add simplified chinese translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
"assets": "Assets",
"assets-liabilities": "Assets & Liabilities",
"export": "Export {{dataType}}",
"liabilities": "Liabilities",
"no-pnl-history": "No PnL History",
"pnl-chart": "PnL Chart",
"pnl-history": "PnL History",
"tooltip-free-collateral": "The amount of capital you have to use for trades and loans. When your free collateral reaches $0 you won't be able to trade, borrow or withdraw",
"tooltip-leverage": "Total assets value divided by account equity value",
"tooltip-pnl": "The amount your account has profited or lost",
"tooltip-total-collateral": "Total value of collateral for trading and borrowing (including unsettled PnL)",
"tooltip-total-funding": "The sum of perp position funding earned and paid",
"tooltip-total-interest": "The value of interest earned (deposits) minus interest paid (borrows)",
"total-funding-earned": "Total Funding Earned",
"week-starting": "Week starting {{week}}"
"assets": "资产",
"export": "导出{{dataType}}",
"assets-liabilities": "资产和债务",
"liabilities": "债务",
"no-pnl-history": "无盈亏历史",
"pnl-chart": "盈亏图表",
"pnl-history": "盈亏历史",
"tooltip-free-collateral": "你可用于交易和借贷的余额。当你可用的质押品达到0元时,你将不能交易、借贷或取款",
"tooltip-leverage": "总资价值除以账户余额",
"tooltip-pnl": "你帐户的盈亏",
"tooltip-total-collateral": "可用于交易和借贷的质押品(包括未结清的盈亏)",
"tooltip-total-funding": "赚取和支付的合约资金费总和",
"tooltip-total-interest": "你获取的利息(存款)减你付出的利息(借贷)",
"total-funding-earned": "总资金费",
"week-starting": "从{{week}}来算的一周"
@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
"activity": "Activity",
"activity-feed": "Activity Feed",
"activity-type": "Activity Type",
"advanced-filters": "Advanced Filters",
"asset-liquidated": "Asset Liquidated",
"asset-returned": "Asset Returned",
"connect-activity": "Connect to view your account activity",
"counterparty": "Counterparty",
"credit": "Credit",
"debit": "Debit",
"deposit": "Deposit",
"deposits": "Deposits",
"execution-price": "Execution Price",
"filter-results": "Filter",
"liquidate_perp_base_position_or_positive_pnl": "Perp Liquidation",
"liquidate_token_with_token": "Spot Liquidation",
"liquidated": "Liquidated",
"liquidation": "Liquidation",
"liquidation-fee": "Liquidation Fee",
"liquidation-type": "Liquidation Type",
"liquidation-side": "Liquidation Side",
"liquidations": "Liquidations",
"liquidation-details": "Liquidation Details",
"liquidator": "Liquidator",
"net-price": "Net Price",
"net-price-desc": "The trade price inclusive of fees",
"no-activity": "No account activity",
"openbook_trade": "Spot Trade",
"perp-details": "Perp Trade Details",
"perps": "Perps",
"perp_trade": "Perp Trade",
"reset-filters": "Reset Filters",
"select-tokens": "Select Tokens",
"spot-trade": "Spot Trade",
"swap": "Swap",
"swaps": "Swaps",
"tooltip-fee": "Swap fees paid to other DEXs are not displayed",
"trades": "Trades",
"update": "Update",
"value-from": "Value From",
"value-to": "Value To",
"view-account": "View Account",
"withdraw": "Withdraw",
"withdrawals": "Withdrawals"
"activity": "活动",
"activity-feed": "活动历史",
"activity-type": "活动类别",
"advanced-filters": "高级筛选",
"asset-liquidated": "清算资产",
"asset-returned": "归还资产",
"connect-activity": "连接钱包来查看帐户",
"counterparty": "交易对方",
"credit": "贷方",
"debit": "借方",
"deposit": "存款",
"deposits": "存款",
"execution-price": "成交价格",
"filter-results": "筛选",
"liquidate_perp_base_position_or_positive_pnl": "合约清算",
"liquidate_token_with_token": "现货清算",
"liquidated": "被清算",
"liquidation": "清算",
"liquidation-details": "清算细节",
"liquidation-fee": "清算费用",
"liquidation-side": "清算方向",
"liquidation-type": "清算类别",
"liquidations": "清算",
"liquidator": "清算者",
"net-price": "净价",
"net-price-desc": "包含费用的交易价格",
"no-activity": "无帐户历史",
"openbook_trade": "现货交易",
"perp-details": "合约交易细节",
"perp_trade": "合约交易",
"perps": "永续合约",
"reset-filters": "重置筛选",
"select-tokens": "选择币种",
"spot-trade": "现货交易",
"swap": "换币",
"swaps": "换币",
"tooltip-fee": "缴给其他DEX的费用这里不显示",
"trades": "交易",
"update": "更新",
"value-from": "价值多于",
"value-to": "价值少于",
"view-account": "查看帐户",
"withdraw": "取款",
"withdrawals": "取款"
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"assets-to-borrow": "Assets to Borrow",
"available-to-borrow": "Available to Borrow",
"borrowed-amount": "Borrowed Amount",
"connect-borrows": "Connect to see your borrows",
"current-borrow-value": "Current Borrow Value",
"liability-weight-desc": "Liability weight adds to the value of the liability in your account health calculation.",
"no-borrows": "No Borrows",
"tooltip-available": "The max amount you can borrow",
"your-borrows": "Your Borrows"
"assets-to-borrow": "可借资产",
"available-to-borrow": "可借余额",
"borrowed-amount": "借贷数量",
"connect-borrows": "连接而查看你的借贷",
"current-borrow-value": "借贷价值",
"liability-weight-desc": "计算帐户健康时债务权重会增加债务价值。",
"no-borrows": "无借贷",
"tooltip-available": "你可借的最多资产",
"your-borrows": "你的借贷"
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
"are-you-sure": "Are you sure? Closing your account will",
"before-you-continue": "Before you can continue",
"close-account": "Close Account",
"closing-account": "Closing your account...",
"close-all-borrows": "Repay all borrows",
"close-open-orders": "Close all open orders",
"close-perp-positions": "Close and settle all perp positons",
"closing-account-will": "Closing your Mango Account will:",
"delete-your-account": "Delete your Mango Account",
"error-deleting-account": "Error deleting your Mango Account",
"goodbye": "Until next time 👋",
"recover-x-sol": "Recover {{amount}} SOL (rent for your account)",
"settle-balances": "Settle all balances",
"transaction-confirmed": "Transaction Confirmed",
"withdraw-assets-worth": "Withdraw assets worth {{value}}",
"you-must": "Before you can close your account",
"account-closed": "Account Closed 👋"
"are-you-sure": "你确定吗? 关户将会",
"before-you-continue": "继续之前",
"close-account": "关户",
"closing-account": "正在关闭帐户...",
"close-all-borrows": "归还借贷",
"close-open-orders": "取消订单",
