{ "above": "以上", "account-size": "帳戶大小", "account-size-desc": "增加賬戶大小需要支付 SOL。如果您關戶,這可以恢復", "animations": "動畫", "at": "在", "avocado": "酪梨", "banana": "香蕉", "base-key": "基礎鑰匙", "below": "以下", "blueberry": "藍莓", "bonk": "Bonk", "bottom-left": "左下", "bottom-right": "右下", "buttons": "按鈕", "chart-left": "圖表左", "chart-middle-ob-left": "圖表中,掛單薄左", "chart-middle-ob-right": "圖表中,掛單薄右", "chart-right": "圖表右", "chinese": "简体中文", "chinese-traditional": "繁體中文", "connect-notifications": "連接錢包來切換通知設定", "custom": "自定", "dark": "暗", "display": "顯示", "error-account-size-full": "帳戶大小已充滿了", "error-alphanumeric-only": "僅限字母數字字符", "error-amount": "{{type}}必多於{{greaterThan}}以及少於{{lessThan}}", "error-key-in-use": "Hot key already in use. Choose a unique key", "error-key-limit-reached": "You've reached the maximum number of hot keys", "error-must-be-above-zero": "Must be greater than zero", "error-must-be-below-100": "Must be below 100", "error-must-be-number": "Must be a number", "error-order-exceeds-max": "Order exceeds max size", "error-required-field": "This field is required", "error-too-many-characters": "Enter one alphanumeric character", "english": "English", "high-contrast": "高對比度", "hot-keys": "Hot Keys", "hot-keys-desc": "Use hot keys to place orders on the trade page. They execute on the market you're viewing and are not market specific.", "increase-account-size": "Increase Account Size", "key-sequence": "Key Sequence", "language": "語言", "light": "光", "limit-order-filled": "限价单成交", "lychee": "荔枝", "mango": "芒果", "mango-classic": "芒果經典", "max-all": "Max All", "medium": "中", "new-hot-key": "New Hot Key", "no-hot-keys": "Create your first hot key", "notification-position": "通知位置", "notional": "Notional", "notifications": "通知", "number-scroll": "數字滑動", "olive": "橄欖", "options": "Options", "oracle": "Oracle", "orderbook-flash": "掛單薄閃光", "order-side": "Order Side", "order-size-type": "Order Size Type", "pepe": "Pepe", "percentage": "Percentage", "percentage-of-max": "{{size}}% of Max", "perp-open-orders": "Perp Open Orders", "perp-positions": "Perp Positions", "preferred-explorer": "首選探索器", "privacy-disable": "Disable Privacy Mode", "privacy-enable": "Enable Privacy Mode", "private-account": "Private Account", "recent-trades": "最近交易", "rpc": "RPC", "rpc-provider": "RPC提供者", "rpc-url": "輸入RPC URL", "russian": "Русский", "save": "存", "save-hot-key": "Save Hot Key", "sign-to-notifications": "登录通知中心以更改设置", "slider": "滑塊", "solana-beach": "Solana Beach", "solana-explorer": "Solana Explorer", "solanafm": "SolanaFM", "solscan": "Solscan", "sounds": "聲響", "spanish": "Español", "spot-open-orders": "Spot Open Orders", "swap-success": "換幣/交易成功", "swap-trade-size-selector": "換幣/交易大小選擇器", "theme": "模式", "tooltip-hot-key-notional-size": "Set size as a USD value.", "tooltip-hot-key-percentage-size": "Set size as a percentage of your max leverage.", "tooltip-hot-key-price": "Set a price as a percentage change from the oracle price.", "tooltip-perp-positions": "The number of perp markets you can have positions in. The maximum for new accounts is {{max}}", "tooltip-perp-open-orders": "The number of perp markets you can have open orders in. The maximum for new accounts is {{max}}", "tooltip-private-account": "Your account won't show on leaderboards and it won't be viewable via URL.", "tooltip-spot-open-orders": "The number of spot markets you can have open orders in. The maximum for new accounts is {{max}}", "tooltip-token-accounts": "The number of tokens you can hold in your account. The maximum for new accounts is {{max}}", "top-left": "左上", "top-right": "右上", "trade-chart": "交易圖表", "trade-layout": "交易佈局", "trading-view": "Trading View", "trigger-key": "Trigger Key", "transaction-fail": "交易失敗", "transaction-success": "交易成功", "orderbook-bandwidth-saving": "節省掛單薄頻寬", "tooltip-orderbook-bandwidth-saving": "使用鏈下服務進行掛單簿更新,將數據使用量減少約 1000 倍。如果未結訂單在掛單簿中不正確顯示,請禁用此選項。" }