Merge pull request #274 from blockworks-foundation/chinese-localization
Update Chinese localizations
This commit is contained in:
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
"edit-profile-image": "切换头像",
"enable-notifications": "Enable Notifications",
"error-borrow-exceeds-limit": "Maximum borrow for the current period is {{remaining}}. New period starts {{resetTime}}",
"error-token-positions-full": "Not enough token positions available in your account.",
"error-token-positions-full": "你帐户的币位已占满",
"explorer": "浏览器",
"fee": "费用",
"feedback-survey": "反馈调查",
@ -101,11 +101,11 @@
"leverage": "杠杆",
"liability-weight": "债务权重",
"liquidity": "流动性",
"list-market": "列出市场",
"list-market": "上架市场",
"loading": "加载中",
"loan-origination-fee": "借贷费用",
"loan-origination-fee-tooltip": "执行借贷费用是{{fee}}。",
"manage": "Manage",
"manage": "管理",
"mango": "Mango",
"mango-stats": "Mango统计",
"market": "市场",
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
"new-account-failed": "开户出错",
"new-account-success": "您的新帐户准备好了😎",
"new-version": "新版本出来了",
"no": "No",
"no": "不",
"optional": "可选",
"outstanding-balance": "未结余额",
"overview": "摘要",
@ -186,17 +186,17 @@
"utilization": "利用率",
"value": "价值",
"view-transaction": "查看交易",
"wallet": "Wallet",
"wallet": "钱包",
"wallet-address": "钱包地址",
"wallet-balance": "钱包余额",
"wallet-disconnected": "已断开钱包连接",
"withdraw": "取款",
"withdraw-amount": "取款额",
"list-market-token": "列出市场/币种",
"list-market-token": "上架市场/币种",
"vote": "投票",
"yes": "是",
"you": "你",
"using-ledger": "Using Ledger",
"sign-to-in-app-notifications": "Sign to in app notifications"
@ -1,112 +1,112 @@
"active-proposals": "Active Proposals",
"adv-fields": "Advanced Options",
"approval-q": "Approval Quorum",
"base-bank": "Base Bank",
"base-mint": "Base Mint",
"base-token": "Base Token",
"before-listing-1": "You need at least 100,000 MNGO deposited in",
"before-listing-2": "New tokens need to have an",
"before-listing-3": "Is there sufficient liquidity?",
"before-listing-4": "New markets and tokens are approved by DAO vote. This takes 3 days",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"cant-find-token-for-mint": "Can't find token for given mint",
"cant-list-oracle-not-found-pyth": "Oracle not found. Create a Pyth oracle before continuing.",
"cant-list-oracle-not-found-switch": "Oracle not found. Create a Switchboard oracle before continuing.",
"cant-list-no-openbook-market": "Openbook market not found. Create an Openbook market before continuing.",
"connect-to-list": "Connect to list a spot market or token",
"connect-wallet": "Connect Wallet",
"create": "Create",
"create-market-sol-cost": "The transaction cost for listing on Openbook is ~{{cost}} SOL",
"create-openbook": "Create Openbook Market",
"current-vote": "Current Vote:",
"delegate": "Delegate",
"ends": "Ends",
"enter-valid-token-mint": "Enter a valid token mint",
"error-creating-market": "Error creating market",
"error-proposal-creation": "Error on proposal creation or no confirmation of transactions",
"field-req": "Field is required",
"find-token": "Find Token",
"invalid-num": "Invalid Number",
"invalid-pk": "Invalid Public Key",
"liquidity-check-error": "Error during liquidity check",
"liquidity-warning": "Low liquidity. Price impact of {{priceImpactPct}}% on a 20k USDC swap.",
"list-spot-market": "List Spot Market",
"list-spot-market-desc": "Create a market pair from tokens listed on Mango",
"list-token": "List Token",
"list-token-desc": "List any SPL token on Mango",
"mango-governance": "Mango Governance",
"market-created-successful": "Market created successfully",
"market-index": "Market Index",
"market-name": "Market Name",
"market-name-convention-1": "The base symbol for each token should be uppercase",
"market-name-convention-2": "If either token is bridged via Portal append 'po' to the base symbol e.g. ETHpo",
"market-name-convention-3": "If either token is a liquid staking derivative prepend the characters to the base symbol in lowercase e.g. mSOL",
"market-name-convention-4": "If either token is wrapped prepend a lowercase 'w'",
"market-name-convention-5": "Tokens are separated by '/' with no spaces",
"market-name-convention-6": "If it isn't clear what the market name should be reach out to us on ",
"market-name-desc": "Follow these conventions when creating the market name:",
"market-pair": "Market Pair",
"min-order": "Min Order Size",
"mint": "Mint",
"name": "Name",
"new-listing": "New Market or Token Listing",
"new-market-listing": "New Market Listing",
"next": "Next",
"no": "No",
"no-openbook-found": "An Openbook market is required for {{market}}",
"no-openbook-found-desc": "Create an Openbook market to propose listing",
"no-active-proposals": "No Active Proposals",
"no-votes": "No Votes",
"none": "None",
"on-boarding-title": "Looks like currently connected wallet doesn't have any MNGO deposited inside realms",
"on-boarding-description": "Before you continue. Deposit at least {{amount}} MNGO into",
"on-boarding-deposit-info": "Your MNGO will be locked for the duration of the proposal.",
"open-book-market-id": "Openbook Market ID",
"openbook-market": "Openbook Market",
"openbook-market-external": "Openbook Market External",
"openbook-market-not-found": "Openbook market not found",
"openbook-program": "Openbook Program",
"oracle": "Oracle",
"oracle-not-found": "Oracle not found",
"price-tick": "Tick Size",
"propose-listing": "Propose Listing",
"proposal-des": "Proposal Description",
"proposal-listed": "Your proposal to list {{token}} is live.",
"proposal-title": "Proposal Title",
"proposals-fetch-error": "Error fetching proposals",
"pyth-oracle-error": "Error fetching Pyth oracle",
"quorum-description": "Proposals must reach a minimum number of 'Yes' votes before they are eligible to pass. If the minimum is reached but there are more 'No' votes when voting ends the proposal will fail.",
"quote-bank": "Quote Bank",
"quote-mint": "Quote Mint",
"quote-token": "Quote Token",
"relinquish-vote": "Relinquish Vote",
"required-approval-achieved": "Required Approval Achieved",
"select-delegate": "Select delegate",
"success": "Success!",
"switch-oracle-error": "Error fetching Switchboard oracle",
"symbol": "Symbol",
"token-details": "Token Details",
"token-index": "Token Index",
"token-mint": "Token Mint",
"tokens-deposited": "Tokens Deposited",
"token-not-found": "Token Not Found",
"use-own-wallet": "Use Own Wallet",
"view-proposal": "View Proposal",
"vote-no": "Vote No",
"vote-now": "Vote Now",
"vote-yes": "Vote Yes",
"voting-ended": "Voting Ended",
"what-happens-next": "What happens now?",
"what-happens-next-1": "Rally the voters. The voting period lasts 3 days.",
"what-happens-next-2": "If your proposal passes it can be exectued when the voting period ends.",
"what-happens-next-3": "{{token}} will be listed on Mango automatically on execution.",
"yes": "Yes",
"yes-votes": "Yes Votes",
"your-votes": "Your Votes:",
"create-switch-oracle": "Create switchboard oracle for",
"estimated-oracle-cost": "Estimated cost with funding oracle for ~12 months",
"create-oracle": "Create oracle",
"tier": "Tier",
"on-boarding-description-1": "If you want to use delegated tokens go to vote view and select wallet in top right corner."