"close-perp-positions": "取消及结清所有合约持仓",
"closing-account-will": "关闭Mango帐户将会:",
"delete-your-account": "删除您的Mango帐户",
"error-deleting-account": "删除Mango帐户出错",
"goodbye": "下次见👋",
"recover-x-sol": "恢复{{amount}} SOL (帐户押金)",
"settle-balances": "结清余额",
"transaction-confirmed": "交易成功",
"withdraw-assets-worth": "提取价值{{value}}的资产",
"you-must": "关户之前",
"account-closed": "帐户关闭了👋"
@ -1,178 +1,178 @@
"404-heading": "This page was liquidated",
"404-description": "or, never existed...",
"accept-terms": "Accept Terms",
"accept-terms-desc": "By continuing, you accept the Mango",
"account": "Account",
"account-closed": "Account Closed 👋",
"account-balance": "Account Balance",
"account-name": "Account Name",
"account-name-desc": "Organize your accounts by giving them useful names",
"account-settings": "Account Settings",
"account-update-failed": "Failed to update account",
"account-update-success": "Account updated successfully",
"account-value": "Account Value",
"accounts": "Accounts",
"actions": "Actions",
"add-new-account": "Add New Account",
"agree-and-continue": "Agree and Continue",
"all": "All",
"amount": "Amount",
"amount-owed": "Amount Owed",
"asset-liability-weight": "Asset/Liability Weights",
"asset-liability-weight-desc": "Asset weight applies a haircut to the value of the collateral in your account health calculation. The lower the asset weight, the less the asset counts towards collateral. Liability weight does the opposite (adds to the value of the liability in your health calculation).",
"asset-weight": "Asset Weight",
"asset-weight-desc": "Asset weight applies a haircut to the value of the collateral in your account health calculation. The lower the asset weight, the less the asset counts towards collateral.",
"available": "Available",
"available-balance": "Available Balance",
"balance": "Balance",
"bal": "Bal",
"balances": "Balances",
"borrow": "Borrow",
"borrow-amount": "Borrow Amount",
"borrow-fee": "Borrow Fee",
"borrow-funds": "Borrow Funds",
"borrow-rate": "Borrow APR",
"buy": "Buy",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"chart-unavailable": "Chart Unavailable",
"clear-all": "Clear All",
"close": "Close",
"close-account": "Close Account",
"close-account-desc": "Are you sure? Closing your account is irreversible",
"closing-account": "Closing your account...",
"collateral-value": "Collateral Value",
"connect": "Connect",
"connect-balances": "Connect to view your balances",
"connect-helper": "Connect to get started",
"copy-address": "Copy Address",
"copy-address-success": "Copied address: {{pk}}",
"country-not-allowed": "Country {{country}} Not Allowed",
"country-not-allowed-tooltip": "You are using an open-source frontend facilitated by the Mango DAO. As such, it restricts access to certain regions out of an abundance of caution, due to regulatory uncertainty.",
"create-account": "Create Account",
"creating-account": "Creating Account...",
"cumulative-interest-value": "Cumulative Interest Earned",
"daily-volume": "24h Volume",
"date": "Date",
"date-from": "Date From",
"date-to": "Date To",
"delegate": "Delegate",
"delegate-account": "Delegate Account",
"delegate-account-info": "Account delegated to {{address}}",
"delegate-desc": "Delegate your Mango account to another wallet address",
"delegate-placeholder": "Enter a wallet address to delegate to",
"delete": "Delete",
"deposit": "Deposit",
"deposit-amount": "Deposit Amount",
"deposit-more-sol": "Your SOL wallet balance is too low. Add more to pay for transactions",
"deposit-rate": "Deposit APR",
"details": "Details",
"disconnect": "Disconnect",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"edit": "Edit",
"edit-account": "Edit Account Name",
"edit-profile-image": "Edit Profile Image",
"explorer": "Explorer",
"fee": "Fee",
"fees": "Fees",
"free-collateral": "Free Collateral",
"get-started": "Get Started",
"governance": "Governance",
"health": "Health",
"health-impact": "Health Impact",
"health-tooltip": "Projects the health of your account before you make a trade. The first value is your current account health and the second your projected account health.",
"history": "History",
"funding": "Funding",
"insufficient-sol": "Solana requires 0.04454 SOL rent to create a Mango Account. This will be returned if you close your account.",
"interest-earned": "Interest Earned",
"interest-earned-paid": "Interest Earned",
"leaderboard": "Leaderboard",
"learn": "Learn",
"leverage": "Leverage",
"liability-weight": "Liability Weight",
"liquidity": "Liquidity",
"loading": "Loading",
"loan-origination-fee": "Borrow Fee",
"loan-origination-fee-tooltip": "{{fee}} fee for opening a borrow.",
"404-description": "或者从来不存在...",
"404-heading": "此页被清算了",
"accept-terms": "接受条款",
"accept-terms-desc": "继续,即表示您接受Mango",
"account": "帐户",
"account-balance": "帐户余额",
"account-closed": "关户成功👋",
"account-name": "帐户标签",
"account-name-desc": "以标签来整理帐户",
"account-settings": "帐户设定",
"account-update-failed": "更新帐户出错",
"account-update-success": "更新帐户成功",
"account-value": "帐户价值",
"accounts": "帐户",
"actions": "动作",
"add-new-account": "开户",
"agree-and-continue": "同意并继续",
"all": "全部",
"amount": "数量",
"amount-owed": "欠款",
"asset-liability-weight": "资产/债务权重",
"asset-liability-weight-desc": "资产权重在账户健康计算中对质押品价值进行扣减。资产权重越低,资产对质押品的影响越小。债务权重恰恰相反(在健康计算中增加债务价值)。",
"asset-weight": "资产权重",
"asset-weight-desc": "资产权重在账户健康计算中对质押品价值进行扣减。资产权重越低,资产对质押品的影响越小。",
"available": "可用",
"available-balance": "可用余额",
"bal": "余额",
"balance": "余额",
"balances": "余额",
"borrow": "借贷",
"borrow-amount": "借贷数量",
"borrow-fee": "借贷费用",
"borrow-funds": "进行借贷",
"borrow-rate": "借贷APR",
"buy": "买",
"cancel": "取消",
"chart-unavailable": "无法显示图表",
"clear-all": "清除全部",
"close": "关闭",
"close-account": "关户",
"close-account-desc": "你确定吗? 关户就无法恢复",
"closing-account": "正在关闭帐户...",
"collateral-value": "质押品价值",
"connect": "连接",
"connect-balances": "连接而查看资产余额",
"connect-helper": "连接来开始",
"copy-address": "拷贝地址",
"copy-address-success": "地址被拷贝: {{pk}}",
