity": "Equity",
"est-period-end": "Est Period End",
"estimated-liq-price": "Est. Liq. Price",
"explorer": "Explorer",
"export-data": "Export CSV",
"export-data-success": "CSV exported successfully",
"export-data-empty": "No data to export",
"fee": "Fee",
"fee-discount": "Fee Discount",
"funding": "Funding",
"funding-chart-title": "Funding (Last 30 days)",
"get-started": "Get Started",
"health": "Health",
"health-check": "Account Health Check",
"health-ratio": "Health Ratio",
"hide-all": "Hide all from Nav",
"hide-dust": "Hide dust",
"high": "High",
"history": "History",
"history-empty": "History empty.",
"hourly-borrow-interest": "Hourly Borrow Interest",
"hourly-deposit-interest": "Hourly Deposit Interest",
"hourly-funding": "Hourly Funding",
"in-orders": "In Orders",
"includes-borrow": "Includes borrow of",
"init-error": "Could not perform init mango account and deposit operation",
"init-health": "Init Health",
"initial-deposit": "Initial Deposit",
"insufficient-balance-deposit": "Insufficient balance. Reduce the amount to deposit",
"insufficient-balance-withdraw": "Insufficient balance. Borrow funds to withdraw",
"insufficient-sol": "You need 0.035 SOL to create a Mango Account.",
"interest": "Interest",
"interest-chart-title": "{{symbol}} Interest (Last 30 days)",
"interest-chart-value-title": "{{symbol}} Interest Value (Last 30 days)",
"interest-earned": "Total Interest",
"interest-info": "Interest is earned continuously on all deposits.",
"intro-feature-1": "Cross‑collateralized leverage trading",
"intro-feature-2": "All assets count as collateral to trade or borrow",
"intro-feature-3": "Deposit any asset and earn interest automatically",
"intro-feature-4": "Borrow against your assets for other DeFi activities",
"ioc": "IOC",
"languages-tip-desc": "Choose another language here. More coming soon...",
"languages-tip-title": "Multilingual?",
"layout-tip-desc": "Unlock to re-arrange and re-size the trading panels to your liking.",
"layout-tip-title": "Customize Layout",
"learn": "Learn",
"learn-more": "Learn more",
"lets-go": "Let's Go",
"leverage": "Leverage",
"leverage-too-high": "Leverage too high. Reduce the amount to withdraw",
"light": "Light",
"limit": "Limit",
"limit-order": "Limit",
"limit-price": "Limit Price",
"liquidations": "Liquidations",
"liquidation-history": "Liquidation History",
"liquidity": "Liquidity",
"liquidity-mining": "Liquidity Mining",
"long": "long",
"low": "Low",
"maint-health": "Maint Health",
"make-trade": "Make a trade",
"maker-fee": "Maker Fee",
"mango": "Mango",
"mango-accounts": "Mango Accounts",
"margin-available": "Margin Available",
"market": "Market",
"market-close": "Market Close",
"market-details": "Market Details",
"market-order": "Market",
"markets": "Markets",
"max": "Max",
"max-borrow": "Max Borrow Amount",
"max-depth-bps": "Max Depth Bps",
"max-slippage": "Max Slippage",
"max-with-borrow": "Max With Borrow",
"minutes": "mins",
"missing-price": "Missing price",
"missing-size": "Missing size",
"missing-trigger": "Missing trigger price",
"mngo-left-period": "MNGO Left In Period",
"mngo-per-period": "MNGO Per Period",
"mngo-rewards": "MNGO Rewards",
"moderate": "Moderate",
"more": "More",
"msrm-deposit-error": "Error depositing MSRM",
"msrm-deposited": "MSRM deposit successfull",
"msrm-withdraw-error": "Error withdrawing MSRM",
"msrm-withdrawal": "MSRM withdraw successfull",
"name-error": "Could not set account name",
"name-updated": "Account name updated",
"name-your-account": "Name Your Account",
"net": "Net",
"net-balance": "Net Balance",
"net-interest-value": "Net Interest Value",
"net-interest-value-desc": "Calculated at the time it was earned/paid. This might be useful at tax time.",
"new-account": "New",
"next": "Next",
