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Executable File

import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'
import { useTheme } from 'next-themes'
import {
} from '../charting_library' // Make sure to follow step 1 of the README
// import { useMarket } from '../../utils/markets';
import { CHART_DATA_FEED } from '../../utils/chartDataConnector'
import useMangoStore from '../../stores/useMangoStore'
// This is a basic example of how to create a TV widget
// You can add more feature such as storing charts in localStorage
export interface ChartContainerProps {
symbol: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['symbol']
interval: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['interval']
datafeedUrl: string
libraryPath: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['library_path']
chartsStorageUrl: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['charts_storage_url']
chartsStorageApiVersion: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['charts_storage_api_version']
clientId: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['client_id']
userId: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['user_id']
fullscreen: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['fullscreen']
autosize: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['autosize']
studiesOverrides: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['studies_overrides']
containerId: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['container_id']
theme: string
// export interface ChartContainerState {}
const TVChartContainer = () => {
const selectedMarketName = useMangoStore((s) =>
const { theme } = useTheme()
// @ts-ignore
const defaultProps: ChartContainerProps = {
symbol: selectedMarketName,
interval: '60' as ResolutionString,
theme: 'Dark',
containerId: 'tv_chart_container',
datafeedUrl: CHART_DATA_FEED,
libraryPath: '/charting_library/',
fullscreen: false,
autosize: true,
studiesOverrides: {
'volume.volume.color.0': theme === 'Mango' ? '#E54033' : '#CC2929',
'volume.volume.color.1': theme === 'Mango' ? '#AFD803' : '#5EBF4D',
const tvWidgetRef = useRef<IChartingLibraryWidget | null>(null)
// TODO: fetch market from store and wire up to chart
// const { market, marketName } = useMarket()
useEffect(() => {
const widgetOptions: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions = {
symbol: selectedMarketName,
// BEWARE: no trailing slash is expected in feed URL
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-any
datafeed: new (window as any).Datafeeds.UDFCompatibleDatafeed(
interval: defaultProps.interval as ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['interval'],
container_id: defaultProps.containerId as ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['container_id'],
library_path: defaultProps.libraryPath as string,
locale: 'en',
disabled_features: [
// 'volume_force_overlay',
// 'left_toolbar',
// 'header_widget_dom_node',
// 'header_resolutions',
// 'header_widget',
load_last_chart: true,
client_id: defaultProps.clientId,
user_id: defaultProps.userId,
fullscreen: defaultProps.fullscreen,
autosize: defaultProps.autosize,
studies_overrides: defaultProps.studiesOverrides,
theme: theme === 'Light' ? 'Light' : 'Dark',
custom_css_url: '/tradingview-chart.css',
loading_screen: { backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)' },
overrides: {
theme === 'Dark' ? '#2B2B2B' : theme === 'Light' ? '#fff' : '#1D1832',
theme === 'Mango' ? '#AFD803' : '#5EBF4D',
theme === 'Mango' ? '#E54033' : '#CC2929',
'mainSeriesProperties.candleStyle.drawWick': true,
'mainSeriesProperties.candleStyle.drawBorder': true,
theme === 'Mango' ? '#AFD803' : '#5EBF4D',
theme === 'Mango' ? '#AFD803' : '#5EBF4D',
theme === 'Mango' ? '#E54033' : '#CC2929',
theme === 'Mango' ? '#AFD803' : '#5EBF4D',
theme === 'Mango' ? '#E54033' : '#CC2929',
const tvWidget = new widget(widgetOptions)
tvWidgetRef.current = tvWidget
tvWidget.onChartReady(() => {
// tvWidget.headerReady().then(() => {
// const button = tvWidget.createButton()
// button.setAttribute('title', 'Click to show a notification popup')
// button.classList.add('apply-common-tooltip')
// button.addEventListener('click', () =>
// tvWidget.showNoticeDialog({
// title: 'Notification',
// body: 'TradingView Charting Library API works correctly',
// callback: () => {
// // console.log('It works!!');
// },
// })
// )
// button.innerHTML = 'Check API'
// })
}, [selectedMarketName, theme])
// TODO: add market back to dep array
// }, [market])
return <div id={defaultProps.containerId} className="tradingview-chart" />
export default TVChartContainer