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use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use derivative::Derivative;
use fixed::types::I80F48;
use static_assertions::const_assert_eq;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::mem::size_of;
use crate::i80f48::ClampToInt;
use crate::state::*;
pub const FREE_ORDER_SLOT: PerpMarketIndex = PerpMarketIndex::MAX;
#[derive(AnchorDeserialize, AnchorSerialize, Derivative)]
pub struct TokenPosition {
// TODO: Why did we have deposits and borrows as two different values
// if only one of them was allowed to be != 0 at a time?
// todo: maybe we want to split collateral and lending?
// todo: see
// todo: how does ftx do this?
/// The deposit_index (if positive) or borrow_index (if negative) scaled position
pub indexed_position: I80F48,
/// index into Group.tokens
pub token_index: TokenIndex,
/// incremented when a market requires this position to stay alive
pub in_use_count: u16,
#[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
pub padding: [u8; 4],
// bookkeeping variable for onchain interest calculation
// either deposit_index or borrow_index at last indexed_position change
pub previous_index: I80F48,
// (Display only)
// Cumulative deposit interest in token native units
pub cumulative_deposit_interest: f64,
// (Display only)
// Cumulative borrow interest in token native units
pub cumulative_borrow_interest: f64,
#[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
pub reserved: [u8; 128],
16 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 16 + 8 + 8 + 128
const_assert_eq!(size_of::<TokenPosition>(), 184);
const_assert_eq!(size_of::<TokenPosition>() % 8, 0);
impl Default for TokenPosition {
fn default() -> Self {
TokenPosition {
indexed_position: I80F48::ZERO,
token_index: TokenIndex::MAX,
in_use_count: 0,
cumulative_deposit_interest: 0.0,
cumulative_borrow_interest: 0.0,
previous_index: I80F48::ZERO,
padding: Default::default(),
reserved: [0; 128],
impl TokenPosition {
pub fn is_active(&self) -> bool {
self.token_index != TokenIndex::MAX
pub fn is_active_for_token(&self, token_index: TokenIndex) -> bool {
self.token_index == token_index
pub fn native(&self, bank: &Bank) -> I80F48 {
if self.indexed_position.is_positive() {
self.indexed_position * bank.deposit_index
} else {
self.indexed_position * bank.borrow_index
2022-08-14 13:18:36 -07:00
#[cfg(feature = "client")]
pub fn ui(&self, bank: &Bank) -> I80F48 {
if self.indexed_position.is_positive() {
(self.indexed_position * bank.deposit_index)
/ I80F48::from_num(10u64.pow(bank.mint_decimals as u32))
} else {
(self.indexed_position * bank.borrow_index)
/ I80F48::from_num(10u64.pow(bank.mint_decimals as u32))
pub fn is_in_use(&self) -> bool {
self.in_use_count > 0
pub fn increment_in_use(&mut self) {
self.in_use_count += 1; // panic on overflow
pub fn decrement_in_use(&mut self) {
self.in_use_count = self.in_use_count.saturating_sub(1);
#[derive(AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize, Derivative)]
pub struct Serum3Orders {
pub open_orders: Pubkey,
/// Tracks the amount of borrows that have flowed into the serum open orders account.
/// These borrows did not have the loan origination fee applied, and that may happen
/// later (in serum3_settle_funds) if we can guarantee that the funds were used.
/// In particular a place-on-book, cancel, settle should not cost fees.
pub base_borrows_without_fee: u64,
pub quote_borrows_without_fee: u64,
pub market_index: Serum3MarketIndex,
/// Store the base/quote token index, so health computations don't need
/// to get passed the static SerumMarket to find which tokens a market
/// uses and look up the correct oracles.
pub base_token_index: TokenIndex,
pub quote_token_index: TokenIndex,
#[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
pub padding: [u8; 2],
/// Track something like the highest open bid / lowest open ask, in native/native units.
/// Tracking it exactly isn't possible since we don't see fills. So instead track
/// the min/max of the _placed_ bids and asks.
/// The value is reset in serum3_place_order when a new order is placed without an
/// existing one on the book.
/// 0 is a special "unset" state.
pub highest_placed_bid_inv: f64,
pub lowest_placed_ask: f64,
/// An overestimate of the amount of tokens that might flow out of the open orders account.
/// The bank still considers these amounts user deposits (see Bank::potential_serum_tokens)
/// and that value needs to be updated in conjunction with these numbers.
/// This estimation is based on the amount of tokens in the open orders account
/// (see update_bank_potential_tokens() in serum3_place_order and settle)
pub potential_base_tokens: u64,
pub potential_quote_tokens: u64,
/// Track lowest bid/highest ask, same way as for highest bid/lowest ask.
/// 0 is a special "unset" state.
pub lowest_placed_bid_inv: f64,
pub highest_placed_ask: f64,
#[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
pub reserved: [u8; 16],
32 + 8 * 2 + 2 * 3 + 2 + 6 * 8 + 16
const_assert_eq!(size_of::<Serum3Orders>(), 120);
const_assert_eq!(size_of::<Serum3Orders>() % 8, 0);
impl Serum3Orders {
pub fn is_active(&self) -> bool {
self.market_index != Serum3MarketIndex::MAX
pub fn is_active_for_market(&self, market_index: Serum3MarketIndex) -> bool {
self.market_index == market_index
impl Default for Serum3Orders {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
open_orders: Pubkey::default(),
market_index: Serum3MarketIndex::MAX,
base_token_index: TokenIndex::MAX,
quote_token_index: TokenIndex::MAX,
padding: Default::default(),
base_borrows_without_fee: 0,
quote_borrows_without_fee: 0,
highest_placed_bid_inv: 0.0,
lowest_placed_ask: 0.0,
potential_base_tokens: 0,
potential_quote_tokens: 0,
lowest_placed_bid_inv: 0.0,
highest_placed_ask: 0.0,
reserved: [0; 16],
#[derive(AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize, Derivative)]
pub struct PerpPosition {
pub market_index: PerpMarketIndex,
#[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
pub padding: [u8; 2],
/// Index of the current settle pnl limit window
pub settle_pnl_limit_window: u32,
/// Amount of realized trade pnl and unrealized pnl that was already settled this window.
