add equity leaderboard
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
import TabsText from '@components/shared/TabsText'
import SwapOrders from '@components/swap/SwapTriggerOrders'
import OpenOrders from '@components/trade/OpenOrders'
import mangoStore from '@store/mangoStore'
import useMangoAccount from 'hooks/useMangoAccount'
import { useMemo, useState } from 'react'
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
const AccountOrders = () => {
const { t } = useTranslation('trade')
const { mangoAccount } = useMangoAccount()
const openOrders = mangoStore((s) => s.mangoAccount.openOrders)
const [activeTab, setActiveTab] = useState('trade:limit')
@ -24,21 +23,12 @@ const AccountOrders = () => {
return (
<div className="flex space-x-6 px-4 py-4 md:px-6">
{ => (
className={`flex items-center space-x-2 text-base font-bold focus:outline-none ${
activeTab === tab[0] ? 'text-th-active' : ''
onClick={() => setActiveTab(tab[0])}
<div className="rounded-md bg-th-bkg-3 px-1.5 py-0.5 font-body text-xs font-medium text-th-fgd-2">
<div className="px-4 py-4 md:px-6">
<div className="flex flex-1 flex-col border-t border-th-bkg-3">
{activeTab === 'trade:limit' ? <OpenOrders /> : <SwapOrders />}
@ -9,40 +9,92 @@ import { useMemo, useState } from 'react'
import { EmptyObject } from 'types'
import { MANGO_DATA_API_URL } from 'utils/constants'
import LeaderboardTable from './LeaderboardTable'
import TabsText from '@components/shared/TabsText'
export interface LeaderboardRes {
date_hour: string
mango_account: string
pnl: number
profile_image_url: string | null
profile_name: string
start_date_hour: string
trader_category: string
wallet_pk: string
type DaysToShow = '1DAY' | '1WEEK' | 'ALLTIME'
export interface PnlLeaderboardRes extends LeaderboardRes {
pnl: number
start_date_hour: string
const isLeaderboard = (
response: null | EmptyObject | LeaderboardRes[],
): response is LeaderboardRes[] => {
export interface EquityLeaderboardRes extends LeaderboardRes {
account_equity: number
const isPnlLeaderboardRes = (
response: null | EmptyObject | PnlLeaderboardRes[],
): response is PnlLeaderboardRes[] => {
if (response && Array.isArray(response)) {
return true
return false
const fetchLeaderboard = async (
const isEquityLeaderboardRes = (
response: null | EmptyObject | EquityLeaderboardRes[],
): response is EquityLeaderboardRes[] => {
if (response && Array.isArray(response)) {
return true
return false
export const isPnlLeaderboard = (
item: PnlLeaderboardRes | EquityLeaderboardRes,
): item is PnlLeaderboardRes => {
if ('pnl' in item) {
return true
return false
export const isEquityLeaderboard = (
item: PnlLeaderboardRes | EquityLeaderboardRes,
): item is EquityLeaderboardRes => {
if ('account_equity' in item) {
return true
return false
type DaysToShow = '1DAY' | '1WEEK' | 'ALLTIME'
const fetchPnlLeaderboard = async (
daysToShow: DaysToShow,
offset = 0,
): Promise<Array<LeaderboardRes>> => {
): Promise<Array<PnlLeaderboardRes>> => {
const data = await fetch(
const parsedData: null | EmptyObject | LeaderboardRes[] = await data.json()
const parsedData: null | EmptyObject | PnlLeaderboardRes[] = await data.json()
let leaderboardData
if (isLeaderboard(parsedData)) {
if (isPnlLeaderboardRes(parsedData)) {
leaderboardData = parsedData
return leaderboardData ?? []
const fetchEquityLeaderboard = async (
offset = 0,
): Promise<Array<EquityLeaderboardRes>> => {
const data = await fetch(
const parsedData: null | EmptyObject | EquityLeaderboardRes[] =
await data.json()
let leaderboardData
if (isEquityLeaderboardRes(parsedData)) {
leaderboardData = parsedData
@ -52,72 +104,135 @@ const fetchLeaderboard = async (
const LeaderboardPage = () => {
const { t } = useTranslation(['common', 'leaderboard'])
const [daysToShow, setDaysToShow] = useState<DaysToShow>('ALLTIME')
const [leaderboardToShow, setLeaderboardToShow] = useState('pnl')
const { hiddenAccounts } = useHiddenMangoAccounts()
const { data, isLoading, isFetching, isFetchingNextPage, fetchNextPage } =
['leaderboard', daysToShow],
({ pageParam }) => fetchLeaderboard(daysToShow, pageParam),
cacheTime: 1000 * 60 * 10,
staleTime: 1000 * 60 * 5,
retry: 3,
refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
keepPreviousData: true,
getNextPageParam: (_lastPage, pages) => pages.length * 20,
const {
data: pnlData,
isLoading: loadingPnl,
isFetching: fetchingPnl,
isFetchingNextPage: fetchingNextPnlPage,
fetchNextPage: fetchNextPnlPage,
} = useInfiniteQuery(
['pnl-leaderboard', daysToShow, leaderboardToShow],
