import { useEffect, useRef, useMemo, useState, useCallback } from 'react' import { useTheme } from 'next-themes' import { widget, ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions, IChartingLibraryWidget, ResolutionString, IOrderLineAdapter, EntityId, } from '@public/charting_library' import mangoStore from '@store/mangoStore' import { useViewport } from 'hooks/useViewport' import { DEFAULT_MARKET_NAME, SHOW_ORDER_LINES_KEY, SHOW_STABLE_PRICE_KEY, } from 'utils/constants' import { breakpoints } from 'utils/theme' import { COLORS } from 'styles/colors' import { useTranslation } from 'next-i18next' import { notify } from 'utils/notifications' import { PerpMarket, PerpOrder, PerpOrderType, Serum3Market, Serum3OrderType, Serum3SelfTradeBehavior, Serum3Side, } from '@blockworks-foundation/mango-v4' import { Order } from '@project-serum/serum/lib/market' import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js' import useLocalStorageState from 'hooks/useLocalStorageState' import { formatNumericValue, getDecimalCount } from 'utils/numbers' import { BN } from '@project-serum/anchor' import SpotDatafeed from 'apis/birdeye/datafeed' import PerpDatafeed from 'apis/mngo/datafeed' import useStablePrice from 'hooks/useStablePrice' import { isMangoError } from 'types' export interface ChartContainerProps { container: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['container'] symbol: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['symbol'] interval: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['interval'] datafeedUrl: string libraryPath: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['library_path'] chartsStorageUrl: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['charts_storage_url'] chartsStorageApiVersion: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['charts_storage_api_version'] clientId: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['client_id'] userId: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['user_id'] fullscreen: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['fullscreen'] autosize: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['autosize'] studiesOverrides: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['studies_overrides'] theme: string } function hexToRgb(hex: string) { const result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex) return result ? `rgb(${parseInt(result[1], 16)}, ${parseInt(result[2], 16)}, ${parseInt( result[3], 16 )})` : null } const TradingViewChart = () => { const { t } = useTranslation(['tv-chart', 'trade']) const { theme } = useTheme() const { width } = useViewport() const [chartReady, setChartReady] = useState(false) const [spotOrPerp, setSpotOrPerp] = useState('spot') const [showOrderLinesLocalStorage, toggleShowOrderLinesLocalStorage] = useLocalStorageState(SHOW_ORDER_LINES_KEY, true) const [showOrderLines, toggleShowOrderLines] = useState( showOrderLinesLocalStorage ) const [showStablePriceLocalStorage, toggleShowStablePriceLocalStorage] = useLocalStorageState(SHOW_STABLE_PRICE_KEY, false) const [showStablePrice, toggleShowStablePrice] = useState( showStablePriceLocalStorage ) const stablePrice = useStablePrice() const stablePriceLine = mangoStore((s) => s.tradingView.stablePriceLine) const selectedMarketName = mangoStore((s) => s.selectedMarket.current?.name) const isMobile = width ? width < : false const defaultProps = useMemo( () => ({ symbol: DEFAULT_MARKET_NAME, interval: '60' as ResolutionString, theme: 'Dark', container: 'tv_chart_container', libraryPath: '/charting_library/', fullscreen: false, autosize: true, studiesOverrides: { 'volume.volume.color.0': COLORS.DOWN[theme], 'volume.volume.color.1': COLORS.UP[theme], 'volume.precision': 4, }, }), [theme] ) const tvWidgetRef = useRef() const stablePriceButtonRef = useRef() const orderLinesButtonRef = useRef() const selectedMarket = useMemo(() => { const group = mangoStore.getState().group if (!group || !selectedMarketName) return '8BnEgHoWFysVcuFFX7QztDmzuH8r5ZFvyP3sYwn1XTh6' if (!selectedMarketName.toLowerCase().includes('perp')) { return group .getSerum3MarketByName(selectedMarketName) .serumMarketExternal.toString() } else { return group.getPerpMarketByName(selectedMarketName).publicKey.toString() } }, [selectedMarketName]) useEffect(() => { const group = mangoStore.getState().group if (tvWidgetRef.current && chartReady && selectedMarket && group) { try { tvWidgetRef.current.setSymbol( selectedMarket, tvWidgetRef.current.activeChart().resolution(), () => { return } ) } catch (e) { console.warn('Trading View change symbol error: ', e) } } }, [selectedMarket, chartReady]) useEffect(() => { if ( selectedMarketName?.toLowerCase().includes('perp') && spotOrPerp !