
381 lines
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Raw Normal View History

use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use derivative::Derivative;
use fixed::types::I80F48;
use num_enum::{IntoPrimitive, TryFromPrimitive};
use static_assertions::const_assert_eq;
use std::mem::size_of;
use crate::error::MangoError;
use crate::i80f48::ClampToInt;
use crate::state::*;
/// Incentive to pay to callers who start an auction, in $1e-6
pub const TCS_START_INCENTIVE: u64 = 1_000; // $0.001 around 10x tx fee right now
Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, IntoPrimitive, TryFromPrimitive, AnchorDeserialize, AnchorSerialize,
pub enum TokenConditionalSwapDisplayPriceStyle {
Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, IntoPrimitive, TryFromPrimitive, AnchorDeserialize, AnchorSerialize,
pub enum TokenConditionalSwapIntention {
/// Reducing a position when the price gets worse
/// Reducing a position when the price gets better
Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, IntoPrimitive, TryFromPrimitive, AnchorDeserialize, AnchorSerialize,
pub enum TokenConditionalSwapType {
#[derive(AnchorDeserialize, AnchorSerialize, Derivative)]
pub struct TokenConditionalSwap {
pub id: u64,
/// maximum amount of native tokens to buy or sell
pub max_buy: u64,
pub max_sell: u64,
/// how many native tokens were already bought/sold
pub bought: u64,
pub sold: u64,
/// timestamp until which the conditional swap is valid
pub expiry_timestamp: u64,
/// The lower or starting price:
/// - For FixedPremium or PremiumAuctions, it's the lower end of the price range:
/// the tcs can only be triggered if the oracle price exceeds this value.
/// - For LinearAuctions it's the starting price that's offered at start_timestamp.
/// The price is always in "sell_token per buy_token" units, which can be computed
/// by dividing the buy token price by the sell token price.
/// For FixedPremium or PremiumAuctions:
/// The price must exceed this threshold to allow execution.
/// This threshold is compared to the "sell_token per buy_token" oracle price.
/// If that price is >= lower_limit and <= upper_limit the tcs may be executable.
/// Example: Stop loss to get out of a SOL long: The user bought SOL at 20 USDC/SOL
/// and wants to stop loss at 18 USDC/SOL. They'd set buy_token=USDC, sell_token=SOL
/// so the reference price is in SOL/USDC units. Set price_lower_limit=toNative(1/18)
/// and price_upper_limit=toNative(1/10). Also set allow_borrows=false.
/// Example: Want to buy SOL with USDC if the price falls below 22 USDC/SOL.
/// buy_token=SOL, sell_token=USDC, reference price is in USDC/SOL units. Set
/// price_upper_limit=toNative(22), price_lower_limit=0.
pub price_lower_limit: f64,
/// Parallel to price_lower_limit, but an upper limit / auction end price.
pub price_upper_limit: f64,
/// The premium to pay over oracle price to incentivize execution.
pub price_premium_rate: f64,
/// The taker receives only premium_price * (1 - taker_fee_rate)
pub taker_fee_rate: f32,
/// The maker has to pay premium_price * (1 + maker_fee_rate)
pub maker_fee_rate: f32,
/// indexes of tokens for the swap
pub buy_token_index: TokenIndex,
pub sell_token_index: TokenIndex,
/// If this struct is in use. (tcs are stored in a static-length array)
pub is_configured: u8,
/// may token purchases create deposits? (often users just want to get out of a borrow)
pub allow_creating_deposits: u8,
/// may token selling create borrows? (often users just want to get out of a long)
pub allow_creating_borrows: u8,
/// The stored prices are always "sell token per buy token", but if the user
/// used "buy token per sell token" when creating the tcs order, we should continue
/// to show them prices in that way.
/// Stores a TokenConditionalSwapDisplayPriceStyle enum value
pub display_price_style: u8,
/// The intention the user had when placing this order, display-only
/// Stores a TokenConditionalSwapIntention enum value
pub intention: u8,
/// Stores a TokenConditionalSwapType enum value
pub tcs_type: u8,
pub padding: [u8; 6],
/// In seconds since epoch. 0 means not-started.
/// FixedPremium: Time of first trigger call. No other effect.
/// PremiumAuction: Time of start or first trigger call. Can continue to trigger once started.
/// LinearAuction: Set during creation, auction starts with price_lower_limit at this timestamp.
pub start_timestamp: u64,
/// Duration of the auction mechanism
/// FixedPremium: ignored
/// PremiumAuction: time after start that the premium needs to scale to price_premium_rate
/// LinearAuction: time after start to go from price_lower_limit to price_upper_limit
pub duration_seconds: u64,
#[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
pub reserved: [u8; 88],
8 * 6 + 8 * 3 + 2 * 4 + 2 * 2 + 1 * 6 + 6 + 2 * 8 + 88
const_assert_eq!(size_of::<TokenConditionalSwap>(), 200);
const_assert_eq!(size_of::<TokenConditionalSwap>() % 8, 0);
impl Default for TokenConditionalSwap {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
id: 0,
max_buy: 0,
max_sell: 0,
bought: 0,
sold: 0,
expiry_timestamp: u64::MAX,
price_lower_limit: 0.0,
price_upper_limit: 0.0,
price_premium_rate: 0.0,
taker_fee_rate: 0.0,
maker_fee_rate: 0.0,
buy_token_index: TokenIndex::MAX,
sell_token_index: TokenIndex::MAX,
is_configured: 0,
allow_creating_borrows: 0,
allow_creating_deposits: 0,
display_price_style: TokenConditionalSwapDisplayPriceStyle::SellTokenPerBuyToken.into(),
intention: TokenConditionalSwapIntention::Unknown.into(),
tcs_type: TokenConditionalSwapType::FixedPremium.into(),
padding: Default::default(),
start_timestamp: 0,
duration_seconds: 0,
reserved: [0; 88],
impl TokenConditionalSwap {
/// Whether the entry is in use
/// Note that it's possible for an entry to be configured but expired.