({ pageParam }) => fetchPnlLeaderboard(daysToShow, pageParam),
cacheTime: 1000 * 60 * 10,
staleTime: 1000 * 60 * 5,
retry: 3,
refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
keepPreviousData: true,
getNextPageParam: (_lastPage, pages) => pages.length * 20,
const leaderboardData = useMemo(() => {
if (data?.pages.length) {
const {
data: equityData,
isLoading: loadingEquity,
isFetching: fetchingEquity,
isFetchingNextPage: fetchingNextEquityPage,
fetchNextPage: fetchNextEquityPage,
} = useInfiniteQuery(
['equity-leaderboard', leaderboardToShow],
({ pageParam }) => fetchEquityLeaderboard(pageParam),
cacheTime: 1000 * 60 * 10,
staleTime: 1000 * 60 * 5,
retry: 3,
refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
keepPreviousData: true,
getNextPageParam: (_lastPage, pages) => pages.length * 20,
const pnlLeaderboardData = useMemo(() => {
if (pnlData?.pages.length) {
if (hiddenAccounts) {
return data.pages
return pnlData.pages
.filter((d) => !hiddenAccounts.includes(d.mango_account))
} else {
return data.pages.flat()
return pnlData.pages.flat()
return []
}, [data, daysToShow])
}, [pnlData, daysToShow])
const equityLeaderboardData = useMemo(() => {
if (equityData?.pages.length) {
if (hiddenAccounts) {
return equityData.pages
.filter((d) => !hiddenAccounts.includes(d.mango_account))
} else {
return equityData.pages.flat()
return []
}, [equityData])
const leaderboardData = useMemo(() => {
return leaderboardToShow === 'pnl'
? pnlLeaderboardData
: equityLeaderboardData
}, [leaderboardToShow, pnlLeaderboardData, equityLeaderboardData])
const handleDaysToShow = (days: DaysToShow) => {
const isPnl = leaderboardToShow === 'pnl'
const loading = isPnl ? loadingPnl : loadingEquity
const fetching = isPnl ? fetchingPnl : fetchingEquity
const fetchingNextPage = isPnl ? fetchingNextPnlPage : fetchingNextEquityPage
const fetchNextPage = isPnl ? fetchNextPnlPage : fetchNextEquityPage
return (
<div className="p-4 md:p-10 lg:px-0">
<div className="grid grid-cols-12">
<div className="col-span-12 lg:col-span-8 lg:col-start-3">
<div className="mb-6 flex flex-col md:flex-row md:items-center md:justify-between">
<h1 className="mb-2">{t('leaderboard')}</h1>
<div className="mb-4 flex items-center justify-between">
<h1 className="mb-2">{t('leaderboard')}</h1>
<p className="mb-4 md:mb-0">
onChange={(v: string) => setLeaderboardToShow(v)}
['pnl', 0],
['equity', 0],
<p className="mt-1">
? t('leaderboard:leaderboard-desc-pnl')
: t('leaderboard:leaderboard-desc-equity')}
<div className="w-full md:w-48">
onChange={(v) => handleDaysToShow(v)}
names={['24h', '7d', '30d', t('all')]}
values={['1DAY', '1WEEK', 'ALLTIME']}
{isPnl ? (
<div className="w-full md:w-48">
onChange={(v) => handleDaysToShow(v)}
names={['24h', '7d', '30d', t('all')]}
values={['1DAY', '1WEEK', 'ALLTIME']}
) : null}
{leaderboardData.length ? (
loading={isFetching && !isFetchingNextPage}
loading={fetching && !fetchingNextPage}
) : !isFetching && !isLoading ? (
) : !fetching && !loading ? (
<div className="flex flex-col items-center rounded-md border border-th-bkg-3 p-4">
<NoSymbolIcon className="mb-1 h-7 w-7 text-th-fgd-4" />
) : null}
{isLoading || isFetchingNextPage ? (
{loading || fetchingNextPage ? (
<div className="mt-2 space-y-2">
{[...Array(20)].map((x, i) => (
<SheenLoader className="flex flex-1" key={i}>
@ -4,14 +4,21 @@ import SheenLoader from '@components/shared/SheenLoader'
import { ChevronRightIcon } from '@heroicons/react/20/solid'
import { useViewport } from 'hooks/useViewport'
import { formatCurrencyValue } from 'utils/numbers'
import { LeaderboardRes } from './LeaderboardPage'
import {
} from './LeaderboardPage'
const LeaderboardTable = ({
}: {
data: LeaderboardRes[]
data: PnlLeaderboardRes[] | EquityLeaderboardRes[]
loading: boolean
type: string
}) => {
return (
@ -21,7 +28,8 @@ const LeaderboardTable = ({
rank={i + 1}
key={d.mango_account + d.pnl + i}
key={d.mango_account + i}
@ -35,13 +43,20 @@ const LeaderboardRow = ({
}: {
item: LeaderboardRes
item: PnlLeaderboardRes | EquityLeaderboardRes
loading?: boolean
rank: number
type: string
}) => {
const { profile_name, profile_image_url, mango_account, pnl, wallet_pk } =
const { profile_name, profile_image_url, mango_account, wallet_pk } = item
const value =
type === 'pnl' && isPnlLeaderboard(item)
? item.pnl
: isEquityLeaderboard(item)
? item.account_equity
: 0
const { isTablet } = useViewport()
return !loading ? (
@ -83,7 +98,7 @@ const LeaderboardRow = ({
<div className="flex items-center">