== 'perp' ) { setSpotOrPerp('perp') } else if ( !selectedMarketName?.toLowerCase().includes('perp') && spotOrPerp !== 'spot' ) { setSpotOrPerp('spot') } }, [selectedMarketName, spotOrPerp]) useEffect(() => { if (showStablePrice !== showStablePriceLocalStorage) { toggleShowStablePriceLocalStorage(showStablePrice) } }, [ showStablePrice, showStablePriceLocalStorage, toggleShowStablePriceLocalStorage, theme, ]) const drawStablePriceLine = useCallback( (price: number) => { if (!tvWidgetRef?.current?.chart()) return const now = / 1000 try { const oldId = mangoStore.getState().tradingView.stablePriceLine if (oldId) { tvWidgetRef.current.chart().removeEntity(oldId) } const id = tvWidgetRef.current.chart().createShape( { time: now, price: price }, { shape: 'horizontal_line', overrides: { linecolor: COLORS.FGD4[theme], linestyle: 1, linewidth: 1, }, } ) if (id) { return id } else { console.warn('failed to create stable price line') } } catch { console.warn('failed to create stable price line') } }, [theme] ) const removeStablePrice = useCallback((id: EntityId) => { if (!tvWidgetRef?.current?.chart()) return const set = mangoStore.getState().set try { tvWidgetRef.current.chart().removeEntity(id) } catch (error) { console.warn('stable price could not be removed') } set((s) => { s.tradingView.stablePriceLine = undefined }) }, []) // remove stable price line when toggling off useEffect(() => { if (tvWidgetRef.current && chartReady) { if (!showStablePrice && stablePriceLine) { removeStablePrice(stablePriceLine) } } }, [showStablePrice, chartReady, removeStablePrice, stablePriceLine]) // update stable price line when toggled on useEffect(() => { if (tvWidgetRef.current && chartReady) { if (showStablePrice && stablePrice) { const set = mangoStore.getState().set set((s) => { s.tradingView.stablePriceLine = drawStablePriceLine(stablePrice) }) } } }, [stablePrice, chartReady, showStablePrice, drawStablePriceLine]) useEffect(() => { if (showOrderLines !== showOrderLinesLocalStorage) { toggleShowOrderLinesLocalStorage(showOrderLines) } }, [ showOrderLines, showOrderLinesLocalStorage, toggleShowOrderLinesLocalStorage, theme, ]) const deleteLines = useCallback(() => { const set = mangoStore.getState().set const orderLines = mangoStore.getState().tradingView.orderLines if (orderLines.size > 0) { orderLines?.forEach((value: IOrderLineAdapter, key: string | BN) => { orderLines.get(key)?.remove() }) set((state) => { state.tradingView.orderLines = new Map() }) } }, []) const getOrderDecimals = useCallback(() => { const selectedMarket = mangoStore.getState().selectedMarket.current let minOrderDecimals = 4 let tickSizeDecimals = 2 if (!selectedMarket) return [minOrderDecimals, tickSizeDecimals] if (selectedMarket instanceof PerpMarket) { minOrderDecimals = getDecimalCount(selectedMarket.minOrderSize) tickSizeDecimals = getDecimalCount(selectedMarket.tickSize) } else { const group = mangoStore.getState().group const market = group?.getSerum3ExternalMarket( selectedMarket.serumMarketExternal ) if (market) { minOrderDecimals = getDecimalCount(market.minOrderSize) tickSizeDecimals = getDecimalCount(market.tickSize) } } return [minOrderDecimals, tickSizeDecimals] }, []) const findSerum3MarketPkInOpenOrders = useCallback( (o: Order): string | undefined => { const openOrders = mangoStore.getState().mangoAccount.openOrders let foundedMarketPk: string | undefined = undefined for (const [marketPk, orders] of Object.entries(openOrders)) { for (const order of orders) { if (order.orderId.eq(o.orderId)) { foundedMarketPk = marketPk break } } if (foundedMarketPk) { break } } return foundedMarketPk }, [] ) const modifyOrder = useCallback( async (o: PerpOrder | Order, price: number) => { const client = mangoStore.getState().client const group = mangoStore.getState().group const mangoAccount = mangoStore.getState().mangoAccount.current const actions = mangoStore.getState().actions const baseSize = o.size if (!group || !mangoAccount) return try { let tx = '' if (o instanceof PerpOrder) { tx = await client.modifyPerpOrder( group, mangoAccount, o.perpMarketIndex, o.orderId, o.side, price, Math.abs(baseSize), undefined, // maxQuoteQuantity, PerpOrderType.limit, undefined, undefined ) } else { const marketPk = findSerum3MarketPkInOpenOrders(o) if (!marketPk) return const market = group.getSerum3MarketByExternalMarket( new PublicKey(marketPk) ) tx = await client.modifySerum3Order( group, o.orderId, mangoAccount, market.serumMarketExternal, o.side === 'buy' ? : Serum3Side.ask, price, baseSize, Serum3SelfTradeBehavior.decrementTake, Serum3OrderType.limit,, 10 ) } actions.fetchOpenOrders() notify({ type: 'success', title: 'Transaction successful', txid: tx, }) } catch (e) { console.error('Error canceling', e) if (!isMangoError(e)) return notify({ title: 'Unable to modify order', description: e.message, txid: e.txid, type: 'error', }) } }, [findSerum3MarketPkInOpenOrders] ) const cancelSpotOrder = useCallback( async (o: Order) => { const client = mangoStore.getState().client const group = mangoStore.getState().group const mangoAccount = mangoStore.getState().mangoAccount.current const actions = mangoStore.getState().actions if (!group || !mangoAccount) return const marketPk = findSerum3MarketPkInOpenOrders(o) if (!marketPk) return const market = group.getSerum3MarketByExternalMarket( new PublicKey(marketPk) ) try { const tx = await client.serum3CancelOrder( group, mangoAccount, market!.serumMarketExternal, o.side === 'buy' ? : Serum3Side.ask, o.orderId ) actions.fetchOpenOrders() notify({ type: 'success', title: 'Transaction successful', txid: tx, }) } catch (e) { console.error('Error canceling', e) if (!isMangoError(e)) return notify({ title: t('trade:cancel-order-error'), description: e.message, txid: e.txid, type: 'error', }) } }, [t, findSerum3MarketPkInOpenOrders] ) const cancelPerpOrder = useCallback( async (o: PerpOrder) => { const client = mangoStore.getState().client const group = mangoStore.getState().group const mangoAccount = mangoStore.getState().mangoAccount.current const actions = mangoStore.getState().actions if (!group || !mangoAccount) return try { const tx = await client.perpCancelOrder( group, mangoAccount, o.perpMarketIndex, o.orderId ) actions.fetchOpenOrders() notify({ type: 'success', title: 'Transaction successful', txid: tx, }) } catch (e) { console.error('Error canceling', e) if (!isMangoError(e)) return notify({ title: t('trade:cancel-order-error'), description: e.message, txid: e.txid, type: 'error', }) } }, [t] ) const drawLine = useCallback( (order: Order | PerpOrder) => { const side = typeof order.side === 'string' ? t(order.side) : 'bid' in order.side ? t('buy') : t('sell') const isLong = side.toLowerCase() === 'buy' const isShort = side.toLowerCase() === 'sell' const [minOrderDecimals, tickSizeDecimals] = getOrderDecimals() const orderSizeUi: string = formatNumericValue( order.size, minOrderDecimals ) if (!tvWidgetRef?.current?.chart()) return return ( tvWidgetRef.current .chart() .createOrderLine({ disableUndo: false }) .onMove(function (this: IOrderLineAdapter) { const currentOrderPrice = order.price const updatedOrderPrice = this.getPrice() const selectedMarketPrice = mangoStore.getState().selectedMarket.markPrice if ( (isLong && updatedOrderPrice > 1.05 * selectedMarketPrice) || (isShort && updatedOrderPrice < 0.95 * selectedMarketPrice) ) { tvWidgetRef.current?.showNoticeDialog({ title: t('tv-chart:outside-range'), body: t('tv-chart:slippage-warning', { updatedOrderPrice: updatedOrderPrice, aboveBelow: side == 'buy' || side === 'long' ? t('above') : t('below'), selectedMarketPrice: selectedMarketPrice, }) + '

