translate onboarding-tours.json

This commit is contained in:
rjpeterson 2023-04-02 16:24:48 -07:00
parent 73088dae4a
commit 0831abcaaa
1 changed files with 45 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -4,55 +4,55 @@
"account-value": "帳戶價值",
"account-value-desc": "你的資產價值(存款)減去你的債務價值(借貸)。",
"free-collateral": "可用的質押品",
"free-collateral-desc": "The amount of capital you have to trade or borrow against. When your free collateral reaches $0 you won't be able to make withdrawals.",
"free-collateral-desc": "您可以用於交易或借入的資本金額。當您的可用質押品達到零時,您將無法取款。",
"health": "健康",
"health-desc": "If your account health reaches 0% your account will be liquidated. You can increase the health of your account by making a deposit.",
"health-desc": "若您的賬戶健康度達到零,您的賬戶將被清算。您可以存款而提高賬戶的健康度。",
"account-summary": "帳戶概要",
"account-summary-desc": "Check your key account information from any screen in the app.",
"account-summary-desc": "從APP的任何頁面檢查您的主要帳戶信息。",
"health-impact": "健康影響",
"health-impact-desc": "Projects the health of your account before you make a swap. The first value is your current account health and the second, your projected account health.",
"interest-earned": "Interest Earned",
"interest-earned-desc": "The sum of interest earned and interest paid for each token.",
"ioc": "立刻或取消",
"ioc-desc": "An order condition that attempts to execute all or part of an order immediately and then cancels any unfilled portion.",
"health-impact-desc": "此在您進行換幣之前預測您賬戶的健康狀況。第一個值是您當前的帳戶健康狀況,第二個值是您的預測帳戶健康狀況。",
"interest-earned": "獲取利息",
"interest-earned-desc": "每個幣種賺取及支付的利息總和。",
"ioc": "立刻或取消IoC",
"ioc-desc": "嘗試立刻執行全部或部分訂單然後取消任何未執行部分的訂單條件。",
"leverage": "槓桿",
"leverage-desc": "The total size of your positions divided by your total collateral.",
"margin": "Margin",
"margin-desc": "When margin is on you can trade with more size than your token balance. Using margin increases your risk of loss. If you're not an experienced trader, use it with caution.",
"leverage-desc": "您持倉的總價值除以您的質押品總價值。",
"margin": "保證金",
"margin-desc": "當保證金開啟時,您能使用比您的帳戶餘額更大的規模進行交易。利用保證金會增加您的損失風險。若您的交易經驗不多,請謹慎使用。",
"market-selector": "市場選擇器",
"market-selector-desc": "Chose the market you want to trade.",
"oracle-price": "Oracle Price",
"oracle-price-desc": "The oracle price uses an average of price data from many sources. It's used to avoid price manipulation which could lead to liquidations.",
"orderbook-grouping": "Orderbook Grouping",
"orderbook-grouping-desc": "Adjust the price intervals to change how orders are grouped. Small intervals will show more small orders in the book",
"pay-token": "Pay Token",
"pay-token-desc": "Select the token you want to swap from (pay/sell). If you have margin switched on and your size is above your token balance a loan will be opened to cover the shortfall. Check the borrow rate before making a margin swap.",
"pnl": "PnL (Profit and Loss)",
"pnl-desc": "The amount your account has made or lost.",
"market-selector-desc": "選擇您想交易的市場。",
"oracle-price": "預言機價格",
"oracle-price-desc": "預言機價格是來自許多來源的價格數據的平均。它用於避免可能導致清算的市場操縱。",
"orderbook-grouping": "掛單薄分組",
"orderbook-grouping-desc": "調整價格區間以更改訂單的分組方式。小間隔會在掛單簿中顯示更多的小單",
"pay-token": "支付幣種",
"pay-token-desc": "選擇您要換的幣種(支付/出售)。若您開啟了保證金功能並且支付數量多於您的幣種餘額,將借貸以彌補差額。在進行槓桿換幣之前檢查借貸利率。",
"pnl": "盈虧",
"pnl-desc": "您的賬戶賺取或損失的金額。",
"post-only": "Post Only",
"post-only-desc": "An order condition that will only allow your order to enter the orderbook as a maker order. If the condition can't be met the order will be cancelled.",
