add chinese translations

This commit is contained in:
rjpeterson 2023-08-15 17:29:15 -07:00
parent b12938d722
commit 06ae0eb0a2
12 changed files with 108 additions and 108 deletions

View File

@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
"assets": "资产",
"assets-liabilities": "资产和债务",
"collateral-value": "Collateral Value",
"cumulative-interest-chart": "Cumulative Interst Chart",
"daily-volume": "24h Volume",
"collateral-value": "质押品价值",
"cumulative-interest-chart": "累积利息图表",
"daily-volume": "24小时交易量",
"export": "导出{{dataType}}",
"funding-chart": "Funding Chart",
"health-contributions": "Health Contributions",
"init-health": "Init Health",
"init-health-contribution": "Init Health Contribution",
"init-health-contributions": "Init Health Contributions",
"funding-chart": "资金费图表",
"health-contributions": "健康度贡献",
"init-health": "初始健康度",
"init-health-contribution": "初始健康贡献",
"init-health-contributions": "初始健康贡献",
"liabilities": "债务",
"lifetime-volume": "Lifetime Trade Volume",
"maint-health": "Maint Health",
"maint-health-contribution": "Maint Health Contribution",
"maint-health-contributions": "Maint Health Contributions",
"no-data": "No data to display",
"lifetime-volume": "全历史交易量",
"maint-health": "维持健康度",
"maint-health-contribution": "维持健康贡献",
"maint-health-contributions": "维持健康度",
"no-data": "无数据可显示",
"no-pnl-history": "无盈亏历史",
"pnl-chart": "盈亏图表",
"pnl-history": "盈亏历史",
"refresh-balance": "Refresh Balance",
"tooltip-collateral-value": "The amount of capital this token gives you to use for trades and loans.",
"refresh-balance": "更新余额",
"tooltip-collateral-value": "该币种为你提供用于交易与借贷的资本金额。",
"tooltip-free-collateral": "你可用于交易和借贷的余额。当你可用的质押品达到0元时你将不能交易、借贷或取款",
"tooltip-init-health": "The contribution an asset gives to your initial account health. Initial health affects your ability to open new positions and withdraw collateral from your account. The sum of these values is equal to your account's free collateral." ,
"tooltip-init-health": "资产对你的初始账户健康度的贡献。初始健康度会影响你建仓和从账户中提取质押品的能力。这些值的总和等于你帐户的可用质押品。" ,
"tooltip-leverage": "总资价值除以账户余额",
"tooltip-maint-health": "The contribution an asset gives to your maintenance account health. If your maintenance health reaches 0 your account will be liquidated.",
"tooltip-maint-health": "资产对你的维护账户健康度的贡献。如果你的维护健康度达到 0你的账户将被清算。",
"tooltip-pnl": "你帐户的盈亏",
"tooltip-total-collateral": "可用于交易和借贷的质押品(包括未结清的盈亏)",
"tooltip-total-funding": "赚取和支付的合约资金费总和",
"tooltip-total-interest": "你获取的利息(存款)减你付出的利息(借贷)",
"total-funding-earned": "总资金费",
"volume-chart": "Volume Chart",
"volume-chart": "交易量图表",
"week-starting": "从{{week}}来算的一周",
"zero-balances": "Show Zero Balances",
"zero-collateral": "Zero Collateral"
"zero-balances": "显示等于零的余额",
"zero-collateral": "无质押品"

