import { AnchorProvider, Program } from '@coral-xyz/anchor' import { PythHttpClient } from '@pythnetwork/client' import { notify } from 'utils/notifications' import { MAINNET_PYTH_PROGRAM } from './constants' import { Bank, Group, I80F48, OPENBOOK_PROGRAM_ID, PriceImpact, toUiDecimals, toUiDecimalsForQuote, } from '@blockworks-foundation/mango-v4' import { Market } from '@project-serum/serum' import { Connection, Keypair, PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js' import EmptyWallet from 'utils/wallet' import dayjs from 'dayjs' import { LISTING_PRESETS_KEYS, ListingPreset, } from '@blockworks-foundation/mango-v4-settings/lib/helpers/listingTools' export const getOracle = async ({ baseSymbol, quoteSymbol, connection, tier, }: { baseSymbol: string quoteSymbol: string connection: Connection tier: LISTING_PRESETS_KEYS }) => { try { let oraclePk = '' const pythOracle = await getPythOracle({ baseSymbol, quoteSymbol, connection, }) if (pythOracle) { oraclePk = pythOracle } else { const switchBoardOracle = await getSwitchBoardOracle({ baseSymbol, quoteSymbol, connection, noLock: tier === 'UNTRUSTED', }) oraclePk = switchBoardOracle } return { oraclePk, isPyth: !!pythOracle } } catch (e) { notify({ title: 'Oracle not found', description: `${e}`, type: 'error', }) return { oraclePk: '', isPyth: false } } } export const getPythOracle = async ({ baseSymbol, quoteSymbol, connection, }: { baseSymbol: string quoteSymbol: string connection: Connection }) => { try { const pythClient = new PythHttpClient(connection, MAINNET_PYTH_PROGRAM) const pythAccounts = await pythClient.getData() const product = pythAccounts.products.find( (x) => x.base === baseSymbol.toUpperCase() && x.quote_currency === quoteSymbol.toUpperCase(), ) const isLive = product && pythAccounts.productPrice.get(product.symbol)?.price !== undefined return isLive && product?.price_account ? product.price_account : '' } catch (e) { notify({ title: 'Pyth oracle fetch error', description: `${e}`, type: 'error', }) return '' } } export const getSwitchBoardOracle = async ({ baseSymbol, quoteSymbol, connection, noLock, }: { baseSymbol: string quoteSymbol: string connection: Connection noLock: boolean }) => { try { const SWITCHBOARD_PROGRAM_ID = 'SW1TCH7qEPTdLsDHRgPuMQjbQxKdH2aBStViMFnt64f' const options = AnchorProvider.defaultOptions() const provider = new AnchorProvider( connection, new EmptyWallet(Keypair.generate()), options, ) const idl = await Program.fetchIdl( new PublicKey(SWITCHBOARD_PROGRAM_ID), provider, ) const switchboardProgram = new Program( idl!, new PublicKey(SWITCHBOARD_PROGRAM_ID), provider, ) //get all feeds check if they are tried to fetch in last 24h const allFeeds = ( await switchboardProgram.account.aggregatorAccountData.all() ).filter( (x) => isWithinLastXHours( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any (x as any).account.currentRound.roundOpenTimestamp.toNumber(), 24, ) || // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any isWithinLastXHours((x as any).account.creationTimestamp.toNumber(), 2), ) //parse names of feeds const feedNames = => String.fromCharCode( ...[...( as number[])].filter((x) => x), ), ) //find feeds that match base + quote //base is checked to include followed by non alphabetic character e.g //if base is kin it will match kin_usd, kin/USD, kin usd, but not king/usd //looks like most feeds are using space, _ or / const possibleFeedIndexes = feedNames.reduce(function (r, v, i) { const isBaseMatch = v.toLowerCase().includes(baseSymbol.toLowerCase()) && (() => { const match = v.toLowerCase().match(baseSymbol.toLowerCase()) if (!match) return false const idx = match!.index! + baseSymbol.length const nextChar = v[idx] return !nextChar || [' ', '/', '_'].includes(nextChar) })() const isQuoteMatch = v.toLowerCase().includes(quoteSymbol.toLowerCase()) return r.concat(isBaseMatch && isQuoteMatch ? i : []) }, [] as number[]) //feeds sponsored by switchboard or solend const trustedQuesKeys = [ //switchboard sponsored que new PublicKey('3HBb2DQqDfuMdzWxNk1Eo9RTMkFYmuEAd32RiLKn9pAn'), ] const sponsoredAuthKeys = [ //solend new PublicKey('A4PzGUimdCMv8xvT5gK2fxonXqMMayDm3eSXRvXZhjzU'), //switchboard new PublicKey('31Sof5r1xi7dfcaz4x9Kuwm8J9ueAdDduMcme59sP8gc'), ] const possibleFeeds = allFeeds .filter((x, i) => possibleFeedIndexes.includes(i)) //unlocked feeds can be used only when noLock is true //atm only for untrusted use .filter((x) => (noLock ? true : x.account.isLocked)) .sort((x) => (x.account.isLocked ? -1 : 1)) const sponsoredFeeds = possibleFeeds.filter( (x) => sponsoredAuthKeys.find((s) => s.equals(x.account.authority as PublicKey), ) || trustedQuesKeys.find((s) => s.equals(x.account.queuePubkey as PublicKey), ), ) return sponsoredFeeds.length ? sponsoredFeeds[0].publicKey.toBase58() : possibleFeeds.length ? possibleFeeds[0].publicKey.toBase58() : '' } catch (e) { notify({ title: 'Switchboard oracle fetch error', description: `${e}`, type: 'error', }) return '' } } export const getBestMarket = async ({ baseMint, quoteMint, cluster, connection, }: { baseMint: string quoteMint: string cluster: 'devnet' | 'mainnet-beta' connection: Connection }) => { try { const dexProgramPk = OPENBOOK_PROGRAM_ID[cluster] const markets = await Market.findAccountsByMints( connection, new PublicKey(baseMint), new PublicKey(quoteMint), dexProgramPk, ) if (!markets.length) { return undefined } if (markets.length === 1) { return markets[0].publicKey } const marketsDataJsons = await Promise.all([ => fetch(`/openSerumApi/market/${x.publicKey.toBase58()}`), ), ]) const marketsData = await Promise.all([ => x.json()), ]) const bestMarket = marketsData.sort((a, b) => b.volume24h - a.volume24h) return bestMarket.length ? new PublicKey(bestMarket[0].id) : markets[0].publicKey } catch (e) { notify({ title: 'Openbook market not found', description: `${e}`, type: 'error', }) } } export const getQuoteSymbol = (quoteTokenSymbol: string) => { if ( quoteTokenSymbol.toLowerCase() === 'usdc' || quoteTokenSymbol.toLocaleLowerCase() === 'usdt' ) { return 'usd' } return quoteTokenSymbol } export const formatSuggestedValues = ( suggestedParams: | Record | Omit< ListingPreset, 'name' | 'netBorrowLimitWindowSizeTs' | 'insuranceFound' >, ) => { return { maxStalenessSlots: suggestedParams.maxStalenessSlots, oracleConfFilter: (100 * suggestedParams.oracleConfFilter).toFixed(2), adjustmentFactor: (suggestedParams.adjustmentFactor * 100).toFixed(2), rate0: (100 * suggestedParams.rate0).toFixed(2), util0: (100 * suggestedParams.util0).toFixed(), rate1: (100 * suggestedParams.rate1).toFixed(2), util1: (100 * suggestedParams.util1).toFixed(), maxRate: (100 * suggestedParams.maxRate).toFixed(2), loanFeeRate: (10000 * suggestedParams.loanFeeRate).toFixed(2), loanOriginationFeeRate: ( 10000 * suggestedParams.loanOriginationFeeRate ).toFixed(2), maintAssetWeight: suggestedParams.maintAssetWeight.toFixed(2), initAssetWeight: suggestedParams.initAssetWeight.toFixed(2), maintLiabWeight: suggestedParams.maintLiabWeight.toFixed(2), initLiabWeight: suggestedParams.initLiabWeight.toFixed(2), liquidationFee: (suggestedParams.liquidationFee * 100).toFixed(2), minVaultToDepositsRatio: suggestedParams.minVaultToDepositsRatio * 100, netBorrowLimitPerWindowQuote: toUiDecimals( suggestedParams.netBorrowLimitPerWindowQuote, 6, ), borrowWeightScaleStartQuote: toUiDecimals( suggestedParams.borrowWeightScaleStartQuote, 