import { AnchorProvider, Wallet } from '@project-serum/anchor'; import { AddressLookupTableProgram, Connection, Keypair, PublicKey, } from '@solana/web3.js'; import fs from 'fs'; import { MangoClient } from '../client'; import { MANGO_V4_ID } from '../constants'; import { buildVersionedTx } from '../utils'; // // An example for admins based on high level api i.e. the client // Depoys a new mango group to devnet, registers 4 tokens, and 1 serum3 spot market // // process.env.ADMIN_KEYPAIR - group admin keypair path // to create a new admin keypair: // * solana-keygen new --outfile ~/.config/solana/admin.json // * solana airdrop 1 -k ~/.config/solana/admin.json // // TODO: switch out with devnet openbook markets const DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS = new Map([ ['BTC/USDC', 'DW83EpHFywBxCHmyARxwj3nzxJd7MUdSeznmrdzZKNZB'], ['SOL/USDC', '5xWpt56U1NCuHoAEtpLeUrQcxDkEpNfScjfLFaRzLPgR'], ['ETH/USDC', 'BkAraCyL9TTLbeMY3L1VWrPcv32DvSi5QDDQjik1J6Ac'], ['SRM/USDC', '249LDNPLLL29nRq8kjBTg9hKdXMcZf4vK2UvxszZYcuZ'], ]); const DEVNET_MINTS = new Map([ ['USDC', '8FRFC6MoGGkMFQwngccyu69VnYbzykGeez7ignHVAFSN'], // use devnet usdc ['BTC', '3UNBZ6o52WTWwjac2kPUb4FyodhU1vFkRJheu1Sh2TvU'], ['SOL', 'So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112'], ['ORCA', 'orcarKHSqC5CDDsGbho8GKvwExejWHxTqGzXgcewB9L'], ['MNGO', 'Bb9bsTQa1bGEtQ5KagGkvSHyuLqDWumFUcRqFusFNJWC'], ['ETH', 'Cu84KB3tDL6SbFgToHMLYVDJJXdJjenNzSKikeAvzmkA'], ['SRM', 'AvtB6w9xboLwA145E221vhof5TddhqsChYcx7Fy3xVMH'], ]); const DEVNET_ORACLES = new Map([ ['BTC', 'HovQMDrbAgAYPCmHVSrezcSmkMtXSSUsLDFANExrZh2J'], ['SOL', 'J83w4HKfqxwcq3BEMMkPFSppX3gqekLyLJBexebFVkix'], ['ORCA', 'A1WttWF7X3Rg6ZRpB2YQUFHCRh1kiXV8sKKLV3S9neJV'], ['MNGO', '8k7F9Xb36oFJsjpCKpsXvg4cgBRoZtwNTc3EzG5Ttd2o'], ['ETH', 'EdVCmQ9FSPcVe5YySXDPCRmc8aDQLKJ9xvYBMZPie1Vw'], ['SRM', '992moaMQKs32GKZ9dxi8keyM2bUmbrwBZpK4p2K6X5Vs'], ]); // TODO: should these constants be baked right into client.ts or even program? const MIN_VAULT_TO_DEPOSITS_RATIO = 0.2; const NET_BORROWS_WINDOW_SIZE_TS = 24 * 60 * 60; const NET_BORROWS_LIMIT_NATIVE = 1 * Math.pow(10, 7) * Math.pow(10, 6); const GROUP_NUM = Number(process.env.GROUP_NUM || 0); async function main() { const options = AnchorProvider.defaultOptions(); const connection = new Connection( '', options, ); const admin = Keypair.fromSecretKey( Buffer.from( JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(process.env.ADMIN_KEYPAIR!, 'utf-8')), ), ); const adminWallet = new Wallet(admin); console.log(`Admin ${adminWallet.publicKey.toBase58()}`); const adminProvider = new AnchorProvider(connection, adminWallet, options); const client = await MangoClient.connect( adminProvider, 'devnet', MANGO_V4_ID['devnet'], { idsSource: 'get-program-accounts', }, ); // group console.log(`Creating Group...`); const insuranceMint = new PublicKey(DEVNET_MINTS.get('USDC')!); try { await client.groupCreate(GROUP_NUM, true, 0, insuranceMint); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } const group = await client.getGroupForCreator(admin.publicKey, GROUP_NUM); console.log(`...registered group ${group.publicKey}`); const defaultOracleConfig = { confFilter: 0.1, maxStalenessSlots: null, }; const defaultInterestRate = { adjustmentFactor: 0.004, util0: 0.7, rate0: 0.1, util1: 0.85, rate1: 0.2, maxRate: 2.0, }; // stub oracle + register token 0 console.log(`Registering USDC...