"active-proposals": "当前提案",
"adv-fields": "高级选项",
"approval-q": "批准法定人数",
"base-bank": "基准Bank",
"base-mint": "基准铸币",
"base-token": "基准币种",
"before-listing-1": "你必须存入10,0000 MNGO以上",
"before-listing-2": "新币种需要有",
"before-listing-3": "是否有足够相对USDC与SOL的流动性?",
"before-listing-4": "新币种由DAO确认。过程需要3天的时间。",
"cancel": "取消",
"cant-find-token-for-mint": "查不到该铸币地址的币种",
"cant-list-no-openbook-market": "找不到Openbook市场。继续之前请创建Openbook市场。",
"cant-list-oracle-not-found-pyth": "找不到预言机。继续之前请创建Pyth预言机。",
"cant-list-oracle-not-found-switch": "找不到预言机继续之前请创建Switchboard预言机。",
"connect-to-list": "连接钱包来上架市场或币种",
"connect-wallet": "连接钱包",
"create": "创建",
"create-market-sol-cost": "在Openbook上上架的费用为 ~{{cost}} SOL",
"create-openbook": "创建Openbook市场",
"current-vote": "目前状况:",
"delegate": "委托",
"ends": "结束",
"enter-valid-token-mint": "请输入有效的币种铸币地址",
"error-creating-market": "创建市场出错",
"error-proposal-creation": "提案时出错或未确认交易",
"field-req": "必填项",
"find-token": "搜寻币种",
"invalid-num": "无效的数字",
"invalid-pk": "无效的PublicKey",
"liquidity-check-error": "流动性检查时出错",
"liquidity-warning": "流动性很低。两万USDC换币价格影响为{{priceImpactPct}}%。",
"list-spot-market": "上架现货市场",
"list-spot-market-desc": "从Mango已上架币种中创建新市场币对",
"list-token": "上架币种",
"list-token-desc": "在Mango上上架任何SPL币种",
"mango-governance": "Mango治理",
"market-created-successful": "创建市场成功",
"market-index": "市场指数",
"market-name": "市场标签",
"market-name-convention-1": "币种代号必须大写",
"market-name-convention-2": "若币种来自Portal跨链桥请在后面加上「po」比如「ETHpo」",
"market-name-convention-3": "若币种是流动权益质押品请在前面小写字母币如「mSOL」",
"market-name-convention-4": "若币种是包装的请在前面小写「w」",
"market-name-convention-5": "用「/」隔开币种代号。不加空格",
"market-name-convention-6": "如果不清楚市场名称应该是什么,请通过以下方式联系我们",
"market-name-desc": "创建市场名称时请遵循以下规则:",
"market-pair": "币对",
"min-order": "最小交易数量",
"mint": "铸币",
"name": "标签",
"new-listing": "上架新币种",
"new-market-listing": "新市场上架",
"next": "下一个",
"no": "否",
"no-active-proposals": "无有效的提议",
"no-openbook-found": "{{market}}需要Openbook市场",
"no-openbook-found-desc": "创建Openbook市场来提议上架",
"no-votes": "反对票",
"none": "无",
"on-boarding-deposit-info": "您的MNGO将在提议期间被锁定。",
"on-boarding-description": "进行之前必须将{{amount}}MNGO以上存入帐户",
"on-boarding-title": "你需要将MNGO存入连接realms的钱包",
"open-book-market-id": "Openbook市场ID",
"openbook-market": "Openbook市场",
"openbook-market-external": "外在Openbook市场",
"openbook-market-not-found": "找不到Openbook市场",
"openbook-program": "Openbook程序",
"oracle": "预言机",
"oracle-not-found": "找不到预言机",
"price-tick": "Tick大小",
"proposal-des": "提议说明",
"proposal-listed": "上架{{token}}的提议现在可以投票了",
"proposal-title": "提议标题",
"proposals-fetch-error": "查不到未占的提案指数",
"propose-listing": "提议上架",
"pyth-oracle-error": "Pyth预言机连接出错",
"quorum-description": "为了通过,提案得先达到最低数量的赞成票。如果达到最低限度,但投票结束时有更多反对票,则提案将失败。",
"quote-bank": "标价Bank",
"quote-mint": "标价铸币",
"quote-token": "标价币种",
"relinquish-vote": "放弃投票",
"required-approval-achieved": "赞成票已足够",
"select-delegate": "选择委托帐户",
"success": "成功!",
"switch-oracle-error": "Switchboard预言机连接出错",
"symbol": "代号",
"token-details": "币种细节",
"token-index": "币种指数",
"token-mint": "币种铸币",
"token-not-found": "找不到币种",
"tokens-deposited": "存入的币种",
"use-own-wallet": "用自己的钱包",
"view-proposal": "查看提议",
"vote-no": "投反对票",
"vote-now": "投票",
"vote-yes": "投赞成票",
"voting-ended": "投票结束",
"what-happens-next": "现在呢?",
"what-happens-next-1": "投票时期为3天的时间",
"what-happens-next-2": "投票时期结束时,若提案通过就能执行。",
"what-happens-next-3": "执行时{{token}}将在Mango上架。",
"yes": "是",
"yes-votes": "赞成票",
"your-votes": "你的票:",
"create-switch-oracle": "创建Switchboard预言机给",
"estimated-oracle-cost": "预言机约12个月的预计成本",
"create-oracle": "创建预言机",
"tier": "层级",
"on-boarding-description-1": "若你想使用委托币种,请前往投票视图并选择右上角的钱包。"
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"bullet-1": "以保证金来交换任何币种对",
"bullet-2": "以高达十倍的杠杆率买卖现货和永续合约。",
"bullet-3": "所有存款可以赚取利息。",
"bullet-4": "借入任何被列出币种",
"bullet-4": "借入任何被上架币种",
"choose-wallet": "选择钱包",
"connect-wallet": "连接钱包",
"create-account": "开户",
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"above": "Above",
"account-slots": "Account Slots",
"account-slots-desc": "It costs SOL to increase your account slots. This can be recovered if you close your account",
"above": "以上",
"account-slots": "帐户币位数量",
"account-slots-desc": "增加账户币位数量需要支付 SOL。如果您关户,这可以恢复",
"animations": "动画",
"at": "在",
"avocado": "酪梨",
"banana": "香蕉",
"base-key": "Base Key",
"below": "Below",
"base-key": "基础钥匙",
"below": "以下",
"blueberry": "蓝莓",
"bonk": "Bonk",
"bottom-left": "左下",
@ -18,63 +18,64 @@
"chart-middle-ob-right": "图表中,挂单薄右",
"chart-right": "图表右",
"chinese": "简体中文",
"chinese-traditional": "繁體中文",
"chinese-traditional": "繁体中文",
"close-instructions": "Close Instructions",
"close-perp": "Close Perp Positions",
"close-perp-desc": "To close unused positions, close the position/s, cancel any open orders and settle any unsettled funding.",
"close-spot-oo": "Close Spot Open Orders",
"close-spot-oo": "Close Spot Open Orders",
"close-spot-oo-desc": "To close unused markets, cancel your open orders and settle any unsettled balances.",
"close-token-positions-desc": "Closing tokens positions can affect your account health. The balance will be withdrawn to your wallet on closing.",
"close-unused": "Close Unused",