/// Will be negative when negative pnl was settled.
/// Note that this will be adjusted for bookkeeping reasons when the realized_trade settle
/// limitchanges and is not useable for actually tracking how much pnl was settled
/// on balance.
pub settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native: i64,
/// Active position size, measured in base lots
pub base_position_lots: i64,
/// Active position in oracle quote native. At the same time this is 1:1 a settle_token native amount.
/// Example: Say there's a perp market on the BTC/USD price using SOL for settlement. The user buys
/// one long contract for $20k, then base = 1, quote = -20k. The price goes to $21k. Now their
/// unsettled pnl is (1 * 21k - 20k) __SOL__ = 1000 SOL. This is because the perp contract arbitrarily
/// decides that each unit of price difference creates 1 SOL worth of settlement.
/// (yes, causing 1 SOL of settlement for each $1 price change implies a lot of extra leverage; likely
/// there should be an extra configurable scaling factor before we use this for cases like that)
pub quote_position_native: I80F48,
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/// Tracks what the position is to calculate average entry & break even price
pub quote_running_native: i64,
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/// Already settled long funding
pub long_settled_funding: I80F48,
/// Already settled short funding
pub short_settled_funding: I80F48,
/// Base lots in open bids
pub bids_base_lots: i64,
/// Base lots in open asks
pub asks_base_lots: i64,
/// Amount of base lots on the EventQueue waiting to be processed
pub taker_base_lots: i64,
/// Amount of quote lots on the EventQueue waiting to be processed
pub taker_quote_lots: i64,
/// Cumulative long funding in quote native units.
/// If the user paid $1 in funding for a long position, this would be 1e6.
/// Beware of the sign!
/// (Display only)
pub cumulative_long_funding: f64,
/// Cumulative short funding in quote native units
/// If the user paid $1 in funding for a short position, this would be -1e6.
/// (Display only)
pub cumulative_short_funding: f64,
/// Cumulative maker volume in quote native units
/// (Display only)
pub maker_volume: u64,
/// Cumulative taker volume in quote native units
/// (Display only)
pub taker_volume: u64,
/// Cumulative number of quote native units transfered from the perp position
/// to the settle token spot position.
/// For example, if the user settled $1 of positive pnl into their USDC spot
/// position, this would be 1e6.
/// (Display only)
pub perp_spot_transfers: i64,
/// The native average entry price for the base lots of the current position.
/// Reset to 0 when the base position reaches or crosses 0.
pub avg_entry_price_per_base_lot: f64,
/// Deprecated field: Amount of pnl that was realized by bringing the base position closer to 0.
pub deprecated_realized_trade_pnl_native: I80F48,
/// Amount of pnl that can be settled once.
/// - The value is signed: a negative number means negative pnl can be settled.
/// - A settlement in the right direction will decrease this amount.
/// Typically added for fees, funding and liquidation.
pub oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance: I80F48,
/// Amount of pnl that can be settled in each settle window.
/// - Unsigned, the settlement can happen in both directions. Value is >= 0.
/// - Previously stored a similar value that was signed, so in migration cases
/// this value can be negative and should be .abs()ed.
/// - If this value exceeds the current stable-upnl, it should be decreased,
/// see apply_recurring_settle_pnl_allowance_constraint()
/// When the base position is reduced, the settle limit contribution from the reduced
/// base position is materialized into this value. When the base position increases,
/// some of the allowance is taken away.
/// This also gets increased when a liquidator takes over pnl.
pub recurring_settle_pnl_allowance: i64,
/// Trade pnl, fees, funding that were added over the current position's lifetime.
/// Reset when the position changes sign or goes to zero.
/// Not decreased by settling.
/// This is tracked for display purposes: this value plus the difference between entry
/// price and current price of the base position is the overall pnl.
pub realized_pnl_for_position_native: I80F48,
#[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
pub reserved: [u8; 88],
2 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 8 + 16 + 8 + 16 * 2 + 8 * 2 + 8 * 2 + 8 * 5 + 8 + 2 * 16 + 8 + 16 + 88
const_assert_eq!(size_of::<PerpPosition>(), 304);
const_assert_eq!(size_of::<PerpPosition>() % 8, 0);
impl Default for PerpPosition {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
market_index: PerpMarketIndex::MAX,
base_position_lots: 0,
quote_position_native: I80F48::ZERO,
2022-08-11 07:58:47 -07:00
quote_running_native: 0,
bids_base_lots: 0,
asks_base_lots: 0,
taker_base_lots: 0,
taker_quote_lots: 0,
long_settled_funding: I80F48::ZERO,
short_settled_funding: I80F48::ZERO,
padding: Default::default(),
cumulative_long_funding: 0.0,
cumulative_short_funding: 0.0,
maker_volume: 0,
taker_volume: 0,
perp_spot_transfers: 0,
avg_entry_price_per_base_lot: 0.0,
deprecated_realized_trade_pnl_native: I80F48::ZERO,
oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance: I80F48::ZERO,
settle_pnl_limit_window: 0,
settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native: 0,
recurring_settle_pnl_allowance: 0,
realized_pnl_for_position_native: I80F48::ZERO,
reserved: [0; 88],
impl PerpPosition {
/// Add taker trade after it has been matched but before it has been process on EventQueue
pub fn add_taker_trade(&mut self, side: Side, base_lots: i64, quote_lots: i64) {
match side {
Side::Bid => {
self.taker_base_lots += base_lots;
self.taker_quote_lots -= quote_lots;
Side::Ask => {
self.taker_base_lots -= base_lots;
self.taker_quote_lots += quote_lots;
/// Remove taker trade after it has been processed on EventQueue
pub fn remove_taker_trade(&mut self, base_change: i64, quote_change: i64) {
self.taker_base_lots -= base_change;
self.taker_quote_lots -= quote_change;
pub fn adjust_maker_lots(&mut self, side: Side, base_lots: i64) {
match side {
Side::Bid => {
self.bids_base_lots += base_lots;
Side::Ask => {
self.asks_base_lots += base_lots;
pub fn is_active(&self) -> bool {
self.market_index != PerpMarketIndex::MAX
pub fn is_active_for_market(&self, market_index: PerpMarketIndex) -> bool {
self.market_index == market_index
2022-09-01 09:07:57 -07:00
// Return base position in native units for a perp market
pub fn base_position_native(&self, market: &PerpMarket) -> I80F48 {
I80F48::from(self.base_position_lots * market.base_lot_size)
2022-09-01 09:07:57 -07:00
pub fn base_position_lots(&self) -> i64 {
// This takes into account base lots from unprocessed events, but not anything from open orders
pub fn effective_base_position_lots(&self) -> i64 {