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"close-account-desc": "你确定吗? 关户就无法恢复",
"closing-account": "正在关闭帐户...",
"collateral-value": "质押品价值",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"confirm": "确认",
"connect": "连接",
"connect-balances": "连接而查看资产余额",
"connect-helper": "连接来开始",
@ -70,14 +70,14 @@
"details": "细节",
"disconnect": "断开连接",
"discord": "Discord",
"docs": "Docs",
"docs": "说明书",
"documentation": "文档",
"edit": "编辑",
"edit-account": "编辑帐户标签",
"edit-profile-image": "切换头像",
"explorer": "浏览器",
"fee": "费用",
"feedback-survey": "Feedback Survey",
"feedback-survey": "反馈调查",
"fees": "费用",
"free-collateral": "可用的质押品",
"funding": "资金费",
@ -90,21 +90,21 @@
"insufficient-sol": "Solana需要0.0695 SOL租金才能创建Mango账户。您关闭帐户时租金将被退还。",
"interest-earned": "获取利息",
"interest-earned-paid": "获取利息",
"latest-ui-commit": "Latest UI Commit",
"latest-ui-commit": "最近UI提交",
"leaderboard": "排行榜",
"learn": "学",
"learn-more": "Learn More",
"learn-more": "多学",
"leverage": "杠杆",
"liability-weight": "债务权重",
"liquidity": "流动性",
"list-market": "List Market",
"list-market": "列出市场",
"loading": "加载中",
"loan-origination-fee": "借贷费用",
"loan-origination-fee-tooltip": "执行借贷费用是{{fee}}。",
"mango": "Mango",
"mango-stats": "Mango统计",
"market": "市场",
"markets": "Markets",
"markets": "市场",
"max": "最多",
"max-borrow": "最多借贷",
"more": "更多",
@ -121,21 +121,21 @@
"perp-markets": "合约市场",
"pnl": "盈亏",
"price": "价格",
"program-version": "Program Version",
"program-version": "程式版本",
"quantity": "数量",
"rate": "利率(APR)",
"rates": "利率(APR)",
"refresh-data": "Manually refresh data",
"refresh-data": "手动更新数据",
"remove": "删除",
"remove-delegate": "铲除委托",
"repay": "归还",
"repay-borrow": "还贷",
"repay-deposit": "归还及存入",
"repayment-amount": "还贷额",
"risks": "Risks",
"risks": "风险",
"rolling-change": "24小时变化",
"rpc-ping": "Ping time with the RPC node",
"route": "Route",
"rpc-ping": "与RPC节点的ping时间",
"route": "路线",
"save": "存",
"select": "选择",
"select-borrow-token": "选借入币种",
@ -147,8 +147,8 @@
"settings": "设置",
"show-more": "显示更多",
"solana-tps": "Solana TPS",
"solana-tps-desc": "Solana Network transactions per second",
"soon": "Soon",
"solana-tps-desc": "Solana网络–每秒的交易量",
"soon": "等一下",
"spot": "现货",
"spot-markets": "现货市场",
"stats": "统计",
@ -187,9 +187,9 @@
"wallet-disconnected": "已断开钱包连接",
"withdraw": "取款",
"withdraw-amount": "取款额",
"list-market-token": "List Market/Token",
"list-market-token": "列出市场/币种",
"vote": "投票",
"yes": "是",
"you": "You"
"you": ""

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"leaderboard-desc": "Top 100 Mango traders by total PnL (spot and perp)",
"leaderboard-unavailable": "Leaderboard unavailable"
"leaderboard-desc": "按总盈亏现货和永续合约计算的前100名Mango交易商",
"leaderboard-unavailable": "无法显示排行榜"

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"sell": "Sell",
"my-bids": "My Bids",
"price": "Price",
"buy": "Buy",
"bid": "Bid",
"cancel-listing": "Cancel Listing",
"bids": "Bids",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"accept-bid": "Accept bid",
"list": "List"
"accept-bid": "接受出价",
"bid": "出价",
"bids": "出价",
"buy": "",
"cancel": "取消",
"cancel-listing": "取消上架",
"list": "上架",
"my-bids": "我的出价",
"price": "价格",
"sell": "卖"

View File

@ -11,5 +11,5 @@
"search-for": "搜寻",
"search-failed": "出错了。稍后再试。",
"wallet-pk": "钱包地址",
"open-orders-pk": "Open Orders Address"
"open-orders-pk": "未结订单地址"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"account-size": "Account Size",
"account-size-desc": "It costs SOL to increase your account size. This can be recovered if you close your account",
"animations": "动画",
"at": "at",
"at": "",
"avocado": "酪梨",
"banana": "香蕉",
"base-key": "Base Key",