"close-unused-desc": "Closing unused slots will refund SOL to your account. Each slot type has different requirements for closure (hover over the buttons for details)",
"connect-notifications": "Connect to update your notification settings",
"connect-notifications": "连接钱包来切换通知设定",
"custom": "自定",
"dark": "暗",
"display": "显示",
"error-account-slots-full": "Account slots are full",
"error-alphanumeric-only": "Alphanumeric characters only",
"error-amount": "{{type}} must be greater than {{greaterThan}} and less than {{lessThan}}",
"error-key-in-use": "Hot key already in use. Choose a unique key",
"error-key-limit-reached": "You've reached the maximum number of hot keys",
"error-must-be-above-zero": "Must be greater than zero",
"error-must-be-below-100": "Must be below 100",
"error-must-be-number": "Must be a number",
"error-order-exceeds-max": "Order exceeds max size",
"error-required-field": "This field is required",
"error-too-many-characters": "Enter one alphanumeric character",
"english": "English",
"error-account-slots-full": "帐户币位已满了",
"error-alphanumeric-only": "仅限字母数字字符",
"error-amount": "{{type}}必多于{{greaterThan}}以及少于{{lessThan}}",
"error-key-in-use": "热键已被使用。选择一个唯一的键",
"error-key-limit-reached": "你已达到热键的最多数量",
"error-must-be-above-zero": "必须多余零",
"error-must-be-below-100": "必须少于100",
"error-must-be-number": "必须是数字",
"error-order-exceeds-max": "订单超过最大数量",
"error-required-field": "必填项",
"error-too-many-characters": "请输入一个字母数字字符",
"high-contrast": "高对比度",
"hot-keys": "Hot Keys",
"hot-keys-desc": "Use hot keys to place orders quickly. They execute on the market you're viewing and are not market specific.",
"hot-keys": "热键",
"hot-keys-desc": "使用热键迅速订单。热键在你正在查看的市场上执行,而不是特定于市场的。",
"in-use": "In Use",
"increase-account-slots": "Increase Account Slots",
"key-sequence": "Key Sequence",
"increase-account-slots": "增加帐户币位数量",
"key-sequence": "钥匙顺序",
"language": "语言",
"light": "光",
"limit-order-filled": "限价单成交",
"lychee": "荔枝",
"mango": "芒果",
"mango-classic": "芒果经典",
"max-all": "Max All",
"max-all": "全最多",
"medium": "中",
"network": "Network",
"new-hot-key": "New Hot Key",
"no-hot-keys": "Create your first hot key",
"new-hot-key": "新热键",
"no-hot-keys": "创建你的第一个热键",
"notification-position": "通知位置",
"notional": "Notional",
"notifications": "通知",
"notional": "名义",
"number-scroll": "数字滑动",
"olive": "橄榄",
"options": "Options",
"oracle": "Oracle",
"options": "选项",
"oracle": "预言机",
"order-side": "订单方向",
"order-size-type": "订单大小类型",
"orderbook-bandwidth-saving": "节省挂单薄频宽",
"orderbook-flash": "挂单薄闪光",
"order-side": "Order Side",
"order-size-type": "Order Size Type",
"pepe": "Pepe",
"percentage": "Percentage",
"percentage-of-max": "{{size}}% of Max",
"perp-open-orders": "Perp Open Orders",
"perp-positions": "Perp Positions",
"percentage": "百分比",
"percentage-of-max": "最多之{{size}}%",
"perp-open-orders": "合约未结订单",
"perp-positions": "合约持仓",
"preferences": "Preferences",
"preferred-explorer": "首选探索器",
"privacy-disable": "Disable Privacy Mode",
@ -87,7 +88,7 @@
"rpc-url": "输入RPC URL",
"russian": "Русский",
"save": "存",
"save-hot-key": "Save Hot Key",
"save-hot-key": "存下热键",
"sign-to-notifications": "登录通知中心以更改设置",
"slider": "滑块",
"slots-used": "You've used {{used}} of {{total}} available {{type}} slots.",
@ -97,32 +98,31 @@
"solscan": "Solscan",
"sounds": "声响",
"spanish": "Español",
"spot-open-orders": "Spot Open Orders",
"spot-open-orders": "现货未结订单",
"swap-success": "换币/交易成功",
"swap-trade-size-selector": "换币/交易大小选择器",
"theme": "模式",
"tooltip-close-collateral-token-instructions": "Close spot open orders slots and cancel trigger orders with {{token}} in the pair. Make sure you have enough free collateral to withdraw your total {{token}} balance.",
"tooltip-close-token-instructions": "Close spot open orders slots and cancel trigger orders with {{token}} in the pair.",
"tooltip-close-usdc-instructions": "Close spot open orders slots and cancel trigger orders with USDC in the pair. Close all perp position slots and make sure you have enough free collateral to withdraw your total USDC balance.",
"tooltip-hot-key-notional-size": "Set size as a USD value.",
"tooltip-hot-key-percentage-size": "Set size as a percentage of your max leverage.",
"tooltip-hot-key-price": "Set a price as a percentage change from the oracle price.",
"tooltip-perp-positions": "The number of perp markets you can have positions in. The maximum for new accounts is {{max}}",
"tooltip-perp-open-orders": "The number of perp markets you can have open orders in. The maximum for new accounts is {{max}}",
"tooltip-hot-key-notional-size": "将大小设置为美元值。",
"tooltip-hot-key-percentage-size": "将大小设置为最大杠杆的百分比。",
"tooltip-hot-key-price": "将价格设置为预言机价格变化的百分比。",
"tooltip-orderbook-bandwidth-saving": "使用链下服务进行挂单簿更新,将数据使用量减少约 1000 倍。如果未结订单在挂单簿中不正确显示,请禁用此选项。",
"tooltip-perp-open-orders": "你可以有未结订单的合约市场数量。新帐户的最多为{{max}}",
"tooltip-perp-positions": "你可以有持仓的合约市场数量。新帐户的最多为{{max}}",
"tooltip-privacy-mode": "Masks the USD values of your account",
"tooltip-private-account": "Your account won't show on leaderboards and it won't be viewable via URL",
"tooltip-spot-open-orders": "The number of spot markets you can have open orders in. The maximum for new accounts is {{max}}",
"tooltip-token-accounts": "The number of tokens you can hold in your account. The maximum for new accounts is {{max}}",