"country-not-allowed": "你的国家{{country}}不允许使用Mango",
"country-not-allowed-tooltip": "你正在使用MangoDAO提供的开源介面。由于监管的不确定性因此处于谋些地区的人的行动会受到限制。",
"create-account": "开户",
"creating-account": "正在开户...",
"cumulative-interest-value": "总累积利息",
"daily-volume": "24小时交易量",
"date": "日期",
"date-from": "从",
"date-to": "至",
"delegate": "委托",
"delegate-account": "委托帐户",
"delegate-account-info": "帐户委托给 {{address}}",
"delegate-desc": "以Mango帐户委托给别的钱包地址",
"delegate-placeholder": "输入受委钱包地执",
"delete": "删除",
"deposit": "存款",
"deposit-amount": "存款数量",
"deposit-more-sol": "您的SOL钱包余额太低。请多存入以支付交易",
"deposit-rate": "存款APR",
"details": "细节",
"disconnect": "断开连接",
"documentation": "文档",
"edit": "编辑",
"edit-account": "编辑帐户标签",
"edit-profile-image": "切换头像",
"explorer": "浏览器",
"fee": "费用",
"fees": "费用",
"free-collateral": "可用的质押品",
"funding": "资金费",
"get-started": "开始",
"governance": "治理",
"health": "健康度",
"health-impact": "健康影响",
"health-tooltip": "此在您进行交易之前预测您账户的健康状况。第一个值是您当前的帐户健康状况,第二个值是您的预测帐户健康状况。",
"history": "纪录",
"insufficient-sol": "Solana需要0.04454 SOL租金才能创建Mango账户。您关闭帐户时租金将被退还。",
"interest-earned": "获取利息",
"interest-earned-paid": "获取利息",
"leaderboard": "排行榜",
"learn": "学",
"leverage": "杠杆",
"liability-weight": "债务权重",
"liquidity": "流动性",
"loading": "加载中",
"loan-origination-fee": "借贷费用",
"loan-origination-fee-tooltip": "执行借贷费用是{{fee}}。",
"mango": "Mango",
"mango-stats": "Mango Stats",
"market": "Market",
"max": "Max",
"max-borrow": "Max Borrow",
"more": "More",
"new": "New",
"new-account": "New Account",
"new-account-failed": "Failed to create account",
"new-account-success": "Your new account is ready 😎",
"new-version": "New version available",
"mango-stats": "Mango统计",
"market": "市场",
"max": "最多",
"max-borrow": "最多借贷",
"more": "更多",
"new": "新",
"new-account": "开户",
"new-account-failed": "开户出错",
"new-account-success": "您的新帐户准备好了😎",
"new-version": "新版本出来了",
"no": "No",
"optional": "Optional",
"outstanding-balance": "Outstanding Balance",
"overview": "Overview",
"perp": "Perp",
"perp-markets": "Perp Markets",
"pnl": "PnL",
"price": "Price",
"quantity": "Quantity",
"rate": "Rate (APR)",
"rates": "Rates (APR)",
"remove": "Remove",
"remove-delegate": "Remove Delegate",
"repay": "Repay",
"repay-deposit": "Repay & Deposit",
"repay-borrow": "Repay Borrow",
"repayment-amount": "Repayment Amount",
"rolling-change": "24h Change",
"save": "Save",
"select": "Select",
"select-borrow-token": "Select Borrow Token",
"select-deposit-token": "Select Deposit Token",
"select-repay-token": "Select Repay Token",
"select-token": "Select Token",
"select-withdraw-token": "Select Withdraw Token",
"sell": "Sell",
"settings": "Settings",
"show-more": "Show More",
"show-zero-balances": "Show Zero Balances",
"optional": "可选",
"outstanding-balance": "未结余额",
"overview": "摘要",
"perp": "合约",
"perp-markets": "合约市场",
"pnl": "盈亏",
"price": "价格",
"quantity": "数量",
"rate": "利率(APR)",
"rates": "利率(APR)",
"remove": "删除",
"remove-delegate": "铲除委托",
"repay": "归还",
"repay-borrow": "还贷",
"repay-deposit": "归还及存入",
"repayment-amount": "还贷额",
"rolling-change": "24小时变化",
"save": "存",
"select": "选择",
"select-borrow-token": "选借入币种",
"select-deposit-token": "选存入币种",
"select-repay-token": "选环贷币种",
"select-token": "选币种",
"select-withdraw-token": "选提出币种",
"sell": "卖",
"settings": "设置",
"show-more": "显示更多",
"show-zero-balances": "显示零余额",
"solana-tps": "Solana TPS",
"spot": "Spot",
"spot-markets": "Spot Markets",
"stats": "Stats",
"swap": "Swap",
"terms-of-use": "Terms of Use",
"time": "Time",
"today": "Today",
"token": "Token",
"tokens": "Tokens",
"token-collateral-multiplier": "{{token}} Collateral Multiplier",
"tooltip-borrow-fee": "The fee for originating a loan.",
"tooltip-borrow-rate": "The variable interest rate you'll pay on your borrowed balance",
"tooltip-collateral-value": "The USD amount you can trade or borrow against",
"total": "Total",
"total-borrows": "Total Borrows",
"total-borrow-value": "Total Borrow Value",
"total-collateral": "Total Collateral",
"total-deposits": "Total Deposits",
"total-deposit-value": "Total Deposit Value",
"total-interest-earned": "Total Interest Earned",
"trade": "Trade",
"trade-history": "Trade History",
"transaction": "Transaction",
"unavailable": "Unavailable",
"unowned-helper": "Currently viewing account {{accountPk}}",
"update": "Update",
"update-delegate": "Update Delegate",
"updating-account-name": "Updating Account Name...",
"utilization": "Utilization",
"value": "Value",
"view-transaction": "View Transaction",
"wallet-address": "Wallet Address",
"wallet-balance": "Wallet Balance",
"wallet-disconnected": "Disconnected from wallet",
"withdraw": "Withdraw",
"withdraw-amount": "Withdraw Amount",
"list-token": "List Token",
"vote": "Vote",
"yes": "Yes"
"spot": "现货",
"spot-markets": "现货市场",
"stats": "统计",
"swap": "换币",
"terms-of-use": "使用条款",
"time": "时间",
"today": "今天",
"token": "币种",
"token-collateral-multiplier": "{{token}}质押品乘数",
"tokens": "币种",
"tooltip-borrow-fee": "借贷费用。",
"tooltip-borrow-rate": "您将为借入余额支付的可变利率",
"tooltip-collateral-value": "您可以交易或借入的美元金额",
"total": "总计",
"total-borrow-value": "总借贷价值",
"total-borrows": "总借贷",
"total-collateral": "总质押品",
"total-deposit-value": "总存款价值",
"total-deposits": "总存款",
"total-interest-earned": "总获取利息",
"trade": "交易",
"trade-history": "交易纪录",
"transaction": "交易",
"unavailable": "不可用",
"unowned-helper": "目前查看帐户 {{accountPk}}",
"update": "更新",
"update-delegate": "改委托帐户",
"updating-account-name": "正载改帐户标签...",
"utilization": "利用率",
"value": "价值",
"view-transaction": "查看交易",
"wallet-address": "钱包地址",
"wallet-balance": "钱包余额",
"wallet-disconnected": "已断开钱包连接",
"withdraw": "取款",
"withdraw-amount": "取款额",
"list-token": "列表代币",
"vote": "投票",
"yes": "是"
@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
"account-dashboard": "Account Dashboard",
"account-dashboard-desc": "Here you'll find the important information related to your account.",
"account-value": "Account Value",
"account-value-desc": "The value of your assets (deposits) minus the value of your liabilities (borrows).",