self.base_position_lots + self.taker_base_lots
pub fn quote_position_native(&self) -> I80F48 {
/// This assumes settle_funding was already called
fn change_base_position(&mut self, perp_market: &mut PerpMarket, base_change: i64) {
let start = self.base_position_lots;
self.base_position_lots += base_change;
perp_market.open_interest += self.base_position_lots.abs() - start.abs();
/// The amount of funding this account still needs to pay, in native quote
pub fn unsettled_funding(&self, perp_market: &PerpMarket) -> I80F48 {
match self.base_position_lots.cmp(&0) {
Ordering::Greater => {
(perp_market.long_funding - self.long_settled_funding)
* I80F48::from_num(self.base_position_lots)
Ordering::Less => {
(perp_market.short_funding - self.short_settled_funding)
* I80F48::from_num(self.base_position_lots)
Ordering::Equal => I80F48::ZERO,
/// Move unrealized funding payments into the quote_position
pub fn settle_funding(&mut self, perp_market: &PerpMarket) {
let funding = self.unsettled_funding(perp_market);
self.quote_position_native -= funding;
self.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance -= funding;
self.realized_pnl_for_position_native -= funding;
if self.base_position_lots.is_positive() {
self.cumulative_long_funding += funding.to_num::<f64>();
} else {
self.cumulative_short_funding -= funding.to_num::<f64>();
self.long_settled_funding = perp_market.long_funding;
self.short_settled_funding = perp_market.short_funding;
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/// Updates avg entry price, breakeven price, realized pnl, realized pnl limit
/// Returns realized trade pnl
fn update_trade_stats(
&mut self,
base_change: i64,
quote_change_native: I80F48,
perp_market: &PerpMarket,
) -> I80F48 {
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if base_change == 0 {
return I80F48::ZERO;
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
let old_position = self.base_position_lots;
let new_position = old_position + base_change;
// abs amount of lots that were reduced:
// - going from -5 to 10 lots is a reduction of 5
// - going from 10 to -5 is a reduction of 10
let reduced_lots;
// same for increases
// - going from -5 to 10 lots is an increase of 10
// - going from 10 to -5 is an increase of 5
let increased_lots;
// amount of pnl that was realized by the reduction (signed)
let newly_realized_pnl;
if new_position == 0 {
reduced_lots = old_position.abs();
increased_lots = 0;
let avg_entry = I80F48::from_num(self.avg_entry_price_per_base_lot);
newly_realized_pnl = quote_change_native + I80F48::from(base_change) * avg_entry;
// clear out display fields that live only while the position lasts
self.avg_entry_price_per_base_lot = 0.0;
self.quote_running_native = 0;
self.realized_pnl_for_position_native = I80F48::ZERO;
} else if old_position.signum() != new_position.signum() {
// If the base position changes sign, we've crossed base_pos == 0 (or old_position == 0)
reduced_lots = old_position.abs();
increased_lots = new_position.abs();
let old_position = old_position as f64;
let new_position = new_position as f64;
let base_change = base_change as f64;
let old_avg_entry = self.avg_entry_price_per_base_lot;
let new_avg_entry = (quote_change_native.to_num::<f64>() / base_change).abs();
// Award realized pnl based on the old_position size
newly_realized_pnl = I80F48::from_num(old_position * (new_avg_entry - old_avg_entry));
// Set entry and break-even based on the new_position entered
self.avg_entry_price_per_base_lot = new_avg_entry;
self.quote_running_native = (-new_position * new_avg_entry) as i64;
// New position without realized pnl
self.realized_pnl_for_position_native = I80F48::ZERO;
} else {
// The old and new position have the same sign
self.quote_running_native += quote_change_native.round_to_zero().to_num::<i64>();
let is_increasing = old_position.signum() == base_change.signum();
if is_increasing {
// Increasing position: avg entry price updates, no new realized pnl
reduced_lots = 0;
increased_lots = base_change.abs();
newly_realized_pnl = I80F48::ZERO;
let old_position_abs = old_position.abs() as f64;
let new_position_abs = new_position.abs() as f64;
let old_avg_entry = self.avg_entry_price_per_base_lot;
let new_position_quote_value =
old_position_abs * old_avg_entry + quote_change_native.to_num::<f64>().abs();
self.avg_entry_price_per_base_lot = new_position_quote_value / new_position_abs;
} else {
// Decreasing position: pnl is realized, avg entry price does not change
reduced_lots = base_change.abs();
increased_lots = 0;
let avg_entry = I80F48::from_num(self.avg_entry_price_per_base_lot);
newly_realized_pnl = quote_change_native + I80F48::from(base_change) * avg_entry;
self.realized_pnl_for_position_native += newly_realized_pnl;
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
let net_base_increase = increased_lots - reduced_lots;
self.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance = self.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance.abs();
self.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance -=
(I80F48::from(net_base_increase * perp_market.base_lot_size)
* perp_market.stable_price()
* I80F48::from_num(perp_market.settle_pnl_limit_factor))
self.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance = self.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance.max(0);
/// Returns the change in recurring settle allowance
fn apply_recurring_settle_pnl_allowance_constraint(&mut self, perp_market: &PerpMarket) -> i64 {
// deprecation/migration
self.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance = self.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance.abs();
self.deprecated_realized_trade_pnl_native = I80F48::ZERO;
let before = self.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance;
// The recurring allowance is always >= 0 and <= stable-upnl
let upnl = self
.unsettled_pnl(perp_market, perp_market.stable_price())
let upnl_abs = upnl.abs().ceil().to_num::<i64>();
self.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance =
self.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance - before
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/// Change the base and quote positions as the result of a trade
/// Returns realized trade pnl
pub fn record_trade(
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
&mut self,
perp_market: &mut PerpMarket,
base_change: i64,
quote_change_native: I80F48,
) -> I80F48 {
assert_eq!(perp_market.perp_market_index, self.market_index);
let realized_pnl = self.update_trade_stats(base_change, quote_change_native, perp_market);
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
self.change_base_position(perp_market, base_change);
fn change_quote_position(&mut self, quote_change_native: I80F48) {
self.quote_position_native += quote_change_native;
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/// Does the user have any orders on the book?
