/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query' import dayjs from 'dayjs' import useMangoAccount from 'hooks/useMangoAccount' import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react' import { HourlyFundingChartData, HourlyFundingData, HourlyFundingStatsData, } from 'types' import { DAILY_MILLISECONDS, MANGO_DATA_API_URL } from 'utils/constants' import { formatCurrencyValue } from 'utils/numbers' import { TooltipProps } from 'recharts/types/component/Tooltip' import { Cell, XAxis, YAxis, Tooltip, BarChart, Bar, ReferenceLine, ResponsiveContainer, } from 'recharts' import { COLORS } from 'styles/colors' import { formatDateAxis } from '@components/shared/DetailedAreaOrBarChart' import { formatYAxis } from 'utils/formatting' import ChartRangeButtons from '@components/shared/ChartRangeButtons' import { useTranslation } from 'next-i18next' import { IconButton } from '@components/shared/Button' import { ArrowLeftIcon, NoSymbolIcon } from '@heroicons/react/20/solid' import { FadeInFadeOut } from '@components/shared/Transitions' import ContentBox from '@components/shared/ContentBox' import SheenLoader from '@components/shared/SheenLoader' import useThemeWrapper from 'hooks/useThemeWrapper' const fetchHourlyFunding = async (mangoAccountPk: string) => { try { const data = await fetch( `${MANGO_DATA_API_URL}/stats/funding-account-hourly?mango-account=${mangoAccountPk}`, ) const res = await data.json() if (res) { const entries: HourlyFundingData[] = Object.entries(res) const stats: HourlyFundingStatsData[] = entries.map(([key, value]) => { const marketEntries = Object.entries(value) const marketFunding = marketEntries.map(([key, value]) => { return { long_funding: value.long_funding * -1, short_funding: value.short_funding * -1, time: key, } }) return { marketFunding, market: key } }) return stats } } catch (e) { console.log('Failed to fetch account funding history', e) } } const FundingChart = ({ hideChart }: { hideChart: () => void }) => { const { t } = useTranslation('common') const { mangoAccountAddress } = useMangoAccount() const [daysToShow, setDaysToShow] = useState('30') const { theme } = useThemeWrapper() const { data: fundingData, isLoading: loadingFunding, isFetching: fetchingFunding, refetch, } = useQuery( ['hourly-funding'], () => fetchHourlyFunding(mangoAccountAddress), { cacheTime: 1000 * 60 * 10, staleTime: 1000 * 60, retry: 3, refetchOnWindowFocus: false, enabled: !!mangoAccountAddress, }, ) useEffect(() => { refetch() }, []) const chartData = useMemo(() => { if (!fundingData || !fundingData.length) return [] const rawData = [] for (const item of fundingData) { for (const fundingItem of item.marketFunding) { rawData.push({ [item.market]: fundingItem.long_funding + fundingItem.short_funding, time: fundingItem.time, }) } } const data = rawData.reduce((a: HourlyFundingChartData[], c) => { const found: HourlyFundingChartData | undefined = a.find( (item) => item['time'] === c.time, ) const marketKey = Object.keys(c)[0] const marketFunding = Object.values(c)[0] if (found) { found[marketKey] = marketFunding found.total = found.total + marketFunding } else { a.push({ ...c, total: marketFunding }) } return a }, []) return data }, [fundingData]) const CustomTooltip = ({ active, payload, label, }: TooltipProps) => { if (active && payload && payload.length) { const load = payload[0].payload const data: [string, any][] = Object.entries(load).filter( (p) => p[0] !== 'time' && p[0] !== 'total', ) return (

{daysToShow === '30' ? dayjs(label).format('DD MMM YY') : dayjs(label).format('DD MMM YY, h:mma')}

{data .filter((d) => Math.abs(d[1]) > 0) .sort((a, b) => a[0].localeCompare(b[0])) .map((d) => (






) } return null } const scaleDataTime = (data: HourlyFundingChartData[]) => { const scaledData = data.reduce((a: HourlyFundingChartData[], c) => { const found = a.find((item) => { // const threshold = daysToShow === '7' ? 14400000 : 86400000 // const currentDataTime = new Date(c.time).getTime() // const date = new Date(item.time) // const maxTime = date.getTime() + threshold // return currentDataTime <= maxTime const currentDataDate = new Date(c.time) const itemDate = new Date(item.time) return ( itemDate.getDate() === currentDataDate.getDate() && itemDate.getMonth() === currentDataDate.getMonth() && itemDate.getFullYear() === currentDataDate.getFullYear() ) }) if (found) { for (const key in found) { if (key !== 'time') { found[key] = found[key] + c[key] } } } else { a.push({ ...c }) } return a }, []) return scaledData } const filteredData: HourlyFundingChartData[] = useMemo(() => { if (!chartData.length) return [] const start = Number(daysToShow) * DAILY_MILLISECONDS const filtered = chartData.filter((d: HourlyFundingChartData) => { const date = new Date() if (daysToShow === '30') { date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0) } else { date.setMinutes(0, 0, 0) } const dataTime = new Date(d.time).getTime() const now = date.getTime() const limit = now - start return dataTime >= limit }) if (daysToShow === '30') { return scaleDataTime(filtered) } return filtered }, [chartData, daysToShow]) return (


setDaysToShow(v)} />
{loadingFunding || fetchingFunding ? (
) : filteredData.find((d) => Math.abs(d.total) > 0) ? (
} /> {filteredData.map((entry, index) => { return ( 0 ? 'url(#greenGradientBar)' : 'url(#redGradientBar)' } /> ) })} formatDateAxis(v, parseInt(daysToShow))} /> formatYAxis(v)} type="number" />
) : (


)} ) } export default FundingChart