"free-collateral": "Free Collateral",
"free-collateral-desc": "The amount of capital you have to trade or borrow against. When your free collateral reaches $0 you won't be able to make withdrawals.",
"health": "Health",
"health-desc": "If your account health reaches 0% your account will be liquidated. You can increase the health of your account by making a deposit.",
"account-summary": "Account Summary",
"account-summary-desc": "Check your key account information from any screen in the app.",
"health-impact": "Health Impact",
"health-impact-desc": "Projects the health of your account before you make a swap. The first value is your current account health and the second, your projected account health.",
"interest-earned": "Interest Earned",
"interest-earned-desc": "The sum of interest earned and interest paid for each token.",
"ioc": "Immediate or Cancel (IoC)",
"ioc-desc": "An order condition that attempts to execute all or part of an order immediately and then cancels any unfilled portion.",
"leverage": "Leverage",
"leverage-desc": "The total size of your positions divided by your total collateral.",
"margin": "Margin",
"margin-desc": "When margin is on you can trade with more size than your token balance. Using margin increases your risk of loss. If you're not an experienced trader, use it with caution.",
"market-selector": "Market Selector",
"market-selector-desc": "Chose the market you want to trade.",
"oracle-price": "Oracle Price",
"oracle-price-desc": "The oracle price uses an average of price data from many sources. It's used to avoid price manipulation which could lead to liquidations.",
"orderbook-grouping": "Orderbook Grouping",
"orderbook-grouping-desc": "Adjust the price intervals to change how orders are grouped. Small intervals will show more small orders in the book",
"pay-token": "Pay Token",
"pay-token-desc": "Select the token you want to swap from (pay/sell). If you have margin switched on and your size is above your token balance a loan will be opened to cover the shortfall. Check the borrow rate before making a margin swap.",
"pnl": "PnL (Profit and Loss)",
"pnl-desc": "The amount your account has made or lost.",
"account-dashboard": "帐户概要",
"account-dashboard-desc": "在这里可以看到关于帐户的重要资料。",
"account-value": "帐户价值",
"account-value-desc": "你的资产价值(存款)减去你的债务价值(借贷)。",
"free-collateral": "可用的质押品",
"free-collateral-desc": "您可以用于交易或借入的资本金额。当您的可用质押品达到零时,您将无法取款。",
"health": "健康",
"health-desc": "若您的账户健康度达到零,您的账户将被清算。您可以存款而提高账户的健康度。",
"account-summary": "帐户概要",
"account-summary-desc": "从APP的任何页面检查您的主要帐户信息。",
"health-impact": "健康影响",
"health-impact-desc": "此在您进行换币之前预测您账户的健康状况。第一个值是您当前的帐户健康状况,第二个值是您的预测帐户健康状况。",
"interest-earned": "获取利息",
"interest-earned-desc": "每个币种赚取及支付的利息总和。",
"ioc": "立刻或取消(IoC)",
"ioc-desc": "尝试立刻执行全部或部分订单然后取消任何未执行部分的订单条件。",
"leverage": "杠杆",
"leverage-desc": "您持仓的总价值除以您的质押品总价值。",
"margin": "保证金",
"margin-desc": "当保证金开启时,您能使用比您的帐户余额更大的规模进行交易。利用保证金会增加您的损失风险。若您的交易经验不多,请谨慎使用。",
"market-selector": "市场选择器",
"market-selector-desc": "选择您想交易的市场。",
"oracle-price": "预言机价格",
"oracle-price-desc": "预言机价格是来自许多来源的价格数据的平均。它用于避免可能导致清算的市场操纵。",
"orderbook-grouping": "挂单薄分组",
"orderbook-grouping-desc": "调整价格区间以更改订单的分组方式。小间隔会在挂单簿中显示更多的小单",
"pay-token": "支付币种",
"pay-token-desc": "选择您要换的币种(支付/出售)。若您开启了保证金功能并且支付数量多于您的币种余额,将借贷以弥补差额。在进行杠杆换币之前检查借贷利率。",
"pnl": "盈亏",
"pnl-desc": "您的账户赚取或损失的金额。",
"post-only": "Post Only",
"post-only-desc": "An order condition that will only allow your order to enter the orderbook as a maker order. If the condition can't be met the order will be cancelled.",
"profile-menu": "Profile Menu",
"profile-menu-desc": "If you haven't chosen a profile name yet, you'll see your assigned one here. You can edit it and change your profile image from this menu.",
"rates": "Rates",
"rates-desc": "The interest rates (per year) for depositing (green/left) and borrowing (red/right).",
"receive-token": "Receive Token",
"receive-token-desc": "The token you'll receive in your Mango Account after making a swap. You can think of this token as the one you're buying/longing.",
"recent-trades": "Recent Trades",
"recent-trades-desc": "Shows the most recent trades for a market across all accounts.",
"spread": "Spread",
"spread-desc": "The difference between the prices quoted for an immediate sell (ask) and an immediate buy (bid). Or, in other words, the difference between the lowest sell price and the highest buy price.",
"swap": "We've Juiced Swap",
"swap-desc": "The swap you know and love + leverage. Swap lets you trade tokens on their relative strength. Let's say your thesis is BTC will see diminishing returns relative to SOL. You can sell BTC and buy SOL. Now you are long SOL/BTC",
"swap-settings": "Swap Settings",
"swap-settings-desc": "Edit your slippage settings and toggle margin on and off. When margin is off your swaps will be limited by your balance for each token.",
"toggle-orderbook": "Toggle Orderbook",
"toggle-orderbook-desc": "Use these buttons if you only want to see one side of the orderbook. Looking to bid/buy? Toggle off the buy orders to only see the sells and vice versa.",
"total-interest-earned": "Total Interest Earned",
"total-interest-earned-desc": "The value of interest earned (deposits) minus interest paid (borrows).",
"trade": "Trade 100s of Tokens...",
"trade-desc": "A refined interface without listing limits. The tokens you want to trade are now on Mango and no longer only quoted in USDC.",
"unsettled-balance": "Unsettled Balance",
"unsettled-balance-desc": "When a limit order is filled, the funds are placed in your unsettled balances. When you have an unsettled balance you'll see a 'Settle All' button above this table. Use it to move the funds to your account balance.",
"your-accounts": "Your Accounts",
"your-accounts-desc": "Switch between accounts and create new ones. Use multiple accounts to trade isolated margin and protect your capital from liquidation."
