import { FunctionComponent, useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useState, } from 'react' import mangoStore from '@store/mangoStore' import { useTranslation } from 'next-i18next' import { PerpOrderSide, PerpOrderType, PerpPosition, } from '@blockworks-foundation/mango-v4' import Modal from '@components/shared/Modal' import Button, { LinkButton } from '@components/shared/Button' import { calculateEstPriceForBaseSize } from 'utils/tradeForm' import { notify } from 'utils/notifications' import Loading from '@components/shared/Loading' import useLocalStorageState from 'hooks/useLocalStorageState' import { SOUND_SETTINGS_KEY } from 'utils/constants' import { INITIAL_SOUND_SETTINGS } from '@components/settings/SoundSettings' import { Howl } from 'howler' import { isMangoError } from 'types' import { decodeBook, decodeBookL2 } from 'utils/orderbook' import InlineNotification from '@components/shared/InlineNotification' interface MarketCloseModalProps { onClose: () => void isOpen: boolean position: PerpPosition } const set = mangoStore.getState().set const successSound = new Howl({ src: ['/sounds/swap-success.mp3'], volume: 0.5, }) type BidsAndAsks = number[][] | null const MarketCloseModal: FunctionComponent = ({ onClose, isOpen, position, }) => { const { t } = useTranslation(['common', 'trade']) const [submitting, setSubmitting] = useState(false) const connection = mangoStore((s) => s.connection) const group = mangoStore((s) => const [soundSettings] = useLocalStorageState( SOUND_SETTINGS_KEY, INITIAL_SOUND_SETTINGS, ) const [asks, setAsks] = useState(null) const [bids, setBids] = useState(null) const perpMarket = useMemo(() => { return group?.getPerpMarketByMarketIndex(position.marketIndex) }, [group, position?.marketIndex]) // subscribe to the bids and asks orderbook accounts useEffect(() => { console.log('setting up orderbook websockets') const client = mangoStore.getState().client if (!group || !perpMarket) return let bidSubscriptionId: number | undefined = undefined let askSubscriptionId: number | undefined = undefined let lastSeenBidsSlot: number let lastSeenAsksSlot: number const bidsPk = perpMarket.bids if (bidsPk) { connection .getAccountInfoAndContext(bidsPk) .then(({ context, value: info }) => { if (!info) return const decodedBook = decodeBook(client, perpMarket, info, 'bids') setBids(decodeBookL2(decodedBook)) lastSeenBidsSlot = context.slot }) bidSubscriptionId = connection.onAccountChange( bidsPk, (info, context) => { if (context.slot > lastSeenBidsSlot) { const decodedBook = decodeBook(client, perpMarket, info, 'bids') setBids(decodeBookL2(decodedBook)) } }, 'processed', ) } const asksPk = perpMarket.asks if (asksPk) { connection .getAccountInfoAndContext(asksPk) .then(({ context, value: info }) => { if (!info) return const decodedBook = decodeBook(client, perpMarket, info, 'asks') setAsks(decodeBookL2(decodedBook)) lastSeenAsksSlot = context.slot }) askSubscriptionId = connection.onAccountChange( asksPk, (info, context) => { if (context.slot > lastSeenAsksSlot) { const decodedBook = decodeBook(client, perpMarket, info, 'asks') setAsks(decodeBookL2(decodedBook)) } }, 'processed', ) } return () => { if (typeof bidSubscriptionId !== 'undefined') { connection.removeAccountChangeListener(bidSubscriptionId) } if (typeof askSubscriptionId !== 'undefined') { connection.removeAccountChangeListener(askSubscriptionId) } } }, [connection, perpMarket, group]) const insufficientLiquidity = useMemo(() => { if (!perpMarket) return false const baseSize = position.getBasePositionUi(perpMarket) const isBids = baseSize < 0 if (isBids) { if (!bids || !bids.length) return false const liquidityMax = bids.reduce((a, c) => a + c[1], 0) return liquidityMax < baseSize } else { if (!asks || !asks.length) return false const liquidityMax = asks.reduce((a, c) => a + c[1], 0) return liquidityMax < baseSize } }, [perpMarket, position, bids, asks]) const handleMarketClose = useCallback( async (bids: BidsAndAsks, asks: BidsAndAsks) => { const client = mangoStore.getState().client const mangoAccount = mangoStore.getState().mangoAccount.current const actions = mangoStore.getState().actions if (!group || !mangoAccount || !perpMarket || !bids || !asks) { notify({ title: 'Something went wrong. Try again later', type: 'error', }) return } setSubmitting(true) try { const baseSize = position.getBasePositionUi(perpMarket) const sideToClose = baseSize > 0 ? 'sell' : 'buy' const orderbook = { bids, asks } const price = calculateEstPriceForBaseSize( orderbook, baseSize, sideToClose, ) const maxSlippage = 0.025 const { signature: tx } = await client.perpPlaceOrder( group, mangoAccount, perpMarket.perpMarketIndex, sideToClose === 'buy' ? : PerpOrderSide.ask, price * (sideToClose === 'buy' ? 1 + maxSlippage : 1 - maxSlippage), Math.abs(baseSize) * 2, // send a larger size to ensure full order is closed undefined, // maxQuoteQuantity, PerpOrderType.immediateOrCancel, true, // reduce only undefined, undefined, ) actions.fetchOpenOrders() set((s) => { = true }) if (soundSettings['swap-success']) { } notify({ type: 'success', title: 'Transaction successful', txid: tx, }) } catch (e) { if (isMangoError(e)) { notify({ title: 'There was an issue.', description: e.message, txid: e?.txid, type: 'error', }) } console.error('Place trade error:', e) } finally { setSubmitting(false) onClose() } }, [perpMarket, position, group, onClose, soundSettings], ) return (

{t('trade:close-confirm', { config_name: perpMarket?.name })}

{insufficientLiquidity ? (
) : null} {t('cancel')}
) } export default MarketCloseModal