### Development - rust version 1.59.0 (9d1b2106e 2022-02-23) - solana-cli 1.9.5 - anchor-cli 0.22.0 - npm 8.1.2 - node v16.13.1 Devnet deployment - m43thNJ58XCjL798ZSq6JGAG1BnWskhdq5or6kcnfsD TS client - see ts dir, and ts/example.ts, run as `yarn ts-node ts/example.ts` ### Module structure As and when we move to a more complete project, we should think of having multiple modules e.g. core/shared, spot, perpetuals, etc., and then each would have its own instructions and state sub module. Goal is that new contributors find relevant code easily and can navigate easily. ``` programs └── mango-v4 ├── Cargo.toml ├── Xargo.toml └── src │ ├── error.rs │ ├── instructions # instructions go here, each instruction gets an individual file │ │   ├── initialiaze.rs │ │   └── mod.rs │ ├── lib.rs │ └── state # state goes here, each account state gets an individual file │ └── mod.rs └── tests # rust tests, TODO ``` ### How to open and manage pull requests - when in doubt dont squash commits, specially when merge request is very large, specially if your branch contains unrelated commits - use the why along with what for commit messages, code comments, makes it easy to understand the context - add descriptions to your merge requests if they are non trivial, helps code reviewer watch out for things, understand the motivation for the merge request