
117 lines
4.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use crate::accounts_zerocopy::*;
use crate::health::*;
use crate::state::*;
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use fixed::types::I80F48;
use crate::accounts_ix::*;
use crate::logs::{emit_stack, TokenCollateralFeeLog};
pub fn token_charge_collateral_fees(ctx: Context<TokenChargeCollateralFees>) -> Result<()> {
let group =;
let mut account = ctx.accounts.account.load_full_mut()?;
let now_ts: u64 = Clock::get()?.unix_timestamp.try_into().unwrap();
if group.collateral_fee_interval == 0 {
// By resetting, a new enabling of collateral fees will not immediately create a charge
account.fixed.last_collateral_fee_charge = 0;
return Ok(());
// When collateral fees are enabled the first time, don't immediately charge
if account.fixed.last_collateral_fee_charge == 0 {
account.fixed.last_collateral_fee_charge = now_ts;
return Ok(());
// Is the next fee-charging due?
let last_charge_ts = account.fixed.last_collateral_fee_charge;
if now_ts < last_charge_ts + group.collateral_fee_interval {
return Ok(());
account.fixed.last_collateral_fee_charge = now_ts;
// Charge the user at most for 2x the interval. So if no one calls this for a long time
// there won't be a huge charge based only on the end state.
let charge_seconds = (now_ts - last_charge_ts).min(2 * group.collateral_fee_interval);
// The fees are configured in "interest per day" so we need to get the fraction of days
// that has passed since the last update for scaling
let inv_seconds_per_day = I80F48::from_num(1.157407407407e-5); // 1 / (24 * 60 * 60)
let time_scaling = I80F48::from(charge_seconds) * inv_seconds_per_day;
let health_cache = {
let retriever =
new_fixed_order_account_retriever(ctx.remaining_accounts, &account.borrow())?;
new_health_cache(&account.borrow(), &retriever, now_ts)?
// We want to find the total asset health and total liab health, but don't want
// to treat borrows that moved into open orders accounts as realized. Hence we
// pretend all spot orders are closed and settled and add their funds back to
// the token positions.
let mut token_balances = health_cache.effective_token_balances(HealthType::Maint);
for s3info in health_cache.serum3_infos.iter() {
token_balances[s3info.base_info_index].spot_and_perp += s3info.reserved_base;
token_balances[s3info.quote_info_index].spot_and_perp += s3info.reserved_quote;
let mut total_liab_health = I80F48::ZERO;
let mut total_asset_health = I80F48::ZERO;
for (info, balance) in health_cache.token_infos.iter().zip(token_balances.iter()) {
let health = info.health_contribution(HealthType::Maint, balance.spot_and_perp);
if health.is_positive() {
total_asset_health += health;
} else {
total_liab_health -= health;
// If there's no assets or no liabs, we can't charge fees
if total_asset_health.is_zero() || total_liab_health.is_zero() {
return Ok(());
// Users only pay for assets that are actively used to cover their liabilities.
let asset_usage_scaling = (total_liab_health / total_asset_health)
let scaling = asset_usage_scaling * time_scaling;
let token_position_count = account.active_token_positions().count();
for bank_ai in &ctx.remaining_accounts[0..token_position_count] {
let mut bank = bank_ai.load_mut::<Bank>()?;
if bank.collateral_fee_per_day <= 0.0 || bank.maint_asset_weight.is_zero() {
let (token_position, raw_token_index) = account.token_position_mut(bank.token_index)?;
let token_balance = token_position.native(&bank);
if token_balance <= 0 {
let fee = token_balance * scaling * I80F48::from_num(bank.collateral_fee_per_day);
assert!(fee <= token_balance);
let is_active = bank.withdraw_without_fee(token_position, fee, now_ts)?;
if !is_active {
account.deactivate_token_position_and_log(raw_token_index, ctx.accounts.account.key());
bank.collected_fees_native += fee;
bank.collected_collateral_fees += fee;
emit_stack(TokenCollateralFeeLog {
mango_account: ctx.accounts.account.key(),
token_index: bank.token_index,
fee: fee.to_bits(),
asset_usage_fraction: asset_usage_scaling.to_bits(),