/// Note that it's possible they were matched already: This only becomes
/// false when the fill event is processed or the orders are cancelled.
2022-09-07 07:10:49 -07:00
pub fn has_open_orders(&self) -> bool {
self.asks_base_lots != 0 || self.bids_base_lots != 0
// Did the user take orders and hasn't been filled yet?
pub fn has_open_taker_fills(&self) -> bool {
self.taker_base_lots != 0 || self.taker_quote_lots != 0
/// Are there any open orders or fills that haven't been processed yet?
pub fn has_open_orders_or_fills(&self) -> bool {
self.has_open_orders() || self.has_open_taker_fills()
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/// Calculate the average entry price of the position, in native/native units
pub fn avg_entry_price(&self, market: &PerpMarket) -> f64 {
assert_eq!(self.market_index, market.perp_market_index);
self.avg_entry_price_per_base_lot / (market.base_lot_size as f64)
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/// Calculate the break even price of the position, in native/native units
pub fn break_even_price(&self, market: &PerpMarket) -> f64 {
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if self.base_position_lots == 0 {
return 0.0;
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assert_eq!(self.market_index, market.perp_market_index);
-(self.quote_running_native as f64)
/ ((self.base_position_lots * market.base_lot_size) as f64)
/// Calculate the PnL of the position for a given price
pub fn unsettled_pnl(&self, perp_market: &PerpMarket, price: I80F48) -> Result<I80F48> {
require_eq!(self.market_index, perp_market.perp_market_index);
let base_native = self.base_position_native(perp_market);
let pnl = self.quote_position_native() + base_native * price;
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/// Updates the perp pnl limit time windowing, resetting the amount
/// of used settle-pnl budget if necessary
pub fn update_settle_limit(&mut self, market: &PerpMarket, now_ts: u64) {
assert_eq!(self.market_index, market.perp_market_index);
let window_size = market.settle_pnl_limit_window_size_ts;
let window_start = self.settle_pnl_limit_window as u64 * window_size;
let window_end = window_start + window_size;
// now_ts < window_start can happen when window size is changed on the market
let new_window = now_ts >= window_end || now_ts < window_start;
if new_window {
self.settle_pnl_limit_window = (now_ts / window_size).try_into().unwrap();
self.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native = 0;
/// Returns the (min_pnl, max_pnl) range of quote-native pnl that can be settled this window.
/// 1. a fraction of the base position stable value, which gives settlement limit
/// equally in both directions
/// 2. the stored recurring settle allowance, which is mostly allowance from 1. that was
/// materialized when the position was reduced (see recurring_settle_pnl_allowance)
/// 3. once-only settlement allowance in a single direction (see oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance)
pub fn settle_limit(&self, market: &PerpMarket) -> (i64, i64) {
assert_eq!(self.market_index, market.perp_market_index);
if market.settle_pnl_limit_factor < 0.0 {
return (i64::MIN, i64::MAX);
let base_native = self.base_position_native(market);
let position_value = (market.stable_price() * base_native).abs().to_num::<f64>();
let unrealized = (market.settle_pnl_limit_factor as f64 * position_value).clamp_to_i64();
let mut max_pnl = unrealized
// abs() because of potential migration
+ self.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance.abs();
let mut min_pnl = -max_pnl;
let oneshot = self.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance;
if oneshot >= 0 {
max_pnl = max_pnl.saturating_add(oneshot.ceil().clamp_to_i64());
} else {
min_pnl = min_pnl.saturating_add(oneshot.floor().clamp_to_i64());
// the min/max here is just for safety
(min_pnl.min(0), max_pnl.max(0))
/// Returns the (min_pnl, max_pnl) range of quote-native pnl that may still be settled
/// this settle window.
/// The available settle limit is the settle_limit() adjusted for the amount of limit
/// that was already used up this window.
pub fn available_settle_limit(&self, market: &PerpMarket) -> (i64, i64) {
assert_eq!(self.market_index, market.perp_market_index);
if market.settle_pnl_limit_factor < 0.0 {
return (i64::MIN, i64::MAX);
let (mut min_pnl, mut max_pnl) = self.settle_limit(market);
let used = self.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native;
min_pnl = min_pnl.saturating_sub(used).min(0);
max_pnl = max_pnl.saturating_sub(used).max(0);
(min_pnl, max_pnl)
/// Given some pnl, applies the pnl settle limit and returns the reduced pnl.
pub fn apply_pnl_settle_limit(&self, market: &PerpMarket, pnl: I80F48) -> I80F48 {
if market.settle_pnl_limit_factor < 0.0 {
return pnl;
let (min_pnl, max_pnl) = self.available_settle_limit(market);
if pnl < 0 {
} else {
/// Update the perp position for pnl settlement
/// If `pnl` is positive, then that is settled away, deducting from the quote position.
pub fn record_settle(&mut self, settled_pnl: I80F48, perp_market: &PerpMarket) {
// Settlement reduces oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance if available.
// Reduction only happens if settled_pnl has the same sign as oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance.
let oneshot_reduction = if settled_pnl > 0 {
} else {
self.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance -= oneshot_reduction;
// Consume settle limit budget:
// We don't track consumption of oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance because settling already
// reduces the available budget for subsequent settlesas well.
let mut used_settle_limit = (settled_pnl - oneshot_reduction)
// Similarly, if the recurring budget gets reduced (because stable-upnl is lower than it),
// don't also increase settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native.