6, ), depositWeightScaleStartQuote: toUiDecimals( suggestedParams.depositWeightScaleStartQuote, 6, ), } } export const getFormattedBankValues = (group: Group, bank: Bank) => { return {, publicKey: bank.publicKey.toBase58(), vault: bank.vault.toBase58(), oracle:, stablePrice: group.toUiPrice( I80F48.fromNumber(bank.stablePriceModel.stablePrice), bank.mintDecimals, ), maxStalenessSlots: bank.oracleConfig.maxStalenessSlots.toNumber(), lastStablePriceUpdated: new Date( 1000 * bank.stablePriceModel.lastUpdateTimestamp.toNumber(), ).toUTCString(), stablePriceGrowthLimitsDelay: ( 100 * bank.stablePriceModel.delayGrowthLimit ).toFixed(2), stablePriceGrowthLimitsStable: ( 100 * bank.stablePriceModel.stableGrowthLimit ).toFixed(2), loanFeeRate: (10000 * bank.loanFeeRate.toNumber()).toFixed(2), loanOriginationFeeRate: ( 10000 * bank.loanOriginationFeeRate.toNumber() ).toFixed(2), collectedFeesNative: toUiDecimals( bank.collectedFeesNative.toNumber(), bank.mintDecimals, ).toFixed(2), collectedFeesNativePrice: ( toUiDecimals(bank.collectedFeesNative.toNumber(), bank.mintDecimals) * bank.uiPrice ).toFixed(2), dust: bank.dust.toNumber(), deposits: toUiDecimals( bank.indexedDeposits.mul(bank.depositIndex).toNumber(), bank.mintDecimals, ), depositsPrice: ( toUiDecimals( bank.indexedDeposits.mul(bank.depositIndex).toNumber(), bank.mintDecimals, ) * bank.uiPrice ).toFixed(2), borrows: toUiDecimals( bank.indexedBorrows.mul(bank.borrowIndex).toNumber(), bank.mintDecimals, ), borrowsPrice: ( toUiDecimals( bank.indexedBorrows.mul(bank.borrowIndex).toNumber(), bank.mintDecimals, ) * bank.uiPrice ).toFixed(2), avgUtilization: bank.avgUtilization.toNumber() * 100, maintAssetWeight: bank.maintAssetWeight.toFixed(2), maintLiabWeight: bank.maintLiabWeight.toFixed(2), initAssetWeight: bank.initAssetWeight.toFixed(2), initLiabWeight: bank.initLiabWeight.toFixed(2), scaledInitAssetWeight: bank.scaledInitAssetWeight(bank.price).toFixed(2), scaledInitLiabWeight: bank.scaledInitLiabWeight(bank.price).toFixed(2), depositWeightScaleStartQuote: toUiDecimalsForQuote( bank.depositWeightScaleStartQuote, ), borrowWeightScaleStartQuote: toUiDecimalsForQuote( bank.borrowWeightScaleStartQuote, ), rate0: (100 * bank.rate0.toNumber()).toFixed(2), util0: (100 * bank.util0.toNumber()).toFixed(), rate1: (100 * bank.rate1.toNumber()).toFixed(2), util1: (100 * bank.util1.toNumber()).toFixed(), maxRate: (100 * bank.maxRate.toNumber()).toFixed(2), adjustmentFactor: (bank.adjustmentFactor.toNumber() * 100).toFixed(2), depositRate: bank.getDepositRateUi(), borrowRate: bank.getBorrowRateUi(), lastIndexUpdate: new Date( 1000 * bank.indexLastUpdated.toNumber(), ).toUTCString(), lastRatesUpdate: new Date( 1000 * bank.bankRateLastUpdated.toNumber(), ).toUTCString(), oracleConfFilter: (100 * bank.oracleConfig.confFilter.toNumber()).toFixed( 2, ), minVaultToDepositsRatio: bank.minVaultToDepositsRatio * 100, netBorrowsInWindow: toUiDecimalsForQuote( I80F48.fromI64(bank.netBorrowsInWindow).mul(bank.price), ).toFixed(2), netBorrowLimitPerWindowQuote: toUiDecimals( bank.netBorrowLimitPerWindowQuote, 6, ), liquidationFee: (bank.liquidationFee.toNumber() * 100).toFixed(2), } } function isWithinLastXHours(timestampInSeconds: number, hoursNumber: number) { const now = dayjs() const inputDate = dayjs.unix(timestampInSeconds) // Convert seconds to dayjs object const differenceInHours = now.diff(inputDate, 'hour') return differenceInHours < hoursNumber } export type MidPriceImpact = Omit< PriceImpact, 'side' | 'min_price_impact_percent' | 'max_price_impact_percent' > export const getPriceImpacts = async () => { const resp = await fetch( '', ) const jsonReps = (await resp.json()) as PriceImpact[] return jsonReps }