"no-account-found": "No Account Found",
"no-address": "No {{tokenSymbol}} wallet address found",
"no-balances": "No balances",
"no-borrows": "No borrows found.",
"no-funding": "No funding earned or paid",
"no-history": "No trade history",
"no-interest": "No interest earned or paid",
"no-margin": "No margin accounts found",
"no-orders": "No open orders",
"no-perp": "No perp positions",
"no-unsettled": "There are no unsettled funds",
"no-wallet": "No wallet address",
"node-url": "RPC Node URL",
"not-enough-balance": "Insufficient wallet balance",
"not-enough-sol": "You may not have enough SOL for this transaction",
"notional-size": "Notional Size",
"open-interest": "Open Interest",
"open-orders": "Open Orders",
"optional": "(Optional)",
"oracle-price": "Oracle price",
"order-error": "Error placing order",
"orderbook": "Orderbook",
"orderbook-animation": "Orderbook Animation",
"orders": "Orders",
"period-progress": "Period Progress",
"perp": "Perp",
"perp-fees": "Mango Perp Fees",
"perp-positions": "Perp Positions",
"perp-positions-tip-desc": "Perp positions accrue Unsettled PnL as price moves. Settling PnL adds or removes that amount from your USDC balance.",
"perp-positions-tip-title": "Perp Position Details",
"perpetual-futures": "Perpetual Futures",
"perps": "Perps",
"pnl-error": "Error settling PNL",
"pnl-help": "Settling will update your USDC balance to reflect the unsettled PnL amount.",
"pnl-success": "Successfully settled PNL",
"portfolio": "Portfolio",
"position": "Position",
"position-size": "Position Size",
"positions": "Positions",
"post": "Post",
"presets": "Presets",
"price": "Price",
"price-expect": "The price you receive may be worse than you expect and full execution is not guaranteed. Max slippage is 2.5% for your safety. The part of your position with slippage beyond 2.5% will not be closed.",
"price-impact": "Est. Price Impact",
"price-unavailable": "Price not available",
"prices-changed": "Prices have changed and increased your leverage. Reduce the withdrawal amount.",
"profile-menu-tip-desc": "Access your Mango Accounts, copy your wallet address and disconnect here.",
"profile-menu-tip-title": "Profile Menu",
"profit-price": "Profit Price",
"quantity": "Quantity",
"rate": "Rate",
"rates": "Deposit/Borrow Rates",
"read-more": "Read More",
"recent": "Recent",
"recent-trades": "Recent Trades",
"redeem-failure": "Error redeeming MNGO",
"redeem-success": "Successfully redeemed MNGO",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"refresh-data": "Refresh Data",
"repay": "Repay",
"repay-and-deposit": "100% repay borrow and deposit {{amount}} {{symbol}}",
"repay-full": "100% repay borrow",
"repay-partial": "Repay {{percentage}}% of borrow",
"reposition": "Drag to reposition",
"rpc-endpoint": "RPC Endpoint",
"save": "Save",
"save-name": "Save Name",
"select-account": "Select a Mango Account",
"select-asset": "Select an asset",
"select-margin": "Select Margin Account",
"sell": "Sell",
"serum-fees": "Serum Spot Fees",
"set-stop-loss": "Set Stop Loss",
"set-take-profit": "Set Take Profit",
"settings": "Settings",
"settle": "Settle",
"settle-all": "Settle All",
"settle-error": "Error settling funds",
"settle-success": "Successfully settled funds",
"short": "short",
"show-all": "Show all in Nav",
"show-tips": "Show Tips",
"show-zero": "Show zero balances",
"side": "Side",
"size": "Size",
"slippage": "Est. Slippage",
"spanish": "Español",
"spread": "Spread",
"stats": "Stats",
"stop-limit": "Stop Limit",
"stop-loss": "Stop Loss",
"stop-price": "Stop Price",
"successfully-placed": "Successfully sent order",
"supported-assets": "Please fund wallet with one of the supported assets.",
"swap": "Swap",
"take-profit": "Take Profit",
"take-profit-limit": "Take Profit Limit",
