
222 lines
5.7 KiB

import {
} from '@solana/web3.js'
import Wallet from '@project-serum/sol-wallet-adapter'
import { Market, OpenOrders } from '@project-serum/serum'
import { Event } from '@project-serum/serum/lib/queue'
import { Order } from '@project-serum/serum/lib/market'
import {
} from '@blockworks-foundation/mango-client'
import { MangoSrmAccount } from '@blockworks-foundation/mango-client/lib/client'
export interface ConnectionContextValues {
endpoint: string
setEndpoint: (newEndpoint: string) => void
connection: Connection
sendConnection: Connection
availableEndpoints: EndpointInfo[]
setCustomEndpoints: (newCustomEndpoints: EndpointInfo[]) => void
export interface WalletContextValues {
wallet: Wallet
connected: boolean
providerUrl: string
setProviderUrl: (newProviderUrl: string) => void
providerName: string
export interface MarketInfo {
address: PublicKey
name: string
programId: PublicKey
deprecated: boolean
quoteLabel?: string
baseLabel?: string
export interface CustomMarketInfo {
address: string
name: string
programId: string
quoteLabel?: string
baseLabel?: string
export interface FullMarketInfo {
address?: PublicKey
name?: string
programId?: PublicKey
deprecated?: boolean
quoteLabel?: string
baseLabel?: string
marketName?: string
baseCurrency?: string
quoteCurrency?: string
marketInfo?: MarketInfo
export interface MarketContextValues extends FullMarketInfo {
market: Market | undefined | null
setMarketAddress: (newMarketAddress: string) => void
export interface TokenAccount {
pubkey: PublicKey
account: AccountInfo<Buffer> | null
effectiveMint: PublicKey
export interface Trade extends Event {
side: string
price: number
feeCost: number
size: number
export interface OrderWithMarket extends Order {
marketName: string
export interface OrderWithMarketAndMarketName extends Order {
market: Market
marketName: string | undefined
interface BalancesBase {
key: string
coin: string
wallet?: number | null | undefined
orders?: number | null | undefined
openOrders?: OpenOrders | null | undefined
unsettled?: number | null | undefined
export interface Balances extends BalancesBase {
market?: Market | null | undefined
marginDeposits?: number | null | undefined
borrows?: number | null | undefined
net?: number | null | undefined
export interface OpenOrdersBalances extends BalancesBase {
market?: string | null | undefined
| { pubkey: PublicKey; account: AccountInfo<Buffer> }
| null
| undefined
| { pubkey: PublicKey; account: AccountInfo<Buffer> }
| null
| undefined
export interface DeprecatedOpenOrdersBalances extends BalancesBase {
market: Market | null | undefined
marketName: string | null | undefined
export interface PreferencesContextValues {
autoSettleEnabled: boolean
setAutoSettleEnabled: (newAutoSettleEnabled: boolean) => void
export interface EndpointInfo {
name: string
url: string
websocket: string
custom: boolean
* {tokenMint: preferred token account's base58 encoded public key}
export interface SelectedTokenAccounts {
[tokenMint: string]: string
export interface ChartTradeType {
market: string
size: number
price: number
orderId: string
time: number
side: string
feeCost: number
marketAddress: string
export interface FeeRates {
taker: number
maker: number
export interface SwapContextValues {
slippage: number
setSlippage: (newSlippage: number) => void
tokenProgramId: PublicKey
swapProgramId: PublicKey
legacySwapProgramIds: PublicKey[]
programIds: () => { token: PublicKey; swap: PublicKey }
// Margin Account Type declaration
export interface MarginAccountContextValues {
marginAccount: MarginAccount | null // The current margin account trading with
marginAccounts: MarginAccount[] | [] // List of all margin account pk in a mango group
mango_groups: Array<string> // Identifier for the mango group
mangoOptions: any //The different parameters for our mango program
mangoClient: MangoClient // Instance of mango clinet
mangoGroup: MangoGroup | null // The current mango group
setMarginAccount: (marginAccount: null | MarginAccount) => void
setMarginAccounts: (marginAccounts: MarginAccount[]) => void
createMarginAccount: () => Promise<MarginAccount | null> // For creating a margin account
maPending: any // Is the context updating
setMAPending: (any) => void // Set the pending states on margin account transactions
getMarginAccount: (
pubKey: PublicKey | undefined
) => Promise<MarginAccount | null>
size: { currency: string; size: number } // The size of buy or sell on tradeform
setSize: (size: { currency: string; size: number }) => void // Set the size on trade form
srmFeeRates: FeeRates | null
totalSrm: number
contributedSrm: number
mangoSrmAccounts: MangoSrmAccount[] | null
getUserSrmInfo: () => void
// Type declaration for the margin accounts for the mango group
export type mangoTokenAccounts = {
mango_group: string
accounts: TokenAccount[]
// Token infos
export interface KnownToken {
tokenSymbol: string
tokenName: string
icon?: string
mintAddress: string
export const DEFAULT_PUBLIC_KEY = new PublicKey(
export interface WalletAdapter {
publicKey: PublicKey
autoApprove: boolean
connected: boolean
signTransaction: (transaction: Transaction) => Promise<Transaction>
signAllTransactions: (transaction: Transaction[]) => Promise<Transaction[]>
connect: () => any
disconnect: () => any
on(event: string, fn: () => void): this