`); const usdcDevnetMint = new PublicKey(DEVNET_MINTS.get('USDC')!); try { await client.stubOracleCreate(group, usdcDevnetMint, 1.0); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } const usdcDevnetOracle = ( await client.getStubOracle(group, usdcDevnetMint) )[0]; console.log(`...created stub oracle ${usdcDevnetOracle.publicKey}`); try { await client.tokenRegister( group, usdcDevnetMint, usdcDevnetOracle.publicKey, defaultOracleConfig, 0, // tokenIndex 'USDC', defaultInterestRate, 0.005, 0.0005, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, MIN_VAULT_TO_DEPOSITS_RATIO, NET_BORROWS_WINDOW_SIZE_TS, NET_BORROWS_LIMIT_NATIVE, ); await group.reloadAll(client); } catch (error) {} // register token 1 console.log(`Registering BTC...`); const btcDevnetMint = new PublicKey(DEVNET_MINTS.get('BTC')!); const btcDevnetOracle = new PublicKey(DEVNET_ORACLES.get('BTC')!); try { await client.tokenRegister( group, btcDevnetMint, btcDevnetOracle, defaultOracleConfig, 1, // tokenIndex 'BTC', defaultInterestRate, 0.005, 0.0005, 0.9, 0.8, 1.1, 1.2, 0.05, MIN_VAULT_TO_DEPOSITS_RATIO, NET_BORROWS_WINDOW_SIZE_TS, NET_BORROWS_LIMIT_NATIVE, ); await group.reloadAll(client); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } // register token 2 console.log(`Registering SOL...`); const solDevnetMint = new PublicKey(DEVNET_MINTS.get('SOL')!); const solDevnetOracle = new PublicKey(DEVNET_ORACLES.get('SOL')!); try { await client.tokenRegister( group, solDevnetMint, solDevnetOracle, defaultOracleConfig, 2, // tokenIndex 'SOL', defaultInterestRate, 0.005, 0.0005, 0.9, 0.8, 1.1, 1.2, 0.05, MIN_VAULT_TO_DEPOSITS_RATIO, NET_BORROWS_WINDOW_SIZE_TS, NET_BORROWS_LIMIT_NATIVE, ); await group.reloadAll(client); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } // register token 3 console.log(`Registering ORCA...`); const orcaDevnetMint = new PublicKey(DEVNET_MINTS.get('ORCA')!); const orcaDevnetOracle = new PublicKey(DEVNET_ORACLES.get('ORCA')!); try { await client.tokenRegister( group, orcaDevnetMint, orcaDevnetOracle, defaultOracleConfig, 3, // tokenIndex 'ORCA', { adjustmentFactor: 0.01, util0: 0.4, rate0: 0.07, util1: 0.8, rate1: 0.9, maxRate: 0.63, // weird? }, 0.0005, 0.0005, 0.8, 0.6, 1.2, 1.4, 0.02, MIN_VAULT_TO_DEPOSITS_RATIO, NET_BORROWS_WINDOW_SIZE_TS, NET_BORROWS_LIMIT_NATIVE, ); await group.reloadAll(client); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } // register token 7 console.log(`Registering ETH...`); const ethDevnetMint = new PublicKey(DEVNET_MINTS.get('ETH')!); const ethDevnetOracle = new PublicKey(DEVNET_ORACLES.get('ETH')!); try { await client.tokenRegister( group, ethDevnetMint, ethDevnetOracle, defaultOracleConfig, 7, // tokenIndex 'ETH', defaultInterestRate, 0.005, 0.0005, 0.9, 0.8, 1.1, 1.2, 0.05, MIN_VAULT_TO_DEPOSITS_RATIO, NET_BORROWS_WINDOW_SIZE_TS, NET_BORROWS_LIMIT_NATIVE, ); await group.reloadAll(client); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } // register token 5 console.log(`Registering SRM...