/// Or to be configured but not started yet.
pub fn is_configured(&self) -> bool {
self.is_configured == 1
pub fn set_is_configured(&mut self, is_configured: bool) {
self.is_configured = u8::from(is_configured);
pub fn tcs_type(&self) -> TokenConditionalSwapType {
pub fn is_expired(&self, now_ts: u64) -> bool {
now_ts >= self.expiry_timestamp
pub fn passed_start(&self, now_ts: u64) -> bool {
self.start_timestamp > 0 && now_ts >= self.start_timestamp
/// Does this tcs type support an explicit tcs_start instruction call?
pub fn is_startable_type(&self) -> bool {
self.tcs_type() == TokenConditionalSwapType::PremiumAuction
pub fn allow_creating_deposits(&self) -> bool {
self.allow_creating_deposits == 1
pub fn allow_creating_borrows(&self) -> bool {
self.allow_creating_borrows == 1
pub fn remaining_buy(&self) -> u64 {
self.max_buy - self.bought
pub fn remaining_sell(&self) -> u64 {
self.max_sell - self.sold
fn start_timestamp_or_now(&self, now_ts: u64) -> u64 {
if self.start_timestamp > 0 {
} else {
/// Base price adjusted for the premium
/// Base price is the amount of sell_token to pay for one buy_token.
pub fn premium_price(&self, base_price: f64, now_ts: u64) -> f64 {
match self.tcs_type() {
TokenConditionalSwapType::FixedPremium => base_price * (1.0 + self.price_premium_rate),
TokenConditionalSwapType::PremiumAuction => {
// Start dynamically when triggerable
let start = self.start_timestamp_or_now(now_ts);
assert!(start <= now_ts);
let duration = self.duration_seconds as f64;
let current = (now_ts - start) as f64;
let progress = (current / duration).min(1.0);
base_price * (1.0 + progress * self.price_premium_rate)
TokenConditionalSwapType::LinearAuction => {
// Start time is fixed
let duration = self.duration_seconds;
let current = now_ts - self.start_timestamp;
if current < duration {
let progress = (current as f64) / (duration as f64);
+ progress * (self.price_upper_limit - self.price_lower_limit)
} else {
// explicitly handle the end to avoid rounding issues
/// Premium price adjusted for the maker fee
pub fn maker_price(&self, premium_price: f64) -> f64 {
premium_price * (1.0 + self.maker_fee_rate as f64)
/// Premium price adjusted for the taker fee
pub fn taker_price(&self, premium_price: f64) -> f64 {
premium_price * (1.0 - self.taker_fee_rate as f64)
pub fn maker_fee(&self, base_sell_amount: I80F48) -> u64 {
(base_sell_amount * I80F48::from_num(self.maker_fee_rate))
pub fn taker_fee(&self, base_sell_amount: I80F48) -> u64 {
(base_sell_amount * I80F48::from_num(self.taker_fee_rate))
fn price_in_range(&self, price: f64) -> bool {
price >= self.price_lower_limit && price <= self.price_upper_limit
/// Do the current conditions and tcs type allow starting?
pub fn check_startable(&self, price: f64, now_ts: u64) -> Result<()> {
self.start_timestamp == 0,
pub fn is_startable(&self, price: f64, now_ts: u64) -> bool {
self.check_startable(price, now_ts).is_ok()
pub fn check_triggerable(&self, price: f64, now_ts: u64) -> Result<()> {
match self.tcs_type() {
TokenConditionalSwapType::FixedPremium => {
TokenConditionalSwapType::PremiumAuction | TokenConditionalSwapType::LinearAuction => {
// Triggerable once started, whatever the current oracle price
pub fn is_triggerable(&self, price: f64, now_ts: u64) -> bool {
self.check_triggerable(price, now_ts).is_ok()
/// The remaining buy amount, taking the current buy token position and
/// buy bank's reduce-only status into account.
/// Note that the account health might further restrict execution.
pub fn max_buy_for_position(&self, buy_position: I80F48, buy_bank: &Bank) -> u64 {
if self.allow_creating_deposits() && !buy_bank.are_deposits_reduce_only() {
} else {
// ceil() because we're ok reaching 0..1 deposited native tokens
/// The remaining sell amount, taking the current sell token position and
/// sell bank's reduce-only status into account.
/// Note that the account health might further restrict execution.
pub fn max_sell_for_position(&self, sell_position: I80F48, sell_bank: &Bank) -> u64 {
if self.allow_creating_borrows() && !sell_bank.are_borrows_reduce_only() {
} else {
// floor() so we never go below 0