// Example: Settle 500 on a 1000 upnl, 1000 recurring limit account:
// -> 500 upnl and 500 recurring limit, if we also had 500 settled_in_current_window
// then no more settlement would be allowed
let recurring_allowance_change =
if recurring_allowance_change < 0 {
if used_settle_limit > 0 {
used_settle_limit = (used_settle_limit + recurring_allowance_change).max(0);
} else {
used_settle_limit = (used_settle_limit - recurring_allowance_change).min(0);
self.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native += used_settle_limit;
/// Update perp position for a maker/taker fee payment
pub fn record_trading_fee(&mut self, fee: I80F48) {
self.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance -= fee;
self.realized_pnl_for_position_native -= fee;
/// Adds immediately-settleable realized pnl when a liqor takes over pnl during liquidation
pub fn record_liquidation_quote_change(&mut self, change: I80F48) {
self.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance += change;
/// Adds to the quote position and adds a recurring ("realized trade") settle limit
pub fn record_liquidation_pnl_takeover(&mut self, change: I80F48, recurring_limit: I80F48) {
self.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance += recurring_limit.abs().ceil().to_num::<i64>();
2023-11-08 01:27:55 -08:00
#[derive(AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize, Derivative)]
pub struct PerpOpenOrder {
pub side_and_tree: u8, // SideAndOrderTree -- enums aren't POD
2023-11-08 01:27:55 -08:00
#[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
pub padding1: [u8; 1],
2023-11-08 01:27:55 -08:00
pub market: PerpMarketIndex,
2023-11-08 01:27:55 -08:00
#[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
pub padding2: [u8; 4],
2023-11-08 01:27:55 -08:00
pub client_id: u64,
pub id: u128,
2023-11-08 01:27:55 -08:00
pub quantity: i64,
// WARNING: When adding fields, take care of updating the clear() function
2023-11-08 01:27:55 -08:00
#[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
pub reserved: [u8; 56],
const_assert_eq!(size_of::<PerpOpenOrder>(), 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 8 + 56);
const_assert_eq!(size_of::<PerpOpenOrder>(), 96);
const_assert_eq!(size_of::<PerpOpenOrder>() % 8, 0);
impl Default for PerpOpenOrder {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
side_and_tree: SideAndOrderTree::BidFixed.into(),
padding1: Default::default(),
padding2: Default::default(),
client_id: 0,
id: 0,
quantity: 0,
reserved: [0; 56],
impl PerpOpenOrder {
pub fn side_and_tree(&self) -> SideAndOrderTree {
pub fn is_active_for_market(&self, perp_market_index: PerpMarketIndex) -> bool { == perp_market_index
pub fn is_active(&self) -> bool { != FREE_ORDER_SLOT
pub fn clear(&mut self) { = FREE_ORDER_SLOT;
self.side_and_tree = SideAndOrderTree::BidFixed.into(); = 0;
self.client_id = 0;
self.quantity = 0;
macro_rules! account_seeds {
( $account:expr ) => {
pub use account_seeds;
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
mod tests {
2022-09-22 09:55:12 -07:00
use crate::state::PerpMarket;
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
use fixed::types::I80F48;
use rand::Rng;
use super::PerpPosition;
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
fn create_perp_position(
market: &PerpMarket,
base_pos: i64,
entry_price_per_lot: i64,
) -> PerpPosition {
let mut pos = PerpPosition::default();
pos.market_index = market.perp_market_index;
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
pos.base_position_lots = base_pos;
pos.quote_position_native = I80F48::from(-base_pos * entry_price_per_lot);
pos.quote_running_native = -base_pos * entry_price_per_lot;
pos.avg_entry_price_per_base_lot = entry_price_per_lot as f64;
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
fn test_perp_market(stable_price: f64) -> PerpMarket {
let mut m = PerpMarket::default_for_tests();
m.stable_price_model.stable_price = stable_price;
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
fn test_quote_entry_long_increasing_from_zero() {
let mut market = test_perp_market(10.0);
let mut pos = create_perp_position(&market, 0, 0);
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
// Go long 10 @ 10
let realized = pos.record_trade(&mut market, 10, I80F48::from(-100));
2022-08-11 07:58:47 -07:00
assert_eq!(pos.quote_running_native, -100);
assert_eq!(pos.avg_entry_price(&market), 10.0);
assert_eq!(pos.break_even_price(&market), 10.0);
assert_eq!(pos.realized_pnl_for_position_native, realized);
assert_eq!(realized, I80F48::ZERO);
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::ZERO);
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 0);
assert_eq!(pos.deprecated_realized_trade_pnl_native, I80F48::from(0));
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
fn test_quote_entry_short_increasing_from_zero() {
let mut market = test_perp_market(10.0);
let mut pos = create_perp_position(&market, 0, 0);
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
// Go short 10 @ 10
let realized = pos.record_trade(&mut market, -10, I80F48::from(100));
2022-08-11 07:58:47 -07:00
assert_eq!(pos.quote_running_native, 100);
assert_eq!(pos.avg_entry_price(&market), 10.0);
assert_eq!(pos.break_even_price(&market), 10.0);
assert_eq!(pos.realized_pnl_for_position_native, realized);
assert_eq!(realized, I80F48::ZERO);
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::ZERO);
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 0);
assert_eq!(pos.deprecated_realized_trade_pnl_native, I80F48::from(0));
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
fn test_quote_entry_long_increasing_from_long() {
let mut market = test_perp_market(10.0);
let mut pos = create_perp_position(&market, 10, 10);
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
// Go long 10 @ 30
let realized = pos.record_trade(&mut market, 10, I80F48::from(-300));
2022-08-11 07:58:47 -07:00
assert_eq!(pos.quote_running_native, -400);
assert_eq!(pos.avg_entry_price(&market), 20.0);
assert_eq!(pos.break_even_price(&market), 20.0);
assert_eq!(pos.realized_pnl_for_position_native, realized);
assert_eq!(realized, I80F48::ZERO);
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::ZERO);
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 0);
assert_eq!(pos.deprecated_realized_trade_pnl_native, I80F48::from(0));
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
fn test_quote_entry_short_increasing_from_short() {
let mut market = test_perp_market(10.0);
let mut pos = create_perp_position(&market, -10, 10);
// Go short 10 @ 30
let realized = pos.record_trade(&mut market, -10, I80F48::from(300));
2022-08-11 07:58:47 -07:00
assert_eq!(pos.quote_running_native, 400);
assert_eq!(pos.avg_entry_price(&market), 20.0);
assert_eq!(pos.break_even_price(&market), 20.0);
assert_eq!(pos.realized_pnl_for_position_native, realized);
assert_eq!(realized, I80F48::ZERO);
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::ZERO);
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 0);
assert_eq!(pos.deprecated_realized_trade_pnl_native, I80F48::from(0));
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
fn test_quote_entry_long_decreasing_from_short() {
let mut market = test_perp_market(10.0);
let mut pos = create_perp_position(&market, -10, 10);
