chinese translations - governance

This commit is contained in:
rjpeterson 2023-09-09 21:29:47 -07:00
parent 6ea61e74be
commit c31c521cab
1 changed files with 25 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -40,42 +40,42 @@
"market-created-successful": "創建市場成功",
"market-index": "市場指數",
"market-name": "市場標籤",
"market-name-convention-1": "The base symbol for each token should be uppercase",
"market-name-convention-2": "If either token is bridged via Portal append 'po' to the base symbol e.g. ETHpo",
"market-name-convention-3": "If either token is a liquid staking derivative prepend the characters to the base symbol in lowercase e.g. mSOL",
"market-name-convention-4": "If either token is wrapped prepend a lowercase 'w'",
"market-name-convention-5": "Tokens are separated by '/' with no spaces",
"market-name-convention-6": "If it isn't clear what the market name should be reach out to us on ",
"market-name-desc": "Follow these conventions when creating the market name:",
"market-pair": "Market Pair",
"min-order": "Min Order Size",
"mint": "Mint",
"market-name-convention-1": "幣種代號必須大寫",
"market-name-convention-2": "若幣種來自Portal跨鏈橋請在後面加上「po」比如「ETHpo」",
"market-name-convention-3": "若幣種是流動權益質押品請在前面小寫字母幣如「mSOL」",
"market-name-convention-4": "若幣種是包裝的請在前面小寫「w」",
"market-name-convention-5": "用「/」隔開幣種代號。不加空格",
"market-name-convention-6": "如果不清楚市場名稱應該是什麼,請通過以下方式聯繫我們",
"market-name-desc": "創建市場名稱時請遵循以下規則:",
"market-pair": "幣對",
"min-order": "最小交易數量",
"mint": "鑄幣",
"name": "標籤",
"new-listing": "上架新幣種",
"new-market-listing": "New Market Listing",
"next": "Next",
"new-market-listing": "新市場上架",
"next": "下一個",
"no": "否",
"no-active-proposals": "No active proposals",
"no-openbook-found": "An Openbook market is required for {{market}}",
"no-openbook-found-desc": "Create an Openbook market to propose listing",
"no-active-proposals": "無有效的提議",
"no-openbook-found": "{{market}}需要Openbook市場",
"no-openbook-found-desc": "創建Openbook市場來提議上架",
"no-votes": "反對票",
"none": "無",
"on-boarding-deposit-info": "Your MNGO will be locked for the duration of the proposal.",
"on-boarding-deposit-info": "您的MNGO將在提議期間被鎖定。",
"on-boarding-description": "進行之前必須將{{amount}}MNGO以上存入帳戶",
"on-boarding-title": "Looks like currently connected wallet doesn't have any MNGO deposited inside realms",
"open-book-market-id": "Openbook Market ID",
"open-book-market-id": "Openbook市場ID",
"openbook-market": "Openbook市場",
"openbook-market-external": "Openbook Market External",
"openbook-market-not-found": "找不到Openbook市場",
"openbook-program": "Openbook Program",
"openbook-program": "Openbook程序",
"oracle": "預言機",
"oracle-not-found": "找不到預言機",
"price-tick": "Tick Size",
"proposal-des": "提議說明",
"proposal-listed": "上架{{token}}的提議現在可以投票了",
"proposal-title": "Proposal Title",
"proposal-title": "提議標題",
"proposals-fetch-error": "Can't fetch proposals to get free index for proposal",
"propose-listing": "Propose Listing",
"propose-listing": "提議上架",
"pyth-oracle-error": "Pyth oracle fetch error",
"quorum-description": "Proposals must reach a minimum number of 'Yes' votes before they are eligible to pass. If the minimum is reached but there are more 'No' votes when voting ends the proposal will fail.",
"quote-bank": "標價Bank",
@ -86,14 +86,14 @@
"select-delegate": "Select delegate",
"success": "成功!",
"switch-oracle-error": "Switchboard oracle fetch error",
"symbol": "Symbol",
"symbol": "代號",
"token-details": "幣種細節",
"token-index": "Token Index",
"token-mint": "Token Mint",
"token-index": "幣種指數",
"token-mint": "幣種鑄幣",
"token-not-found": "找不到幣種",
"tokens-deposited": "存入的幣種",
"use-own-wallet": "用自己的錢包",
"view-proposal": "View Proposal",
"view-proposal": "查看提議",
"vote-no": "投反對票",
"vote-now": "投票",
"vote-yes": "投贊成票",
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
"your-votes": "你的票:",
"create-switch-oracle": "Create switchboard oracle for",
"estimated-oracle-cost": "Estimated cost with funding oracle for ~12 months",
"create-oracle": "Create oracle",
"create-oracle": "創建預言機",
"tier": "Tier",
"on-boarding-description-1": "If you want to use delegated tokens go to vote view and select wallet in top right corner."