' + t('tv-chart:slippage-accept'), callback: () => { this.setPrice(currentOrderPrice) }, }) } else { tvWidgetRef.current?.showConfirmDialog({ title: t('tv-chart:modify-order'), body: t('tv-chart:modify-order-details', { marketName: selectedMarketName, orderSize: orderSizeUi, orderSide: side.toUpperCase(), currentOrderPrice: formatNumericValue( currentOrderPrice, tickSizeDecimals ), updatedOrderPrice: formatNumericValue( updatedOrderPrice, tickSizeDecimals ), }), callback: (res) => { if (res) { modifyOrder(order, updatedOrderPrice) } else { this.setPrice(currentOrderPrice) } }, }) } }) .onCancel(function () { tvWidgetRef.current?.showConfirmDialog({ title: t('tv-chart:cancel-order'), body: t('tv-chart:cancel-order-details', { marketName: selectedMarketName, orderSize: orderSizeUi, orderSide: side.toUpperCase(), orderPrice: formatNumericValue(order.price, tickSizeDecimals), }), callback: (res) => { if (res) { if (order instanceof PerpOrder) { cancelPerpOrder(order) } else { cancelSpotOrder(order) } } }, }) }) .setPrice(order.price) .setQuantity(orderSizeUi) .setText(side.toUpperCase()) // .setTooltip( // order.perpTrigger?.clientOrderId // ? `${order.orderType} Order #: ${order.orderId}` // : `Order #: ${order.orderId}` // ) .setBodyTextColor(isLong ? COLORS.UP[theme] : COLORS.DOWN[theme]) .setQuantityTextColor(isLong ? COLORS.UP[theme] : COLORS.DOWN[theme]) .setCancelButtonIconColor(COLORS.FGD4[theme]) .setBodyBorderColor(isLong ? COLORS.UP[theme] : COLORS.DOWN[theme]) .setQuantityBorderColor( isLong ? COLORS.UP[theme] : COLORS.DOWN[theme] ) .setCancelButtonBorderColor( isLong ? COLORS.UP[theme] : COLORS.DOWN[theme] ) .setBodyBackgroundColor(COLORS.BKG1[theme]) .setQuantityBackgroundColor(COLORS.BKG1[theme]) .setCancelButtonBackgroundColor(COLORS.BKG1[theme]) .setLineColor(isLong ? COLORS.UP[theme] : COLORS.DOWN[theme]) .setLineLength(3) .setLineWidth(1) .setLineStyle(1) ) }, [ cancelPerpOrder, cancelSpotOrder, modifyOrder, selectedMarketName, t, theme, getOrderDecimals, ] ) const drawLinesForMarket = useCallback( (openOrders: Record) => { const set = mangoStore.getState().set const newOrderLines = new Map() const oOrders = Object.entries(openOrders).map(([marketPk, orders]) => ({ orders, marketPk, })) if (oOrders?.length) { const selectedMarket = mangoStore.getState().selectedMarket.current const selectedMarketPk = selectedMarket instanceof Serum3Market ? selectedMarket?.serumMarketExternal.toString() : selectedMarket?.publicKey.toString() for (const { orders, marketPk } of oOrders) { if (marketPk === selectedMarketPk) { for (const order of orders) { newOrderLines.set(order.orderId.toString(), drawLine(order)) } } } } set((state) => { state.tradingView.orderLines = newOrderLines }) }, [drawLine] ) const toggleOrderLines = useCallback( (el: HTMLElement) => { toggleShowOrderLines((prevState: boolean) => !prevState) if ( === hexToRgb(COLORS.ACTIVE[theme])) { deleteLines() = COLORS.FGD4[theme] } else { const openOrders = mangoStore.getState().mangoAccount.openOrders drawLinesForMarket(openOrders) = COLORS.ACTIVE[theme] } }, [drawLinesForMarket, deleteLines, theme] ) const createStablePriceButton = useCallback(() => { const toggleStablePrice = (button: HTMLElement) => { toggleShowStablePrice((prevState: boolean) => !prevState) if ( === hexToRgb(COLORS.ACTIVE[theme])) { = COLORS.FGD4[theme] } else { = COLORS.ACTIVE[theme] } } const button = tvWidgetRef?.current?.createButton() if (!button) { return } button.textContent = 'SP' button.setAttribute('title', t('tv-chart:toggle-stable-price')) button.addEventListener('click', () => toggleStablePrice(button)) if (showStablePriceLocalStorage) { = COLORS.ACTIVE[theme] } else { = COLORS.FGD4[theme] } stablePriceButtonRef.current = button }, [theme, t, showStablePriceLocalStorage]) const createOLButton = useCallback(() => { const button = tvWidgetRef?.current?.createButton() if (!button) { return } button.textContent = 'OL' button.setAttribute('title', t('tv-chart:toggle-order-line')) button.addEventListener('click', () => toggleOrderLines(button)) if (showOrderLinesLocalStorage) { = COLORS.ACTIVE[theme] } else { = COLORS.FGD4[theme] } orderLinesButtonRef.current = button }, [t, toggleOrderLines, showOrderLinesLocalStorage, theme]) useEffect(() => { if (window) { let chartStyleOverrides = { 'paneProperties.background': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'paneProperties.backgroundType': 'solid', 'paneProperties.legendProperties.showBackground': false, 'paneProperties.vertGridProperties.color': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'paneProperties.horzGridProperties.color': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'paneProperties.legendProperties.showStudyTitles': false, 'scalesProperties.showStudyLastValue': false, 'scalesProperties.fontSize': 11, } const mainSeriesProperties = [ 'candleStyle', 'hollowCandleStyle', 'haStyle', 'barStyle', ] mainSeriesProperties.forEach((prop) => { chartStyleOverrides = { ...chartStyleOverrides, [`mainSeriesProperties.