View File

@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
"assets": "資產",
"assets-liabilities": "資產和債務",
"collateral-value": "Collateral Value",
"cumulative-interest-chart": "Cumulative Interst Chart",
"daily-volume": "24h Volume",
"collateral-value": "質押品價值",
"cumulative-interest-chart": "累積利息圖表",
"daily-volume": "24小時交易量",
"export": "導出{{dataType}}",
"funding-chart": "Funding Chart",
"health-contributions": "Health Contributions",
"init-health": "Init Health",
"init-health-contribution": "Init Health Contribution",
"init-health-contributions": "Init Health Contributions",
"funding-chart": "資金費圖表",
"health-contributions": "健康度貢獻",
"init-health": "初始健康度",
"init-health-contribution": "初始健康貢獻",
"init-health-contributions": "初始健康貢獻",
"liabilities": "債務",
"lifetime-volume": "Lifetime Trade Volume",
"maint-health": "Maint Health",
"maint-health-contribution": "Maint Health Contribution",
"maint-health-contributions": "Maint Health Contributions",
"no-data": "No data to display",
"lifetime-volume": "全歷史交易量",
"maint-health": "維持健康度",
"maint-health-contribution": "維持健康貢獻",
"maint-health-contributions": "維持健康度",
"no-data": "無數據可顯示",
"no-pnl-history": "無盈虧歷史",
"pnl-chart": "盈虧圖表",
"pnl-history": "盈虧歷史",
"refresh-balance": "Refresh Balance",
"tooltip-collateral-value": "The amount of capital this token gives you to use for trades and loans.",
"refresh-balance": "更新餘額",
"tooltip-collateral-value": "該幣種為你提供用於交易與借貸的資本金額。",
"tooltip-free-collateral": "你可用於交易和借貸的餘額。當你可用的質押品達到0元時你將不能交易、借貸或取款",
"tooltip-init-health": "The contribution an asset gives to your initial account health. Initial health affects your ability to open new positions and withdraw collateral from your account. The sum of these values is equal to your account's free collateral.",
"tooltip-init-health": "資產對你的初始賬戶健康度的貢獻。初始健康度會影響你建倉和從賬戶中提取質押品的能力。這些值的總和等於你帳戶的可用質押品。",
"tooltip-leverage": "總資價值除以賬戶餘額",
"tooltip-maint-health": "The contribution an asset gives to your maintenance account health. If your maintenance health reaches 0 your account will be liquidated.",
"tooltip-maint-health": "資產對你的維護賬戶健康度的貢獻。如果你的維護健康度達到 0你的賬戶將被清算。",
"tooltip-pnl": "你帳戶的盈虧",
"tooltip-total-collateral": "可用於交易和借貸的質押品(包括未結清的盈虧)",
"tooltip-total-funding": "賺取和支付的合約資金費總和",
"tooltip-total-interest": "你獲取的利息(存款)減你付出的利息(借貸)",
"total-funding-earned": "總資金費",
"volume-chart": "Volume Chart",
"volume-chart": "交易量圖表",
"week-starting": "從{{week}}來算的一周",
"zero-balances": "Show Zero Balances",
"zero-collateral": "Zero Collateral"
"zero-balances": "顯示等於零的餘額",
"zero-collateral": "無質押品"

