update translations

This commit is contained in:
rjpeterson 2024-01-02 11:25:16 -08:00
parent beb38e892a
commit 8aa3ff1360
16 changed files with 42 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"account-is-private": "此帐户已开启隐私模式",
"account-stats": "帐户统计",
"advanced-options": "Advanced Options",
"advanced-options-desc": "Mango Accounts have limits on the number of tokens and markets an account can hold at one time. This is due to how accounts on Solana work. Use the sliders to customize the slots for your new account.",
"advanced-options": "高级设定",
"advanced-options-desc": "Mango帐户对帐户一次可以持有的币种数量和市场数量有限制。 这是Solana 帐户的特征之一。 使用滑杆为你的新帐户自订币种以市场位置。",
"assets": "资产",
"assets-liabilities": "资产和债务",
"collateral-value": "质押品价值",
"custom-account-options-saved": "Advanced options set",
"custom-account-options-saved": "已改高级设定",
"cumulative-interest-chart": "累积利息图表",
"daily-volume": "24小时交易量",
"export": "导出{{dataType}}",
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"pnl-chart": "盈亏图表",
"pnl-history": "盈亏历史",
"refresh-balance": "更新余额",
"reset-defaults": "Reset Defaults",
"reset-defaults": "重置预设值",
"slots-open-account": "开新帐户以增加你在Mango中可以持有的币种数量。",
"slots-settings-path": "帐户设定 > 帐户币位",
"token-slots-full": "你帐户的币位已占满",

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
"perps": "永续合约",
"reset-filters": "重置筛选",
"select-tokens": "选择币种",
"settle_funds": "Settle Funds",
"settle_funds": "结清资金",
"spot-trade": "现货交易",
"swap": "换币",
"swaps": "换币",

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"404-description": "或者从来不存在...",
"404-heading": "此页被清算了",
"accept-terms": "接受条款",
"accept-terms-desc": "I have read and accept the Mango",
"accept-terms-desc": "我读过以及接受Mango",
"account": "帐户",
"account-balance": "帐户余额",
"account-closed": "关户成功👋",
@ -34,9 +34,9 @@
"borrow-fee": "借贷费用",
"borrow-funds": "进行借贷",
"borrow-rate": "借贷APR",
"bridge": "Bridge",
"bridge-funds": "Wormhole Bridge",
"bridge-wormhole": "Bridge from another chain via Wormhole",
"bridge": "桥接",
"bridge-funds": "Wormhole",
"bridge-wormhole": "以Wormhole从其他区块链桥接",
"buy": "买",
"cancel": "取消",
"chart-unavailable": "无法显示图表",
@ -77,14 +77,14 @@
"details": "细节",
"disconnect": "断开连接",
"discord": "Discord",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"dismiss": "知道",
"docs": "说明书",
"documentation": "文档",
"edit": "编辑",
"edit-account": "编辑帐户标签",
"edit-profile-image": "切换头像",
"enable-notifications": "开启通知",
"equity": "Equity",
"equity": "净值",
"error-borrow-exceeds-limit": "目前期间的最大借贷为{{remaining}}.新期间从{{resetTime}}开始",
"error-repay-insufficient-funds": "钱包里的{{token}}不足归还",
"error-token-positions-full": "你已占用所有帐户币位。关闭未使用的币位以将此币种新增至你的帐户或建立新帐户。",
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
"new-account": "开户",
"new-account-failed": "开户出错",
"new-account-success": "您的新帐户准备好了😎",
"new-token-live": "{{tokenName}} trading is live.",
"new-token-live": "{{tokenName}}可以交易了",
"new-version": "新版本出来了",
"nft-market": "NFT市场",
"no": "不",

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"open-book-market-id": "Openbook市场ID",
"openbook-market": "Openbook市场",
"openbook-market-external": "外在Openbook市场",
"list-for-swap-only": "List for swap only",
"list-for-swap-only": "限换币上架",
"openbook-market-not-found": "找不到Openbook市场",
"openbook-program": "Openbook程序",
"oracle": "预言机",
@ -110,5 +110,5 @@
"create-oracle": "创建预言机",
"tier": "层级",
"on-boarding-description-1": "若你想使用委托币种,请前往投票视图并选择右上角的钱包。",
"create-bigger-market": "Create market with bigger event que - cost ~7.5 SOL"
"create-bigger-market": "创建具有更大事件队列 - 价格 ~7.5 SOL"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"bullet-1": "以保证金来交换任何币种对",
"bullet-2": "以高达十倍的杠杆率买卖现货和永续合约。",
"bullet-3": "Earn interest and borrow tokens.",
"bullet-3": "取得利息以及借币种。",
"choose-wallet": "选择钱包",
"connect-wallet": "连接钱包",
"create-account": "开户",