"profile-menu": "Profile Menu",
"profile-menu-desc": "If you haven't chosen a profile name yet, you'll see your assigned one here. You can edit it and change your profile image from this menu.",
"rates": "Rates",
"rates-desc": "The interest rates (per year) for depositing (green/left) and borrowing (red/right).",
"receive-token": "Receive Token",
"receive-token-desc": "The token you'll receive in your Mango Account after making a swap. You can think of this token as the one you're buying/longing.",
"recent-trades": "Recent Trades",
"recent-trades-desc": "Shows the most recent trades for a market across all accounts.",
"spread": "Spread",
"spread-desc": "The difference between the prices quoted for an immediate sell (ask) and an immediate buy (bid). Or, in other words, the difference between the lowest sell price and the highest buy price.",
"swap": "We've Juiced Swap",
"swap-desc": "The swap you know and love + leverage. Swap lets you trade tokens on their relative strength. Let's say your thesis is BTC will see diminishing returns relative to SOL. You can sell BTC and buy SOL. Now you are long SOL/BTC",
"swap-settings": "Swap Settings",
"swap-settings-desc": "Edit your slippage settings and toggle margin on and off. When margin is off your swaps will be limited by your balance for each token.",
"toggle-orderbook": "Toggle Orderbook",
"toggle-orderbook-desc": "Use these buttons if you only want to see one side of the orderbook. Looking to bid/buy? Toggle off the buy orders to only see the sells and vice versa.",
"total-interest-earned": "Total Interest Earned",
"total-interest-earned-desc": "The value of interest earned (deposits) minus interest paid (borrows).",
"trade": "Trade 100s of Tokens...",
"trade-desc": "A refined interface without listing limits. The tokens you want to trade are now on Mango and no longer only quoted in USDC.",
"unsettled-balance": "Unsettled Balance",
"unsettled-balance-desc": "When a limit order is filled, the funds are placed in your unsettled balances. When you have an unsettled balance you'll see a 'Settle All' button above this table. Use it to move the funds to your account balance.",
"your-accounts": "Your Accounts",
"your-accounts-desc": "Switch between accounts and create new ones. Use multiple accounts to trade isolated margin and protect your capital from liquidation."
"post-only-desc": "一個訂單條件,只允許您作為掛單者進入掛單簿。如果不能滿足條件,訂單將被取消。",
"profile-menu": "個人檔案",
"profile-menu-desc": "若您還沒選擇個人檔案名稱您會在此處看到Mango創造給您的名稱。您可以從此頁面編輯它並更改您的個人頭像。",
"rates": "利率",
"rates-desc": "存款(綠色/左)和借款(紅色/右)的利率(每年)。",
"receive-token": "獲取幣種",
"receive-token-desc": "換幣後您將在Mango賬戶中收到的幣種。您可以將此幣種視為您正在購買/做多的幣種。",
"recent-trades": "最近交易",
"recent-trades-desc": "顯示一個市場所有賬戶的最近交易。",
"spread": "差價",
"spread-desc": "即時賣出和即時買入的差價。換句話說,最低賣出價和最高買入價之間的差額。",
"swap": "新換幣版本",
"swap-desc": "你已熟悉的換幣加槓桿。換幣功能讓您可以根據幣種的相對強度進行幣種交易。舉個例子您認為BTC相對於SOL的價值將降低您可以出售BTC並購買SOL。您就做多SOL/BTC",
"swap-settings": "換幣設定",
"swap-settings-desc": "編輯您的滑點設置並開啟和關閉保證金功能。保證金功能關閉時,換幣將受到每個代幣餘額的限制。",
"toggle-orderbook": "切換掛單薄",
"toggle-orderbook-desc": "若您只想看到掛單簿的一側,請用這些按鈕。想要出價/購買?關閉買單以僅查看賣單,反之亦然。",
"total-interest-earned": "總利息",
"total-interest-earned-desc": "賺取的利息(存款)減去支付的利息(借款)的價值。",
"trade": "買賣數百個幣種...",
"trade-desc": "沒有限制的交易界面。您想要買賣的幣種現在在Mango上不再僅以USDC報價。",
"unsettled-balance": "未結算餘額",
"unsettled-balance-desc": "執行限價單後,資金將存入您的未結算餘額中。當您有未結算餘額時,您會在該表格上方看到“全部結算”按鈕。用它來將資金轉移到您的賬戶餘額。",
"your-accounts": "您的帳戶",
"your-accounts-desc": "在帳戶之間切換並創建新帳戶。使用多個賬戶進行逐倉保證金交易,保護您的資金免遭清算。"