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"close-account-desc": "你確定嗎? 關戶就無法恢復",
"closing-account": "正在關閉帳戶...",
"collateral-value": "質押品價值",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"confirm": "確認",
"connect": "連接",
"connect-balances": "連接而查看資產餘額",
"connect-helper": "連接來開始",
@ -70,14 +70,14 @@
"details": "細節",
"disconnect": "斷開連接",
"discord": "Discord",
"docs": "Docs",
"docs": "說明書",
"documentation": "文檔",
"edit": "編輯",
"edit-account": "編輯帳戶標籤",
"edit-profile-image": "切換頭像",
"explorer": "瀏覽器",
"fee": "費用",
"feedback-survey": "Feedback Survey",
"feedback-survey": "反饋調查",
"fees": "費用",
"free-collateral": "可用的質押品",
"funding": "資金費",
@ -90,21 +90,21 @@
"insufficient-sol": "Solana需要0.0695 SOL租金才能創建Mango賬戶。您關閉帳戶時租金將被退還。",
"interest-earned": "獲取利息",
"interest-earned-paid": "獲取利息",
"latest-ui-commit": "Latest UI Commit",
"latest-ui-commit": "最近UI提交",
"leaderboard": "排行榜",
"learn": "學",
"learn-more": "Learn More",
"learn-more": "多學",
"leverage": "槓桿",
"liability-weight": "債務權重",
"liquidity": "流動性",
"list-market": "List Market",
"list-market": "列出市場",
"loading": "加載中",
"loan-origination-fee": "借貸費用",
"loan-origination-fee-tooltip": "執行借貸費用是{{fee}}。",
"mango": "Mango",
"mango-stats": "Mango統計",
"market": "市場",
"markets": "Markets",
"markets": "市場",
"max": "最多",
"max-borrow": "最多借貸",
"more": "更多",
@ -121,21 +121,21 @@
"perp-markets": "合約市場",
"pnl": "盈虧",
"price": "價格",
"program-version": "Program Version",
"program-version": "程式版本",
"quantity": "數量",
"rate": "利率(APR)",
"rates": "利率(APR)",
"refresh-data": "Manually refresh data",
"refresh-data": "手動更新數據",
"remove": "刪除",
"remove-delegate": "剷除委託",
"repay": "歸還",
"repay-borrow": "還貸",
"repay-deposit": "歸還及存入",
"repayment-amount": "還貸額",
"risks": "Risks",
"risks": "風險",
"rolling-change": "24小時變化",
"rpc-ping": "Ping time with the RPC node",
"route": "Route",
"rpc-ping": "與RPC節點的ping時間",
"route": "路線",
"save": "存",
"select": "選擇",
"select-borrow-token": "選借入幣種",
@ -147,8 +147,8 @@
"settings": "設置",
"show-more": "顯示更多",
"solana-tps": "Solana TPS",
"solana-tps-desc": "Solana Network transactions per second",
"soon": "Soon",
"solana-tps-desc": "Solana網絡–每秒的交易量",
"soon": "等一下",
"spot": "現貨",
"spot-markets": "現貨市場",
"stats": "統計",
@ -187,8 +187,8 @@
"wallet-disconnected": "已斷開錢包連接",
"withdraw": "取款",
"withdraw-amount": "取款額",
"list-market-token": "List Market/Token",
"list-market-token": "列出市場/幣種",
"vote": "投票",
"yes": "是",
"you": "You"
"you": ""

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"leaderboard-desc": "Top 100 Mango traders by total PnL (spot and perp)",
"leaderboard-unavailable": "Leaderboard unavailable"
"leaderboard-desc": "按總盈虧現貨和永續合約計算的前100名Mango交易商",
"leaderboard-unavailable": "無法顯示排行榜"

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"sell": "Sell",
"my-bids": "My Bids",
"price": "Price",
"buy": "Buy",
"bid": "Bid",
"cancel-listing": "Cancel Listing",
"bids": "Bids",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"accept-bid": "Accept bid",
"list": "List"
"accept-bid": "接受出價",
"bid": "出價",
"bids": "出價",
"buy": "",
"cancel": "取消",
"cancel-listing": "取消上架",
"list": "上架",
"my-bids": "我的出價",
"price": "價格",
"sell": "賣"

View File

@ -11,5 +11,5 @@
"search-for": "搜尋",
"search-failed": "出錯了。稍後再試。",
"wallet-pk": "錢包地址",
"open-orders-pk": "Open Orders Address"
"open-orders-pk": "未結訂單地址"

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"above": "Above",
"account-size": "Account Size",
"account-size-desc": "It costs SOL to increase your account size. This can be recovered if you close your account",
"above": "以上",
"account-size": "帳戶大小",
"account-size-desc": "增加賬戶大小需要支付 SOL。如果您關戶這可以恢復",
"animations": "動畫",
"at": "at",
"at": "",
"avocado": "酪梨",
"banana": "香蕉",
"base-key": "Base Key",
"below": "Below",
"base-key": "基礎鑰匙",
"below": "以下",
"blueberry": "藍莓",
"bonk": "Bonk",
"bottom-left": "左下",
@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
"custom": "自定",
"dark": "暗",
"display": "顯示",
"error-account-size-full": "Account size is full",
"error-alphanumeric-only": "Alphanumeric characters only",
"error-amount": "{{type}} must be greater than {{greaterThan}} and less than {{lessThan}}",
"error-account-size-full": "帳戶大小已充滿了",
"error-alphanumeric-only": "僅限字母數字字符",
"error-amount": "{{type}}必多於{{greaterThan}}以及少於{{lessThan}}",
"error-key-in-use": "Hot key already in use. Choose a unique key",
"error-key-limit-reached": "You've reached the maximum number of hot keys",
"error-must-be-above-zero": "Must be greater than zero",