`); const srmDevnetMint = new PublicKey(DEVNET_MINTS.get('SRM')!); const srmDevnetOracle = new PublicKey(DEVNET_ORACLES.get('SRM')!); try { await client.tokenRegister( group, srmDevnetMint, srmDevnetOracle, defaultOracleConfig, 5, // tokenIndex 'SRM', defaultInterestRate, 0.005, 0.0005, 0.9, 0.8, 1.1, 1.2, 0.05, MIN_VAULT_TO_DEPOSITS_RATIO, NET_BORROWS_WINDOW_SIZE_TS, NET_BORROWS_LIMIT_NATIVE, ); await group.reloadAll(client); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } console.log( `Editing group, setting existing admin as fastListingAdmin to be able to add MNGO truslessly...`, ); let sig = await client.groupEdit( group, group.admin, group.admin, undefined, undefined, ); console.log(`sig${sig}?cluster=devnet`); console.log(`Registering MNGO...`); const mngoDevnetMint = new PublicKey(DEVNET_MINTS.get('MNGO')!); const mngoDevnetOracle = new PublicKey(DEVNET_ORACLES.get('MNGO')!); try { await client.tokenRegisterTrustless( group, mngoDevnetMint, mngoDevnetOracle, 4, 'MNGO', ); await group.reloadAll(client); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } // log tokens/banks group.consoleLogBanks(); // register serum market console.log(`Registering serum3 market...`); let serumMarketExternalPk = new PublicKey( DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS.get('BTC/USDC')!, ); try { await client.serum3RegisterMarket( group, serumMarketExternalPk, group.getFirstBankByMint(btcDevnetMint), group.getFirstBankByMint(usdcDevnetMint), 0, 'BTC/USDC', ); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } const markets = await client.serum3GetMarkets( group, group.getFirstBankByMint(btcDevnetMint).tokenIndex, group.getFirstBankByMint(usdcDevnetMint).tokenIndex, ); console.log(`...registered serum3 market ${markets[0].publicKey}`); serumMarketExternalPk = new PublicKey(DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS.get('ETH/USDC')!); try { await client.serum3RegisterMarket( group, serumMarketExternalPk, group.getFirstBankByMint(ethDevnetMint), group.getFirstBankByMint(usdcDevnetMint), 1, 'ETH/USDC', ); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } serumMarketExternalPk = new PublicKey(DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS.get('SRM/USDC')!); try { await client.serum3RegisterMarket( group, serumMarketExternalPk, group.getFirstBankByMint(srmDevnetMint), group.getFirstBankByMint(usdcDevnetMint), 2, 'SRM/USDC', ); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } // register perp market console.log(`Registering perp market...`); try { await client.perpCreateMarket( group, btcDevnetOracle, 0, 'BTC-PERP', defaultOracleConfig, 6, 10, 100, 0.975, 0.95, 1.025, 1.05, 0.012, 0.0002, 0.0, 0, 0.05, 0.05, 100, true, true, 1000, 1000000, 0.05, 0, 1.0, 2 * 60 * 60, ); console.log('done'); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } const perpMarkets = await client.perpGetMarkets(group); console.log(`...created perp market ${perpMarkets[0].publicKey}`); // // edit // if (true) { console.log(`Editing USDC...`); try { let sig = await client.tokenEdit( group, usdcDevnetMint, usdcDevnetOracle.publicKey, defaultOracleConfig, null, defaultInterestRate, 0.005, 0.0005, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, null, null, null, MIN_VAULT_TO_DEPOSITS_RATIO, NET_BORROWS_WINDOW_SIZE_TS, NET_BORROWS_LIMIT_NATIVE, null, null, false, false, ); console.log(`${sig}?cluster=devnet`); await group.reloadAll(client); console.log(group.getFirstBankByMint(btcDevnetMint).toString()); } catch (error) { throw error; } console.log(`Editing BTC...