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JsLp: function (o, e) {
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M4my: function (o, e) {
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localizedName: window.t('Bars Pattern'),
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icon: n.LineToolBezierCubic,
localizedName: window.t('Double Curve'),
LineToolBezierQuadro: {
icon: n.LineToolBezierQuadro,
localizedName: window.t('Curve'),
LineToolBrush: {
icon: n.LineToolBrush,
localizedName: window.t('Brush'),
LineToolCallout: {
icon: n.LineToolCallout,
localizedName: window.t('Callout'),
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icon: n.LineToolCircleLines,
localizedName: window.t('Cyclic Lines'),
LineToolCypherPattern: {
icon: n.LineToolCypherPattern,
localizedName: window.t('Cypher Pattern'),
LineToolDateAndPriceRange: {
icon: n.LineToolDateAndPriceRange,
localizedName: window.t('Date and Price Range'),
LineToolDateRange: {
icon: n.LineToolDateRange,
localizedName: window.t('Date Range'),
LineToolDisjointAngle: {
icon: n.LineToolDisjointAngle,
localizedName: window.t('Disjoint Channel'),
hotKey: Object(t.b)(r),
LineToolElliottCorrection: {
icon: n.LineToolElliottCorrection,
localizedName: window.t('Elliott Correction Wave (ABC)'),
LineToolElliottDoubleCombo: {
icon: n.LineToolElliottDoubleCombo,
localizedName: window.t('Elliott Double Combo Wave (WXY)'),
LineToolElliottImpulse: {
icon: n.LineToolElliottImpulse,
localizedName: window.t('Elliott Impulse Wave (12345)'),
LineToolElliottTriangle: {
icon: n.LineToolElliottTriangle,
localizedName: window.t('Elliott Triangle Wave (ABCDE)'),
LineToolElliottTripleCombo: {
icon: n.LineToolElliottTripleCombo,
localizedName: window.t('Elliott Triple Combo Wave (WXYXZ)'),
LineToolEllipse: {
icon: n.LineToolEllipse,
localizedName: window.t('Ellipse'),
hotKey: Object(t.b)(c),
LineToolExtended: {
icon: n.LineToolExtended,
localizedName: window.t('Extended'),
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icon: n.LineToolFibChannel,
localizedName: window.t('Fib Channel'),
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icon: n.LineToolFibCircles,
localizedName: window.t('Fib Circles'),
hotKey: Object(t.b)(c),
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icon: n.LineToolFibRetracement,
localizedName: window.t('Fib Retracement'),
LineToolFibSpeedResistanceArcs: {
icon: n.LineToolFibSpeedResistanceArcs,
localizedName: window.t('Fib Speed Resistance Arcs'),
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icon: n.LineToolFibSpeedResistanceFan,
localizedName: window.t('Fib Speed Resistance Fan'),
hotKey: Object(t.b)(s),
LineToolFibSpiral: {
icon: n.LineToolFibSpiral,
localizedName: window.t('Fib Spiral'),
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icon: n.LineToolFibTimeZone,
localizedName: window.t('Fib Time Zone'),
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localizedName: window.t('Fib Wedge'),
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icon: n.LineToolFlagMark,
localizedName: window.t('Flag Mark'),
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icon: n.LineToolFlatBottom,
localizedName: window.t('Flat Top/Bottom'),
hotKey: Object(t.b)(r),
LineToolAnchoredVWAP: {
icon: n.LineToolAnchoredVWAP,
localizedName: window.t('Anchored VWAP'),
LineToolGannComplex: {
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localizedName: window.t('Gann Square'),
LineToolGannFixed: {
icon: n.LineToolGannFixed,
localizedName: window.t('Gann Square Fixed'),
LineToolGannFan: {
icon: n.LineToolGannFan,
localizedName: window.t('Gann Fan'),
LineToolGannSquare: {
icon: n.LineToolGannSquare,
localizedName: window.t('Gann Box'),
hotKey: Object(t.b)({
keys: ['Shift'],
text: window.t('{0} — fixed increments'),
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icon: n.LineToolHeadAndShoulders,
localizedName: window.t('Head and Shoulders'),
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icon: n.LineToolHorzLine,
localizedName: window.t('Horizontal Line'),
hotKey: Object(t.b)({ keys: ['Alt', 'H'], text: '{0} + {1}' }),
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icon: n.LineToolHorzRay,
localizedName: window.t('Horizontal Ray'),
LineToolIcon: {
icon: n.LineToolIcon,
localizedName: window.t('Font Icons'),
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icon: n.LineToolInsidePitchfork,
localizedName: window.t('Inside Pitchfork'),
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localizedName: window.t('Note'),
