import { Transition } from '@headlessui/react' import { ArrowDownTrayIcon, CheckCircleIcon, FireIcon, PencilIcon, PlusCircleIcon, XMarkIcon, } from '@heroicons/react/20/solid' import { Wallet } from '@project-serum/anchor' import { useWallet } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react' import mangoStore from '@store/mangoStore' import Decimal from 'decimal.js' import useLocalStorageState from 'hooks/useLocalStorageState' import { useTranslation } from 'next-i18next' import Image from 'next/image' import { ChangeEvent, useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react' import { IS_ONBOARDED_KEY } from 'utils/constants' import { notify } from 'utils/notifications' import { floorToDecimal } from 'utils/numbers' import ActionTokenList from './account/ActionTokenList' import ButtonGroup from './forms/ButtonGroup' import Input from './forms/Input' import Label from './forms/Label' import WalletIcon from './icons/WalletIcon' import { walletBalanceForToken } from './modals/DepositModal' import ParticlesBackground from './ParticlesBackground' import BounceLoader from './shared/BounceLoader' import Button, { IconButton, LinkButton } from './shared/Button' import InlineNotification from './shared/InlineNotification' import MaxAmountButton from './shared/MaxAmountButton' import { EnterRightExitLeft, FadeInFadeOut } from './shared/Transitions' import { handleWalletConnect } from './wallet/ConnectWalletButton' const UserSetup = ({ onClose }: { onClose: () => void }) => { const { t } = useTranslation() const group = mangoStore((s) => const { connected, select, wallet, wallets } = useWallet() const mangoAccount = mangoStore((s) => s.mangoAccount.current) const mangoAccountLoading = mangoStore((s) => s.mangoAccount.initialLoad) const [accountName, setAccountName] = useState('') const [loadingAccount, setLoadingAccount] = useState(false) const [showSetupStep, setShowSetupStep] = useState(0) const [depositToken, setDepositToken] = useState('') const [depositAmount, setDepositAmount] = useState('') const [submitDeposit, setSubmitDeposit] = useState(false) const [sizePercentage, setSizePercentage] = useState('') const [showEditProfilePic, setShowEditProfilePic] = useState(false) const [, setIsOnboarded] = useLocalStorageState(IS_ONBOARDED_KEY) const walletTokens = mangoStore((s) => s.wallet.tokens) const connectWallet = async () => { if (wallet) { try { await handleWalletConnect(wallet) setShowSetupStep(2) setIsOnboarded(true) } catch (e) { notify({ title: 'Setup failed. Refresh and try again.', type: 'error', }) } } } const handleCreateAccount = useCallback(async () => { const client = mangoStore.getState().client const group = mangoStore.getState().group const actions = mangoStore.getState().actions if (!group || !wallet) return setLoadingAccount(true) try { const tx = await client.createMangoAccount( group, 0, accountName || 'Account 1', undefined, // tokenCount undefined, // serum3Count 8, // perpCount 8 // perpOoCount ) actions.fetchMangoAccounts(wallet!.adapter as unknown as Wallet) if (tx) { setLoadingAccount(false) setShowSetupStep(3) notify({ title: t('new-account-success'), type: 'success', txid: tx, }) } } catch (e: any) { setLoadingAccount(false) notify({ title: t('new-account-failed'), txid: e?.signature, type: 'error', }) console.error(e) } }, [accountName, wallet, t]) const handleDeposit = useCallback(async () => { const client = mangoStore.getState().client const group = mangoStore.getState().group const actions = mangoStore.getState().actions const mangoAccount = mangoStore.getState().mangoAccount.current if (!mangoAccount || !group) return const bank = group.banksMapByName.get(depositToken)![0] try { setSubmitDeposit(true) const tx = await client.tokenDeposit( group, mangoAccount,, parseFloat(depositAmount) ) notify({ title: 'Transaction confirmed', type: 'success', txid: tx, }) await actions.reloadMangoAccount() onClose() setSubmitDeposit(false) } catch (e: any) { notify({ title: 'Transaction failed', description: e.message, txid: e?.txid, type: 'error', }) setSubmitDeposit(false) console.error(e) } }, [depositAmount, depositToken, onClose]) useEffect(() => { if (mangoAccount && showSetupStep === 2) { onClose() } }, [mangoAccount, showSetupStep, onClose]) const banks = useMemo(() => { const banks = group?.banksMapByName ? Array.from(group?.banksMapByName, ([key, value]) => { const walletBalance = walletBalanceForToken(walletTokens, key) return { key, value, tokenDecimals: walletBalance.maxDecimals, walletBalance: floorToDecimal( walletBalance.maxAmount, walletBalance.maxDecimals ).toNumber(), walletBalanceValue: walletBalance.maxAmount * value[0]?.uiPrice!, } }) : [] return banks }, [group?.banksMapByName, walletTokens]) const tokenMax = useMemo(() => { const bank = banks.find((bank) => bank.key === depositToken) if (bank) { return { amount: bank.walletBalance, decimals: bank.tokenDecimals } } return { amount: 0, decimals: 0 } }, [banks, depositToken]) const handleSizePercentage = useCallback( (percentage: string) => { setSizePercentage(percentage) let amount = new Decimal(tokenMax.amount).mul(percentage).div(100) if (percentage !== '100') { amount = floorToDecimal(amount, tokenMax.decimals) } setDepositAmount(amount.toString()) }, [tokenMax] ) const handleNextStep = () => { setShowSetupStep(showSetupStep + 1) } return (

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{connected && mangoAccountLoading ? (
) : (

Connect Wallet

Choose Wallet

{wallets?.map((w) => ( ))}
{loadingAccount ? (
) : (

Create Your Account

You need a Mango Account to get started.

Account Name{' '} (Optional)

) => setAccountName( } />
Skip for now
{submitDeposit ? (
) : (

Fund Your Account

0} enter="transition ease-in duration-300" enterFrom="opacity-0" enterTo="opacity-100" leave="transition ease-out duration-300" leaveFrom="opacity-100" leaveTo="opacity-0" >
) => setDepositAmount( } />
handleSizePercentage(p)} values={['10', '25', '50', '75', '100']} unit="%" />




Skip for now
) } export default UserSetup