import { BN } from '@project-serum/anchor'; import { utf8 } from '@project-serum/anchor/dist/cjs/utils/bytes'; import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js'; import { MangoClient } from '../client'; import { nativeI80F48ToUi } from '../utils'; import { Bank, QUOTE_DECIMALS } from './bank'; import { Group } from './group'; import { HealthCache, HealthCacheDto } from './healthCache'; import { I80F48, I80F48Dto, ONE_I80F48, ZERO_I80F48 } from './I80F48'; export class MangoAccount { public tokens: TokenPosition[]; public serum3: Serum3Orders[]; public perps: PerpPositions[]; public name: string; static from( publicKey: PublicKey, obj: { group: PublicKey; owner: PublicKey; name: number[]; delegate: PublicKey; beingLiquidated: number; isBankrupt: number; accountNum: number; bump: number; netDeposits: number; netSettled: number; headerVersion: number; tokens: unknown; serum3: Object; perps: unknown; perpOpenOrders: unknown; }, ) { return new MangoAccount( publicKey,, obj.owner,, obj.delegate, obj.beingLiquidated, obj.isBankrupt, obj.accountNum, obj.bump, obj.netDeposits, obj.netSettled, obj.headerVersion, obj.tokens as TokenPositionDto[], obj.serum3 as Serum3PositionDto[], obj.perps as PerpPositionDto[], obj.perpOpenOrders as any, {}, ); } constructor( public publicKey: PublicKey, public group: PublicKey, public owner: PublicKey, name: number[], public delegate: PublicKey, beingLiquidated: number, isBankrupt: number, public accountNum: number, bump: number, netDeposits: number, netSettled: number, headerVersion: number, tokens: TokenPositionDto[], serum3: Serum3PositionDto[], perps: PerpPositionDto[], perpOpenOrders: PerpPositionDto[], public accountData: {}, ) { = utf8.decode(new Uint8Array(name)).split('\x00')[0]; this.tokens = => TokenPosition.from(dto)); this.serum3 = => Serum3Orders.from(dto)); this.perps = => PerpPositions.from(dto)); } async reload(client: MangoClient, group: Group) { Object.assign(this, await client.getMangoAccount(this)); await this.reloadAccountData(client, group); } async reloadAccountData(client: MangoClient, group: Group) { this.accountData = await client.computeAccountData(group, this); } findToken(tokenIndex: number): TokenPosition | undefined { return this.tokens.find((ta) => ta.tokenIndex == tokenIndex); } findSerum3Account(marketIndex: number): Serum3Orders | undefined { return this.serum3.find((sa) => sa.marketIndex == marketIndex); } getNative(bank: Bank): I80F48 { const ta = this.findToken(bank.tokenIndex); return ta ? ta.native(bank) : ZERO_I80F48; } static getEquivalentNativeUsdcPosition( sourceBank: Bank, nativeTokenPosition: TokenPosition, ): I80F48 { return nativeTokenPosition ? nativeTokenPosition .native(sourceBank) .mul(I80F48.fromNumber(Math.pow(10, QUOTE_DECIMALS))) .div(I80F48.fromNumber(Math.pow(10, sourceBank.mintDecimals))) .mul(sourceBank.price) : ZERO_I80F48; } static getEquivalentNativeTokenPosition( targetBank: Bank, nativeUsdcPosition: I80F48, ): I80F48 { return nativeUsdcPosition .div(targetBank.price) .div(I80F48.fromNumber(Math.pow(10, QUOTE_DECIMALS))) .mul(I80F48.fromNumber(Math.pow(10, targetBank.mintDecimals))); } getNativeDeposits(bank: Bank): I80F48 { const native = this.getNative(bank); return native.gte(ZERO_I80F48) ? native : ZERO_I80F48; } getNativeBorrows(bank: Bank): I80F48 { const native = this.getNative(bank); return native.lte(ZERO_I80F48) ? native : ZERO_I80F48; } getUi(bank: Bank): number { const ta = this.findToken(bank.tokenIndex); return ta ? ta.ui(bank) : 0; } deposits(bank: Bank): number { const ta = this.findToken(bank.tokenIndex); return ta ? ta.uiDeposits(bank) : 0; } borrows(bank: Bank): number { const ta = this.findToken(bank.tokenIndex); return ta ? ta.uiBorrows(bank) : 0; } getHealth(healthType: HealthType): I80F48 { return healthType == HealthType.init ? (this.accountData as MangoAccountData).initHealth : (this.accountData as MangoAccountData).maintHealth; } /** * TODO: this is incorrect, getAssetsVal and getLiabsVal are in equity, and not in given health type. * Wait for dev to be deployed to mainnet, and then we can adapt this. */ getHealthRatio(healthType: HealthType): I80F48 { const assets = this.getAssetsVal(); const liabs = this.getLiabsVal(); return ? assets.div(liabs).sub(ONE_I80F48).mul(I80F48.fromNumber(100)) : I80F48.fromNumber(100); } /** * Sum of all the assets i.e. token deposits, borrows, total assets in spot open orders, (perps positions is todo) in terms of quote value. */ getEquity(): I80F48 { const equity = (this.accountData as MangoAccountData).equity; let total_equity = equity.tokens.reduce( (a, b) => a.add(b.value), ZERO_I80F48, ); return total_equity; } /** * The amount of native quote you could withdraw against your existing assets. */ getCollateralValue(): I80F48 { return this.getHealth(HealthType.init); } /** * Similar to getEquity, but only the sum of all positive assets. */ getAssetsVal(): I80F48 { const equity = (this.accountData as MangoAccountData).equity; let total_equity = equity.tokens.reduce( (a, b) => ( ? a.add(b.value) : a), ZERO_I80F48, ); return total_equity; } /** * Similar to getEquity, but only the sum of all negative assets. Note: return value would be negative. */ getLiabsVal(): I80F48 { const equity = (this.accountData as MangoAccountData).equity; let total_equity = equity.tokens.reduce( (a, b) => ( ? a.add(b.value) : a), ZERO_I80F48, ); return total_equity; } /** * The amount of given native token you can borrow, considering all existing assets as collateral except the deposits for this token. * Note 1: The existing native deposits need to be added to get the full amount that could be withdrawn. * Note 2: The group might have less native deposits than what this returns. TODO: loan origination fees */ getMaxWithdrawWithBorrowForToken(group: Group, tokenName: string): I80F48 { const bank = group.banksMap.get(tokenName); const initHealth = (this.accountData as MangoAccountData).initHealth; const inUsdcUnits = MangoAccount.getEquivalentNativeUsdcPosition( bank, this.findToken(bank.tokenIndex), ).max(ZERO_I80F48); const newInitHealth = initHealth.sub(inUsdcUnits.mul(bank.initAssetWeight)); return MangoAccount.getEquivalentNativeTokenPosition( bank, newInitHealth.div(bank.initLiabWeight), ); } /** * The amount of given source native token you can swap to a target token considering all existing assets as collateral. * note: slippageAndFeesFactor is a normalized number, <1, e.g. a slippage of 5% and some fees which are 1%, then slippageAndFeesFactor = 0.94 * the factor is used to compute how much target can be obtained by swapping source TODO: loan origination fees */ getMaxSourceForTokenSwap( group: Group, sourceTokenName: string, targetTokenName: string, slippageAndFeesFactor: number, ): I80F48 { const initHealth = (this.accountData as MangoAccountData).initHealth; const sourceBank = group.banksMap.get(sourceTokenName); const targetBank = group.banksMap.get(targetTokenName); // This is a conservative approximation of the easy case, where // mango account has no token positions for source and target tokens, or // borrows for source and deposits for target tokens before the swap. // Tighter estimates can be obtained by adding cases where deposits can exist for source, // and borrows for target. TODO: solve this by searching over a blackbox like health formula. // Lets solve below for s, // h - s * slw + t * taw = 0 // where h is init_health, s is source amount in usdc native units, and t is target amount in usdc native units // where t = s * slip ( s < 1), where slip is factor for slippage and fees which is normalised e.g. for 5% slippage, slip = 0.95 // h - s * (slw - slip * taw) = 0 // s = h / ( slw - slip * taw ) return initHealth .div( sourceBank.initLiabWeight.sub( I80F48.fromNumber(slippageAndFeesFactor).mul( targetBank.initAssetWeight, ), ), ) .div(sourceBank.price); } /** * Simulates new health after applying tokenChanges to the token positions. Useful to simulate health after a potential swap. */ simHealthWithTokenPositionChanges( group: Group, tokenChanges: { tokenName: string; tokenAmount: number }[], ): I80F48 { // This is a approximation of the easy case, where // mango account has no token positions for tokens in changes list, or // the change is in direction e.g. deposits for deposits, borrows for borrows, of existing token position. // TODO: recompute entire health using components. const initHealth = (this.accountData as MangoAccountData).initHealth; for (const change of tokenChanges) { const bank = group.banksMap.get(change.tokenName); if (change.tokenAmount >= 0) { initHealth.add( bank.initAssetWeight .mul(I80F48.fromNumber(change.tokenAmount)) .mul(bank.price), ); } else { initHealth.sub( bank.initLiabWeight .mul(I80F48.fromNumber(change.tokenAmount)) .mul(bank.price), ); } } return initHealth; } /** * The remaining native quote margin available for given market. * * TODO: this is a very bad estimation atm. * It assumes quote asset is always USDC, * it assumes that there are no interaction effects, * it assumes that there are no existing borrows for either of the tokens in the market. */ getSerum3MarketMarginAvailable(group: Group, marketName: string): I80F48 { const initHealth = (this.accountData as MangoAccountData).initHealth; const serum3Market = group.serum3MarketsMap.get(marketName)!; const marketAssetWeight = group.findBank( serum3Market.baseTokenIndex, ).initAssetWeight; return initHealth.div(ONE_I80F48.sub(marketAssetWeight)); } /** * The remaining native quote margin available for given market. * * TODO: this is a very bad estimation atm. * It assumes quote asset is always USDC, * it assumes that there are no interaction effects, * it assumes that there are no existing borrows for either of the tokens in the market. */ getPerpMarketMarginAvailable(group: Group, marketName: string): I80F48 { const initHealth = (this.accountData as MangoAccountData).initHealth; const perpMarket = group.perpMarketsMap.get(marketName)!; const marketAssetWeight = perpMarket.initAssetWeight; return initHealth.div(ONE_I80F48.sub(marketAssetWeight)); } tokensActive(): TokenPosition[] { return this.tokens.filter((token) => token.isActive()); } serum3Active(): Serum3Orders[] { return this.serum3.filter((serum3) => serum3.isActive()); } perpActive(): PerpPositions[] { return this.perps.filter((perp) => perp.isActive()); } toString(group?: Group): string { let res = 'MangoAccount'; res = res + '\n pk: ' + this.publicKey.toString(); res = res + '\n name: ' +; res = res + '\n delegate: ' + this.delegate; res = this.tokensActive().length > 0 ? res + '\n tokens:' + JSON.stringify( this.tokensActive().map((token) => token.toString(group)), null, 4, ) : res + ''; res = this.serum3Active().length > 0 ? res + '\n serum:' + JSON.stringify(this.serum3Active(), null, 4) : res + ''; res = this.perpActive().length > 0 ? res + '\n perps:' + JSON.stringify(this.perpActive(), null, 4) : res + ''; return res; } } export class TokenPosition { static TokenIndexUnset: number = 65535; static from(dto: TokenPositionDto) { return new TokenPosition( I80F48.from(dto.indexedPosition), dto.tokenIndex, dto.inUseCount, ); } constructor( public indexedPosition: I80F48, public tokenIndex: number, public inUseCount: number, ) {} public isActive(): boolean { return this.tokenIndex !