#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e pipefail ANCHOR_BRANCH=v0.25.0-mangov4 ANCHOR_FORK=$(cd ../anchor && git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) if [ "$ANCHOR_FORK" != "$ANCHOR_BRANCH" ]; then echo "Check out anchor fork at git@github.com:blockworks-foundation/anchor.git, and switch to branch $ANCHOR_BRANCH!" exit 1; fi WALLET_WITH_FUNDS=~/.config/solana/mango-devnet.json PROGRAM_ID=m43thNJ58XCjL798ZSq6JGAG1BnWskhdq5or6kcnfsD # TODO fix need for --skip-lint # build program, cargo run --manifest-path ../anchor/cli/Cargo.toml build --skip-lint # patch types, which we want in rust, but anchor client doesn't support ./idl-fixup.sh # update types in ts client package cp -v ./target/types/mango_v4.ts ./ts/client/src/mango_v4.ts (cd ./ts/client && yarn tsc) if [[ -z "${NO_DEPLOY}" ]]; then # publish program solana --url https://mango.devnet.rpcpool.com program deploy --program-id $PROGRAM_ID \ -k $WALLET_WITH_FUNDS target/deploy/mango_v4.so --skip-fee-check # # publish idl cargo run --manifest-path ../anchor/cli/Cargo.toml idl upgrade --provider.cluster https://mango.devnet.rpcpool.com --provider.wallet $WALLET_WITH_FUNDS \ --filepath target/idl/mango_v4.json $PROGRAM_ID else echo "Skipping deployment..." fi # build npm package (cd ./ts/client && tsc)