{ "active-proposals": "Active Proposals", "adv-fields": "Advanced Options", "approval-q": "Approval Quorum", "base-bank": "Base Bank", "base-mint": "Base Mint", "base-token": "Base Token", "before-listing-1": "You need at least 100,000 MNGO deposited in", "before-listing-2": "New tokens need to have an", "before-listing-3": "Is there sufficient liquidity?", "before-listing-4": "New markets and tokens are approved by DAO vote. This takes 3 days", "cancel": "Cancel", "cant-find-token-for-mint": "Can't find token for given mint", "cant-list-oracle-not-found-pyth": "Oracle not found. Create a Pyth oracle before continuing.", "cant-list-oracle-not-found-switch": "Oracle not found. Create a Switchboard oracle before continuing.", "cant-list-no-openbook-market": "Openbook market not found. Create an Openbook market before continuing.", "connect-to-list": "Connect to list a spot market or token", "connect-wallet": "Connect Wallet", "create": "Create", "create-market-sol-cost": "The transaction cost for listing on Openbook is ~{{cost}} SOL", "create-openbook": "Create Openbook Market", "current-vote": "Current Vote:", "delegate": "Delegate", "ends": "Ends", "enter-valid-token-mint": "Enter a valid token mint", "error-creating-market": "Error creating market", "error-proposal-creation": "Error on proposal creation or no confirmation of transactions", "field-req": "Field is required", "find-token": "Find Token", "invalid-num": "Invalid Number", "invalid-pk": "Invalid Public Key", "liquidity-check-error": "Error during liquidity check", "liquidity-warning": "Low liquidity. Price impact of {{priceImpactPct}}% on a 20k USDC swap.", "list-spot-market": "List Spot Market", "list-spot-market-desc": "Create a market pair from tokens listed on Mango", "list-token": "List Token", "list-token-desc": "List any SPL token on Mango", "mango-governance": "Mango Governance", "market-created-successful": "Market created successfully", "market-index": "Market Index", "market-name": "Market Name", "market-name-convention-1": "The base symbol for each token should be uppercase", "market-name-convention-2": "If either token is bridged via Portal append 'po' to the base symbol e.g. ETHpo", "market-name-convention-3": "If either token is a liquid staking derivative prepend the characters to the base symbol in lowercase e.g. mSOL", "market-name-convention-4": "If either token is wrapped prepend a lowercase 'w'", "market-name-convention-5": "Tokens are separated by '/' with no spaces", "market-name-convention-6": "If it isn't clear what the market name should be reach out to us on ", "market-name-desc": "Follow these conventions when creating the market name:", "market-pair": "Market Pair", "min-order": "Min Order Size", "mint": "Mint", "name": "Name", "new-listing": "New Market or Token Listing", "new-market-listing": "New Market Listing", "next": "Next", "no": "No", "no-openbook-found": "An Openbook market is required for {{market}}", "no-openbook-found-desc": "Create an Openbook market to propose listing", "no-active-proposals": "No Active Proposals", "no-votes": "No Votes", "none": "None", "on-boarding-title": "Looks like currently connected wallet doesn't have any MNGO deposited inside realms", "on-boarding-description": "Before you continue. Deposit at least {{amount}} MNGO into", "on-boarding-deposit-info": "Your MNGO will be locked for the duration of the proposal.", "open-book-market-id": "Openbook Market ID", "openbook-market": "Openbook Market", "openbook-market-external": "Openbook Market External", "list-for-swap-only": "List for swap only", "openbook-market-not-found": "Openbook market not found", "openbook-program": "Openbook Program", "oracle": "Oracle", "oracle-not-found": "Oracle not found", "price-tick": "Tick Size", "propose-listing": "Propose Listing", "proposal-des": "Proposal Description", "proposal-listed": "Your proposal to list {{token}} is live.", "proposal-title": "Proposal Title", "proposals-fetch-error": "Error fetching proposals", "pyth-oracle-error": "Error fetching Pyth oracle", "quorum-description": "Proposals must reach a minimum number of 'Yes' votes before they are eligible to pass. If the minimum is reached but there are more 'No' votes when voting ends the proposal will fail.", "quote-bank": "Quote Bank", "quote-mint": "Quote Mint", "quote-token": "Quote Token", "relinquish-vote": "Relinquish Vote", "required-approval-achieved": "Required Approval Achieved", "select-delegate": "Select delegate", "success": "Success!", "switch-oracle-error": "Error fetching Switchboard oracle", "symbol": "Symbol", "token-details": "Token Details", "token-index": "Token Index", "token-mint": "Token Mint", "tokens-deposited": "Tokens Deposited", "token-not-found": "Token Not Found", "use-own-wallet": "Use Own Wallet", "view-proposal": "View Proposal", "vote-no": "Vote No", "vote-now": "Vote Now", "vote-yes": "Vote Yes", "voting-ended": "Voting Ended", "what-happens-next": "What happens now?", "what-happens-next-1": "Rally the voters. The voting period lasts 3 days.", "what-happens-next-2": "If your proposal passes it can be exectued when the voting period ends.", "what-happens-next-3": "{{token}} will be listed on Mango automatically on execution.", "yes": "Yes", "yes-votes": "Yes Votes", "your-votes": "Your Votes:", "create-switch-oracle": "Create switchboard oracle for", "estimated-oracle-cost": "Estimated cost with funding oracle for ~12 months", "create-oracle": "Create oracle", "tier": "Tier", "on-boarding-description-1": "If you want to use delegated tokens go to vote view and select wallet in top right corner." }