== 65535; } public native(bank: Bank): I80F48 { if (this.indexedPosition.isPos()) { return bank.depositIndex.mul(this.indexedPosition); } else { return bank.borrowIndex.mul(this.indexedPosition); } } public ui(bank: Bank): number { return nativeI80F48ToUi(this.native(bank), bank.mintDecimals).toNumber(); } public uiDeposits(bank: Bank): number { return nativeI80F48ToUi( bank.depositIndex.mul(this.indexedPosition), bank.mintDecimals, ).toNumber(); } public uiBorrows(bank: Bank): number { return nativeI80F48ToUi( bank.borrowIndex.mul(this.indexedPosition), bank.mintDecimals, ).toNumber(); } public toString(group?: Group): String { let extra: string = ''; if (group) { let bank = group.findBank(this.tokenIndex); if (bank) { let native = this.native(bank); extra += ', native: ' + native.toNumber(); extra += ', ui: ' + this.ui(bank); extra += ', tokenName: ' +; } } return ( 'tokenIndex: ' + this.tokenIndex + ', inUseCount: ' + this.inUseCount + ', indexedValue: ' + this.indexedPosition.toNumber() + extra ); } } export class TokenPositionDto { constructor( public indexedPosition: I80F48Dto, public tokenIndex: number, public inUseCount: number, public reserved: number[], ) {} } export class Serum3Orders { static Serum3MarketIndexUnset = 65535; static from(dto: Serum3PositionDto) { return new Serum3Orders( dto.openOrders, dto.marketIndex, dto.baseTokenIndex, dto.quoteTokenIndex, ); } constructor( public openOrders: PublicKey, public marketIndex: number, public baseTokenIndex: number, public quoteTokenIndex: number, ) {} public isActive(): boolean { return this.marketIndex !== Serum3Orders.Serum3MarketIndexUnset; } } export class Serum3PositionDto { constructor( public openOrders: PublicKey, public marketIndex: number, public baseTokenIndex: number, public quoteTokenIndex: number, public reserved: number[], ) {} } export class PerpPositions { static PerpMarketIndexUnset = 65535; static from(dto: PerpPositionDto) { return new PerpPositions( dto.marketIndex, dto.basePositionLots.toNumber(), dto.quotePositionNative.val.toNumber(), dto.bidsBaseLots.toNumber(), dto.asksBaseLots.toNumber(), dto.takerBaseLots.toNumber(), dto.takerQuoteLots.toNumber(), ); } constructor( public marketIndex: number, public basePositionLots: number, public quotePositionNative: number, public bidsBaseLots: number, public asksBaseLots: number, public takerBaseLots: number, public takerQuoteLots: number, ) {} isActive(): boolean { return this.marketIndex != PerpPositions.PerpMarketIndexUnset; } } export class PerpPositionDto { constructor( public marketIndex: number, public reserved: [], public basePositionLots: BN, public quotePositionNative: { val: BN }, public bidsBaseLots: BN, public asksBaseLots: BN, public takerBaseLots: BN, public takerQuoteLots: BN, ) {} } export class HealthType { static maint = { maint: {} }; static init = { init: {} }; } export class MangoAccountData { constructor( public healthCache: HealthCache, public initHealth: I80F48, public maintHealth: I80F48, public equity: Equity, ) {} static from(event: { healthCache: HealthCacheDto; initHealth: I80F48Dto; maintHealth: I80F48Dto; equity: { tokens: [{ tokenIndex: number; value: I80F48Dto }]; perps: [{ perpMarketIndex: number; value: I80F48Dto }]; }; initHealthLiabs: I80F48Dto; tokenAssets: any; }) { return new MangoAccountData( new HealthCache(event.healthCache), I80F48.from(event.initHealth), I80F48.from(event.maintHealth), Equity.from(event.equity), ); } } export class Equity { public constructor( public tokens: TokenEquity[], public perps: PerpEquity[], ) {} static from(dto: EquityDto): Equity { return new Equity( (token) => new TokenEquity(token.tokenIndex, I80F48.from(token.value)), ), (perpAccount) => new PerpEquity( perpAccount.perpMarketIndex, I80F48.from(perpAccount.value), ), ), ); } } export class TokenEquity { public constructor(public tokenIndex: number, public value: I80F48) {} } export class PerpEquity { public constructor(public perpMarketIndex: number, public value: I80F48) {} } export class EquityDto { tokens: { tokenIndex: number; value: I80F48Dto }[]; perps: { perpMarketIndex: number; value: I80F48Dto }[]; } export class AccountSize { static small = { small: {} }; static large = { large: {} }; }