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use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use static_assertions::const_assert_eq;
use std::mem::size_of;
// TODO: Assuming we allow up to 65536 different tokens
pub type TokenIndex = u16;
/// This token index is supposed to be the token that oracles quote in.
/// In practice this is set to the USDC token index, and that is wrong: actually
/// oracles quote in USD. Any use of this constant points to a potentially
/// incorrect assumption.
2022-07-04 04:13:11 -07:00
pub const QUOTE_TOKEN_INDEX: TokenIndex = 0;
/// The token index used for the insurance fund.
/// We should eventually generalize insurance funds.
pub const INSURANCE_TOKEN_INDEX: TokenIndex = 0;
/// The token index used for settling perp markets.
/// We should eventually generalize to make the whole perp quote (and settle) token
/// configurable.
pub const PERP_SETTLE_TOKEN_INDEX: TokenIndex = 0;
2022-03-07 07:16:34 -08:00
pub struct Group {
// ABI: Clients rely on this being at offset 8
pub creator: Pubkey,
// ABI: Clients rely on this being at offset 40
pub group_num: u32,
pub admin: Pubkey,
// TODO: unused, use case - listing shit tokens with conservative parameters (mostly defaults)
pub fast_listing_admin: Pubkey,
// This is the token index of the mngo token listed on the group
pub mngo_token_index: TokenIndex,
pub padding: [u8; 2],
2022-07-04 04:13:11 -07:00
pub insurance_vault: Pubkey,
pub insurance_mint: Pubkey,
2022-02-25 06:14:15 -08:00
pub bump: u8,
pub testing: u8,
pub version: u8,
// Buyback fees with Mngo: allow exchanging fees with mngo at a bonus
pub buyback_fees: u8,
// Buyback fees with Mngo: how much should the bonus be,
// e.g. a bonus factor of 1.2 means 120$ worth fees could be swapped for mngo worth 100$ at current market price
pub buyback_fees_mngo_bonus_factor: f32,
pub address_lookup_tables: [Pubkey; 20],
pub security_admin: Pubkey,
// Deposit limit for a mango account in quote native, enforced on quote value of account assets
// Set to 0 to disable, which also means by default there is no limit
pub deposit_limit_quote: u64,
// Map of ixs and their state of gating
// 0 is chosen as enabled, becase we want to start out with all ixs enabled, 1 is disabled
pub ix_gate: u128,
// Buyback fees with Mngo:
// A mango account which would be counter party for settling fees with mngo
// This ensures that the system doesn't have a net deficit of tokens
// The workflow should be something like this
// - the dao deposits quote tokens in its respective mango account
// - the user deposits some mngo tokens in his mango account
// - the user then claims quote for mngo at a bonus rate
pub buyback_fees_swap_mango_account: Pubkey,
/// Number of seconds after which fees that could be used with the fees buyback feature expire.
/// The actual expiry is staggered such that the fees users accumulate are always
/// available for at least this interval - but may be available for up to twice this time.
/// When set to 0, there's no expiry of buyback fees.
pub buyback_fees_expiry_interval: u64,
pub reserved: [u8; 1824],
32 + 4 + 32 * 2 + 4 + 32 * 2 + 4 + 4 + 20 * 32 + 32 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 8 + 1824
const_assert_eq!(size_of::<Group>(), 2736);
const_assert_eq!(size_of::<Group>() % 8, 0);
2022-02-25 06:14:15 -08:00
impl Group {
pub fn buyback_fees(&self) -> bool {
self.buyback_fees == 1
pub fn is_testing(&self) -> bool {
self.testing == 1
pub fn multiple_banks_supported(&self) -> bool {
self.is_testing() || self.version > 1
pub fn serum3_supported(&self) -> bool {
self.is_testing() || self.version > 0
pub fn perps_supported(&self) -> bool {
self.is_testing() || self.version > 1
pub fn is_ix_enabled(&self, ix: IxGate) -> bool {
self.ix_gate & (1 << ix as u128) == 0
/// Enum for lookup into ix gate
/// note:
/// total ix files 56,
/// ix files included 48,
/// ix files not included 8,
/// - Benchmark,
/// - ComputeAccountData,
/// - GroupCreate
/// - GroupEdit
/// - IxGateSet,
/// - PerpZeroOut,
/// - PerpEditMarket,
/// - TokenEdit,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum IxGate {
AccountClose = 0,
AccountCreate = 1,
AccountEdit = 2,
AccountExpand = 3,
AccountToggleFreeze = 4,
AltExtend = 5,
AltSet = 6,
FlashLoan = 7,
GroupClose = 8,
GroupCreate = 9,
HealthRegion = 10,
PerpCancelAllOrders = 11,
PerpCancelAllOrdersBySide = 12,
PerpCancelOrder = 13,
PerpCancelOrderByClientOrderId = 14,
PerpCloseMarket = 15,
PerpConsumeEvents = 16,
PerpCreateMarket = 17,
PerpDeactivatePosition = 18,
PerpLiqBaseOrPositivePnl = 19,
PerpLiqForceCancelOrders = 20,
PerpLiqNegativePnlOrBankruptcy = 21,
PerpPlaceOrder = 22,
PerpSettleFees = 23,
PerpSettlePnl = 24,
PerpUpdateFunding = 25,
Serum3CancelAllOrders = 26,
Serum3CancelOrder = 27,
Serum3CloseOpenOrders = 28,
Serum3CreateOpenOrders = 29,
Serum3DeregisterMarket = 30,
Serum3EditMarket = 31,
Serum3LiqForceCancelOrders = 32,
Serum3PlaceOrder = 33,
Serum3RegisterMarket = 34,
Serum3SettleFunds = 35,
StubOracleClose = 36,
StubOracleCreate = 37,
StubOracleSet = 38,
TokenAddBank = 39,
TokenDeposit = 40,
TokenDeregister = 41,
TokenLiqBankruptcy = 42,
TokenLiqWithToken = 43,
TokenRegister = 44,
TokenRegisterTrustless = 45,
TokenUpdateIndexAndRate = 46,
TokenWithdraw = 47,
AccountBuybackFeesWithMngo = 48,
// note: using creator instead of admin, since admin can be changed
2022-02-25 06:14:15 -08:00
macro_rules! group_seeds {
( $group:expr ) => {
2022-02-25 06:14:15 -08:00
pub use group_seeds;