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"account-settings-delegated": "无法编辑委托帐户的帐户设定。",
"account-settings-unowned": "无法编辑他人的帐户。",
"account-slots": "帐户币位数量",
"account-slots-desc": "Mango Accounts have limits on the number of tokens, markets and orders an account can hold. This is due to how accounts on Solana work. You can manage the slots in your account below or open a new account to trade other assets.",
"account-slots-desc": "Mango帐户对帐户可持有的代币数量、市场和订单数量有限制。 这是Solana 帐户的特征之一。 你可以在下方管理帐户中的币位或开设新帐户来交易其他币种。",
"increase-account-slots-desc": "增加账户币位数量需要支付 SOL。如果您关户这可以恢复",
"animations": "动画",
"at": "在",
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
"high-contrast": "高对比度",
"hot-keys": "热键",
"hot-keys-desc": "使用热键来迅速订单。热键在你正在查看的市场上执行,而不是特定于市场的。",
"in-use": "In Use",
"in-use": "正在用",
"increase-account-slots": "增加帐户币位数量",
"key-sequence": "钥匙顺序",
"language": "语言",

View File

@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
"hourly": "小时",
"largest-perp-positions": "最大持仓",
"liquidations-at-risk": "面临清算风险",
"market-parameters": "Market Parameters",
"market-parameters": "市场设定",
"net-deposits": "净存款",
"perp-details": "{{market}}统计",
"perp-liquidations": "合约清算",
"perp-open-interest": "合约未平仓量",
"perp-volume": "合约交易量",
"pnl-liquidation-fee": "正数盈亏清算费用",
"positions": "Positions",
"positions": "持仓",
"price-change": "价格变动",
"price-change-percentage": "价格变动百分比",
"settle-pnl-factor": "结清盈亏因素",

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"hide-fees": "隐藏费用",
"hide-swap-history": "隐藏换币纪录",
"important-info": "重要资料",
"input-reduce-only-warning": "{{symbol}} borrows are disabled",
"input-reduce-only-warning": "{{symbol}}借货已关闭",
"insufficient-balance": "{{symbol}}余额不够",
"insufficient-collateral": "质押品不够",
"margin": "保证金",
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
"tooltip-favorite-swap-add": "将币对加入收藏夹",
"tooltip-favorite-swap-remove": "从收藏夹移除币对",
"tooltip-wallet-swap": "启用后,换币会在你的钱包中执行。 停用后换币会在你的Mango帐户中执行。",
"tooltip-price-chart-source": "Price history by birdeye",
"tooltip-price-chart-source": "价格纪录由birdeye提供",
"trigger-beta": "触发订单还在开发中。请小心一点。",
"use-margin": "允许杠杆",
"wallet-swap": "钱包换币",

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"account-is-private": "此帳戶已開啟隱私模式",
"account-stats": "帳戶統計",
"advanced-options": "Advanced Options",
"advanced-options-desc": "Mango Accounts have limits on the number of tokens and markets an account can hold at one time. This is due to how accounts on Solana work. Use the sliders to customize the slots for your new account.",
"advanced-options": "高級設定",
"advanced-options-desc": "Mango帳戶對帳戶一次可以持有的幣種數量和市場數量有限制。 這是 Solana 帳戶的特徵之一。 使用滑桿為你的新帳戶自訂幣種以市場位置。",
"assets": "資產",
"assets-liabilities": "資產和債務",
"collateral-value": "質押品價值",
"custom-account-options-saved": "Advanced options set",
"custom-account-options-saved": "已改高級設定",
"cumulative-interest-chart": "累積利息圖表",
"daily-volume": "24小時交易量",
"export": "導出{{dataType}}",
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"pnl-chart": "盈虧圖表",
"pnl-history": "盈虧歷史",
"refresh-balance": "更新餘額",
"reset-defaults": "Reset Defaults",
"reset-defaults": "重置預設值",
"slots-open-account": "開新帳戶以增加你在Mango中可以持有的幣種數量。",
"slots-settings-path": "帳戶設定 > 帳戶幣位",
"token-slots-full": "你帳戶的幣位已占滿",

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"perp_trade": "合約交易",
"perps": "永續合約",
"reset-filters": "重置篩選",
"settle_funds": "Settle Funds",
"settle_funds": "結清資金",
"select-tokens": "選擇幣種",
"spot-trade": "現貨交易",
"swap": "換幣",