"tooltip-spot-open-orders": "你可以有未结订单的现货市场数量。新帐户的最多为{{max}}",
"tooltip-token-accounts": "你帐户可以持有的币种数量。新帐户的最多为{{max}}",
"top-left": "左上",
"top-right": "右上",
"trade-chart": "交易图表",
"trade-layout": "交易布局",
"trading-view": "Trading View",
"trigger-key": "Trigger Key",
"transaction-fail": "交易失败",
"transaction-success": "交易成功",
"orderbook-bandwidth-saving": "Orderbook Bandwidth Saving",
"tooltip-orderbook-bandwidth-saving": "Use an off-chain service for Orderbook updates to decrease data usage by ~1000x. Disable this if open orders are not highlighted in the book correctly.",
"trigger-key": "触发键",
"trigger-orders-used": "You have {{orders}} active trigger orders.",
"unused": "Unused"
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"base-liquidation-fee": "基本清算费用",
"closest-to-liquidation": "Positions Closest to Liquidation",
"closest-to-liquidation": "最接近清算的持仓",
"daily": "日",
"hourly": "小时",
"largest-perp-positions": "Largest Positions",
"largest-perp-positions": "最大持仓",
"perp-details": "{{market}}统计",
"perp-open-interest": "Perp Open Interest",
"perp-volume": "Perp Volume",
"perp-open-interest": "合约未平仓",
"perp-volume": "合约交易量",
"pnl-liquidation-fee": "正数盈亏清算费用",
"settle-pnl-factor": "结清盈亏因素",
"six-hourly": "6-小时",
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"confirm-swap": "确定换币",
"connect-swap": "连接来查换币纪录",
"deposit-funds": "Deposit Funds",
"deposit-funds": "存入资金",
"disabled": "关闭",
"enabled": "开启",
"est-liq-price": "预计清算价格",
"est-received": "Est. Received",
"est-received": "预计收到",
"fees-paid-to": "缴给{{route}}的费用",
"health-impact": "健康影响",
"hide-fees": "隐藏费用",
@ -19,14 +19,14 @@
"max-slippage": "最多下滑",
"maximum-cost": "最大成本",
"minimum-received": "最小获取",
"no-borrow": "No borrow to repay",
"no-borrow": "无借贷可归还",
"no-history": "无换币纪录",
"no-swap-found": "查不到换币",
"output-reduce-only-warning": "{{symbol}}处于仅减少模式。换币限于归还借贷",
"paid": "付出",
"pair": "Pair",
"pair": "币对",
"pay": "你将付出",
"place-limit-order": "Place Order",
"place-limit-order": "下单",
"preset": "预设",
"price-impact": "价格影响",
"rate": "汇率",
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
"tooltip-max-slippage": "如果价格下滑超过您的最大滑点,换币交易将不会被执行",
"trigger-beta": "Trigger orders are in beta. Use with caution.",
"use-margin": "允许杠杆",
"warning-no-collateral": "You have no free collateral",
"you-buy": "You're buying",
"you-sell": "You're selling"
"warning-no-collateral": "你没有可用质押品",
"you-buy": "你正在买",
"you-sell": "你正在卖"
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"all-time-high": "历史高价",
"all-time-low": "历史低价",
"average-borrow-rate": "Average Borrow Rate",
"average-deposit-rate": "Average Deposit Rate",
"average-borrow-rate": "平均借贷利率",
"average-deposit-rate": "平均存款利率",
"borrow-rates": "借贷利率",
"borrow-upkeep-rate": "维持借贷的费用",
"borrowing": "借入",
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
"tooltip-net-borrows-in-period": "本期净借袋(借款减还款)的现值。",
"tooltip-oracle-confidence": "预言机会将多个价格来源做比较。如果这些价格的分歧太大,信心度就会降低。如果低于此参数,则价格被视为无效。",
"tooltip-oracle-staleness": "价格在{{slots}}个时段内更新将被视为有效。",
"tooltip-token-fees-collected": "这些费用在 Mango 上列出的所有币种中都会累积。此图表中的值来自当前市场价值。",
"tooltip-token-fees-collected": "这些费用在 Mango 上买卖的所有币种中都会累积。此图表中的值来自当前市场价值。",
"top-borrowers": "顶级{{symbol}}借贷者",
"top-depositors": "顶级{{symbol}}存款者",
"total-supply": "总供应量",
@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
"amount": "数量",
"average-funding": "平均 {{interval}} 资金费",
"avg-entry-price": "平均开仓价格",
"average-price-of": "at an average price of",
"average-price-of": "平均价格为",
"base": "基础",
"book": "单薄",
"buys": "买",
"cancel-all": "Cancel All",
"cancel-order": "Cancel Order",
"cancel-all": "取消全部",
"cancel-order": "取消订单",
"cancel-order-error": "取消订单失败",
"close-all": "Close All",
"close-all-positions": "Close All Positions",
@ -21,13 +21,13 @@
"connect-unsettled": "连接以查看未结清余额",
"copy-and-share": "将图片复制到剪贴版",
"current-price": "目前价格",
"depth": "Depth",
"depth": "深度",
"edit-order": "编辑订单",
"est-liq-price": "预计清算价格",
"est-slippage": "预计下滑",
"falls-to": "falls below",
"filled": "Filled",
"for": "for",
"falls-to": "下降至",
"filled": "成交",
"for": "为",
"funding-limits": "资金费限制",
"funding-rate": "1小时平均资金费",
"grouping": "分组",
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"init-leverage": "初始杠杆率",
"instantaneous-funding": "瞬时资金费率",
"insured": "{{token}} 受保险",
"insufficient-perp-liquidity": "Not enough liquidity to close your position. Set a limit order instead.",
"insufficient-perp-liquidity": "流动性不足平仓。 建议你设置限价订单。",
"interval-seconds": "时间间隔 (秒)",
"last-updated": "最近更新",
"limit": "限价",
@ -78,10 +78,10 @@
"realized-pnl": "已实现的盈亏",
"reduce": "Reduce",
"reduce-only": "限减少",
"repay-borrow-order-desc": "Repay {{amount}} {{symbol}} if the oracle price reaches {{triggerPrice}} {{priceUnit}}",
"repay-borrow-deposit-order-desc": "Repay {{borrowAmount}} and buy {{depositAmount}} {{symbol}} if the oracle price reaches {{triggerPrice}} {{priceUnit}}",
"return-on-equity": "Return on Equity",
"rises-to": "rises above",
"repay-borrow-order-desc": "若预言机价格达到 {{triggerPrice}} {{priceUnit}}, 归还 {{amount}} {{symbol}}",
"repay-borrow-deposit-order-desc": "若预言机价格达到 {{triggerPrice}} {{priceUnit}},归还 {{borrowAmount}} 以及买 {{depositAmount}} {{symbol}}",
"return-on-equity": "股本回报率",
"rises-to": "上涨至",
"sells": "卖单",
