import { AnchorProvider, Wallet } from '@project-serum/anchor'; import { Connection, Keypair, PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js'; import fs from 'fs'; import { Serum3OrderType, Serum3SelfTradeBehavior, Serum3Side, } from '../accounts/serum3'; import { Side, PerpOrderType } from '../accounts/perp'; import { MangoAccount } from '../accounts/mangoAccount'; import { MangoClient } from '../client'; import { MANGO_V4_ID } from '../constants'; // // This script creates liquidation candidates // const GROUP_NUM = Number(process.env.GROUP_NUM || 200); // native prices const PRICES = { BTC: 20000.0, SOL: 0.04, USDC: 1, }; const MAINNET_MINTS = new Map([ ['USDC', 'EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v'], ['BTC', '9n4nbM75f5Ui33ZbPYXn59EwSgE8CGsHtAeTH5YFeJ9E'], ['SOL', 'So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112'], ['MNGO', 'MangoCzJ36AjZyKwVj3VnYU4GTonjfVEnJmvvWaxLac'], ]); const TOKEN_SCENARIOS: [string, string, number, string, number][] = [ ['LIQTEST, LIQOR', 'USDC', 1000000, 'USDC', 0], ['LIQTEST, A: USDC, L: SOL', 'USDC', 1000 * PRICES.SOL, 'SOL', 920], ['LIQTEST, A: SOL, L: USDC', 'SOL', 1000, 'USDC', 920 * PRICES.SOL], ['LIQTEST, A: BTC, L: SOL', 'BTC', 20, 'SOL', (18 * PRICES.BTC) / PRICES.SOL], ]; async function main() { const options = AnchorProvider.defaultOptions(); const connection = new Connection(process.env.CLUSTER_URL!, options); const admin = Keypair.fromSecretKey( Buffer.from( JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(process.env.MANGO_MAINNET_PAYER_KEYPAIR!, 'utf-8'), ), ), ); const userWallet = new Wallet(admin); const userProvider = new AnchorProvider(connection, userWallet, options); const client = await MangoClient.connect( userProvider, 'mainnet-beta', MANGO_V4_ID['mainnet-beta'], {}, 'get-program-accounts', ); console.log(`User ${userWallet.publicKey.toBase58()}`); // fetch group const group = await client.getGroupForCreator(admin.publicKey, GROUP_NUM); console.log(group.toString()); const accounts = await client.getMangoAccountsForOwner( group, admin.publicKey, ); let maxAccountNum = Math.max(0, => a.accountNum)); const fundingAccount = accounts.find( (account) => == 'LIQTEST, FUNDING', ); if (!fundingAccount) { throw new Error('could not find funding account'); } async function createMangoAccount(name: string): Promise { const accountNum = maxAccountNum + 1; maxAccountNum = maxAccountNum + 1; await client.createMangoAccount(group, accountNum, name, 4, 4, 4, 4); return (await client.getMangoAccountForOwner( group, admin.publicKey, accountNum, ))!; } for (const scenario of TOKEN_SCENARIOS) { const [name, assetName, assetAmount, liabName, liabAmount] = scenario; // create account console.log(`Creating mangoaccount...`); let mangoAccount = await createMangoAccount(name); console.log( `...created mangoAccount ${mangoAccount.publicKey} for ${name}`, ); const assetMint = new PublicKey(MAINNET_MINTS.get(assetName)!); const liabMint = new PublicKey(MAINNET_MINTS.get(liabName)!); await client.tokenDepositNative( group, mangoAccount, assetMint, assetAmount, ); await mangoAccount.reload(client, group); if (liabAmount > 0) { // temporarily drop the borrowed token value, so the borrow goes through const oracle = group.banksMapByName.get(liabName)![0].oracle; try { await client.stubOracleSet(group, oracle, PRICES[liabName] / 2); await client.tokenWithdrawNative( group, mangoAccount, liabMint, liabAmount, true, ); } finally { // restore the oracle await client.stubOracleSet(group, oracle, PRICES[liabName]); } } } // Serum order scenario { const name = 'LIQTEST, serum orders'; console.log(`Creating mangoaccount...