${prop}.barColorsOnPrevClose`]: true, [`mainSeriesProperties.${prop}.drawWick`]: true, [`mainSeriesProperties.${prop}.drawBorder`]: true, [`mainSeriesProperties.${prop}.upColor`]: COLORS.UP[theme], [`mainSeriesProperties.${prop}.downColor`]: COLORS.DOWN[theme], [`mainSeriesProperties.${prop}.borderColor`]: COLORS.UP[theme], [`mainSeriesProperties.${prop}.borderUpColor`]: COLORS.UP[theme], [`mainSeriesProperties.${prop}.borderDownColor`]: COLORS.DOWN[theme], [`mainSeriesProperties.${prop}.wickUpColor`]: COLORS.UP[theme], [`mainSeriesProperties.${prop}.wickDownColor`]: COLORS.DOWN[theme], } }) const widgetOptions: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions = { // debug: true, symbol: selectedMarket, datafeed: spotOrPerp === 'spot' ? SpotDatafeed : PerpDatafeed, interval: defaultProps.interval as ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['interval'], container: defaultProps.container as ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions['container'], library_path: defaultProps.libraryPath as string, locale: 'en', enabled_features: ['hide_left_toolbar_by_default'], disabled_features: [ 'use_localstorage_for_settings', 'timeframes_toolbar', isMobile ? 'left_toolbar' : '', 'show_logo_on_all_charts', 'caption_buttons_text_if_possible', 'header_settings', // 'header_chart_type', 'header_compare', 'compare_symbol', 'header_screenshot', // 'header_widget_dom_node', // 'header_widget', 'header_saveload', 'header_undo_redo', 'header_interval_dialog_button', 'show_interval_dialog_on_key_press', 'header_symbol_search', 'popup_hints', ], fullscreen: defaultProps.fullscreen, autosize: defaultProps.autosize, studies_overrides: defaultProps.studiesOverrides, theme: theme === 'Light' || theme === 'Banana' || theme === 'Lychee' ? 'Light' : 'Dark', custom_css_url: '/styles/tradingview.css', loading_screen: { backgroundColor: COLORS.BKG1[theme], }, overrides: { timezone: Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone, ...chartStyleOverrides, }, } console.log('creating new chart') const tvWidget = new widget(widgetOptions) tvWidgetRef.current = tvWidget tvWidgetRef.current.headerReady().then(() => { setChartReady(true) }) } }, [selectedMarket, theme, spotOrPerp, defaultProps, isMobile]) // draw custom buttons when chart is ready useEffect(() => { if ( chartReady && !orderLinesButtonRef.current && !stablePriceButtonRef.current ) { createOLButton() createStablePriceButton() } }, [createOLButton, chartReady, createStablePriceButton]) // update order lines if a user's open orders change useEffect(() => { let subscription if (chartReady && tvWidgetRef?.current) { subscription = mangoStore.subscribe( (state) => state.mangoAccount.openOrders, (openOrders) => { if (showOrderLines) { const orderLines = mangoStore.getState().tradingView.orderLines tvWidgetRef.current?.onChartReady(() => { let matchingOrderLines = 0 let openOrdersForMarket = 0 const oOrders = Object.entries(openOrders).map( ([marketPk, orders]) => ({ orders, marketPk, }) ) for (const [key] of orderLines) { oOrders?.forEach(({ orders }) => { for (const order of orders) { if (order.orderId == key) { matchingOrderLines += 1 } } }) } const selectedMarket = mangoStore.getState().selectedMarket.current const selectedMarketPk = selectedMarket instanceof Serum3Market ? selectedMarket?.serumMarketExternal.toString() : selectedMarket?.publicKey.toString() oOrders?.forEach(({ marketPk, orders }) => { if (marketPk === selectedMarketPk) { openOrdersForMarket = orders.length } }) tvWidgetRef.current?.activeChart().dataReady(() => { if ( matchingOrderLines !== openOrdersForMarket || orderLines?.size !== matchingOrderLines ) { deleteLines() drawLinesForMarket(openOrders) } }) }) } } ) } return subscription }, [chartReady, showOrderLines, deleteLines, drawLinesForMarket]) return (

) } export default TradingViewChart