"settle-funds": "借清资金",
"settle-funds-error": "借清出错",
@ -89,18 +89,14 @@
"show-asks": "显示要价",
"show-bids": "显示出价",
"side": "方向",
"stop-limit": "Stop Limit",
"stop-loss": "Stop Loss",
"stop-market": "Stop Market",
"take-profit": "Take Profit",
"trigger-price": "Trigger Price",
"trigger-order": "Trigger Order",
"trigger-order-desc": "{{amount}} {{symbol}} if the oracle price {{orderType}} {{triggerPrice}} {{priceUnit}}",
"trigger-order-desc-with-borrow": "{{action}} {{amount}} {{symbol}} if the oracle price {{orderType}} {{triggerPrice}} {{priceUnit}}. You'll borrow ~{{borrowAmount}} {{quoteSymbol}} to execute this trade",
"trigger-orders": "Trigger Orders",
"size": "数量",
"spread": "差价",
"stable-price": "稳定价格",
"stop-limit": "限价止损",
"stop-loss": "止损",
"stop-market": "市价止损",
"take-profit": "止盈",
"taker": "吃单者",
"taker-fee": "吃单者费用",
"tick-size": "波动单位",
@ -120,6 +116,10 @@
"total-pnl": "总盈亏",
"trade-sounds-tooltip": "为每笔新交易播放警报声音",
"trades": "交易",
"trigger-price": "触发价格",
"trigger-order": "触发订单",
"trigger-order-desc": "{{amount}} {{symbol}} 若预言机价格{{orderType}} {{triggerPrice}} {{priceUnit}}",
"trigger-orders": "触发订单",
"tweet-position": "分享至Twitter",
"unrealized-pnl": "未实现盈亏",
"unsettled": "未结清",
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
"edit-profile-image": "切換頭像",
"enable-notifications": "Enable Notifications",
"error-borrow-exceeds-limit": "Maximum borrow for the current period is {{remaining}}. New period starts {{resetTime}}",
"error-token-positions-full": "Not enough token positions available in your account.",
"error-token-positions-full": "你帳戶的幣位已占滿",
"explorer": "瀏覽器",
"fee": "費用",
"feedback-survey": "反饋調查",
@ -101,11 +101,11 @@
"leverage": "槓桿",
"liability-weight": "債務權重",
"liquidity": "流動性",
"list-market": "列出市場",
"list-market": "上架市場",
"loading": "加載中",
"loan-origination-fee": "借貸費用",
"loan-origination-fee-tooltip": "執行借貸費用是{{fee}}。",
"manage": "Manage",
"manage": "管理",
"mango": "Mango",
"mango-stats": "Mango統計",
"market": "市場",
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
"new-account-failed": "開戶出錯",
"new-account-success": "您的新帳戶準備好了😎",
"new-version": "新版本出來了",
"no": "No",
"no": "不",
"optional": "可選",
"outstanding-balance": "未結餘額",
"overview": "摘要",
@ -186,17 +186,16 @@
"utilization": "利用率",
"value": "價值",
"view-transaction": "查看交易",
"wallet": "Wallet",
"wallet": "錢包",
"wallet-address": "錢包地址",
"wallet-balance": "錢包餘額",
"wallet-disconnected": "已斷開錢包連接",
"withdraw": "取款",
"withdraw-amount": "取款額",
"list-market-token": "列出市場/幣種",
"list-market-token": "上架市場/幣種",
"vote": "投票",
"yes": "是",
"you": "你",
"using-ledger": "Using Ledger",
"sign-to-in-app-notifications": "Sign to in app notifications"
"using-ledger": "Using Ledger"
@ -1,113 +1,112 @@
"active-proposals": "當前提案",
"adv-fields": "高級選項",
"approval-q": "Approval Quorum",
"base-bank": "Base Bank",
"base-mint": "Base Mint",
"base-token": "Base Token",
"approval-q": "批准法定人數",
"base-bank": "基準Bank",
"base-mint": "基準鑄幣",
"base-token": "基準幣種",
"before-listing-1": "你必須存入10,0000 MNGO以上",
"before-listing-2": "新幣種需要有",
"before-listing-3": "是否有足夠相對USDC與SOL的流動性?",
"before-listing-4": "新幣種由DAO確認New tokens are approved by DAO vote. This takes 3 days",
"before-you-list": "提出幣種列出之前:",
"before-listing-4": "新幣種由DAO確認。過程需要3天的時間。",
"cancel": "取消",
"cant-find-token-for-mint": "Can't find token for given mint",
"cant-list-no-openbook-market": "找不到Openbook市場. Create an Openbook market before continuing.",
"cant-list-oracle-not-found-pyth": "找不到預言機. Create a Pyth oracle before continuing.",
"cant-list-oracle-not-found-switch": "找不到預言機. Create a Switchboard oracle before continuing.",
"connect-to-list": "Connect to list a spot market or token",
"cant-find-token-for-mint": "查不到該鑄幣地址的幣種",
"cant-list-no-openbook-market": "找不到Openbook市場。繼續之前請創建Openbook市場。",
"cant-list-oracle-not-found-pyth": "找不到預言機。繼續之前請創建Pyth預言機。",
"cant-list-oracle-not-found-switch": "找不到預言機繼續之前請創建Switchboard預言機。",
"connect-to-list": "連接錢包來上架市場或幣種",
"connect-wallet": "連接錢包",
"create": "Create",
"create-market-sol-cost": "The transaction cost for listing on Openbook is ~{{cost}} SOL",
"create-openbook": "Create Openbook Market",
"create": "創建",
"create-market-sol-cost": "在Openbook上上架的費用為 ~{{cost}} SOL",
"create-openbook": "創建Openbook市場",
"current-vote": "目前狀況:",
"delegate": "委託",
"ends": "結束",
"enter-valid-token-mint": "Enter a valid token mint",
"error-creating-market": "Error creating market",
"error-proposal-creation": "Error on proposal creation or no confirmation of transactions",
"field-req": "Field is required",
"enter-valid-token-mint": "請輸入有效的幣種鑄幣地址",
"error-creating-market": "創建市場出錯",
"error-proposal-creation": "提案時出錯或未確認交易",
"field-req": "必填項",
"find-token": "搜尋幣種",
"invalid-num": "無效的數字",
"invalid-pk": "Invalid PublicKey",
"liquidity-check-error": "Error during liquidity check",
"liquidity-warning": "流動性很低。 Price impact of {{priceImpactPct}}% on a 20k USDC swap.",
"list-spot-market": "List Spot Market",
"list-spot-market-desc": "Create a market pair from tokens listed on Mango",
"list-token": "列出幣種",
"list-token-desc": "List any SPL token on Mango",
"invalid-pk": "無效的PublicKey",
"liquidity-check-error": "流動性檢查時出錯",
"liquidity-warning": "流動性很低。兩萬USDC換幣價格影響為{{priceImpactPct}}%。",