"post-only-desc": "一个订单条件,只允许您作为挂单者进入挂单簿。如果不能满足条件,订单将被取消。",
"profile-menu": "个人档案",
"profile-menu-desc": "若您还没选择个人档案名称,您会在此处看到Mango创造给您的名称。您可以从此页面编辑它并更改您的个人头像。",
"rates": "利率",
"rates-desc": "存款(绿色/左)和借款(红色/右)的利率(每年)。",
"receive-token": "获取币种",
"receive-token-desc": "换币后您将在Mango账户中收到的币种。您可以将此币种视为您正在购买/做多的币种。",
"recent-trades": "最近交易",
"recent-trades-desc": "显示一个市场所有账户的最近交易。",
"spread": "差价",
"spread-desc": "即时卖出和即时买入的差价。换句话说,最低卖出价和最高买入价之间的差额。",
"swap": "新换币版本",
"swap-desc": "你已熟悉的换币加杠杆。换币功能让您可以根据币种的相对强度进行币种交易。举个例子,您认为BTC相对于SOL的价值将降低,您可以出售BTC并购买SOL。您就做多SOL/BTC",
"swap-settings": "换币设定",
"swap-settings-desc": "编辑您的滑点设置并开启和关闭保证金功能。保证金功能关闭时,换币将受到每个代币余额的限制。",
"toggle-orderbook": "切换挂单薄",
"toggle-orderbook-desc": "若您只想看到挂单簿的一侧,请用这些按钮。想要出价/购买?关闭买单以仅查看卖单,反之亦然。",
"total-interest-earned": "总利息",
"total-interest-earned-desc": "赚取的利息(存款)减去支付的利息(借款)的价值。",
"trade": "买卖数百个币种...",
"trade-desc": "没有限制的交易界面。您想要买卖的币种现在在Mango上,不再仅以USDC报价。",
"unsettled-balance": "未结算余额",
"unsettled-balance-desc": "执行限价单后,资金将存入您的未结算余额中。当您有未结算余额时,您会在该表格上方看到“全部结算”按钮。用它来将资金转移到您的账户余额。",
"your-accounts": "您的帐户",
"your-accounts-desc": "在帐户之间切换并创建新帐户。使用多个账户进行逐仓保证金交易,保护您的资金免遭清算。"
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
"bullet-1": "Swap any token pair with margin.",
"bullet-2": "Trade spot & perpetuals up to 10x leverage.",
"bullet-3": "Earn interest on all deposits.",
"bullet-4": "Borrow any listed token.",
"choose-wallet": "Choose Wallet",
"connect-wallet": "Connect Wallet",
"create-account": "Create Your Account",
"create-account-desc": "You need a Mango Account to get started",
"fund-account": "Fund Your Account",
"intro-desc": "A magical new way to interact with DeFi. Groundbreaking safety features designed to keep your funds secure. The easiest way to margin trade any token pair. All powered by flashloans.",
"intro-heading": "Safer. Smarter. Faster.",
"lets-go": "Let's Go",
"profile-desc": "Add an NFT profile image and edit your assigned name",
"save-finish": "Save and Finish",
"skip": "Skip for now",
"skip-finish": "Skip and Finish",
"your-profile": "Your Profile"
"bullet-1": "以保证金来交换任何币种对",
"bullet-2": "以高达十倍的杠杆率买卖现货和永续合约。",
"bullet-3": "所有存款可以赚取利息。",
"bullet-4": "借入任何被列出币种",
"choose-wallet": "选择钱包",
"connect-wallet": "连接钱包",
"create-account": "开户",
"create-account-desc": "开始之前您必须开Mango帐户",
"fund-account": "为您的账户注资",
"intro-desc": "一种与DeFi交互的神奇新方式。突破性的安全功能确保您的资金安全。保证金交易任何币种对的最简单方法。全部由闪电贷支持。",
"intro-heading": "更安全。更聪明。更迅速。",
"lets-go": "开始喽",
"profile-desc": "加个NFT个人档案头像并编辑您的帐户标签",
"save-finish": "保存并完成",
"skip": "暂时跳过",
"skip-finish": "跳过并完成",
"your-profile": "您的个人档案"
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"follow": "追踪",
"following": "追踪中",
"invalid-characters": "限制于字母、数字和空格",
"length-error": "Names must be less than 20 characters",
"length-error": "标签必须少于20个字符",
"market-maker": "做市商",
"no-followers": "无追踪者",
"no-followers-desc": "以隐身模式交易😎",
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"no-nfts": "😞 未找到NFT...",
"no-profile-exists": "此帐户不存在...",
"profile": "帐户",
"profile-api-error": "Profile update is unavailable. Please try again later",
"profile-api-error": "无法更新帐户。请稍后再尝试",
"profile-fetch-fail": "查帐户细节出错",
"profile-name": "帐户标签",
"profile-pic-failure": "设置头像失败",
@ -32,13 +32,13 @@
"save-profile": "保存帐户",
"set-profile-pic": "设置头像",
"swing-trader": "摆动交易者",
"total-pnl": "组合总盈亏",
"total-value": "组合总价值",
"total-pnl": "总合盈亏",
"total-value": "总合价值",
"trader": "交易者",
"trader-category": "交易模式",
"unfollow": "取消追踪",
"uniqueness-api-fail": "Failed to check profile name uniqueness",
"uniqueness-fail": "Profile name is taken. Try another one",
"uniqueness-api-fail": "无法检查帐户标签的唯一性",
"uniqueness-fail": "帐户标签已被使用。试试另一个",
"yolo": "YOLO",
"your-profile": "您的帐户"
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
"mango-account": "Account Address",
"mango-account-name": "Account Name",
"no-results": "No Results",
"no-results-desc": "Try another search. Searches are case-sensitive",
"profile-name": "Profile Name",
"results": "Results",
"search": "Search",
"search-accounts": "Search Accounts",
"search-by": "Search By",
"search-for": "Search For",
"search-failed": "Something went wrong. Try again later",
"wallet-pk": "Wallet Address"
"mango-account": "帐户地址",
"mango-account-name": "帐户标签",
"no-results": "无结果",
"no-results-desc": "尝试其他搜寻。搜寻区分大小写",
"profile-name": "个人档案标签",
"results": "结果",
"search": "搜寻",
"search-accounts": "搜寻帐户",
"search-by": "搜寻方式",
"search-for": "搜寻",
"search-failed": "出错了。稍后再试。",
"wallet-pk": "钱包地址"
@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
"animations": "Animations",
"avocado": "Avocado",
"banana": "Banana",
"blueberry": "Blueberry",
"bottom-left": "Bottom-Left",
"bottom-right": "Bottom-Right",
"buttons": "Buttons",
"chart-left": "Chart Left",
"chart-middle-ob-left": "Chart Middle, Orderbook Left",
"chart-middle-ob-right": "Chart Middle, Orderbook Right",
"chart-right": "Chart Right",
"animations": "动画",
"avocado": "酪梨",
"banana": "香蕉",
"blueberry": "蓝莓",
"bottom-left": "左下",
"bottom-right": "右下",
"buttons": "按钮",
"chart-left": "图表左",
"chart-middle-ob-left": "图表中,挂单薄左",
"chart-middle-ob-right": "图表中,挂单薄右",
"chart-right": "图表右",
