import Slider from '@components/forms/Slider' import useMarkPrice from 'hooks/useMarkPrice' import useSelectedMarket from 'hooks/useSelectedMarket' import { useViewport } from 'hooks/useViewport' import { useTheme } from 'next-themes' import { useCallback, useMemo, useState } from 'react' import { XAxis, YAxis, ResponsiveContainer, AreaChart, Area, ReferenceLine, Label, LabelProps, } from 'recharts' import { CategoricalChartFunc } from 'recharts/types/chart/generateCategoricalChart' import { COLORS } from 'styles/colors' import { floorToDecimal, getDecimalCount } from 'utils/numbers' import { CartesianViewBox } from 'recharts/types/util/types' import { cumOrderbookSide } from 'types' import mangoStore from '@store/mangoStore' import { breakpoints } from 'utils/theme' type LabelPosition = | 'left' | 'right' | 'center' | 'bottom' | 'insideLeft' | 'insideRight' | 'insideTop' | 'insideBottom' | 'insideTopLeft' | 'insideTopRight' | 'insideBottomLeft' | 'insideBottomRight' | 'top' const Y_TICK_COUNT = 10 interface CustomLabel extends LabelProps { viewBox?: CartesianViewBox } const MarkPriceLabel = ({ value, viewBox }: CustomLabel) => { if (typeof value === 'string' && viewBox?.x && viewBox?.y) { const { x, y } = viewBox const valueLength = value.length const valueWidth = valueLength * 6 return (
) } else return null } type RawOrderbook = number[][] type DepthOrderbookSide = { price: number size: number cumulativeSize: number } const DepthChart = () => { const { theme } = useTheme() const { serumOrPerpMarket } = useSelectedMarket() const [mouseData, setMouseData] = useState(null) const markPrice = useMarkPrice() const orderbook = mangoStore((s) => s.selectedMarket.orderbook) const [priceRangePercent, setPriceRangePercentPercent] = useState('10') const { width } = useViewport() const increaseHeight = width ? width > breakpoints['3xl'] : false const formatOrderbookData = (orderbook: RawOrderbook, markPrice: number) => { const maxPrice = markPrice * 4 const minPrice = markPrice / 4 const formattedBook = [] let cumulativeSize = 0 for (let i = 0; i < orderbook.length; i++) { const [price, size] = orderbook[i] cumulativeSize += size const object = { price: price, size: size, cumulativeSize: cumulativeSize, } if (price >= minPrice && price <= maxPrice) { formattedBook.push(object) } } return formattedBook } // format chart data for the bids and asks series const mergeCumulativeData = ( bids: DepthOrderbookSide[], asks: DepthOrderbookSide[] ) => { const bidsWithSide = => ({ ...b, bids: b.cumulativeSize })) const asksWithSide = => ({ ...a, asks: a.cumulativeSize })) return [...bidsWithSide, ...asksWithSide].sort((a, b) => a.price - b.price) } const chartData = useMemo(() => { if (!orderbook || !serumOrPerpMarket || !markPrice) return [] const formattedBids = formatOrderbookData(orderbook.bids, markPrice) const formattedAsks = formatOrderbookData(orderbook.asks, markPrice) return mergeCumulativeData(formattedBids, formattedAsks) }, [markPrice, orderbook, serumOrPerpMarket]) // find the max value for the x-axis const findXDomainMax = ( data: DepthOrderbookSide[], yMin: number, yMax: number ) => { let closestItemForYMin = 0 let minDifferenceForYMin = Infinity let closestItemForYMax = 0 let minDifferenceForYMax = Infinity for (const item of data) { const differenceForYMin = Math.abs(item.price - yMin) const differenceForYMax = Math.abs(item.price - yMax) if (differenceForYMin < minDifferenceForYMin) { minDifferenceForYMin = differenceForYMin closestItemForYMin = item.cumulativeSize } if (differenceForYMax < minDifferenceForYMax) { minDifferenceForYMax = differenceForYMax closestItemForYMax = item.cumulativeSize } } return Math.max(closestItemForYMin, closestItemForYMax) } // calc axis domains const [xMax, yMin, yMax] = useMemo(() => { let xMax = 100 let yMin = 0 let yMax = 100 if (markPrice) { yMin = markPrice / (1 + parseFloat(priceRangePercent) / 100) yMax = markPrice * (1 + parseFloat(priceRangePercent) / 100) } if (chartData.length) { xMax = findXDomainMax(chartData, yMin, yMax) } return [xMax, yMin, yMax] }, [chartData, markPrice, priceRangePercent]) // get nearest data on the opposing side to the mouse const opposingMouseReference = useMemo(() => { if (!markPrice || !mouseData) return null const mousePrice = mouseData.price const difference = Math.abs(mousePrice - markPrice) / markPrice if (mousePrice >= markPrice) { const price = markPrice / (1 + difference) let closestItemBelow = null let minDifference = Infinity for (const item of chartData) { const difference = Math.abs(item.price - price) if (difference < minDifference) { minDifference = difference closestItemBelow = item } } return closestItemBelow } else { const price = markPrice * (1 + difference) let closestItemAbove = null let minDifference = Infinity for (const item of chartData) { const difference = Math.abs(item.price - price) if (difference < minDifference) { minDifference = difference closestItemAbove = item } } return closestItemAbove } }, [markPrice, mouseData]) const priceFormatter = useCallback( (price: number) => { if (!serumOrPerpMarket) return price.toFixed() const tickDecimals = getDecimalCount(serumOrPerpMarket.tickSize) if (tickDecimals >= 7) { return price.toExponential(3) } else return price.toFixed(tickDecimals) }, [serumOrPerpMarket] ) const xTickFormatter = useCallback( (size: number) => { if (!serumOrPerpMarket) return size.toFixed() const minOrderDecimals = getDecimalCount(serumOrPerpMarket.minOrderSize) return size.toFixed(minOrderDecimals) }, [serumOrPerpMarket] ) const isWithinRangeOfTick = useCallback( (value: number, baseValue: number) => { const difference = Math.abs(value - baseValue) const range = (yMax - yMin) / Y_TICK_COUNT return difference <= range }, [yMin, yMax] ) const yTickFormatter = useCallback( (tick: number) => { if ((markPrice && isWithinRangeOfTick(markPrice, tick)) || mouseData) { return '' } return priceFormatter(tick) }, [markPrice, mouseData] ) const getChartReferenceColor = (price: number | undefined) => { if (!price || !markPrice) return 'var(--fgd-2)' return price > markPrice ? 'var(--down)' : 'var(--up)' } const getPercentFromMarkPrice = (price: number | undefined) => { if (!price || !markPrice) return const percentDif = ((price - markPrice) / markPrice) * 100 return `${percentDif.toFixed(2)}%` } const getSizeFromMouseData = useCallback( (size: number | undefined) => { if (!size || !serumOrPerpMarket) return return floorToDecimal( size, getDecimalCount(serumOrPerpMarket.tickSize) ).toString() }, [serumOrPerpMarket] ) const getSizeLabelPosition = useCallback( (size: number | undefined, price: number | undefined) => { if (!xMax || !size || !price || !markPrice) return `insideRight` const yPosition = price > markPrice ? 'Top' : 'Bottom' const midPoint = xMax / 2 const xPosition = size > midPoint ? 'Left' : 'Right' return `inside${yPosition}${xPosition}` as LabelPosition }, [xMax, markPrice] ) const getPercentLabelPosition = useCallback( (price: number | undefined) => { if (!markPrice || !price || !yMax || !yMin) return 'bottom' const upperMidPoint = (markPrice + yMax) / 2 const lowerMidPoint = (markPrice + yMin) / 2 return price > markPrice ? price > upperMidPoint ? 'bottom' : 'top' : price > lowerMidPoint ? 'bottom' : 'top' }, [markPrice, yMax, yMin] ) const handleMouseMove: CategoricalChartFunc = (coords) => { if (coords?.activePayload) { setMouseData(coords.activePayload[0].payload) } } const handleMouseLeave = () => { setMouseData(null) } return chartData.length ? ( <>
{priceRangePercent}% setPriceRangePercentPercent(p)} step={0.5} />
0, () => xMax]} type="number" tick={false} tickLine={false} tickFormatter={(tick) => xTickFormatter(tick)} /> yMin, () => yMax]} axisLine={false} tick={{ fill: 'var(--fgd-4)', fontSize: 8, }} tickCount={Y_TICK_COUNT} tickLine={false} tickFormatter={(tick) => yTickFormatter(tick)} /> = markPrice ? [ { x: mouseData?.cumulativeSize, y: markPrice }, { x: mouseData?.cumulativeSize, y: yMax }, ] : [ { x: mouseData?.cumulativeSize, y: yMin }, { x: mouseData?.cumulativeSize, y: markPrice }, ] } > = markPrice ? [ { x: opposingMouseReference?.cumulativeSize, y: markPrice, }, { x: opposingMouseReference?.cumulativeSize, y: yMax }, ] : [ { x: opposingMouseReference?.cumulativeSize, y: yMin }, { x: opposingMouseReference?.cumulativeSize, y: markPrice, }, ] } > {markPrice ? ( ) : null}
) : null } export default DepthChart