"list-spot-market": "上架現貨市場",
"list-spot-market-desc": "從Mango已上架幣種中創建新市場幣對",
"list-token": "上架幣種",
"list-token-desc": "在Mango上上架任何SPL幣種",
"mango-governance": "Mango治理",
"market-created-successful": "Market created successfully",
"market-index": "Market Index",
"market-created-successful": "創建市場成功",
"market-index": "市場指數",
"market-name": "市場標籤",
"market-name-convention-1": "The base symbol for each token should be uppercase",
"market-name-convention-2": "If either token is bridged via Portal append 'po' to the base symbol e.g. ETHpo",
"market-name-convention-3": "If either token is a liquid staking derivative prepend the characters to the base symbol in lowercase e.g. mSOL",
"market-name-convention-4": "If either token is wrapped prepend a lowercase 'w'",
"market-name-convention-5": "Tokens are separated by '/' with no spaces",
"market-name-convention-6": "If it isn't clear what the market name should be reach out to us on ",
"market-name-desc": "Follow these conventions when creating the market name:",
"market-pair": "Market Pair",
"min-order": "Min Order Size",
"mint": "Mint",
"market-name-convention-1": "幣種代號必須大寫",
"market-name-convention-2": "若幣種來自Portal跨鏈橋請在後面加上「po」比如「ETHpo」",
"market-name-convention-3": "若幣種是流動權益質押品請在前面小寫字母幣如「mSOL」",
"market-name-convention-4": "若幣種是包裝的請在前面小寫「w」",
"market-name-convention-5": "用「/」隔開幣種代號。不加空格",
"market-name-convention-6": "如果不清楚市場名稱應該是什麼,請通過以下方式聯繫我們",
"market-name-desc": "創建市場名稱時請遵循以下規則:",
"market-pair": "幣對",
"min-order": "最小交易數量",
"mint": "鑄幣",
"name": "標籤",
"new-listing": "列出新幣種",
"new-market-listing": "New Market Listing",
"next": "Next",
"new-listing": "上架新幣種",
"new-market-listing": "新市場上架",
"next": "下一個",
"no": "否",
"no-active-proposals": "No active proposals",
"no-openbook-found": "An Openbook market is required for {{market}}",
"no-openbook-found-desc": "Create an Openbook market to propose listing",
"no-active-proposals": "無有效的提議",
"no-openbook-found": "{{market}}需要Openbook市場",
"no-openbook-found-desc": "創建Openbook市場來提議上架",
"no-votes": "反對票",
"none": "無",
"on-boarding-deposit-info": "Your MNGO will be locked for the duration of the proposal.",
"on-boarding-deposit-info": "您的MNGO將在提議期間被鎖定。",
"on-boarding-description": "進行之前必須將{{amount}}MNGO以上存入帳戶",
"on-boarding-title": "Looks like currently connected wallet doesn't have any MNGO deposited inside realms",
"open-book-market-id": "Openbook Market ID",
"on-boarding-title": "你需要將MNGO存入連接realms的錢包",
"open-book-market-id": "Openbook市場ID",
"openbook-market": "Openbook市場",
"openbook-market-external": "Openbook Market External",
"openbook-market-external": "外在Openbook市場",
"openbook-market-not-found": "找不到Openbook市場",
"openbook-program": "Openbook Program",
"openbook-program": "Openbook程序",
"oracle": "預言機",
"oracle-not-found": "找不到預言機",
"price-tick": "Tick Size",
"price-tick": "Tick大小",
"proposal-des": "提議說明",
"proposal-listed": "列出{{token}}的提議現在可以投票了",
"proposal-title": "Proposal Title",
"proposals-fetch-error": "Can't fetch proposals to get free index for proposal",
"propose-listing": "Propose Listing",
"pyth-oracle-error": "Pyth oracle fetch error",
"quorum-description": "Proposals must reach a minimum number of 'Yes' votes before they are eligible to pass. If the minimum is reached but there are more 'No' votes when voting ends the proposal will fail.",
"quote-bank": "Quote Bank",
"quote-mint": "Quote Mint",
"quote-token": "Quote Token",
"relinquish-vote": "Relinquish Vote",
"required-approval-achieved": "Required approval achieved",
"select-delegate": "Select delegate",
"proposal-listed": "上架{{token}}的提議現在可以投票了",
"proposal-title": "提議標題",
"proposals-fetch-error": "查不到未佔的提案指數",
"propose-listing": "提議上架",
"pyth-oracle-error": "Pyth預言機連接出錯",
"quorum-description": "為了通過,提案得先達到最低數量的贊成票。如果達到最低限度,但投票結束時有更多反對票,則提案將失敗。",
"quote-bank": "標價Bank",
"quote-mint": "標價鑄幣",
"quote-token": "標價幣種",
"relinquish-vote": "放棄投票",
"required-approval-achieved": "贊成票已足夠",
"select-delegate": "選擇委託帳戶",
"success": "成功!",
"switch-oracle-error": "Switchboard oracle fetch error",
"symbol": "Symbol",
"switch-oracle-error": "Switchboard預言機連接出錯",
"symbol": "代號",
"token-details": "幣種細節",
"token-index": "Token Index",
"token-mint": "Token Mint",
"token-index": "幣種指數",
"token-mint": "幣種鑄幣",
"token-not-found": "找不到幣種",
"tokens-deposited": "存入的幣種",
"use-own-wallet": "用自己的錢包",
"view-proposal": "View Proposal",
"view-proposal": "查看提議",
"vote-no": "投反對票",
"vote-now": "投票",
"vote-yes": "投贊成票",
"voting-ended": "投票結束",
"what-happens-next": "現在呢?",
"what-happens-next-1": "Rally the voters. The voting period lasts 3 days.",
"what-happens-next-2": "If your proposal passes it can be exectued when the voting period ends.",
"what-happens-next-3": "{{token}} will be listed on Mango automatically on execution.",
"what-happens-next-1": "投票時期為3天的時間",
"what-happens-next-2": "投票時期結束時,若提案通過就能執行。",
"what-happens-next-3": "執行時{{token}}將在Mango上架。",
"yes": "是",
"yes-votes": "贊成票",
"your-votes": "你的票:",
"create-switch-oracle": "Create switchboard oracle for",
"estimated-oracle-cost": "Estimated cost with funding oracle for ~12 months",
"create-oracle": "Create oracle",
"tier": "Tier",
"on-boarding-description-1": "If you want to use delegated tokens go to vote view and select wallet in top right corner."
