{ "amount": "Amount", "base": "Base", "book": "Book", "buys": "Buys", "cancel-order-error": "Failed to cancel order", "connect-orders": "Connect to view your open orders", "connect-positions": "Connect to view your perp positions", "connect-trade-history": "Connect to view your trade history", "connect-unsettled": "Connect to view your unsettled funds", "entry-price": "Entry Price", "est-slippage": "Est. Slippage", "funding-rate": "Funding Rate", "grouping": "Grouping", "hide-asks": "Hide Asks", "hide-bids": "Hide Bids", "hourly-funding": "Hourly Funding", "in-orders": "In Orders", "instantaneous-funding": "Instantaneous Funding", "limit-price": "Limit Price", "margin": "Margin", "no-balances": "No balances", "no-orders": "No open orders", "no-positions": "No perp positions", "no-unsettled": "No unsettled funds", "notional": "Notional", "open-interest": "Open Interest", "oracle-price": "Oracle Price", "order-error": "Failed to place order", "order-type": "Order Type", "order-value": "Order Value", "orders": "Orders", "post": "Post", "place-order": "Place {{side}} Order", "placing-order": "Placing Order", "quote": "Quote", "sells": "Sells", "settle-funds": "Settle Funds", "settle-funds-error": "Failed to settle funds", "show-asks": "Show Asks", "show-bids": "Show Bids", "side": "Side", "size": "Size", "spread": "Spread", "tooltip-enable-margin": "Enable spot margin for this trade", "tooltip-ioc": "Immediate-Or-Cancel (IOC) orders are guaranteed to be the taker and must be executed immediately. Any portion of the order that can't be filled immediately will be cancelled", "tooltip-post": "Post orders are guaranteed to be the maker or they will be canceled", "tooltip-slippage": "An estimate of the difference between the current price and the price your trade will be executed at", "trade-sounds-tooltip": "Play a sound alert for every new trade", "trades": "Trades", "unsettled": "Unsettled" }