
214 lines
8.8 KiB

"404-heading": "This page was liquidated",
"404-description": "or, never existed...",
"accept-terms": "Accept Terms",
"accept-terms-desc": "By continuing, you accept the Mango",
"account": "Account",
"account-closed": "Account Closed 👋",
"account-balance": "Account Balance",
"account-name": "Account Name",
"account-name-desc": "Organize your accounts by giving them useful names",
"account-settings": "Account Settings",
"account-update-failed": "Failed to update account",
"account-update-success": "Account updated successfully",
"account-value": "Account Value",
"accounts": "Accounts",
"actions": "Actions",
"add-new-account": "Add New Account",
"agree-and-continue": "Agree and Continue",
"all": "All",
"amount": "Amount",
"amount-owed": "Amount Owed",
"asked-sign-transaction": "You'll be asked to sign a transaction",
"asset-liability-weight": "Asset/Liability Weights",
"asset-liability-weight-desc": "Asset weight applies a haircut to the value of the collateral in your account health calculation. The lower the asset weight, the less the asset counts towards collateral. Liability weight does the opposite (adds to the value of the liability in your health calculation).",
"asset-weight": "Asset Weight",
"asset-weight-desc": "Asset weight applies a haircut to the value of the collateral in your account health calculation. The lower the asset weight, the less the asset counts towards collateral.",
"available": "Available",
"available-balance": "Available Balance",
"balance": "Balance",
"bal": "Bal",
"balances": "Balances",
"borrow": "Borrow",
"borrow-amount": "Borrow Amount",
"borrow-fee": "Borrow Fee",
"borrow-funds": "Borrow Funds",
"borrow-rate": "Borrow APR",
"buy": "Buy",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"chart-unavailable": "Chart Unavailable",
"clear-all": "Clear All",
"close": "Close",
"close-account": "Close Account",
"close-account-desc": "Are you sure? Closing your account is irreversible",
"closing-account": "Closing your account...",
"close-borrow": "Close {{token}} Borrow",
"collateral-value": "Collateral Value",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"connect": "Connect",
"connect-balances": "Connect to view your balances",
"connect-helper": "Connect to get started",
"copy-address": "Copy Address",
"copy-address-success": "Copied address: {{pk}}",
"country-not-allowed": "Country {{country}} Not Allowed",
"country-not-allowed-tooltip": "You are using an open-source frontend facilitated by the Mango DAO. As such, it restricts access to certain regions out of an abundance of caution, due to regulatory uncertainty.",
"create-account": "Create Account",
"creating-account": "Creating Account...",
"cumulative-interest-value": "Cumulative Interest",
"daily-volume": "24h Volume",
"date": "Date",
"date-from": "Date From",
"date-to": "Date To",
"degraded": "Degraded",
"delegate": "Delegate",
"delegate-account": "Delegate Account",
"delegate-account-info": "Account delegated to: {{delegate}}",
"delegate-desc": "Delegate your Mango account to another wallet address",
"delegate-placeholder": "Enter a wallet address to delegate to",
"delete": "Delete",
"deposit": "Deposit",
"deposit-amount": "Deposit Amount",
"deposit-more-sol": "Your SOL wallet balance is too low. Add more to pay for transactions",
"deposit-rate": "Deposit APR",
"details": "Details",
"disconnect": "Disconnect",
"discord": "Discord",
"docs": "Docs",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"edit": "Edit",
"edit-account": "Edit Account Name",
"edit-profile-image": "Edit Profile Image",
"enable-notifications": "Enable Notifications",
"equity": "Equity",
"error-borrow-exceeds-limit": "Maximum borrow for the current period is {{remaining}}. New period starts {{resetTime}}",
"error-repay-insufficient-funds": "Not enough {{token}} in your wallet to repay this amount",
"error-token-positions-full": "Not enough token positions available in your account",
"explore": "Explore",
"explorer": "Explorer",
"fee": "Fee",
"feedback-survey": "Feedback Survey",
"fees": "Fees",
"fetching-route": "Finding Route",
"free-collateral": "Free Collateral",
"get-started": "Get Started",
"governance": "Governance",
"health": "Health",
"health-impact": "Health Impact",
"health-tooltip": "Projects the health of your account before you make a trade. The first value is your current account health and the second your projected account health.",