"create-switch-oracle": "創建Switchboard預言機給",
"estimated-oracle-cost": "預言機約12個月的預計成本",
"create-oracle": "創建預言機",
"tier": "層級",
"on-boarding-description-1": "若你想使用委託幣種,請前往投票視圖並選擇右上角的錢包。"
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"bullet-1": "以保證金來交換任何幣種對",
"bullet-2": "以高達十倍的槓桿率買賣現貨和永續合約。",
"bullet-3": "所有存款可以賺取利息。",
"bullet-4": "借入任何被列出幣種",
"bullet-4": "借入任何被上架的幣種",
"choose-wallet": "選擇錢包",
"connect-wallet": "連接錢包",
"create-account": "開戶",
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"above": "以上",
"account-slots": "帳戶大小",
"account-slots-desc": "增加賬戶大小需要支付 SOL。如果您關戶,這可以恢復",
"account-slots": "帳戶幣位數量",
"account-slots-desc": "增加賬戶幣位數量需要支付 SOL。如果您關戶,這可以恢復",
"animations": "動畫",
"at": "在",
"avocado": "酪梨",
@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
"chart-right": "圖表右",
"chinese": "简体中文",
"chinese-traditional": "繁體中文",
"close-perp": "Close Perp Positions",
"close-instructions": "Close Instructions",
"close-perp": "Close Perp Positions",
"close-perp-desc": "To close unused positions, close the position/s, cancel any open orders and settle any unsettled funding.",
"close-spot-oo": "Close Spot Open Orders",
"close-spot-oo": "Close Spot Open Orders",
"close-spot-oo-desc": "To close unused markets, cancel your open orders and settle any unsettled balances.",
"close-token-positions-desc": "Closing tokens positions can affect your account health. The balance will be withdrawn to your wallet on closing.",
"close-unused": "Close Unused",
@ -31,50 +31,51 @@
"custom": "自定",
"dark": "暗",
"display": "顯示",
"error-account-slots-full": "帳戶大小已充滿了",
"english": "English",
"error-account-slots-full": "帳戶幣位已滿了",
"error-alphanumeric-only": "僅限字母數字字符",
"error-amount": "{{type}}必多於{{greaterThan}}以及少於{{lessThan}}",
"error-key-in-use": "Hot key already in use. Choose a unique key",
"error-key-limit-reached": "You've reached the maximum number of hot keys",
"error-must-be-above-zero": "Must be greater than zero",
"error-must-be-below-100": "Must be below 100",
"error-must-be-number": "Must be a number",
"error-order-exceeds-max": "Order exceeds max size",
"error-required-field": "This field is required",
"error-too-many-characters": "Enter one alphanumeric character",
"english": "English",
"error-key-in-use": "熱鍵已被使用。選擇一個唯一的鍵",
"error-key-limit-reached": "你已達到熱鍵的最多數量",
"error-must-be-above-zero": "必須多餘零",
"error-must-be-below-100": "必須少於100",
"error-must-be-number": "必須是數字",
"error-order-exceeds-max": "訂單超過最大數量",
"error-required-field": "必填項",
"error-too-many-characters": "請輸入一個字母數字字符",
"high-contrast": "高對比度",
"hot-keys": "Hot Keys",
"hot-keys-desc": "Use hot keys to place orders quickly. They execute on the market you're viewing and are not market specific.",
"hot-keys": "熱鍵",
"hot-keys-desc": "使用熱鍵來迅速訂單。熱鍵在你正在查看的市場上執行,而不是特定於市場的。",
"in-use": "In Use",
"increase-account-slots": "Increase Account Slots",
"key-sequence": "Key Sequence",
"increase-account-slots": "增加帳戶幣位數量",
"key-sequence": "鑰匙順序",
"language": "語言",
"light": "光",
"limit-order-filled": "限价单成交",
"lychee": "荔枝",
"mango": "芒果",
"mango-classic": "芒果經典",
"max-all": "Max All",
"max-all": "全最多",
"medium": "中",
"network": "Network",
"new-hot-key": "New Hot Key",
"no-hot-keys": "Create your first hot key",
"new-hot-key": "新熱鍵",
"no-hot-keys": "創建你的第一個熱鍵",
"notification-position": "通知位置",
"notional": "Notional",
"notifications": "通知",
"notional": "名義",
"number-scroll": "數字滑動",
"olive": "橄欖",
"options": "Options",
"oracle": "Oracle",
"options": "選項",
"oracle": "預言機",
"order-side": "訂單方向",
"order-size-type": "訂單大小類型",
"orderbook-bandwidth-saving": "節省掛單薄頻寬",
"orderbook-flash": "掛單薄閃光",
"order-side": "Order Side",
"order-size-type": "Order Size Type",
"pepe": "Pepe",
"percentage": "Percentage",
"percentage-of-max": "{{size}}% of Max",
"perp-open-orders": "Perp Open Orders",
"perp-positions": "Perp Positions",
"percentage": "百分比",
"percentage-of-max": "最多之{{size}}%",
"perp-open-orders": "合約未結訂單",
"perp-positions": "合約持倉",
"preferences": "Preferences",
"preferred-explorer": "首選探索器",
"privacy-disable": "Disable Privacy Mode",
@ -87,7 +88,7 @@
"rpc-url": "輸入RPC URL",
"russian": "Русский",
"save": "存",
"save-hot-key": "Save Hot Key",
"save-hot-key": "存下熱鍵",
"sign-to-notifications": "登录通知中心以更改设置",
"slider": "滑塊",
"slots-used": "You've used {{used}} of {{total}} available {{type}} slots.",
@ -97,32 +98,31 @@
"solscan": "Solscan",
"sounds": "聲響",
"spanish": "Español",
"spot-open-orders": "Spot Open Orders",
"spot-open-orders": "現貨未結訂單",
"swap-success": "換幣/交易成功",
"swap-trade-size-selector": "換幣/交易大小選擇器",
"theme": "模式",
"tooltip-close-collateral-token-instructions": "Close spot open orders slots and cancel trigger orders with {{token}} in the pair. Make sure you have enough free collateral to withdraw your total {{token}} balance.",
"tooltip-close-token-instructions": "Close spot open orders slots and cancel trigger orders with {{token}} in the pair.",
"tooltip-close-usdc-instructions": "Close spot open orders slots and cancel trigger orders with USDC in the pair. Close all perp position slots and make sure you have enough free collateral to withdraw your total USDC balance.",
"tooltip-hot-key-notional-size": "Set size as a USD value.",
"tooltip-hot-key-percentage-size": "Set size as a percentage of your max leverage.",
"tooltip-hot-key-price": "Set a price as a percentage change from the oracle price.",
"tooltip-perp-positions": "The number of perp markets you can have positions in. The maximum for new accounts is {{max}}",
"tooltip-perp-open-orders": "The number of perp markets you can have open orders in. The maximum for new accounts is {{max}}",
"tooltip-hot-key-notional-size": "將大小設置為美元值。",
"tooltip-hot-key-percentage-size": "將大小設置為最大槓桿的百分比。",
"tooltip-hot-key-price": "將價格設置為預言機價格變化的百分比。",
"tooltip-orderbook-bandwidth-saving": "使用鏈下服務進行掛單簿更新,將數據使用量減少約 1000 倍。如果未結訂單在掛單簿中不正確顯示,請禁用此選項。",
"tooltip-perp-open-orders": "你可以有未結訂單的合約市場數量。新帳戶的最多為{{max}}",
"tooltip-perp-positions": "你可以有持倉的合約市場數量。新帳戶的最多為{{max}}",
"tooltip-privacy-mode": "Masks the USD values of your account",
"tooltip-private-account": "Your account won't show on leaderboards and it won't be viewable via URL",
"tooltip-spot-open-orders": "The number of spot markets you can have open orders in. The maximum for new accounts is {{max}}",
"tooltip-token-accounts": "The number of tokens you can hold in your account. The maximum for new accounts is {{max}}",