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"404-description": "或者從來不存在...",
"404-heading": "此頁被清算了",
"accept-terms": "接受條款",
"accept-terms-desc": "I have read and accept the Mango",
"accept-terms-desc": "我讀過以及接受Mango",
"account": "帳戶",
"account-balance": "帳戶餘額",
"account-closed": "關戶成功👋",
@ -34,9 +34,9 @@
"borrow-fee": "借貸費用",
"borrow-funds": "進行借貸",
"borrow-rate": "借貸APR",
"bridge": "Bridge",
"bridge-funds": "Wormhole Bridge",
"bridge-wormhole": "Bridge from another chain via Wormhole",
"bridge": "橋接",
"bridge-funds": "Wormhole",
"bridge-wormhole": "以Wormhole從其他區塊鏈橋接",
"buy": "買",
"cancel": "取消",
"chart-unavailable": "無法顯示圖表",
@ -77,14 +77,14 @@
"details": "細節",
"disconnect": "斷開連接",
"discord": "Discord",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"dismiss": "知道",
"docs": "說明書",
"documentation": "文檔",
"edit": "編輯",
"edit-account": "編輯帳戶標籤",
"edit-profile-image": "切換頭像",
"enable-notifications": "開啟通知",
"equity": "Equity",
"equity": "淨值",
"error-borrow-exceeds-limit": "目前期間的最大借貸為{{remaining}}.新期間從{{resetTime}}開始",
"error-repay-insufficient-funds": "錢包裡的{{token}}不足歸還",
"error-token-positions-full": "你已占用所有帳戶幣位。關閉未使用的幣位以將此幣種新增至你的帳戶或建立新帳戶。",
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
"new-account": "開戶",
"new-account-failed": "開戶出錯",
"new-account-success": "您的新帳戶準備好了😎",
"new-token-live": "{{tokenName}} trading is live.",
"new-token-live": "{{tokenName}}可以交易了",
"new-version": "新版本出來了",
"nft-market": "NFT市場",
"no": "不",

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"open-book-market-id": "Openbook市場ID",
"openbook-market": "Openbook市場",
"openbook-market-external": "外在Openbook市場",
"list-for-swap-only": "List for swap only",
"list-for-swap-only": "限換幣上架",
"openbook-market-not-found": "找不到Openbook市場",
"openbook-program": "Openbook程序",
"oracle": "預言機",
@ -110,5 +110,5 @@
"create-oracle": "創建預言機",
"tier": "層級",
"on-boarding-description-1": "若你想使用委託幣種,請前往投票視圖並選擇右上角的錢包。",
"create-bigger-market": "Create market with bigger event que - cost ~7.5 SOL"
"create-bigger-market": "創建具有更大事件队列 - 價格 ~7.5 SOL"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"bullet-1": "以保證金來交換任何幣種對",
"bullet-2": "以高達十倍的槓桿率買賣現貨和永續合約。",
"bullet-3": "Earn interest and borrow tokens.",
"bullet-3": "取得利息以及借幣種。",
"choose-wallet": "選擇錢包",
"connect-wallet": "連接錢包",
"create-account": "開戶",

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"account-settings-delegated": "無法編輯委託帳戶的帳戶設定。",
"account-settings-unowned": "無法編輯他人的帳戶。",
"account-slots": "帳戶幣位數量",
"account-slots-desc": "Mango Accounts have limits on the number of tokens, markets and orders an account can hold. This is due to how accounts on Solana work. You can manage the slots in your account below or open a new account to trade other assets.",
"account-slots-desc": "Mango帳戶對帳戶可持有的代幣數量、市場和訂單數量有限制。 這是 Solana 帳戶的特徵之一。 你可以在下方管理帳戶中的幣位或開設新帳戶來交易其他幣種。",
"increase-account-slots-desc": "增加賬戶幣位數量需要支付 SOL。如果您關戶這可以恢復",
"animations": "動畫",
"at": "在",
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
"high-contrast": "高對比度",
"hot-keys": "熱鍵",
"hot-keys-desc": "使用熱鍵來迅速訂單。熱鍵在你正在查看的市場上執行,而不是特定於市場的。",
"in-use": "In Use",
"in-use": "正在用",
"increase-account-slots": "增加帳戶幣位數量",
"key-sequence": "鑰匙順序",
"language": "語言",

View File

@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
"hourly": "小時",
"largest-perp-positions": "最大持倉",
"liquidations-at-risk": "面臨清算風險",
"market-parameters": "Market Parameters",
"market-parameters": "市場設定",
"net-deposits": "淨存款",
"perp-details": "{{market}}統計",
"perp-liquidations": "合約清算",
"perp-open-interest": "合約未平倉量",
"perp-volume": "合約交易量",
"pnl-liquidation-fee": "正數盈虧清算費用",
"positions": "Positions",
"positions": "持倉",
"price-change": "價格變動",
"price-change-percentage": "價格變動百分比",
"settle-pnl-factor": "結清盈虧因素",

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"hide-fees": "隱藏費用",
"hide-swap-history": "隱藏換幣紀錄",
"important-info": "重要資料",
"input-reduce-only-warning": "{{symbol}} borrows are disabled",
"input-reduce-only-warning": "{{symbol}}借貨已關閉",
"insufficient-balance": "{{symbol}}餘額不夠",
"insufficient-collateral": "質押品不夠",
"margin": "保證金",
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
"tooltip-favorite-swap-add": "將幣對加入收藏夾",
"tooltip-favorite-swap-remove": "從收藏夾移除幣對",
"tooltip-wallet-swap": "啟用後,換幣會在你的錢包中執行。 停用後換幣會在你的Mango帳戶中執行。",
"tooltip-price-chart-source": "Price history by birdeye",
"tooltip-price-chart-source": "價格紀錄由birdeye提供",
"trigger-beta": "觸發訂單還在開發中。請小心一點。",
"use-margin": "允許槓桿",
"wallet-swap": "錢包換幣",