"chinese": "简体中文",
"chinese-traditional": "繁體中文",
"custom": "Custom",
"dark": "Dark",
"display": "Display",
"custom": "自定",
"dark": "暗",
"display": "显示",
"english": "English",
"high-contrast": "High Contrast",
"language": "Language",
"light": "Light",
"lychee": "Lychee",
"mango": "Mango",
"mango-classic": "Mango Classic",
"medium": "Medium",
"notification-position": "Notification Position",
"number-scroll": "Number Scroll",
"olive": "Olive",
"orderbook-flash": "Orderbook Flash",
"preferred-explorer": "Preferred Explorer",
"recent-trades": "Recent Trades",
"high-contrast": "高对比度",
"language": "语言",
"light": "光",
"limit-order-filled": "限价单成交",
"lychee": "荔枝",
"mango": "芒果",
"mango-classic": "芒果经典",
"medium": "中",
"notification-position": "通知位置",
"notifications": "通知",
"number-scroll": "数字滑动",
"olive": "橄榄",
"orderbook-flash": "挂单薄闪光",
"preferred-explorer": "首选探索器",
"recent-trades": "最近交易",
"rpc": "RPC",
"rpc-provider": "RPC Provider",
"rpc-url": "Enter RPC URL",
"rpc-provider": "RPC提供者",
"rpc-url": "输入RPC URL",
"russian": "Русский",
"save": "Save",
"slider": "Slider",
"save": "存",
"sign-to-notifications": "登录通知中心以更改设置",
"slider": "滑块",
"solana-beach": "Solana Beach",
"solana-explorer": "Solana Explorer",
"solanafm": "SolanaFM",
"solscan": "Solscan",
"sounds": "Sounds",
"sounds": "声响",
"spanish": "Español",
"swap-success": "Swap/Trade Success",
"swap-trade-size-selector": "Swap/Trade Size Selector",
"theme": "Theme",
"top-left": "Top-Left",
"top-right": "Top-Right",
"trade-layout": "Trade Layout",
"transaction-fail": "Transaction Fail",
"transaction-success": "Transaction Success",
"trade-chart": "Trade Chart",
"swap-success": "换币/交易成功",
"swap-trade-size-selector": "换币/交易大小选择器",
"theme": "模式",
"top-left": "左上",
"top-right": "右上",
"trade-chart": "交易图表",
"trade-layout": "交易布局",
"trading-view": "Trading View",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"limit-order-filled": "Limit order filled",
"sign-to-notifications": "Sign to notifications center to change settings"
"transaction-fail": "交易失败",
"transaction-success": "交易成功"
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
"perp-details": "{{market}} Stats"
"perp-details": "{{market}}统计"
@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
"confirm-swap": "Confirm Swap",
"connect-swap": "Connect to view your swap history",
"est-liq-price": "Est. Liq Price",
"fees-paid-to": "Fees Paid to {{route}}",
"health-impact": "Health Impact",
"hide-fees": "Hide Fees",
"hide-swap-history": "Hide Swap History",
"input-reduce-only-warning": "{{symbol}} is in reduce only mode. You can swap your balance to another token",
"insufficient-balance": "Insufficient {{symbol}} Balance",
"insufficient-collateral": "Insufficient Collateral",
"margin-swap": "Margin Swap",
"max-slippage": "Max Slippage",
"maximum-cost": "Maximum Cost",
"minimum-received": "Minimum Received",
"no-history": "No swap history",
"output-reduce-only-warning": "{{symbol}} is in reduce only mode. You can swap to close borrows only",
"paid": "Paid",
"pay": "You Pay",
"preset": "Preset",
"price-impact": "Price Impact",
"rate": "Rate",
"receive": "You Receive",
"received": "Received",
"review-swap": "Review Swap",
"show-fees": "Show Fees",
"show-swap-history": "Show Swap History – Prices shown are from CoinGecko and may not match your swap price",
"slippage": "Slippage",
"swap-history": "Swap History",
"swap-into-1": "Borrow against your collateral and swap with up to 5x leverage.",
"swap-into-2": "Swap your Mango assets via the top DEXs on Solana and get the best possible price.",
"swap-into-3": "Use the slider to set your swap size. Margin can be switched off in swap settings.",
"swap-route": "Swap Route",
"tooltip-borrow-balance": "You'll use your {{balance}} {{token}} balance and borrow {{borrowAmount}} {{token}} to execute this swap. The current {{token}} variable borrow rate is {{rate}}%",
"tooltip-borrow-no-balance": "You'll borrow {{borrowAmount}} {{token}} to execute this swap. The current {{token}} variable borrow rate is {{rate}}%",
"tooltip-max-slippage": "If price slips beyond your maximum slippage your swap will not be executed",
"use-margin": "Allow Margin",
"no-swap-found": "No swap found"
"confirm-swap": "确定换币",
"connect-swap": "连接来查换币纪录",
"est-liq-price": "预计清算价格",
"fees-paid-to": "缴给{{route}}的费用",
"health-impact": "健康影响",
"hide-fees": "隐藏费用",
"hide-swap-history": "隐藏换币纪录",
"input-reduce-only-warning": "{{symbol}}处于仅减少模式。您可以将余额换成另一个币种",
"insufficient-balance": "{{symbol}}余额不够",
"insufficient-collateral": "质押品不够",
"margin-swap": "杠杆换币",
"max-slippage": "最多下滑",
"maximum-cost": "最大成本",
"minimum-received": "最小获取",
"no-history": "无换币纪录",
"no-swap-found": "查不到换币",
"output-reduce-only-warning": "{{symbol}}处于仅减少模式。换币限于归还借贷",
"paid": "付出",
"pay": "你将付出",
"preset": "预设",
"price-impact": "价格影响",
"rate": "汇率",
"receive": "你将获取",
"received": "获取",
"review-swap": "检视换币",
"show-fees": "显示费用",
"show-swap-history": "显示换币纪录–价格来自CoinGecko而也许跟换币价格不同",
"slippage": "下滑",
"swap-history": "换币纪录",
"swap-into-1": "以你的质押品来借贷并进行高达5倍杠杆换币。",
"swap-into-2": "通过 Solana 上的顶级 DEX 交换您的 Mango 资产,并获得最优惠的价格。",
"swap-into-3": "使用滑块设置交换大小。在换币设置中可以关闭杠杆功能。",