"tooltip-spot-open-orders": "你可以有未結訂單的現貨市場數量。新帳戶的最多為{{max}}",
"tooltip-token-accounts": "你帳戶可以持有的幣種數量。新帳戶的最多為{{max}}",
"top-left": "左上",
"top-right": "右上",
"trade-chart": "交易圖表",
"trade-layout": "交易佈局",
"trading-view": "Trading View",
"trigger-key": "Trigger Key",
"transaction-fail": "交易失敗",
"transaction-success": "交易成功",
"orderbook-bandwidth-saving": "節省掛單薄頻寬",
"tooltip-orderbook-bandwidth-saving": "使用鏈下服務進行掛單簿更新,將數據使用量減少約 1000 倍。如果未結訂單在掛單簿中不正確顯示,請禁用此選項。",
"trigger-key": "觸發鍵",
"trigger-orders-used": "You have {{orders}} active trigger orders.",
"unused": "Unused"
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"base-liquidation-fee": "基本清算費用",
"closest-to-liquidation": "Positions Closest to Liquidation",
"closest-to-liquidation": "最接近清算的持倉",
"daily": "日",
"hourly": "小時",
"largest-perp-positions": "Largest Positions",
"largest-perp-positions": "最大持倉",
"perp-details": "{{market}}統計",
"perp-open-interest": "Perp Open Interest",
"perp-volume": "Perp Volume",
"perp-open-interest": "合約未平倉",
"perp-volume": "合約交易量",
"pnl-liquidation-fee": "正數盈虧清算費用",
"settle-pnl-factor": "結清盈虧因素",
"six-hourly": "6-小時",
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"confirm-swap": "確定換幣",
"connect-swap": "連接來查換幣紀錄",
"deposit-funds": "Deposit Funds",
"deposit-funds": "存入資金",
"disabled": "關閉",
"enabled": "開啟",
"est-liq-price": "預計清算價格",
"est-received": "Est. Received",
"est-received": "預計收到",
"fees-paid-to": "繳給{{route}}的費用",
"health-impact": "健康影響",
"hide-fees": "隱藏費用",
@ -19,14 +19,14 @@
"max-slippage": "最多下滑",
"maximum-cost": "最大成本",
"minimum-received": "最小獲取",
"no-borrow": "No borrow to repay",
"no-borrow": "無借貸可歸還",
"no-history": "無換幣紀錄",
"no-swap-found": "查不到換幣",
"output-reduce-only-warning": "{{symbol}}處於僅減少模式。換幣限於歸還借貸",
"paid": "付出",
"pair": "Pair",
"pair": "幣對",
"pay": "你將付出",
"place-limit-order": "Place Order",
"place-limit-order": "下單",
"preset": "預設",
"price-impact": "價格影響",
"rate": "匯率",
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
"tooltip-max-slippage": "如果價格下滑超過您的最大滑點,換幣交易將不會被執行",
"trigger-beta": "Trigger orders are in beta. Use with caution.",
"use-margin": "允許槓桿",
"warning-no-collateral": "You have no free collateral",
"you-buy": "You're buying",
"you-sell": "You're selling"
"warning-no-collateral": "你沒有可用質押品",
"you-buy": "你正在買",
"you-sell": "你正在賣"
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"all-time-high": "歷史高價",
"all-time-low": "歷史低價",
"average-borrow-rate": "Average Borrow Rate",
"average-deposit-rate": "Average Deposit Rate",
"average-borrow-rate": "平均借貸利率",
"average-deposit-rate": "平均存款利率",
"borrow-rates": "借貸利率",
"borrow-upkeep-rate": "維持借貸的費用",
"borrowing": "借入",
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
"tooltip-net-borrows-in-period": "本期淨借袋(借款減還款)的現值。",
"tooltip-oracle-confidence": "預言機會將多個價格來源做比較。如果這些價格的分歧太大,信心度就會降低。如果低於此參數,則價格被視為無效。",
"tooltip-oracle-staleness": "價格在{{slots}}個時段內更新將被視為有效。",
"tooltip-token-fees-collected": "這些費用在 Mango 上列出的所有幣種中都會累積。此圖表中的值來自當前市場價值。",
"tooltip-token-fees-collected": "這些費用在 Mango 上買賣的所有幣種中都會累積。此圖表中的值來自當前市場價值。",
"top-borrowers": "頂級{{symbol}}借貸者",
"top-depositors": "頂級{{symbol}}存款者",
"total-supply": "總供應量",
@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
"amount": "數量",
"average-funding": "平均 {{interval}} 資金費",
"avg-entry-price": "平均開倉價格",
"average-price-of": "at an average price of",
"average-price-of": "平均價格為",
"base": "基礎",
"book": "單薄",
"buys": "買",
"cancel-all": "Cancel All",
"cancel-order": "Cancel Order",
"cancel-all": "取消全部",
"cancel-order": "取消訂單",
"cancel-order-error": "取消訂單失敗",
"close-all": "Close All",
"close-all-positions": "Close All Positions",
@ -21,13 +21,13 @@
"connect-unsettled": "連接以查看未結清餘額",
"copy-and-share": "將圖片複製到剪貼版",
"current-price": "目前價格",
"depth": "Depth",
"depth": "深度",
"edit-order": "編輯訂單",
"est-liq-price": "預計清算價格",
"est-slippage": "預計下滑",
"falls-to": "falls below",
"filled": "Filled",
"for": "for",
"falls-to": "下降至",
"filled": "成交",
"for": "為",
"funding-limits": "資金費限制",
"funding-rate": "1小時平均資金費",
"grouping": "分組",
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"init-leverage": "初始槓桿率",
"instantaneous-funding": "瞬時資金費率",
"insured": "{{token}} 受保險",
"insufficient-perp-liquidity": "Not enough liquidity to close your position. Set a limit order instead.",
"insufficient-perp-liquidity": "流動性不足平倉。 建議你設置限價訂單。",
"interval-seconds": "時間間隔 (秒)",
"last-updated": "最近更新",
"limit": "限價",
@ -78,10 +78,10 @@
"realized-pnl": "已實現的盈虧",
"reduce": "Reduce",
"reduce-only": "限減少",
"repay-borrow-order-desc": "Repay {{amount}} {{symbol}} if the oracle price reaches {{triggerPrice}} {{priceUnit}}",
"repay-borrow-deposit-order-desc": "Repay {{borrowAmount}} and buy {{depositAmount}} {{symbol}} if the oracle price reaches {{triggerPrice}} {{priceUnit}}",
"return-on-equity": "Return on Equity",
"rises-to": "rises above",
"repay-borrow-order-desc": "若預言機價格達到 {{triggerPrice}} {{priceUnit}}, 歸還 {{amount}} {{symbol}}",
"repay-borrow-deposit-order-desc": "若預言機價格達到 {{triggerPrice}} {{priceUnit}},歸還 {{borrowAmount}} 以及買 {{depositAmount}} {{symbol}}",
"return-on-equity": "股本回報率",
"rises-to": "上漲至",
"sells": "賣單",
"settle-funds": "借清資金",
"settle-funds-error": "借清出錯",
@ -92,10 +92,10 @@
"size": "數量",
"spread": "差價",
"stable-price": "穩定價格",
"stop-limit": "Stop Limit",
"stop-loss": "Stop Loss",
"stop-market": "Stop Market",
"take-profit": "Take Profit",
"stop-limit": "限價止損",
"stop-loss": "止損",
"stop-market": "市價止損",
"take-profit": "止盈",
"taker": "吃單者",
"taker-fee": "吃單者費用",
"tick-size": "波動單位",
@ -115,11 +115,11 @@
"total-pnl": "總盈虧",
"trade-sounds-tooltip": "為每筆新交易播放警報聲音",
"trades": "交易",
"trigger-price": "Trigger Price",
"trigger-order": "Trigger Order",
"trigger-order-desc": "{{amount}} {{symbol}} if the oracle price {{orderType}} {{triggerPrice}} {{priceUnit}}",
"trigger-price": "觸發價格",
"trigger-order": "觸發訂單",
"trigger-order-desc": "{{amount}} {{symbol}} 若預言機價格{{orderType}} {{triggerPrice}} {{priceUnit}}",
"trigger-orders": "觸發訂單",
"trigger-order-desc-with-borrow": "{{action}} {{amount}} {{symbol}} if the oracle price {{orderType}} {{triggerPrice}} {{priceUnit}}. You'll borrow ~{{borrowAmount}} {{quoteSymbol}} to execute this trade",
"trigger-orders": "Trigger Orders",
"tweet-position": "分享至Twitter",
"unrealized-pnl": "未實現盈虧",
"unsettled": "未結清",
Reference in New Issue