import { PublicKey, Connection } from '@solana/web3.js' import { TokenInstructions } from '@project-serum/serum' import { getAssociatedTokenAddress, toUiDecimals, } from '@blockworks-foundation/mango-v4' import { Metaplex, Nft, Sft, SftWithToken, NftWithToken, Metadata, JsonMetadata, } from '@metaplex-foundation/js' export class TokenAccount { publicKey!: PublicKey mint!: PublicKey owner!: PublicKey amount!: number decimals!: number uiAmount: number constructor( publicKey: PublicKey, decoded: { mint: PublicKey owner: PublicKey amount: number decimals: number uiAmount: number }, ) { this.publicKey = publicKey this.uiAmount = 0 Object.assign(this, decoded) } } type RawNft = Nft | Sft | SftWithToken | NftWithToken type NftWithATA = RawNft & { owner: null | PublicKey tokenAccountAddress: null | PublicKey } function exists(item: T | null | undefined): item is T { return !!item } export async function getTokenAccountsByOwnerWithWrappedSol( connection: Connection, owner: PublicKey, ): Promise { const solReq = connection.getAccountInfo(owner) const tokenReq = connection.getParsedTokenAccountsByOwner(owner, { programId: TokenInstructions.TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, }) // fetch data const [solResp, tokenResp] = await Promise.all([solReq, tokenReq]) // parse token accounts const tokenAccounts = => { return { publicKey: t.pubkey, mint:, owner:, amount:, uiAmount:, decimals:, } }) // create fake wrapped sol account to reflect sol balances in user's wallet const lamports = solResp?.lamports || 0 const solAccount = new TokenAccount(owner, { mint: TokenInstructions.WRAPPED_SOL_MINT, owner, amount: lamports, uiAmount: toUiDecimals(lamports, 9), decimals: 9, }) // prepend SOL account to beginning of list return [solAccount].concat(tokenAccounts) } const enhanceNFT = (nft: NftWithATA) => { return { image: nft.json?.image || '', name: nft.json?.name || '', address: nft.metadataAddress.toBase58(), collectionAddress: nft.collection?.address.toBase58(), mint:, tokenAccount: nft.tokenAccountAddress?.toBase58() || '', json: nft.json, } } function loadNft( nft: Metadata> | Nft | Sft, connection: Connection, ) { const metaplex = new Metaplex(connection) return Promise.race([ metaplex .nfts() // @ts-ignore .load({ metadata: nft }) .catch((e) => { console.error(e) return null }), ]) } export async function getNFTsByOwner(owner: PublicKey, connection: Connection) { const metaplex = new Metaplex(connection) const rawNfts = await metaplex.nfts().findAllByOwner({ owner, }) const nfts = await Promise.all( => loadNft(nft, connection)), ).then((nfts) => Promise.all( nfts.filter(exists).map(async (nft) => ({ ...nft, owner, tokenAccountAddress: await getAssociatedTokenAddress(, owner, true, ).catch((e) => { console.error(e) return null }), })), ), ) return } export const formatTokenSymbol = (symbol: string) => { if (symbol.toLowerCase().includes('portal')) { const truncSymbol = symbol.split(' ')[0].toUpperCase() return truncSymbol === 'WBTC' ? 'wBTC' : truncSymbol } return symbol === 'MSOL' ? 'mSOL' : symbol }