import { IDL } from '@blockworks-foundation/mango-v4' import { BorshInstructionCoder } from '@project-serum/anchor' import { Connection } from '@solana/web3.js' import { MANGO_DATA_API_URL } from './constants' import { TxCallbackOptions } from '@blockworks-foundation/mango-v4/dist/types/src/client' const coder = new BorshInstructionCoder(IDL) export function collectTxConfirmationData( rpcEndpoint: string, prioritizationFee: number, txCallbackOptions: TxCallbackOptions, ) { const start = new Date().getTime() txConfirmationInner( start, rpcEndpoint, prioritizationFee, txCallbackOptions, ).catch((e) => txConfirmationInner( start, rpcEndpoint, prioritizationFee, txCallbackOptions, ), ) } async function txConfirmationInner( startTime: number, rpcEndpoint: string, prioritization_fee: number, txCallbackOptions: TxCallbackOptions, ) { const connection = new Connection(rpcEndpoint, 'processed') const { txid: signature, txSignatureBlockHash } = txCallbackOptions await connection.confirmTransaction( { signature, blockhash: txSignatureBlockHash.blockhash, lastValidBlockHeight: txSignatureBlockHash.lastValidBlockHeight, }, 'processed', ) const elapsed = new Date().getTime() - startTime await connection.confirmTransaction( { signature, blockhash: txSignatureBlockHash.blockhash, lastValidBlockHeight: txSignatureBlockHash.lastValidBlockHeight, }, 'confirmed', ) const confirmedTxn = await connection.getTransaction(signature, { commitment: 'confirmed', maxSupportedTransactionVersion: 0, }) // search message ixs only (as opposed to inner) // it's ok to do this since Mango does not CPI into itself and these metrics are for the frontend only const messageInstructions = confirmedTxn?.transaction.message.compiledInstructions const instructionNames = [] if (messageInstructions) { for (let ix of messageInstructions) { const parsedInstruction = coder.decode(Buffer.from( if (parsedInstruction) { instructionNames.push( } } } const confirmed = confirmedTxn !== null const error = confirmedTxn?.meta?.err !== null && confirmedTxn?.meta?.err !== undefined const block_datetime = confirmedTxn?.blockTime ? new Date(confirmedTxn.blockTime * 1000).toISOString() : null const loaded_addresses = (confirmedTxn?.meta?.loadedAddresses?.readonly.length ?? 0) + (confirmedTxn?.meta?.loadedAddresses?.writable.length ?? 0) const data = { signature, block_datetime, confirmed, error, ui_confirmation_time_ms: elapsed, fetch_blockhash_slot: txSignatureBlockHash.slot, processed_slot: confirmedTxn?.slot, instruction_names: instructionNames.join(','), loaded_addresses, prioritization_fee, compute_units_consumed: confirmedTxn?.meta?.computeUnitsConsumed, fee_lamports: confirmedTxn?.meta?.fee, } const resp = await fetch(`${MANGO_DATA_API_URL}/transaction-confirmation`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify(data), }) const body = await resp.json() // console.log(body) }