"history": "History",
"funding": "Funding",
"insufficient-sol": "Solana requires 0.0695 SOL rent to create a Mango Account. This will be returned if you close your account.",
"interest-earned": "Interest Earned",
"interest-earned-paid": "Interest Earned",
"latest-ui-commit": "Latest UI Commit",
"leaderboard": "Leaderboard",
"learn": "Learn",
"learn-more": "Learn More",
"leverage": "Leverage",
"liability-weight": "Liability Weight",
"liquidity": "Liquidity",
"list-market": "List Market",
"loading": "Loading",
"loan-origination-fee": "Borrow Fee",
"loan-origination-fee-tooltip": "{{fee}} fee for opening a borrow",
"manage": "Manage",
"mango": "Mango",
"mango-stats": "Mango Stats",
"market": "Market",
"markets": "Markets",
"max": "Max",
"max-borrow": "Max Borrow",
"more": "More",
"new": "New",
"new-account": "New Account",
"new-account-failed": "Failed to create account",
"new-account-success": "Your new account is ready 😎",
"new-version": "New version available",
"no": "No",
"offchain-services": "Offchain Services",
"operational": "Operational",
"optional": "Optional",
"outstanding-balance": "Outstanding Balance",
"overview": "Overview",
"perp": "Perp",
"perp-markets": "Perp Markets",
"pnl": "PnL",
"price": "Price",
"program-version": "Program Version",
"quantity": "Quantity",
"rate": "Rate (APR)",
"rates": "Rates (APR)",
"refresh-data": "Manually refresh data",
"remove": "Remove",
"remove-delegate": "Remove Delegate",
"repay": "Repay",
"repay-deposit": "Repay & Deposit",
"repay-borrow": "Repay Borrow",
"repayment-amount": "Repayment Amount",
"risks": "Risks",
"rolling-change": "24h Change",
"route": "Route",
"rpc-ping": "RPC Ping",
"save": "Save",
"select": "Select",
"select-borrow-token": "Select Borrow Token",
"select-deposit-token": "Select Deposit Token",
"select-repay-token": "Select Repay Token",
"select-token": "Select Token",
"select-withdraw-token": "Select Withdraw Token",
"sell": "Sell",
"settings": "Settings",
"severly-degraded": "Severly Degraded",
"show-more": "Show More",
"solana-tps": "Solana TPS",
"soon": "Soon",
"spot": "Spot",
"spot-markets": "Spot Markets",
"stats": "Stats",
"swap": "Swap",
"terms-of-use": "Terms of Use",
"time": "Time",
"today": "Today",
"token": "Token",
"tokens": "Tokens",
"token-collateral-multiplier": "{{token}} Collateral Multiplier",
"tooltip-available": "The amount of {{token}} available to borrow",
"tooltip-borrow-fee": "The fee for opening a new borrow.",
"tooltip-borrow-rate": "The variable interest rate you'll pay on your borrowed balance",
"tooltip-collateral-value": "The USD amount you can trade or borrow against",
"tooltip-collateral-weight": "The multiplier applied to the notional value of {{token}} collateral",
"tooltip-interest-rates": "The interest rates for depositing (green/left) and borrowing (red/right)",
"tooltip-scaled-collateral-weight": "Collateral weight is currently scaled down due to the value of {{token}} deposits being above the threshold. The default weight for {{token}} is {{init}}x. If deposits are withdrawn the collateral weight will increase. This is a safety precaution to prevent positions that could be difficult to liquidate. It does not affect the health of your account.",
"total": "Total",
"total-borrows": "Total Borrows",
"total-borrow-value": "Total Borrow Value",
"total-collateral": "Total Collateral",
"total-deposits": "Total Deposits",
"total-deposit-value": "Total Deposit Value",
"total-interest-earned": "Total Interest Earned",
"trade": "Trade",
"trade-history": "Trade History",
"transaction": "Transaction",
"twitter": "Twitter",
"unavailable": "Unavailable",
"unowned-helper": "Currently viewing account {{accountPk}}",
"update": "Update",
"update-delegate": "Update Delegate",
"updating-account-name": "Updating Account Name...",
"utilization": "Utilization",
"value": "Value",
"view-transaction": "View Transaction",
"wallet": "Wallet",
"wallet-address": "Wallet Address",
"wallet-balance": "Wallet Balance",
"wallet-disconnected": "Disconnected from wallet",
"withdraw": "Withdraw",
"withdraw-amount": "Withdraw Amount",
"list-market-token": "List Market/Token",
"vote": "Vote",
"yes": "Yes",
"you": "You",
"using-ledger": "Using Ledger",
"sign-to-in-app-notifications": "Sign to in app notifications"