import { AnchorProvider, Wallet } from '@project-serum/anchor'; import { Connection, Keypair, PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js'; import fs from 'fs'; import { I80F48 } from '../accounts/I80F48'; import { HealthType } from '../accounts/mangoAccount'; import { BookSide, PerpOrderType, Side } from '../accounts/perp'; import { Serum3OrderType, Serum3SelfTradeBehavior, Serum3Side, } from '../accounts/serum3'; import { MangoClient } from '../client'; import { MANGO_V4_ID } from '../constants'; import { toUiDecimalsForQuote } from '../utils'; // // An example for users based on high level api i.e. the client // Create // process.env.USER_KEYPAIR - mango account owner keypair path // process.env.ADMIN_KEYPAIR - group admin keypair path (useful for automatically finding the group) // // This script deposits some tokens, places some serum orders, cancels them, places some perp orders // const DEVNET_MINTS = new Map([ ['USDC', '8FRFC6MoGGkMFQwngccyu69VnYbzykGeez7ignHVAFSN'], // use devnet usdc ['BTC', '3UNBZ6o52WTWwjac2kPUb4FyodhU1vFkRJheu1Sh2TvU'], ['SOL', 'So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112'], ['ORCA', 'orcarKHSqC5CDDsGbho8GKvwExejWHxTqGzXgcewB9L'], ['MNGO', 'Bb9bsTQa1bGEtQ5KagGkvSHyuLqDWumFUcRqFusFNJWC'], ]); export const DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS = new Map([ ['BTC/USDC', new PublicKey('DW83EpHFywBxCHmyARxwj3nzxJd7MUdSeznmrdzZKNZB')], ['SOL/USDC', new PublicKey('5xWpt56U1NCuHoAEtpLeUrQcxDkEpNfScjfLFaRzLPgR')], ]); const GROUP_NUM = Number(process.env.GROUP_NUM || 0); async function main() { const options = AnchorProvider.defaultOptions(); const connection = new Connection( '', options, ); const user = Keypair.fromSecretKey( Buffer.from( JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(process.env.USER_KEYPAIR!, 'utf-8')), ), ); const userWallet = new Wallet(user); const userProvider = new AnchorProvider(connection, userWallet, options); const client = await MangoClient.connect( userProvider, 'devnet', MANGO_V4_ID['devnet'], {}, 'get-program-accounts', ); console.log(`User ${userWallet.publicKey.toBase58()}`); // fetch group const admin = Keypair.fromSecretKey( Buffer.from( JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(process.env.ADMIN_KEYPAIR!, 'utf-8')), ), ); const group = await client.getGroupForCreator(admin.publicKey, GROUP_NUM); // create + fetch account console.log(`Creating mangoaccount...`); let mangoAccount = (await client.getOrCreateMangoAccount( group, user.publicKey, ))!; if (!mangoAccount) { throw new Error(`MangoAccount not found for user ${user.publicKey}`); } console.log(`...created/found mangoAccount ${mangoAccount.publicKey}`); console.log(mangoAccount.toString(group)); await mangoAccount.reload(client, group); // set delegate, and change name if (false) { console.log(`...changing mango account name, and setting a delegate`); const randomKey = new PublicKey( '4ZkS7ZZkxfsC3GtvvsHP3DFcUeByU9zzZELS4r8HCELo', ); await client.editMangoAccount( group, mangoAccount, 'my_changed_name', randomKey, ); await mangoAccount.reload(client, group); console.log(mangoAccount.toString()); console.log(`...resetting mango account name, and re-setting a delegate`); await client.editMangoAccount( group, mangoAccount, 'my_mango_account', PublicKey.default, ); await mangoAccount.reload(client, group); console.log(mangoAccount.toString()); } // expand account if (false) { console.log( `...expanding mango account to have serum3 and perp position slots`, ); await client.expandMangoAccount(group, mangoAccount, 8, 8, 8, 8); await mangoAccount.reload(client, group); } // deposit and withdraw if (false) { try { console.log(`...depositing 50 USDC, 1 SOL, 1 MNGO`); await client.tokenDeposit( group, mangoAccount, new PublicKey(DEVNET_MINTS.get('USDC')!), 50, ); await mangoAccount.reload(client, group); await client.tokenDeposit( group, mangoAccount, new PublicKey(DEVNET_MINTS.get('SOL')!), 1, ); await mangoAccount.reload(client, group); await client.tokenDeposit( group, mangoAccount, new PublicKey(DEVNET_MINTS.get('MNGO')!), 1, ); await mangoAccount.reload(client, group); console.log(`...withdrawing 1 USDC`); await client.tokenWithdraw( group, mangoAccount, new PublicKey(DEVNET_MINTS.get('USDC')!), 1, true, ); await mangoAccount.reload(client, group); console.log(`...depositing 0.0005 BTC`); await client.tokenDeposit( group, mangoAccount, new PublicKey(DEVNET_MINTS.get('BTC')!), 0.0005, ); await mangoAccount.reload(client, group); console.log(mangoAccount.toString(group)); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } } if (false) { // serum3 const serum3Market = group.serum3MarketsMapByExternal.get( DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS.get('BTC/USDC')?.toBase58()!, ); const serum3MarketExternal = group.serum3MarketExternalsMap.get( DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS.get('BTC/USDC')?.toBase58()!, ); const asks = await group.loadSerum3AsksForMarket( client, DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS.get('BTC/USDC')!, ); const lowestAsk = Array.from(asks!)