import SideNav from './SideNav' import { Fragment, ReactNode, useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useState, } from 'react' import { ArrowPathIcon, ChevronRightIcon } from '@heroicons/react/20/solid' import { nftThemeMeta } from '../utils/theme' import mangoStore from '@store/mangoStore' import BottomBar from './mobile/BottomBar' import TopBar from './TopBar' import useLocalStorageState from '../hooks/useLocalStorageState' import { ACCEPT_TERMS_KEY, NON_RESTRICTED_JURISDICTION_KEY, SECONDS, SIDEBAR_COLLAPSE_KEY, SLOTS_WARNING_KEY, } from '../utils/constants' import { useWallet } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react' import SuccessParticles from './shared/SuccessParticles' import { tsParticles } from 'tsparticles-engine' import { loadFull } from 'tsparticles' import useInterval from './shared/useInterval' import { Transition } from '@headlessui/react' import { useTranslation } from 'next-i18next' import TermsOfUseModal from './modals/TermsOfUseModal' import { useTheme } from 'next-themes' import PromoBanner from './rewards/PromoBanner' import { useRouter } from 'next/router' import StatusBar from './StatusBar' import WarningBanner from './shared/WarningBanner' import useMangoAccountAccounts from 'hooks/useMangoAccountAccounts' import TokenSlotsWarningModal, { WARNING_LEVEL, } from './modals/TokenSlotsWarningModal' import useMangoAccount from 'hooks/useMangoAccount' import useUnownedAccount from 'hooks/useUnownedAccount' import NewListingBanner from './NewListingBanner' import useIpAddress from 'hooks/useIpAddress' import RestrictedCountryModal from './modals/RestrictedCountryModal' import useCollateralFeePositions from 'hooks/useCollateralFeePositions' import CollateralFeeWarningModal from './modals/CollateralFeeWarningModal' export const sideBarAnimationDuration = 300 const termsLastUpdated = 1679441610978 const Layout = ({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) => { const themeData = mangoStore((s) => s.themeData) const { theme } = useTheme() const { showCollateralFeeWarning } = useCollateralFeePositions() const [isCollapsed, setIsCollapsed] = useLocalStorageState( SIDEBAR_COLLAPSE_KEY, false, ) const [hasSeenSlotsWarning, setHasSeenSlotsWarning] = useLocalStorageState( SLOTS_WARNING_KEY, undefined, ) const { asPath } = useRouter() const { usedTokens, totalTokens } = useMangoAccountAccounts() const { mangoAccountAddress } = useMangoAccount() const { isUnownedAccount } = useUnownedAccount() const showSlotsNearlyFullWarning = useMemo(() => { const slotsAvailable = totalTokens.length - usedTokens.length if ( hasSeenSlotsWarning === 0 || !slotsAvailable || slotsAvailable > 1 || isUnownedAccount ) return false return true }, [hasSeenSlotsWarning, usedTokens, totalTokens]) const showSlotsFullWarning = useMemo(() => { const slotsAvailable = totalTokens.length - usedTokens.length if ( hasSeenSlotsWarning === 1 || slotsAvailable || !mangoAccountAddress || isUnownedAccount ) return false return true }, [hasSeenSlotsWarning, usedTokens, totalTokens, mangoAccountAddress]) useEffect(() => { const animationFrames = 15 for (let x = 1; x <= animationFrames; x++) { setTimeout( () => { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')) }, (sideBarAnimationDuration / animationFrames) * x, ) } }, [isCollapsed]) const handleToggleSidebar = () => { setIsCollapsed(!isCollapsed) } const particlesInit = useCallback(async () => { await loadFull(tsParticles) }, []) useEffect(() => { particlesInit() }, [particlesInit]) useEffect(() => { const set = mangoStore.getState().set if (theme && nftThemeMeta[theme]) { set((s) => { s.themeData = nftThemeMeta[theme] }) } else { set((s) => { s.themeData = nftThemeMeta.default }) } }, [theme]) const [mounted, setMounted] = useState(false) useEffect(() => setMounted(true), []) if (!mounted) return null return (
{asPath !== '/rewards' ? : null}
{showSlotsNearlyFullWarning ? ( setHasSeenSlotsWarning(WARNING_LEVEL.NEARLY_FULL)} warningLevel={WARNING_LEVEL.NEARLY_FULL} /> ) : null} {showSlotsFullWarning ? ( setHasSeenSlotsWarning(WARNING_LEVEL.FULL)} warningLevel={WARNING_LEVEL.FULL} /> ) : null} {showCollateralFeeWarning ? ( ) : null}
) } export default Layout const TermsOfUse = () => { const { connected } = useWallet() const [acceptTerms, setAcceptTerms] = useLocalStorageState( ACCEPT_TERMS_KEY, '', ) const showTermsOfUse = useMemo(() => { return (!acceptTerms || acceptTerms < termsLastUpdated) && connected }, [acceptTerms, connected]) return ( <> {showTermsOfUse ? ( setAcceptTerms(} /> ) : null} ) } // this will only show if the ip api doesn't return the country const RestrictedCountryCheck = () => { const { ipCountry, loadingIpCountry } = useIpAddress() const groupLoaded = mangoStore((s) => s.groupLoaded) const [confirmedCountry, setConfirmedCountry] = useLocalStorageState( NON_RESTRICTED_JURISDICTION_KEY, false, ) const showModal = useMemo(() => { return !confirmedCountry && !ipCountry && !loadingIpCountry && groupLoaded }, [confirmedCountry, ipCountry, loadingIpCountry, groupLoaded]) return showModal ? ( { setConfirmedCountry(true) }} /> ) : null } function DeployRefreshManager(): JSX.Element | null { const { t } = useTranslation('common') const [newBuildAvailable, setNewBuildAvailable] = useState(false) useInterval(async () => { const response = await fetch('/api/build-id') const { buildId } = await response.json() if (buildId && process.env.BUILD_ID && buildId !== process.env.BUILD_ID) { // There's a new version deployed that we need to load setNewBuildAvailable(true) } }, 300 * SECONDS) return ( ) }