<span className="mr-3 text-right font-mono md:text-base">
{formatCurrencyValue(pnl, 2)}
{formatCurrencyValue(value, 2)}
<ChevronRightIcon className="h-5 w-5 text-th-fgd-3" />
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
const TabsText = ({
}: {
tabs: [string, number][]
activeTab: string
onChange: (tab: string) => void
}) => {
const { t } = useTranslation(['common', 'trade'])
return (
<div className="flex space-x-6">
{ => (
className={`flex items-center space-x-2 text-base font-bold focus:outline-none ${
activeTab === tab[0] ? 'text-th-active' : ''
onClick={() => onChange(tab[0])}
{tab[1] ? (
<div className="rounded-md bg-th-bkg-3 px-1.5 py-0.5 font-body text-xs font-medium text-th-fgd-2">
) : null}
export default TabsText
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
"edit-account": "Edit Account Name",
"edit-profile-image": "Edit Profile Image",
"enable-notifications": "Enable Notifications",
"equity": "Equity",
"error-borrow-exceeds-limit": "Maximum borrow for the current period is {{remaining}}. New period starts {{resetTime}}",
"error-repay-insufficient-funds": "Not enough {{token}} in your wallet to repay this amount",
"error-token-positions-full": "Not enough token positions available in your account",
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"leaderboard-desc": "Top 100 Mango traders by total PnL (spot and perp)",
"leaderboard-desc-equity": "Top 100 Mango traders by account equity",
"leaderboard-desc-pnl": "Top 100 Mango traders by total PnL (spot and perp)",
"leaderboard-unavailable": "Leaderboard unavailable"
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
"edit-account": "Edit Account Name",
"edit-profile-image": "Edit Profile Image",
"enable-notifications": "Enable Notifications",
"equity": "Equity",
"error-borrow-exceeds-limit": "Maximum borrow for the current period is {{remaining}}. New period starts {{resetTime}}",
"error-repay-insufficient-funds": "Not enough {{token}} in your wallet to repay this amount",
"error-token-positions-full": "Not enough token positions available in your account",
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"leaderboard-desc": "Top 100 Mango traders by total PnL (spot and perp)",
"leaderboard-desc-equity": "Top 100 Mango traders by account equity",
"leaderboard-desc-pnl": "Top 100 Mango traders by total PnL (spot and perp)",
"leaderboard-unavailable": "Leaderboard unavailable"
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
"edit-account": "Edit Account Name",
"edit-profile-image": "Edit Profile Image",
"enable-notifications": "Enable Notifications",
"equity": "Equity",
"error-borrow-exceeds-limit": "Maximum borrow for the current period is {{remaining}}. New period starts {{resetTime}}",
"error-repay-insufficient-funds": "Not enough {{token}} in your wallet to repay this amount",
"error-token-positions-full": "Not enough token positions available in your account",
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"leaderboard-desc": "Top 100 Mango traders by total PnL (spot and perp)",
"leaderboard-desc-equity": "Top 100 Mango traders by account equity",
"leaderboard-desc-pnl": "Top 100 Mango traders by total PnL (spot and perp)",
"leaderboard-unavailable": "Leaderboard unavailable"
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
"edit-account": "编辑帐户标签",
"edit-profile-image": "切换头像",
"enable-notifications": "开启通知",
"equity": "Equity",
"error-borrow-exceeds-limit": "目前期间的最大借贷为{{remaining}}.新期间从{{resetTime}}开始",
"error-repay-insufficient-funds": "钱包里的{{token}}不足归还",
"error-token-positions-full": "你帐户的币位已占满",
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"leaderboard-desc": "按总盈亏(现货和永续合约)计算的前100名Mango交易商",
"leaderboard-desc-equity": "Top 100 Mango traders by account equity",
"leaderboard-desc-pnl": "按总盈亏(现货和永续合约)计算的前100名Mango交易商",
"leaderboard-unavailable": "无法显示排行榜"
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
"edit-account": "編輯帳戶標籤",
"edit-profile-image": "切換頭像",
"enable-notifications": "開啟通知",
"equity": "Equity",
"error-borrow-exceeds-limit": "目前期間的最大借貸為{{remaining}}.新期間從{{resetTime}}開始",
"error-repay-insufficient-funds": "錢包裡的{{token}}不足歸還",
"error-token-positions-full": "你帳戶的幣位已占滿",
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"leaderboard-desc": "按總盈虧(現貨和永續合約)計算的前100名Mango交易商",
"leaderboard-desc-equity": "Top 100 Mango traders by account equity",
"leaderboard-desc-pnl": "按總盈虧(現貨和永續合約)計算的前100名Mango交易商",
"leaderboard-unavailable": "無法顯示排行榜"
Reference in New Issue