`); let mangoAccount = await createMangoAccount(name); console.log( `...created mangoAccount ${mangoAccount.publicKey} for ${name}`, ); const market = group.findSerum3MarketByName('SOL/USDC')!; const sellMint = new PublicKey(MAINNET_MINTS.get('USDC')!); const buyMint = new PublicKey(MAINNET_MINTS.get('SOL')!); await client.tokenDepositNative(group, mangoAccount, sellMint, 100000); await mangoAccount.reload(client, group); // temporarily up the init asset weight of the bought token await client.tokenEdit( group, buyMint, null, null, null, null, null, null, 1.0, 1.0, null, null, null, ); try { // At a price of $1/ui-SOL we can buy 0.1 ui-SOL for the 100k native-USDC we have. // With maint weight of 0.9 we have 10x main-leverage. Buying 12x as much causes liquidation. await client.serum3PlaceOrder( group, mangoAccount, market.serumMarketExternal,, 1, 12 * 0.1, Serum3SelfTradeBehavior.abortTransaction, Serum3OrderType.limit, 0, 5, ); } finally { // restore the weights await client.tokenEdit( group, buyMint, null, null, null, null, null, null, 0.9, 0.8, null, null, null, ); } } // Perp orders bring health <0, liquidator force closes { const name = 'LIQTEST, perp orders'; console.log(`Creating mangoaccount...`); let mangoAccount = await createMangoAccount(name); console.log( `...created mangoAccount ${mangoAccount.publicKey} for ${name}`, ); const baseMint = new PublicKey(MAINNET_MINTS.get('MNGO')!); const collateralMint = new PublicKey(MAINNET_MINTS.get('SOL')!); const collateralOracle = group.banksMapByName.get('SOL')![0].oracle; await client.tokenDepositNative( group, mangoAccount, collateralMint, 100000, ); // valued as $0.004 maint collateral await mangoAccount.reload(client, group); await client.stubOracleSet(group, collateralOracle, PRICES['SOL'] * 4); try { await client.perpPlaceOrder( group, mangoAccount, 'MNGO-PERP',, 1, // ui price that won't get hit 0.0011, // ui base quantity, 11 base lots, $0.044 0.044, // ui quote quantity 4200, PerpOrderType.limit, 0, 5, ); } finally { await client.stubOracleSet(group, collateralOracle, PRICES['SOL']); } } // Perp base pos brings health<0, liquidator takes most of it { const name = 'LIQTEST, perp base pos'; console.log(`Creating mangoaccount...`); let mangoAccount = await createMangoAccount(name); console.log( `...created mangoAccount ${mangoAccount.publicKey} for ${name}`, ); const baseMint = new PublicKey(MAINNET_MINTS.get('MNGO')!); const collateralMint = new PublicKey(MAINNET_MINTS.get('SOL')!); const collateralOracle = group.banksMapByName.get('SOL')![0].oracle; await client.tokenDepositNative( group, mangoAccount, collateralMint, 100000, ); // valued as $0.004 maint collateral await mangoAccount.reload(client, group); await client.stubOracleSet(group, collateralOracle, PRICES['SOL'] * 5); try { await client.perpPlaceOrder( group, fundingAccount, 'MNGO-PERP', Side.ask, 40, 0.0011, // ui base quantity, 11 base lots, $0.044 0.044, // ui quote quantity 4200, PerpOrderType.limit, 0, 5, ); await client.perpPlaceOrder( group, mangoAccount, 'MNGO-PERP',, 40, 0.0011, // ui base quantity, 11 base lots, $0.044 0.044, // ui quote quantity 4200,, 0, 5, ); await client.perpConsumeAllEvents(group, 'MNGO-PERP'); } finally { await client.stubOracleSet(group, collateralOracle, PRICES['SOL']); } } process.exit(); } main();