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
// Go long 5 @ 50
let realized = pos.record_trade(&mut market, 5, I80F48::from(-250));
2022-08-11 07:58:47 -07:00
assert_eq!(pos.quote_running_native, -150);
assert_eq!(pos.avg_entry_price(&market), 10.0); // Entry price remains the same when decreasing
assert_eq!(pos.break_even_price(&market), -30.0); // The short can't break even anymore
assert_eq!(pos.realized_pnl_for_position_native, realized);
assert_eq!(realized, I80F48::from(-200));
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::ZERO);
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 11); // 5 * 10 * 0.2 rounded up
assert_eq!(pos.deprecated_realized_trade_pnl_native, I80F48::ZERO);
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
fn test_quote_entry_short_decreasing_from_long() {
let mut market = test_perp_market(10.0);
let mut pos = create_perp_position(&market, 10, 10);
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
// Go short 5 @ 50
let realized = pos.record_trade(&mut market, -5, I80F48::from(250));
2022-08-11 07:58:47 -07:00
assert_eq!(pos.quote_running_native, 150);
assert_eq!(pos.avg_entry_price(&market), 10.0); // Entry price remains the same when decreasing
assert_eq!(pos.break_even_price(&market), -30.0); // Already broke even
assert_eq!(pos.realized_pnl_for_position_native, realized);
assert_eq!(realized, I80F48::from(200));
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::ZERO);
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 11); // 5 * 10 * 0.2 rounded up
assert_eq!(pos.deprecated_realized_trade_pnl_native, I80F48::ZERO);
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
fn test_quote_entry_long_close_with_short() {
let mut market = test_perp_market(10.0);
let mut pos = create_perp_position(&market, 10, 10);
// Go short 10 @ 25
let realized = pos.record_trade(&mut market, -10, I80F48::from(250));
assert_eq!(pos.quote_running_native, 0);
assert_eq!(pos.avg_entry_price(&market), 0.0); // Entry price zero when no position
assert_eq!(pos.break_even_price(&market), 0.0);
assert_eq!(pos.realized_pnl_for_position_native, I80F48::from(0));
assert_eq!(realized, I80F48::from(150));
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::ZERO);
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 21); // 10 * 10 * 0.2 rounded up
assert_eq!(pos.deprecated_realized_trade_pnl_native, I80F48::ZERO);
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
fn test_quote_entry_short_close_with_long() {
let mut market = test_perp_market(10.0);
let mut pos = create_perp_position(&market, -10, 10);
// Go long 10 @ 25
let realized = pos.record_trade(&mut market, 10, I80F48::from(-250));
assert_eq!(pos.quote_running_native, 0);
assert_eq!(pos.avg_entry_price(&market), 0.0); // Entry price zero when no position
assert_eq!(pos.break_even_price(&market), 0.0);
assert_eq!(pos.realized_pnl_for_position_native, I80F48::from(0));
assert_eq!(realized, I80F48::from(-150));
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::ZERO);
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 21); // 10 * 10 * 0.2 rounded up
assert_eq!(pos.deprecated_realized_trade_pnl_native, I80F48::ZERO);
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
fn test_quote_entry_long_close_short_with_overflow() {
let mut market = test_perp_market(10.0);
let mut pos = create_perp_position(&market, 10, 10);
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
// Go short 15 @ 20
let realized = pos.record_trade(&mut market, -15, I80F48::from(300));
assert_eq!(pos.quote_running_native, 100);
assert_eq!(pos.avg_entry_price(&market), 20.0);
assert_eq!(pos.break_even_price(&market), 20.0);
assert_eq!(pos.realized_pnl_for_position_native, I80F48::ZERO); // new position
assert_eq!(realized, I80F48::from(100));
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::ZERO);
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 11); // 5 * 10 * 0.2 rounded up
assert_eq!(pos.deprecated_realized_trade_pnl_native, I80F48::ZERO);
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
fn test_quote_entry_short_close_long_with_overflow() {
let mut market = test_perp_market(10.0);
let mut pos = create_perp_position(&market, -10, 10);
// Go long 15 @ 20
let realized = pos.record_trade(&mut market, 15, I80F48::from(-300));
assert_eq!(pos.quote_running_native, -100);
assert_eq!(pos.avg_entry_price(&market), 20.0);
assert_eq!(pos.break_even_price(&market), 20.0);
assert_eq!(pos.realized_pnl_for_position_native, I80F48::ZERO); // new position
assert_eq!(realized, I80F48::from(-100));
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::ZERO);
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 11); // 5 * 10 * 0.2 rounded up
assert_eq!(pos.deprecated_realized_trade_pnl_native, I80F48::ZERO);
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
fn test_quote_entry_break_even_price() {
let mut market = test_perp_market(10.0);
let mut pos = create_perp_position(&market, 0, 0);
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
// Buy 11 @ 10,000
let realized_buy = pos.record_trade(&mut market, 11, I80F48::from(-11 * 10_000));
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
// Sell 1 @ 12,000
let realized_sell = pos.record_trade(&mut market, -1, I80F48::from(12_000));
2022-08-11 07:58:47 -07:00
assert_eq!(pos.quote_running_native, -98_000);
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
assert_eq!(pos.base_position_lots, 10);
assert_eq!(pos.break_even_price(&market), 9_800.0); // We made 2k on the trade, so we can sell our contract up to a loss of 200 each
realized_buy + realized_sell
assert_eq!(realized_buy, I80F48::ZERO);
assert_eq!(realized_sell, I80F48::from(2_000));
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::ZERO);
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 3); // 1 * 10 * 0.2 rounded up
assert_eq!(pos.deprecated_realized_trade_pnl_native, I80F48::ZERO);
fn test_entry_and_break_even_prices_with_lots() {
let mut market = test_perp_market(10.0);
market.base_lot_size = 10;
let mut pos = create_perp_position(&market, 0, 0);
// Buy 110 @ 10,000
let realized_buy = pos.record_trade(&mut market, 11, I80F48::from(-11 * 10 * 10_000));
// Sell 10 @ 12,000
let realized_sell = pos.record_trade(&mut market, -1, I80F48::from(1 * 10 * 12_000));
assert_eq!(pos.quote_running_native, -980_000);
assert_eq!(pos.base_position_lots, 10);
assert_eq!(pos.avg_entry_price_per_base_lot, 100_000.0);
assert_eq!(pos.avg_entry_price(&market), 10_000.0);
assert_eq!(pos.break_even_price(&market), 9_800.0);
realized_buy + realized_sell
assert_eq!(realized_buy, I80F48::ZERO);
assert_eq!(realized_sell, I80F48::from(20_000));
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::ZERO);
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 21); // 10 * 10 * 0.2 rounded up
assert_eq!(pos.deprecated_realized_trade_pnl_native, I80F48::ZERO);
fn test_perp_realized_settle_limit_no_reduction() {
let mut market = test_perp_market(10000.0);
let mut pos = create_perp_position(&market, 0, 0);
// Buy 11 @ 10,000
pos.record_trade(&mut market, 11, I80F48::from(-11 * 10_000));
// Sell 1 @ 11,000
pos.record_trade(&mut market, -1, I80F48::from(11_000));
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 1000); // 1 * 10000 * 0.2 rounded up, limited by upnl!