`); try { let sig = await client.tokenEdit( group, usdcDevnetMint, usdcDevnetOracle.publicKey, defaultOracleConfig, null, defaultInterestRate, 0.005, 0.0005, 0.9, 0.8, 1.1, 1.2, 0.05, null, null, null, MIN_VAULT_TO_DEPOSITS_RATIO, NET_BORROWS_WINDOW_SIZE_TS, NET_BORROWS_LIMIT_NATIVE, null, null, false, false, ); console.log(`${sig}?cluster=devnet`); await group.reloadAll(client); console.log(group.getFirstBankByMint(btcDevnetMint).toString()); } catch (error) { throw error; } console.log(`Editing SOL...`); try { let sig = await client.tokenEdit( group, usdcDevnetMint, usdcDevnetOracle.publicKey, defaultOracleConfig, null, defaultInterestRate, 0.005, 0.0005, 0.9, 0.8, 1.1, 1.2, 0.05, null, null, null, MIN_VAULT_TO_DEPOSITS_RATIO, NET_BORROWS_WINDOW_SIZE_TS, NET_BORROWS_LIMIT_NATIVE, null, null, false, false, ); console.log(`${sig}?cluster=devnet`); await group.reloadAll(client); console.log(group.getFirstBankByMint(btcDevnetMint).toString()); } catch (error) { throw error; } console.log(`Editing BTC-PERP...`); try { let sig = await client.perpEditMarket( group, group.getPerpMarketByName('BTC-PERP').perpMarketIndex, btcDevnetOracle, defaultOracleConfig, 6, 0.975, 0.95, 1.025, 1.05, 0.012, 0.0002, 0.0, 0, 0.05, 0.05, 100, true, true, 1000, 1000000, 0.05, MIN_VAULT_TO_DEPOSITS_RATIO, NET_BORROWS_WINDOW_SIZE_TS, NET_BORROWS_LIMIT_NATIVE, 1.0, 2 * 60 * 60, ); console.log(`${sig}?cluster=devnet`); await group.reloadAll(client); console.log(group.getFirstBankByMint(btcDevnetMint).toString()); } catch (error) { throw error; } } if ( // true group.addressLookupTables[0].equals(PublicKey.default) ) { try { console.log(`ALT: Creating`); const createIx = AddressLookupTableProgram.createLookupTable({ authority: admin.publicKey, payer: admin.publicKey, recentSlot: await connection.getSlot('finalized'), }); const createTx = await buildVersionedTx( client.program.provider as AnchorProvider, [createIx[0]], ); let sig = await connection.sendTransaction(createTx); console.log( `...created ALT ${createIx[1]}${sig}?cluster=devnet`, ); console.log(`ALT: set at index 0 for group...`); sig = await client.altSet( group, new PublicKey('EmN5RjHUFsoag7tZ2AyBL2N8JrhV7nLMKgNbpCfzC81D'), 0, ); console.log(`...${sig}?cluster=devnet`); // Extend using a mango v4 program ix // Throws > Instruction references an unknown account 11111111111111111111111111111111 atm // console.log( `ALT: extending using mango v4 program with bank publick keys and oracles`, ); // let sig = await client.altExtend( // group, // new PublicKey('EmN5RjHUFsoag7tZ2AyBL2N8JrhV7nLMKgNbpCfzC81D'), // 0, // Array.from(group.banksMapByMint.values()) // .flat() // .map((bank) => [bank.publicKey,]) // .flat(), // ); // console.log(`${sig}?cluster=devnet`); console.log(`ALT: extending manually with bank publick keys and oracles`); const extendIx = AddressLookupTableProgram.extendLookupTable({ lookupTable: createIx[1], payer: admin.publicKey, authority: admin.publicKey, addresses: Array.from(group.banksMapByMint.values()) .flat() .map((bank) => [bank.publicKey,]) .flat(), }); const extendTx = await buildVersionedTx( client.program.provider as AnchorProvider, [extendIx], ); sig = await client.program.provider.connection.sendTransaction(extendTx); console.log(`${sig}?cluster=devnet`); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } } try { } catch (error) { console.log(error); } process.exit(); } main();