token translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,14 +36,14 @@
"tooltip-deposit-borrow-scaling-start": "這作為存款和借款的軟限制。對於存款,如果超過此值資產權重將降低。對於借款,負債權重將增加。",
"tooltip-init-asset-liability-weight": "幣種對您帳戶的初始健康度的貢獻。資產權重會影響任何增加健康度的存款,負債權重會影響任何降低健康度的借貸。初始健康度控制您提款以及開倉的能力,並顯示為賬戶的可用的質押品。",
"tooltip-insurance-rate-curve": "利率受幣種利用率的影響。借出的幣種越多利率就越高。曲線按照利用率的長期趨勢而波動。",
"tooltip-liquidation-fee": "The fee paid to liqudators for liquidating {{symbol}}.",
"tooltip-maint-asset-liability-weight": "The contribution a token has to your maintenance account health. Asset weight is applied to deposits that increase health and liability weight is applied to borrows that reduce it. Maintenance health is what's displayed on your account page. If this value reaches zero your account will be liquidated.",
"tooltip-net-borrow-period": "As a safety feature, the amount of new borrows is limited. The limit resets at regular periods. This is the amount of time between resets.",
"tooltip-net-borrow-limit-in-period": "The maximum value of allowed net borrows. Once this value is reached, new borrows will be disabled until the end of the period.",
"tooltip-net-borrows-in-period": "Current value of net borrows (borrows - repayments) in this period.",
"tooltip-oracle-confidence": "Oracles work by aggregating multiple price sources. If these sources disagree too much, confidence will be low. If it's below this threshold, the price is considered invalid.",
"tooltip-oracle-staleness": "Price is considered valid when it is last updated within {{slots}} slots.",
"tooltip-token-fees-collected": "These fees accrue in every native token listed on Mango. The values in this chart are derived from the current market value.",
"tooltip-liquidation-fee": "支付給清算者清算 {{symbol}} 的費用。",
"tooltip-maint-asset-liability-weight": "幣種對您帳戶的維持健康度的貢獻。資產權重會影響任何增加健康度的存款,負債權重會影響任何降低健康度的借貸。 維持健康狀況顯示在您的帳戶頁面上。如果此值達到零,您的帳戶將被清算。",
"tooltip-net-borrow-period": "作為一項安全功能,新借貸的數量是有限的。限制會定期重置。這是重置期間。",
"tooltip-net-borrow-limit-in-period": "允許的淨借袋的最大值。一旦達到此值,新借入將被禁用,直到該期間結束。",
"tooltip-net-borrows-in-period": "本期淨借袋(借款減還款)的現值。",
"tooltip-oracle-confidence": "預言機會將多個價格來源做比較。如果這些價格的分歧太大,信心度就會降低。如果低於此參數,則價格被視為無效。",
"tooltip-oracle-staleness": "價格在{{slots}}個時段內更新將被視為有效。",
"tooltip-token-fees-collected": "這些費用在 Mango 上列出的所有幣種中都會累積。此圖表中的值來自當前市場價值。",
"top-borrowers": "頂級{{symbol}}借貸者",
"top-depositors": "頂級{{symbol}}存款者",
"total-supply": "總供應量",
Reference in New Issue