// Sell 1 @ 9,500 -- actually decreases because upnl goes down
pos.record_trade(&mut market, -1, I80F48::from(9_500));
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 500);
// Sell 2 @ 20,000 each -- not limited this time
pos.record_trade(&mut market, -2, I80F48::from(40_000));
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 4501);
// Buy 1 @ 9,000 -- decreases allowance
pos.record_trade(&mut market, 1, I80F48::from(-9_000));
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 2501);
// Sell 1 @ 8,000 -- increases limit
market.stable_price_model.stable_price = 8000.0;
pos.record_trade(&mut market, -1, I80F48::from(8_000));
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 4102);
assert_eq!(pos.deprecated_realized_trade_pnl_native, I80F48::ZERO);
fn test_perp_trade_without_realized_pnl() {
let mut market = test_perp_market(10_000.0);
let mut pos = create_perp_position(&market, 0, 0);
// Buy 11 @ 10,000
pos.record_trade(&mut market, 11, I80F48::from(-11 * 10_000));
// Sell 1 @ 10,000
let realized = pos.record_trade(&mut market, -1, I80F48::from(10_000));
assert_eq!(realized, I80F48::ZERO);
assert_eq!(pos.realized_pnl_for_position_native, I80F48::from(0));
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 0);
// Sell 10 @ 10,000
let realized = pos.record_trade(&mut market, -10, I80F48::from(10 * 10_000));
assert_eq!(realized, I80F48::ZERO);
assert_eq!(pos.realized_pnl_for_position_native, I80F48::from(0));
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 0);
assert_eq!(pos.base_position_lots, 0);
assert_eq!(pos.quote_position_native, I80F48::ZERO);
fn test_perp_oneshot_settle_allowance() {
let mut market = test_perp_market(10_000.0);
let mut pos = create_perp_position(&market, 0, 0);
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::from(70));
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::from(100));
// Buy 1 @ 10,000
pos.record_trade(&mut market, 1, I80F48::from(-1 * 10_000));
// Sell 1 @ 11,000
pos.record_trade(&mut market, -1, I80F48::from(11_000));
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::from(100));
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 1100); // limited by upnl
pos.record_settle(I80F48::from(50), &market);
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::from(50));
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 1050);
pos.record_settle(I80F48::from(100), &market);
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::from(0));
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 950);
fn test_realized_pnl_fractional() {
let mut market = test_perp_market(10.0);
let mut pos = create_perp_position(&market, 0, 0);
pos.quote_position_native += I80F48::from_num(0.1);
// Buy 1 @ 1
pos.record_trade(&mut market, 1, I80F48::from(-1));
// Buy 2 @ 2
pos.record_trade(&mut market, 2, I80F48::from(-2 * 2));
assert!((pos.avg_entry_price(&market) - 1.66666).abs() < 0.001);
// Sell 2 @ 4
let realized1 = pos.record_trade(&mut market, -2, I80F48::from(2 * 4));
assert!((pos.avg_entry_price(&market) - 1.66666).abs() < 0.001);
assert!((realized1.to_num::<f64>() - 4.6666).abs() < 0.01);
// Sell 1 @ 2
let realized2 = pos.record_trade(&mut market, -1, I80F48::from(2));
assert_eq!(pos.avg_entry_price(&market), 0.0);
assert!((pos.quote_position_native.to_num::<f64>() - 5.1).abs() < 0.001);
assert!((realized2.to_num::<f64>() - 0.3333).abs() < 0.01);
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
fn test_perp_entry_multiple_random_long() {
let mut market = test_perp_market(10.0);
let mut pos = create_perp_position(&market, 0, 0);
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
// Generate array of random trades
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let mut trades: Vec<[i64; 2]> = Vec::with_capacity(500);
for _ in 0..trades.capacity() {
let qty: i64 = rng.gen_range(1..=1000);
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
let px: f64 = rng.gen_range(0.1..=100.0);
let quote: i64 = (-qty as f64 * px).round() as i64;
trades.push([qty, quote]);
// Apply all of the trades going forward
let mut total_qty = 0;
let mut total_quote = 0;
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
trades.iter().for_each(|[qty, quote]| {
pos.record_trade(&mut market, *qty, I80F48::from(*quote));
total_qty += qty.abs();
total_quote += quote.abs();
let entry_actual = pos.avg_entry_price(&market);
let entry_expected = total_quote as f64 / total_qty as f64;
assert!(((entry_actual - entry_expected) / entry_expected).abs() < 10.0 * f64::EPSILON);
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
// base_position should be sum of all base quantities
assert_eq!(pos.base_position_lots, total_qty);
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
// Reverse out all the trades
trades.iter().for_each(|[qty, quote]| {
pos.record_trade(&mut market, -*qty, I80F48::from(-*quote));
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
assert_eq!(pos.base_position_lots, 0);
2022-08-11 07:58:47 -07:00
assert_eq!(pos.quote_running_native, 0);
assert_eq!(pos.avg_entry_price_per_base_lot, 0.0);
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00
fn test_perp_position_pnl_returns_correct_pnl_for_oracle_price() {
let mut market = test_perp_market(10.0);
market.base_lot_size = 10;
let long_pos = create_perp_position(&market, 50, 100);
let pnl = long_pos.unsettled_pnl(&market, I80F48::from(11)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(pnl, I80F48::from(50 * 10 * 1), "long profitable");
let pnl = long_pos.unsettled_pnl(&market, I80F48::from(9)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(pnl, I80F48::from(50 * 10 * -1), "long unprofitable");
let short_pos = create_perp_position(&market, -50, 100);
let pnl = short_pos.unsettled_pnl(&market, I80F48::from(11)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(pnl, I80F48::from(50 * 10 * -1), "short unprofitable");