[0]; const bids = await group.loadSerum3BidsForMarket( client, DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS.get('BTC/USDC')!, ); const highestBid = Array.from(asks!)![0]; let price = 20; let qty = 0.0001; console.log( `...placing serum3 bid which would not be settled since its relatively low then midprice at ${price} for ${qty}`, ); await client.serum3PlaceOrder( group, mangoAccount, DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS.get('BTC/USDC')!,, price, qty, Serum3SelfTradeBehavior.decrementTake, Serum3OrderType.limit,, 10, ); await mangoAccount.reload(client, group); price = lowestAsk.price + lowestAsk.price / 2; qty = 0.0001; console.log( `...placing serum3 bid way above midprice at ${price} for ${qty}`, ); await client.serum3PlaceOrder( group, mangoAccount, DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS.get('BTC/USDC')!,, price, qty, Serum3SelfTradeBehavior.decrementTake, Serum3OrderType.limit,, 10, ); await mangoAccount.reload(client, group); price = highestBid.price - highestBid.price / 2; qty = 0.0001; console.log( `...placing serum3 ask way below midprice at ${price} for ${qty}`, ); await client.serum3PlaceOrder( group, mangoAccount, DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS.get('BTC/USDC')!, Serum3Side.ask, price, qty, Serum3SelfTradeBehavior.decrementTake, Serum3OrderType.limit,, 10, ); console.log(`...current own orders on OB`); let orders = await mangoAccount.loadSerum3OpenOrdersForMarket( client, group, DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS.get('BTC/USDC')!, ); for (const order of orders) { console.log( ` - order orderId ${order.orderId}, ${order.side}, ${order.price}, ${order.size}`, ); console.log(` - cancelling order with ${order.orderId}`); await client.serum3CancelOrder( group, mangoAccount, DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS.get('BTC/USDC')!, order.side === 'buy' ? : Serum3Side.ask, order.orderId, ); } console.log(`...current own orders on OB`); orders = await mangoAccount.loadSerum3OpenOrdersForMarket( client, group, DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS.get('BTC/USDC')!, ); for (const order of orders) { console.log(order); } console.log(`...settling funds`); await client.serum3SettleFunds( group, mangoAccount, DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS.get('BTC/USDC')!, ); } if (false) { // serum3 market const serum3Market = group.serum3MarketsMapByExternal.get( DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS.get('BTC/USDC')!.toBase58(), ); console.log(await serum3Market?.logOb(client, group)); } if (false) { await mangoAccount.reload(client, group); console.log( '...mangoAccount.getEquity() ' + toUiDecimalsForQuote(mangoAccount.getEquity()!.toNumber()), ); console.log( '...mangoAccount.getCollateralValue() ' + toUiDecimalsForQuote(mangoAccount.getCollateralValue()!.toNumber()), ); console.log( '...mangoAccount.accountData["healthCache"].health(HealthType.init) ' + toUiDecimalsForQuote( mangoAccount .accountData!['healthCache'].health(HealthType.init) .toNumber(), ), ); console.log( '...mangoAccount.getAssetsVal() ' + toUiDecimalsForQuote( mangoAccount.getAssetsValue(HealthType.init)!.toNumber(), ), ); console.log( '...mangoAccount.getLiabsVal() ' + toUiDecimalsForQuote( mangoAccount.getLiabsValue(HealthType.init)!.toNumber(), ), ); console.log( '...mangoAccount.getMaxWithdrawWithBorrowForToken(group, "SOL") ' + toUiDecimalsForQuote( mangoAccount .getMaxWithdrawWithBorrowForToken( group, new PublicKey(DEVNET_MINTS.get('SOL')!), )! .toNumber(), ), ); } if (false) { const asks = await group.loadSerum3AsksForMarket( client, DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS.get('BTC/USDC')!, ); const lowestAsk = Array.from(asks!)[0]; const bids = await group.loadSerum3BidsForMarket( client, DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS.get('BTC/USDC')!, ); const highestBid = Array.from(asks!)