"swap-route": "换币路线",
"tooltip-borrow-balance": "您将使用您的 {{balance}} {{token}} 余额并借入 {{borrowAmount}} {{token}} 来执行此交换。当前的 {{token}} 可变借贷利率为 {{rate}}%",
"tooltip-borrow-no-balance": "您将借入 {{borrowAmount}} {{token}} 来执行此交换。当前的 {{token}} 可变借贷利率为 {{rate}}%",
"tooltip-max-slippage": "如果价格下滑超过您的最大滑点,换币交易将不会被执行",
"use-margin": "允许杠杆"
@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
"all-time-high": "All-time High",
"all-time-low": "All-time Low",
"borrowing": "Borrowing",
"borrows": "Borrows",
"borrow-rates": "Borrow Rates",
"borrow-upkeep-rate": "Borrow Upkeep Rate",
"chart-unavailable": "Chart Unavailable",
"circulating-supply": "Circulating Supply",
"all-time-high": "历史高价",
"all-time-low": "历史低价",
"borrow-rates": "借贷利率",
"borrow-upkeep-rate": "维持借贷的费用",
"borrowing": "借入",
"borrows": "借贷",
"chart-unavailable": "无法显示图表",
"circulating-supply": "流通供应量",
"deposit-borrow-scaling-start": "Deposit/Borrow Scaling Start",
"deposits": "Deposits",
"deposit-rates": "Deposit Rates",
"fees-tooltip": "Fees collected for loan origination, loan upkeep and Openbook hosting rebates.",
"fdv": "Fully Diluted Value",
"go-to-account": "Go To Account",
"deposit-rates": "存款利率",
"deposits": "存款",
"fdv": "全稀释市值",
"fees-tooltip": "为贷款发放、贷款维护和Openbook收取的费用。",
"go-to-account": "检视帐户",
"init-asset-liability-weight": "Init Asset/Liability Weight",
"insurance-rate-curve": "Insurance Rate Curve",
"lending": "Lending",
"lending": "借出",
"maint-asset-liability-weight": "Maint Asset/Liability Weight",
"market-cap": "Market Cap",
"max-supply": "Max Supply",
"market-cap": "总市值",
"max-supply": "最大供应量",
"net-borrow-limit-in-period": "Net Borrow Limit in Period",
"net-borrow-period": "Net Borrow Period",
"net-borrows-in-period": "Net Borrows in Period",
"no-borrowers": "No Borrowers...",
"no-depositors": "No Depositors...",
"no-borrowers": "无借贷者...",
"no-depositors": "无存款者...",
"oracle": "Oracle",
"oracle-confidence": "Oracle Confidence",
"oracle-staleness": "Oracle Staleness",
"parameters": "Parameters",
"token-stats": "{{token}} Stats",
"token-stats": "币种细节",
"token-fees-collected": "Token Fees Collected",
"token-not-found": "Token Not Found",
"token-not-found-desc": "'{{token}}' is either not listed or we're having issues loading the data.",
"token-not-found": "查不到币种",
"token-not-found-desc": "'{{token}}'未列入或我们在加载数据时出错。",
"tooltip-borrow-upkeep-rate": "The yearly rate paid to the DAO on open borrows. This is included in the displayed borrow interest rate.",
"tooltip-deposit-borrow-scaling-start": "This acts as a soft limit for deposits and borrows. For deposits, if this value is exceeded the asset weight for deposits is scaled down. For borrows, the liability weight for borrows is scaled up.",
"tooltip-init-asset-liability-weight": "The contribution a token has to your initial account health. Asset weight is applied to deposits that increase health and liability weight is applied to borrows that reduce it. Initial health controls your ability to withdraw and open new positions and is shown as an account's free collateral.",
@ -44,9 +44,9 @@
"tooltip-oracle-confidence": "Oracles work by aggregating multiple price sources. If these sources disagree too much, confidence will be low. If it's below this threshold, the price is considered invalid.",
"tooltip-oracle-staleness": "Price is considered valid when it is last updated within {{slots}} slots.",
"tooltip-token-fees-collected": "These fees accrue in every native token listed on Mango. The values in this chart are derived from the current market value.",
"top-borrowers": "Top {{symbol}} Borrowers",
"top-depositors": "Top {{symbol}} Depositors",
"total-supply": "Total Supply",
"total-value": "Total Value",
"volume": "24h Volume"
"top-borrowers": "顶级{{symbol}}借贷者",
"top-depositors": "顶级{{symbol}}存款者",
"total-supply": "总供应量",
"total-value": "全市值",
"volume": "24小时交易量"
@ -1,86 +1,86 @@
"activate-volume-alert": "Activate Volume Alert",
"amount": "Amount",
"base": "Base",
"book": "Book",
"buys": "Buys",
"cancel-order-error": "Failed to cancel order",
"close-confirm": "Market close your {{config_name}} position",
"close-position": "Close Position",
"connect-orders": "Connect to view your open orders",
"connect-positions": "Connect to view your perp positions",
"connect-trade-history": "Connect to view your trade history",
"connect-unsettled": "Connect to view your unsettled funds",
"copy-and-share": "Copy Image to Clipboard",
"current-price": "Current Price",
"entry-price": "Entry Price",
"est-slippage": "Est. Slippage",
"funding-limits": "Funding Limits",
"funding-rate": "1h Avg Funding Rate",
"grouping": "Grouping",
"hide-asks": "Hide Asks",
"hide-bids": "Hide Bids",
"hourly-funding": "Average Hourly Funding",
"in-orders": "In Orders",
"init-leverage": "Init Leverage",
"instantaneous-funding": "Instantaneous Funding Snapshot",
"interval-seconds": "Interval (seconds)",
"insured": "{{token}} Insured",
"last-updated": "Last updated",
"limit-price": "Limit Price",
"long": "Long",
"maker": "Maker",
"margin": "Margin",
"market-details": "{{market}} Market Details",
"max-leverage": "Max Leverage",
"min-order-size": "Min Order Size",
