translate trade

This commit is contained in:
rjpeterson 2023-04-02 17:57:24 -07:00
parent 77fa84c752
commit ff308cebc5
1 changed files with 64 additions and 64 deletions

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@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
{ {
"activate-volume-alert": "Activate Volume Alert", "activate-volume-alert": "開啟交易量警報",
"amount": "Amount", "amount": "數量",
"base": "Base", "base": "基礎",
"book": "Book", "book": "掛單薄",
"buys": "Buys", "buys": "買單",
"cancel-order-error": "Failed to cancel order", "cancel-order-error": "取消掛單出錯",
"close-confirm": "Market close your {{config_name}} position", "close-confirm": "市場平倉您的{{config_name}}持倉",
"close-position": "Close Position", "close-position": "平倉",
"connect-orders": "Connect to view your open orders", "connect-orders": "連接以查看您的訂單",
"connect-positions": "Connect to view your perp positions", "connect-positions": "連接以查看您的持倉",
"connect-trade-history": "Connect to view your trade history", "connect-trade-history": "連接以查看交易紀錄",
"connect-unsettled": "Connect to view your unsettled funds", "connect-unsettled": "連接以查看未結清餘額",
"entry-price": "Entry Price", "entry-price": "入場價",
"est-slippage": "Est. Slippage", "est-slippage": "預計下滑",
"funding-rate": "Funding Rate", "funding-rate": "資金費率",
"grouping": "Grouping", "grouping": "分組",
"hide-asks": "Hide Asks", "hide-asks": "隱藏要價",
"hide-bids": "Hide Bids", "hide-bids": "隱藏出價",
"hourly-funding": "Hourly Funding", "hourly-funding": "1小時資金費",
"in-orders": "In Orders", "in-orders": "在掛單中",
"instantaneous-funding": "Instantaneous Funding", "instantaneous-funding": "瞬時資金費率",
"interval-seconds": "Interval (seconds)", "interval-seconds": "間隔(秒)",
"limit-price": "Limit Price", "limit-price": "限價價格",
"long": "Long", "long": "做多",
"margin": "Margin", "margin": "保證金",
"no-balances": "No balances", "no-balances": "您沒有餘額",
"no-orders": "No open orders", "no-orders": "您沒有訂單",
"no-positions": "No perp positions", "no-positions": "您沒有持倉",
"no-unsettled": "No unsettled funds", "no-unsettled": "您沒有未結清餘額",
"notional": "Notional", "notional": "合約面值",
"notional-volume": "Notional Volume ($)", "notional-volume": "面值交易量($)",
"open-interest": "Open Interest", "open-interest": "持倉量",
"oracle-price": "Oracle Price", "oracle-price": "預言機價格",
"order-error": "Failed to place order", "order-error": "下訂單出錯了",
"order-type": "Order Type", "order-type": "訂單方式",
"order-value": "Order Value", "order-value": "訂單價值",
"orders": "Orders", "orders": "訂單",
"place-order": "Place {{side}} Order", "place-order": "下{{side}}單",
"placing-order": "Placing Order", "placing-order": "正在下單",
"positions": "Positions", "positions": "當前持倉",
"post": "Post", "post": "Post",
"preview-sound": "Preview Sound", "preview-sound": "聲音預覽",
"price-expect": "The price you receive may be worse than you expect and full execution is not guaranteed. Max slippage is 2.5% for your safety. The part of your position with slippage beyond 2.5% will not be closed.", "price-expect": "您收到的價格可能與您預期有差異,並且無法保證完全執行。為了您的安全,最大滑點保持為 2.5%。超過 2.5%滑點的部分不會被平倉。",
"quote": "Quote", "quote": "計價",
"sells": "Sells", "sells": "賣單",
"settle-funds": "Settle Funds", "settle-funds": "借清資金",
"settle-funds-error": "Failed to settle funds", "settle-funds-error": "借清出錯",
"short": "Short", "short": "做空",
"show-asks": "Show Asks", "show-asks": "顯示要價",
"show-bids": "Show Bids", "show-bids": "顯示出價",
"side": "Side", "side": "方向",
"size": "Size", "size": "數量",
"spread": "Spread", "spread": "差價",
"stable-price": "Stable Price", "stable-price": "穩定價格",
"tooltip-enable-margin": "Enable spot margin for this trade", "tooltip-enable-margin": "為此交易啟用保證金",
"tooltip-ioc": "Immediate-Or-Cancel (IOC) orders are guaranteed to be the taker and must be executed immediately. Any portion of the order that can't be filled immediately will be cancelled", "tooltip-ioc": "IOC交易若不吃單就會被取消。任何無法立刻成交的部分將被取消",
"tooltip-post": "Post orders are guaranteed to be the maker or they will be canceled", "tooltip-post": "Post交易若不掛單就會被取消。",
"tooltip-slippage": "An estimate of the difference between the current price and the price your trade will be executed at", "tooltip-slippage": "當前價格與您的交易將執行的價格之間的差值的估計",
"tooltip-volume-alert": "Volume Alert Settings", "tooltip-volume-alert": "交易量警報設定",
"tooltip-stable-price": "Stable price is used in a safety mechanism that limits a user's ability to enter risky positions when the oracle price is changing rapidly", "tooltip-stable-price": "穩定價格用於一個安全機制。此機制可以限制用戶在預言機價格快速波動時下風險高的訂單",
"trade-sounds-tooltip": "Play a sound alert for every new trade", "trade-sounds-tooltip": "為每筆新交易播放警報聲音",
"trades": "Trades", "trades": "交易",
"unsettled": "Unsettled", "unsettled": "未結清",
"volume-alert": "Volume Alert", "volume-alert": "交易量警報",
"volume-alert-desc": "Play a sound whenever volume exceeds your alert threshold" "volume-alert-desc": "交易量超過警報設定時播放聲音"
} }