LineToolNoteAbsolute: {
icon: n.LineToolNoteAbsolute,
localizedName: window.t('Anchored Note'),
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icon: n.LineToolParallelChannel,
localizedName: window.t('Parallel Channel'),
hotKey: Object(t.b)(r),
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icon: n.LineToolPitchfan,
localizedName: window.t('Pitchfan'),
LineToolPitchfork: {
icon: n.LineToolPitchfork,
localizedName: window.t('Pitchfork'),
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localizedName: window.t('Polyline'),
LineToolPrediction: {
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localizedName: window.t('Forecast'),
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icon: n.LineToolPriceLabel,
localizedName: window.t('Price Label'),
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localizedName: window.t('Arrow Marker'),
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icon: n.LineToolPriceRange,
localizedName: window.t('Price Range'),
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localizedName: window.t('Projection'),
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localizedName: window.t('Rectangle'),
hotKey: Object(t.b)({
keys: ['Shift'],
text: window.t('{0} — square'),
LineToolRegressionTrend: {
icon: n.LineToolRegressionTrend,
localizedName: window.t('Regression Trend'),
LineToolRiskRewardLong: {
icon: n.LineToolRiskRewardLong,
localizedName: window.t('Long Position'),
LineToolRiskRewardShort: {
icon: n.LineToolRiskRewardShort,
localizedName: window.t('Short Position'),
LineToolRotatedRectangle: {
icon: n.LineToolRotatedRectangle,
localizedName: window.t('Rotated Rectangle'),
hotKey: Object(t.b)(r),
LineToolSchiffPitchfork: {
icon: n.LineToolSchiffPitchfork,
localizedName: window.t('Modified Schiff Pitchfork'),
LineToolSchiffPitchfork2: {
icon: n.LineToolSchiffPitchfork2,
localizedName: window.t('Schiff Pitchfork'),
LineToolSineLine: {
icon: n.LineToolSineLine,
localizedName: window.t('Sine Line'),
LineToolText: {
icon: n.LineToolText,
localizedName: window.t('Text', { context: 'tool' }),
LineToolTextAbsolute: {
icon: n.LineToolTextAbsolute,
localizedName: window.t('Anchored Text'),
LineToolThreeDrivers: {
icon: n.LineToolThreeDrivers,
localizedName: window.t('Three Drives Pattern'),
LineToolTimeCycles: {
icon: n.LineToolTimeCycles,
localizedName: window.t('Time Cycles'),
LineToolTrendAngle: {
icon: n.LineToolTrendAngle,
localizedName: window.t('Trend Angle'),
hotKey: Object(t.b)(r),
LineToolTrendBasedFibExtension: {
icon: n.LineToolTrendBasedFibExtension,
localizedName: window.t('Trend-Based Fib Extension'),
LineToolTrendBasedFibTime: {
icon: n.LineToolTrendBasedFibTime,
localizedName: window.t('Trend-Based Fib Time'),
LineToolTrendLine: {
icon: n.LineToolTrendLine,
localizedName: window.t('Trend Line'),
hotKey: Object(t.b)(r),
LineToolInfoLine: {
icon: n.LineToolInfoLine,
localizedName: window.t('Info Line'),
LineToolTriangle: {
icon: n.LineToolTriangle,
localizedName: window.t('Triangle'),
LineToolTrianglePattern: {
icon: n.LineToolTrianglePattern,
localizedName: window.t('Triangle Pattern'),
LineToolVertLine: {
icon: n.LineToolVertLine,
localizedName: window.t('Vertical Line'),
hotKey: Object(t.b)({ keys: ['Alt', 'V'], text: '{0} + {1}' }),
LineToolCrossLine: {
icon: n.LineToolCrossLine,
localizedName: $.t('Cross Line'),
SyncDrawing: {
icon: h.a.SyncDrawing,
iconActive: h.a.SyncDrawingActive,
localizedName: window.t(
'New drawings are replicated to all charts in the layout and shown when the same ticker is selected',
arrow: { icon: h.a.arrow, localizedName: window.t('Arrow') },
cursor: { icon: h.a.cursor, localizedName: window.t('Cross') },
dot: { icon:, localizedName: window.t('Dot') },
drawginmode: {
icon: h.a.drawginmode,
iconActive: h.a.drawginmodeActive,
localizedName: window.t('Stay in Drawing Mode'),
eraser: { icon: h.a.eraser, localizedName: window.t('Eraser') },
group: {
localizedName: window.t('Show Hidden Tools'),
hideAllDrawings: {
icon: h.a.hideAllDrawings,
iconActive: h.a.hideAllDrawingsActive,
localizedName: window.t('Hide All Drawing Tools'),
lockAllDrawings: {
icon: h.a.lockAllDrawings,
iconActive: h.a.lockAllDrawingsActive,
localizedName: window.t('Lock All Drawing Tools'),
magnet: {
icon: h.a.magnet,
localizedName: window.t(
'Magnet Mode snaps drawings placed near price bars to the closest OHLC value',
hotKey: Object(t.b)({ keys: ['Ctrl'], text: '{0}' }),
measure: {
icon: h.a.measure,