"no-balances": "No balances",
"no-orders": "No open orders",
"no-positions": "No perp positions",
"no-unsettled": "No unsettled funds",
"notional": "Notional",
"notional-volume": "Notional Volume ($)",
"open-interest": "Open Interest",
"oracle": "Oracle",
"oracle-not-updated": "This oracle has not updated recently.",
"oracle-not-updated-warning": "Actions will fail for accounts with a position in this token.",
"oracle-price": "Oracle Price",
"order-error": "Failed to place order",
"order-type": "Order Type",
"order-value": "Order Value",
"orders": "Orders",
"place-order": "Place {{side}} Order",
"placing-order": "Placing Order",
"positions": "Positions",
"activate-volume-alert": "开启交易量警报",
"amount": "数量",
"base": "基础",
"book": "挂单薄",
"buys": "买单",
"cancel-order-error": "取消挂单出错",
"close-confirm": "市场平仓您的{{config_name}}持仓",
"close-position": "平仓",
"connect-orders": "连接以查看您的订单",
"connect-positions": "连接以查看您的持仓",
"connect-trade-history": "连接以查看交易纪录",
"connect-unsettled": "连接以查看未结清余额",
"copy-and-share": "复制影像",
"current-price": "目前价格",
"entry-price": "入场价",
"est-slippage": "预计下滑",
"funding-limits": "资金费限制",
"funding-rate": "资金费率",
"grouping": "分组",
"hide-asks": "隐藏要价",
"hide-bids": "隐藏出价",
"hourly-funding": "1小时资金费",
"in-orders": "在挂单中",
"init-leverage": "初始杠杆",
"instantaneous-funding": "瞬时资金费率",
"insured": "被{{token}}保险",
"interval-seconds": "间隔(秒)",
"last-updated": "最近更新",
"limit-price": "限价价格",
"long": "做多",
"maker": "挂单者",
"margin": "保证金",
"market-details": "{{market}}市场细节",
"max-leverage": "最多杠杆",
"min-order-size": "最小订单量",
"no-balances": "您没有余额",
"no-orders": "您没有订单",
"no-positions": "您没有持仓",
"no-unsettled": "您没有未结清余额",
"notional": "合约面值",
"notional-volume": "面值交易量($)",
"open-interest": "持仓量",
"oracle": "预言机",
"oracle-not-updated": "此预言机最近没有更新。",
"oracle-not-updated-warning": "含有此币种的帐户无法进行活动。",
"oracle-price": "预言机价格",
"order-error": "下订单出错了",
"order-type": "订单方式",
"order-value": "订单价值",
"orders": "订单",
"place-order": "下{{side}}单",
"placing-order": "正在下单",
"positions": "当前持仓",
"post": "Post",
"preview-sound": "Preview Sound",
"price-expect": "The price you receive may be worse than you expect and full execution is not guaranteed. Max slippage is 2.5% for your safety. The part of your position with slippage beyond 2.5% will not be closed.",
"price-provided-by": "Oracle by",
"quote": "Quote",
"reduce-only": "Reduce Only",
"sells": "Sells",
"settle-funds": "Settle Funds",
"settle-funds-error": "Failed to settle funds",
"short": "Short",
"show-asks": "Show Asks",
"show-bids": "Show Bids",
"side": "Side",
"size": "Size",
"spread": "Spread",
"stable-price": "Stable Price",
"taker": "Taker",
"tick-size": "Tick Size",
"tooltip-enable-margin": "Enable spot margin for this trade",
"tooltip-ioc": "Immediate-Or-Cancel (IOC) orders are guaranteed to be the taker and must be executed immediately. Any portion of the order that can't be filled immediately will be cancelled",
"tooltip-insured": "Whether or not {{tokenOrMarket}} losses can be recovered from the insurance fund in the event of bankruptcies.",
"tooltip-post": "Post orders are guaranteed to be the maker or they will be canceled",
"tooltip-slippage": "An estimate of the difference between the current price and the price your trade will be executed at",
"tooltip-volume-alert": "Volume Alert Settings",
"tooltip-stable-price": "Stable price is used in a safety mechanism that limits a user's ability to enter risky positions when the oracle price is changing rapidly",
"trade-sounds-tooltip": "Play a sound alert for every new trade",
"trades": "Trades",
"tweet-position": "Share to Twitter",
"unsettled": "Unsettled",
"volume-alert": "Volume Alert",
"volume-alert-desc": "Play a sound whenever volume exceeds your alert threshold"
"preview-sound": "声音预览",
"price-expect": "您收到的价格可能与您预期有差异,并且无法保证完全执行。为了您的安全,最大滑点保持为 2.5%。超过 2.5%滑点的部分不会被平仓。",
"price-provided-by": "语言机来自",
"quote": "计价",
"reduce-only": "限减少",
"sells": "卖单",
"settle-funds": "借清资金",
"settle-funds-error": "借清出错",
"short": "做空",
"show-asks": "显示要价",
"show-bids": "显示出价",
"side": "方向",
"size": "數量",
"spread": "差價",
"stable-price": "穩定價格",
"taker": "吃單者",
"tick-size": "波動單位",
"tooltip-enable-margin": "為此交易啟用保證金",
"tooltip-ioc": "IOC交易若不吃單就會被取消。任何無法立刻成交的部分將被取消",
"tooltip-insured": "如果發生破產,{{tokenOrMarket}}損失是否可以從保險基金中歸還",
"tooltip-post": "Post交易若不掛單就會被取消。",
"tooltip-slippage": "當前價格與您的交易將執行的價格之間的差值的估計",
"tooltip-stable-price": "穩定價格用於一個安全機制。此機制可以限制用戶在預言機價格快速波動時下風險高的訂單",
"tooltip-volume-alert": "交易量警報設定",
"trade-sounds-tooltip": "為每筆新交易播放警報聲音",
"trades": "交易",
"tweet-position": "分享至Twitter",
"unsettled": "未結清",
"volume-alert": "交易量警報",
"volume-alert-desc": "交易量超過警報設定時播放聲音"
@ -10,6 +10,6 @@
"slippage-accept": "若您接受潜在的下滑请使用交易表格进行。",
"slippage-warning": "您的订单价格({{updatedOrderPrice}})多余5%{{aboveBelow}}市场价格({{selectedMarketPrice}})表是您也许遭受可观的下滑。",
"toggle-order-line": "切换订单线可见性",
"toggle-stable-price": "Toggle stable price line",
"toggle-trade-executions": "Show trade executions. Limited to your last 250 trades across all markets."
"toggle-stable-price": "切换稳定价格线",
"toggle-trade-executions": "显示成交。限于全部试场的最近250交易。"
Reference in New Issue