"taker-fee": "Taker Fee",
"target-period-length": "Target Period Length",
"themes-tip-desc": "Mango, Dark or Light (if you're that way inclined).",
"themes-tip-title": "Color Themes",
"time": "Time",
"token": "Token",
"too-large": "Size Too Large",
"tooltip-account-liquidated": "Account will be liquidated if Health Ratio reaches 0% and will continue until Init Health is above 0.",
"tooltip-after-withdrawal": "The details of your account after this withdrawal.",
"tooltip-apy-apr": "Deposit APY / Borrow APR",
"tooltip-available-after": "Available to withdraw after accounting for collateral and open orders",
"tooltip-display-cumulative": "Display Cumulative Size",
"tooltip-display-step": "Display Step Size",
"tooltip-earn-mngo": "Earn MNGO by market making on Perp markets.",
"tooltip-enable-margin": "Enable spot margin for this trade",
"tooltip-gui-rebate": "Taker fee is {{taker_rate)}} before the 20% GUI hoster fee is rebated.",
"tooltip-interest-charged": "Interest is charged on your borrowed balance and is subject to change.",
"tooltip-ioc": "Immediate or cancel orders are guaranteed to be the taker or it will be canceled.",
"tooltip-lock-layout": "Lock Layout",
"tooltip-name-onchain": "Account names are stored on-chain",
"tooltip-post": "Post only orders are guaranteed to be the maker order or else it will be canceled.",
"tooltip-projected-leverage": "Projected Leverage",
"tooltip-reduce": "Reduce only orders will only reduce your overall position.",
"tooltip-reset-layout": "Reset Layout",
"tooltip-serum-rebate": "20% of net fees on Serum go to the GUI host. Mango rebates this fee to you. The taker fee before the GUI rebate is {{taker_percent}}",
"tooltip-switch-layout": "Switch Layout",
"tooltip-unlock-layout": "Unlock Layout",
"total-assets": "Total Assets Value",
"total-borrow-interest": "Total Borrow Interest",
"total-borrow-value": "Total Borrow Value",
"total-borrows": "Total Borrows",
"total-deposit-interest": "Total Deposit Interest",
"total-deposit-value": "Total Deposit Value",
"total-deposits": "Total Deposits",
"total-funding": "Total Funding",
"total-funding-stats": "Total Funding Earned/Paid",
"total-liabilities": "Total Liabilities Value",
"total-srm": "Total SRM in Mango",
"totals": "Totals",
"trade": "Trade",
"trade-history": "Trade History",
"trades-history": "Trade History",
"trades": "Trades",
"transaction-sent": "Transaction sent",
"trigger-price": "Trigger Price",
"try-again": "Please try again",
"type": "Type",
"unrealized-pnl": "Unrealized PnL",
"unsettled": "Unsettled",
"unsettled-balance": "Unsettled Balance",
"unsettled-balances": "Unsettled Balances",
"unsettled-positions": "Unsettled Positions",
"use-explorer-one": "Use the ",
"use-explorer-two": "Explorer ",
"use-explorer-three": "to verify any delayed transactions.",
"utilization": "Utilization",
"v3-new": "V3 is a new and separate program from V2. You can access your V2 account in the 'More' section of the top bar or by using this link:",
"v3-unaudited": "The V3 protocol is in public beta. This is unaudited software, use it at your own risk.",
"v3-welcome": "Welcome to Mango",
"value": "Value",
"view-all-trades": "View all trades in the Account page",
"view-transaction": "View Transaction",
"wallet-connected": "Wallet connected",
"wallet-disconnected": "Disconnected from wallet",
"withdraw": "Withdraw",
"withdraw-error": "Could not perform withdraw",
"withdraw-funds": "Withdraw Funds",
"withdraw-success": "Withdraw successful",
"withdraw-history": "Withdrawal History",
"withdrawals": "Withdrawals",
"you-must-leave-enough-sol": "You must leave enough SOL in your wallet to pay for the transaction",
"your-account": "Your Account",
"your-assets": "Your Assets",
"your-borrows": "Your Borrows"
} |