localizedName: window.t('Measure'),
hotKey: Object(t.b)({
keys: ['Shift'],
text: window.t('{0} + Click on the chart'),
removeAllDrawingTools: {
icon: h.a.removeAllDrawingTools,
localizedName: window.t('Remove Drawings'),
showObjectsTree: {
icon: h.a.showObjectTree,
localizedName: window.t('Show Object Tree'),
zoom: { icon: h.a.zoom, localizedName: window.t('Zoom In') },
'zoom-out': {
icon: h.a['zoom-out'],
localizedName: window.t('Zoom Out'),
Object(i.isFeatureEnabled)('remove-line-tool-ghost-feed') ||
(z.LineToolGhostFeed = {
icon: n.LineToolGhostFeed,
localizedName: window.t('Ghost Feed'),
N98A: function (o, e) {
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'<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 28 28" width="28" height="28"><g fill="currentColor"><path fill-rule="nonzero" d="M5.238 18.469l4.17-4.17-.707-.707-4.17 4.17zM16.47 17.763l-.707.707-4.265-4.265.707-.707zM22.747 13.546l-4.192 4.192.707.707 4.192-4.192z"/><path fill-rule="nonzero" d="M10.5 14c.828 0 1.5-.672 1.5-1.5s-.672-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5.672-1.5 1.5.672 1.5 1.5 1.5zm0 1c-1.381 0-2.5-1.119-2.5-2.5s1.119-2.5 2.5-2.5 2.5 1.119 2.5 2.5-1.119 2.5-2.5 2.5zM17.5 21c.828 0 1.5-.672 1.5-1.5s-.672-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5.672-1.5 1.5.672 1.5 1.5 1.5zm0 1c-1.381 0-2.5-1.119-2.5-2.5s1.119-2.5 2.5-2.5 2.5 1.119 2.5 2.5-1.119 2.5-2.5 2.5zM24.5 14c.828 0 1.5-.672 1.5-1.5s-.672-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5.672-1.5 1.5.672 1.5 1.5 1.5zm0 1c-1.381 0-2.5-1.119-2.5-2.5s1.119-2.5 2.5-2.5 2.5 1.119 2.5 2.5-1.119 2.5-2.5 2.5zM3.5 21c.828 0 1.5-.672 1.5-1.5s-.672-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5.672-1.5 1.5.672 1.5 1.5 1.5zm0 1c-1.381 0-2.5-1.119-2.5-2.5s1.119-2.5 2.5-2.5 2.5 1.119 2.5 2.5-1.119 2.5-2.5 2.5z"/><path d="M13.746 7h-1.258l-.5-1.301h-2.289l-.473 1.301h-1.227l2.23-5.727h1.223l2.293 5.727zm-2.129-2.266l-.789-2.125-.773 2.125h1.563z"/><path d="M22.582 7v-5.727h4.246v.969h-3.09v1.27h2.875v.965h-2.875v1.559h3.199v.965z"/></g></svg>';
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O4df: function (o, e) {
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P8r3: function (o, e) {
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RxfQ: function (o, e) {
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S2na: function (o, e) {
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TyyN: function (o, e) {
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Uh5y: function (o, e) {
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Ukrx: function (o, e) {
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'<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 28 28" width="28" height="28"><g fill="currentColor" fill-rule="nonzero"><path d="M15 12.5v-8.5h-1v8.5zM14 16.5v8.5h1v-8.5z"/><path d="M14.5 16c.828 0 1.5-.672 1.5-1.5s-.672-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5.672-1.5 1.5.672 1.5 1.5 1.5zm0 1c-1.381 0-2.5-1.119-2.5-2.5s1.119-2.5 2.5-2.5 2.5 1.119 2.5 2.5-1.119 2.5-2.5 2.5z"/></g></svg>';
V53V: function (o, e) {
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l.d(e, 'a', function () {
return t;
var i,
n = l('aIyQ'),
h = l.n(n),
r = l('Vdly');
!(function (o) {
function e() {
(o.favorites = []),
Object(r.getJSON)('chart.favoriteDrawings', []).forEach(function (
) {
o.favorites.push(e.tool || e);
(o.favorites = []),
(o.favoritesSynced = new h.a()),
(o.favoriteIndex = function (e) {
return o.favorites.indexOf(e);
(o.saveFavorites = function () {
Object(r.setJSON)('chart.favoriteDrawings', o.favorites);
r.onSync.subscribe(null, e);
})(i || (i = {})),
(function (o) {
function e() {
return i.favorites.length;
function l(o) {
return -1 !== i.favoriteIndex(o);
(o.favoriteAdded = new h.a()),
(o.favoriteRemoved = new h.a()),
(o.favoriteMoved = new h.a()),
(o.favoritesSynced = i.favoritesSynced),
(o.favorites = function () {
return i.favorites.slice();
(o.favoritesCount = e),
(o.favorite = function (o) {
return o < 0 || o >= e() ? '' : i.favorites[o];
(o.addFavorite = function (e) {
return (
!l(e) &&
(o.removeFavorite = function (e) {
var l = i.favoriteIndex(e);
return (
-1 !== l &&
(i.favorites.splice(l, 1),
(o.isFavorite = l),
(o.moveFavorite = function (l, t) {
if (t < 0 || t >= e()) return !1;
var n = i.favoriteIndex(l);
return (
-1 !== n &&
t !== n &&
(i.favorites.splice(n, 1),
i.favorites.splice(t, 0, l),
i.saveFavorites(),, n, t),
})(t || (t = {}));
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