import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next' import Tps, { StatusDot } from './Tps' import DiscordIcon from './icons/DiscordIcon' import { TwitterIcon } from './icons/TwitterIcon' import { DocumentTextIcon } from '@heroicons/react/20/solid' import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react' import { IDL } from '@blockworks-foundation/mango-v4' import RpcPing from './RpcPing' import Tooltip from './shared/Tooltip' import { useRouter } from 'next/router' import useOffchainServicesHealth from 'hooks/useOffchainServicesHealth' import mangoStore from '@store/mangoStore' import { Connection } from '@solana/web3.js' import { sumBy } from 'lodash' import useInterval from './shared/useInterval' const DEFAULT_LATEST_COMMIT = { sha: '', url: '' } export const tpsAlertThreshold = 1300 export const tpsWarningThreshold = 1000 export const rpcAlertThreshold = 250 export const rpcWarningThreshold = 500 const getLatestCommit = async () => { try { const response = await fetch( ``, ) const data = await response.json() if (data && data.length) { const { sha, html_url } = data[0] return { sha: sha.slice(0, 7), url: html_url, } } return DEFAULT_LATEST_COMMIT } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching latest commit:', error) return DEFAULT_LATEST_COMMIT } } const getRecentPerformance = async ( connection: Connection, setTps: (x: number) => void, ) => { try { const samples = 2 const response = await connection.getRecentPerformanceSamples(samples) const totalSecs = sumBy(response, 'samplePeriodSecs') const totalTransactions = sumBy(response, 'numTransactions') const tps = totalTransactions / totalSecs setTps(tps) } catch { console.warn('Unable to fetch TPS') } } const getPingTime = async ( connection: Connection, setRpcPing: (x: number) => void, ) => { const startTime = try { await connection.getSlot() const endTime = const pingTime = endTime - startTime setRpcPing(pingTime) } catch (error) { console.error('Error pinging the RPC:', error) return null } } const getOverallStatus = ( tps: number, rpcPing: number, offchainHealth: number, ) => { if (tps < tpsWarningThreshold) { return 'severly-degraded' } else if ( tps < tpsAlertThreshold || rpcPing > rpcWarningThreshold || offchainHealth !== 200 ) { return 'degraded' } else return 'operational' } const StatusBar = ({ collapsed }: { collapsed: boolean }) => { const { t } = useTranslation('common') const [latestCommit, setLatestCommit] = useState(DEFAULT_LATEST_COMMIT) const router = useRouter() const { offchainHealth, isLoading: loadingOffchainHealth } = useOffchainServicesHealth() const connection = mangoStore((s) => s.connection) const [tps, setTps] = useState(0) const [rpcPing, setRpcPing] = useState(0) useEffect(() => { getPingTime(connection, setRpcPing) }, []) useInterval(() => { getPingTime(connection, setRpcPing) }, 30 * 1000) useEffect(() => { getRecentPerformance(connection, setTps) }, []) useInterval(() => { getRecentPerformance(connection, setTps) }, 60 * 1000) useEffect(() => { const { sha } = latestCommit if (!sha) { getLatestCommit().then((commit) => setLatestCommit(commit)) } }, [latestCommit]) const platformHealth = useMemo(() => { return getOverallStatus(tps, rpcPing, offchainHealth) }, [tps, rpcPing, offchainHealth]) const dotColor = platformHealth === 'severly-degraded' ? 'bg-th-error' : platformHealth === 'degraded' ? 'bg-th-warning' : 'bg-th-success' return (