{ "advanced-order": "Advanced Order Type", "advanced-order-details": "Advanced order types in the chart window may only be cancelled. If new conditions are required, cancel this order and use the trade order form.", "cancel-order": "Cancel Order", "cancel-order-details": "Cancel your order for {{orderSide}} {{orderSize}} {{marketName}} at {{orderPrice}}", "modify-order": "Modify Order", "modify-order-details": "Edit your {{marketName}} order from {{orderSide}} {{orderSize}} at {{currentOrderPrice}} to {{orderSide}} {{orderSize}} at {{updatedOrderPrice}}", "order-details": " ({{orderType}} {{orderSide}}) if price is {{triggerCondition}} {{triggerPrice}}", "outside-range": "Order Price Outside Range", "toggle-stable-price": "Toggle stable price line", "slippage-accept": "Use the trade order form if you wish to accept the potential slippage.", "slippage-warning": "{{updatedOrderPrice}} is greater than 5% {{aboveBelow}} the current market price of {{selectedMarketPrice}}. Executing this trade could incur significant slippage.", "toggle-order-line": "Toggle order line visibility", "toggle-trade-executions": "Show trade executions. Limited to your last 250 trades across all markets." }