let pnl = short_pos.unsettled_pnl(&market, I80F48::from(9)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(pnl, I80F48::from(50 * 10 * 1), "short profitable");
fn test_perp_settle_limit_allowance_consumption() {
let market = test_perp_market(10.0);
let mut pos = create_perp_position(&market, 0, 0);
// setup some upnl so the recurring allowance isn't reduced immediately
pos.quote_position_native = I80F48::from(1100);
pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance = 1000;
pos.record_settle(I80F48::from(10), &market);
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 1000);
assert_eq!(pos.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native, 10);
pos.record_settle(I80F48::from(-2), &market);
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 1000);
assert_eq!(pos.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native, 8);
pos.record_settle(I80F48::from(492), &market);
assert_eq!(pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance, 600);
8 + 492 - 400
pos.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native = 0;
pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance = 0;
pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance = I80F48::from(4);
assert_eq!(pos.available_settle_limit(&market), (0, 4));
pos.record_settle(I80F48::from(-20), &market);
assert_eq!(pos.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native, -20);
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::from(4));
assert_eq!(pos.available_settle_limit(&market), (0, 24));
pos.record_settle(I80F48::from(2), &market);
assert_eq!(pos.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native, -20);
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::from(2));
assert_eq!(pos.available_settle_limit(&market), (0, 22));
pos.record_settle(I80F48::from(4), &market);
assert_eq!(pos.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native, -18);
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::from(0));
assert_eq!(pos.available_settle_limit(&market), (0, 18));
pos.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native = 0;
pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance = 0;
pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance = I80F48::from(-4);
assert_eq!(pos.available_settle_limit(&market), (-4, 0));
pos.record_settle(I80F48::from(20), &market);
assert_eq!(pos.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native, 20);
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::from(-4));
assert_eq!(pos.available_settle_limit(&market), (-24, 0));
pos.record_settle(I80F48::from(-2), &market);
assert_eq!(pos.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native, 20);
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::from(-2));
assert_eq!(pos.available_settle_limit(&market), (-22, 0));
pos.record_settle(I80F48::from(-4), &market);
assert_eq!(pos.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native, 18);
assert_eq!(pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance, I80F48::from(0));
assert_eq!(pos.available_settle_limit(&market), (-18, 0));
fn test_perp_settle_limit_window() {
let mut market = PerpMarket::default_for_tests();
let mut pos = create_perp_position(&market, 100, -50);
market.settle_pnl_limit_window_size_ts = 100;
pos.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native = 10;
pos.update_settle_limit(&market, 505);
assert_eq!(pos.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native, 0);
assert_eq!(pos.settle_pnl_limit_window, 5);
pos.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native = 10;
pos.update_settle_limit(&market, 550);
assert_eq!(pos.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native, 10);
assert_eq!(pos.settle_pnl_limit_window, 5);
pos.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native = 10;
pos.update_settle_limit(&market, 600);
assert_eq!(pos.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native, 0);
assert_eq!(pos.settle_pnl_limit_window, 6);
market.settle_pnl_limit_window_size_ts = 400;
pos.update_settle_limit(&market, 605);
assert_eq!(pos.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native, 0);
assert_eq!(pos.settle_pnl_limit_window, 1);
fn test_perp_settle_limit() {
let mut market = test_perp_market(0.5);
let mut pos = create_perp_position(&market, 100, 1);
let limited_pnl = |pos: &PerpPosition, market: &PerpMarket, pnl: i64| {
pos.apply_pnl_settle_limit(market, I80F48::from(pnl))
assert_eq!(pos.available_settle_limit(&market), (-10, 10)); // 0.2 factor * 0.5 stable price * 100 lots
assert_eq!(limited_pnl(&pos, &market, 100), 10.0);
assert_eq!(limited_pnl(&pos, &market, -100), -10.0);
pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance = I80F48::from_num(-5);
assert_eq!(pos.available_settle_limit(&market), (-15, 10));
assert_eq!(limited_pnl(&pos, &market, 100), 10.0);
assert_eq!(limited_pnl(&pos, &market, -100), -15.0);
pos.oneshot_settle_pnl_allowance = I80F48::from_num(5);
assert_eq!(pos.available_settle_limit(&market), (-10, 15));
assert_eq!(limited_pnl(&pos, &market, 100), 15.0);
assert_eq!(limited_pnl(&pos, &market, -100), -10.0);
pos.recurring_settle_pnl_allowance = 11;
assert_eq!(pos.available_settle_limit(&market), (-21, 26));
assert_eq!(limited_pnl(&pos, &market, 100), 26.0);
assert_eq!(limited_pnl(&pos, &market, -100), -21.0);
pos.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native = 17;
assert_eq!(pos.available_settle_limit(&market), (-38, 9));
pos.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native = 27;
assert_eq!(pos.available_settle_limit(&market), (-48, 0));
pos.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native = -17;
assert_eq!(pos.available_settle_limit(&market), (-4, 43));
pos.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native = -27;
assert_eq!(pos.available_settle_limit(&market), (0, 53));
pos.settle_pnl_limit_settled_in_current_window_native = 0;
market.stable_price_model.stable_price = 1.0;
assert_eq!(pos.available_settle_limit(&market), (-31, 36));
2022-08-04 07:53:14 -07:00