![0]; function getMaxSourceForTokenSwapWrapper(src, tgt) { // console.log(); console.log( `getMaxSourceForTokenSwap ${src.padEnd(4)} ${tgt.padEnd(4)} ` + mangoAccount .getMaxSourceForTokenSwap( group, group.banksMapByName.get(src)![0].mint, group.banksMapByName.get(tgt)![0].mint, 1, )! .div( I80F48.fromNumber( Math.pow(10, group.banksMapByName.get(src)![0].mintDecimals), ), ) .toNumber(), ); } for (const srcToken of Array.from(group.banksMapByName.keys())) { for (const tgtToken of Array.from(group.banksMapByName.keys())) { getMaxSourceForTokenSwapWrapper(srcToken, tgtToken); } } const maxQuoteForSerum3BidUi = mangoAccount.getMaxQuoteForSerum3BidUi( group, DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS.get('BTC/USDC')!, ); console.log( "...mangoAccount.getMaxQuoteForSerum3BidUi(group, 'BTC/USDC') " + maxQuoteForSerum3BidUi, ); const maxBaseForSerum3AskUi = mangoAccount.getMaxBaseForSerum3AskUi( group, DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS.get('BTC/USDC')!, ); console.log( "...mangoAccount.getMaxBaseForSerum3AskUi(group, 'BTC/USDC') " + maxBaseForSerum3AskUi, ); console.log( `simHealthRatioWithSerum3BidUiChanges ${mangoAccount.simHealthRatioWithSerum3BidUiChanges( group, 785, DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS.get('BTC/USDC')!, )}`, ); console.log( `simHealthRatioWithSerum3AskUiChanges ${mangoAccount.simHealthRatioWithSerum3AskUiChanges( group, 0.033, DEVNET_SERUM3_MARKETS.get('BTC/USDC')!, )}`, ); } // perps if (true) { const orders = await mangoAccount.loadPerpOpenOrdersForMarket( client, group, 'BTC-PERP', ); for (const order of orders) { console.log(`Current order - ${order.price} ${order.size} ${order.side}`); } console.log(`...cancelling all perp orders`); let sig = await client.perpCancelAllOrders( group, mangoAccount, 'BTC-PERP', 10, ); console.log(`sig${sig}?cluster=devnet`); // scenario 1 // not going to be hit orders, far from each other try { const clientId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999); const price = group.banksMapByName.get('BTC')![0].uiPrice! - Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); console.log(`...placing perp bid ${clientId} at ${price}`); const sig = await client.perpPlaceOrder( group, mangoAccount, 'BTC-PERP',, price, 0.01, price * 0.01, clientId, PerpOrderType.limit, 0, // + 200, 1, ); console.log(`sig${sig}?cluster=devnet`); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } try { const clientId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999); const price = group.banksMapByName.get('BTC')![0].uiPrice! + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); console.log(`...placing perp ask ${clientId} at ${price}`); const sig = await client.perpPlaceOrder( group, mangoAccount, 'BTC-PERP', Side.ask, price, 0.01, price * 0.01, clientId, PerpOrderType.limit, 0, // + 200, 1, ); console.log(`sig${sig}?cluster=devnet`); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } // should be able to cancel them console.log(`...cancelling all perp orders`); sig = await client.perpCancelAllOrders(group, mangoAccount, 'BTC-PERP', 10); console.log(`sig${sig}?cluster=devnet`); // scenario 2 // make + take orders try { const clientId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999); const price = group.banksMapByName.get('BTC')![0].uiPrice!; console.log(`...placing perp bid ${clientId} at ${price}`); const sig = await client.perpPlaceOrder( group, mangoAccount, 'BTC-PERP',, price, 0.01, price * 0.01, clientId, PerpOrderType.limit, 0, // + 200, 1, ); console.log(`sig${sig}?cluster=devnet`); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } try { const clientId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999); const price = group.banksMapByName.get('BTC')![0].uiPrice!; console.log(`...placing perp ask ${clientId} at ${price}`); const sig = await client.perpPlaceOrder( group, mangoAccount, 'BTC-PERP', Side.ask, price, 0.01, price * 0.011, clientId, PerpOrderType.limit, 0, // + 200, 1, ); console.log(`sig${sig}?cluster=devnet`); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } // // should be able to cancel them : know bug // console.log(`...cancelling all perp orders`); // sig = await client.perpCancelAllOrders(group, mangoAccount, 'BTC-PERP', 10); // console.log(`sig${sig}?cluster=devnet`); const perpMarket = group.perpMarketsMap.get('BTC-PERP'); const bids: BookSide = await perpMarket?.loadBids(client)!; console.log(`bids - ${Array.from(bids.items())}`); const asks: BookSide = await perpMarket?.loadAsks(client)!; console.log(`asks - ${Array.from(asks.items())}`); await perpMarket?.loadEventQueue(client)!; const fr = await perpMarket?.getCurrentFundingRate( await perpMarket.loadBids(client), await perpMarket.loadAsks(client), ); console.log(`current funding rate per hour is ${fr}`); const eq = await perpMarket?.loadEventQueue(client)!; console.log(`raw events - ${eq.rawEvents}`); // sleep so that keeper can catch up await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 2000)); // make+take orders should have cancelled each other, and if keeper has already cranked, then should not appear in position await group.reloadAll(client); await mangoAccount.reload(client, group); console.log(`${mangoAccount.toString(group)}`); } process.exit(); } main();