use std::{ collections::HashSet, sync::Arc, time::Instant, time::{Duration, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}, }; use crate::MangoClient; use anyhow::Context; use itertools::Itertools; use anchor_lang::{__private::bytemuck::cast_ref, solana_program, Discriminator}; use futures::Future; use mango_v4::{ accounts_zerocopy::AccountReader, state::{ EventQueue, EventType, FillEvent, Group, MangoAccount, MangoAccountValue, OutEvent, TokenIndex, }, }; use mango_v4_client::{ account_fetcher_fetch_anchor_account, AccountFetcher, PerpMarketContext, PreparedInstructions, RpcAccountFetcher, TransactionBuilder, }; use prometheus::{register_histogram, Encoder, Histogram, IntCounter, Registry}; use solana_client::nonblocking::rpc_client::RpcClient; use solana_sdk::{ commitment_config::CommitmentConfig, instruction::{AccountMeta, Instruction}, pubkey::Pubkey, signature::Signature, }; use tokio::task::JoinHandle; use tracing::*; use warp::Filter; lazy_static::lazy_static! { pub static ref METRICS_REGISTRY: Registry = Registry::new_custom(Some("keeper".to_string()), None).unwrap(); pub static ref METRIC_UPDATE_TOKENS_SUCCESS: IntCounter = IntCounter::new("update_tokens_success", "Successful update token transactions").unwrap(); pub static ref METRIC_UPDATE_TOKENS_FAILURE: IntCounter = IntCounter::new("update_tokens_failure", "Failed update token transactions").unwrap(); pub static ref METRIC_CONSUME_EVENTS_SUCCESS: IntCounter = IntCounter::new("consume_events_success", "Successful consume events transactions").unwrap(); pub static ref METRIC_CONSUME_EVENTS_FAILURE: IntCounter = IntCounter::new("consume_events_failure", "Failed consume events transactions").unwrap(); pub static ref METRIC_UPDATE_FUNDING_SUCCESS: IntCounter = IntCounter::new("update_funding_success", "Successful update funding transactions").unwrap(); pub static ref METRIC_UPDATE_FUNDING_FAILURE: IntCounter = IntCounter::new("update_funding_failure", "Failed update funding transactions").unwrap(); pub static ref METRIC_CONFIRMATION_TIMES: Histogram = register_histogram!( "confirmation_times", "Transaction confirmation times", vec![1000.0, 3000.0, 5000.0, 7000.0, 10000.0, 15000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0, 40000.0, 50000.0, 60000.0] ).unwrap(); } // TODO: move instructions into the client proper async fn serve_metrics() { METRICS_REGISTRY .register(Box::new(METRIC_UPDATE_TOKENS_SUCCESS.clone())) .unwrap(); METRICS_REGISTRY .register(Box::new(METRIC_UPDATE_TOKENS_FAILURE.clone())) .unwrap(); METRICS_REGISTRY .register(Box::new(METRIC_CONSUME_EVENTS_SUCCESS.clone())) .unwrap(); METRICS_REGISTRY .register(Box::new(METRIC_CONSUME_EVENTS_FAILURE.clone())) .unwrap(); METRICS_REGISTRY .register(Box::new(METRIC_UPDATE_FUNDING_SUCCESS.clone())) .unwrap(); METRICS_REGISTRY .register(Box::new(METRIC_UPDATE_FUNDING_FAILURE.clone())) .unwrap(); METRICS_REGISTRY .register(Box::new(METRIC_CONFIRMATION_TIMES.clone())) .unwrap(); let metrics_route = warp::path!("metrics").map(|| { let mut buffer = Vec::::new(); let encoder = prometheus::TextEncoder::new(); encoder .encode(&METRICS_REGISTRY.gather(), &mut buffer) .unwrap(); String::from_utf8(buffer.clone()).unwrap() }); println!("Metrics server starting on port 9091"); warp::serve(metrics_route).run(([0, 0, 0, 0], 9091)).await; } pub async fn runner( mango_client: Arc, debugging_handle: impl Future, interval_update_banks: u64, interval_consume_events: u64, interval_update_funding: u64, interval_check_for_changes_and_abort: u64, interval_charge_collateral_fees: u64, max_cu_when_batching: u32, extra_jobs: Vec>, ) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { let handles1 = mango_client .context .tokens .values() .filter(|t| !t.closed) .map(|t| &t.token_index) // TODO: grouping tokens whose oracle might have less confidencen e.g. ORCA with the rest, fails whole ix // TokenUpdateIndexAndRate is known to take max 71k cu // from cargo test-bpf local tests // chunk size of 8 seems to be max before encountering "VersionedTransaction too large" issues .chunks(8) .into_iter() .map(|chunk| { loop_update_index_and_rate( mango_client.clone(), chunk.copied().collect::>(), interval_update_banks, ) }) .collect::>(); let handles2 = mango_client .context .perp_markets .values() .filter(|perp| // MNGO-PERP-OLD perp.perp_market_index != 1) .map(|perp| { loop_consume_events( mango_client.clone(), perp.address, perp, interval_consume_events, ) }) .collect::>(); let handles3 = mango_client .context .perp_markets .values() .filter(|perp| // MNGO-PERP-OLD perp.perp_market_index != 1) .map(|perp| { loop_update_funding( mango_client.clone(), perp.address, perp, interval_update_funding, ) }) .collect::>(); futures::join!( futures::future::join_all(handles1), futures::future::join_all(handles2), futures::future::join_all(handles3), loop_charge_collateral_fees( mango_client.clone(), interval_charge_collateral_fees, max_cu_when_batching ), MangoClient::loop_check_for_context_changes_and_abort( mango_client.clone(), Duration::from_secs(interval_check_for_changes_and_abort), ), serve_metrics(), debugging_handle, futures::future::join_all(extra_jobs), ); Ok(()) } pub async fn loop_update_index_and_rate( mango_client: Arc, token_indices: Vec, interval: u64, ) { let mut interval = mango_v4_client::delay_interval(Duration::from_secs(interval)); loop { interval.tick().await; let client = mango_client.clone(); let token_indices_clone = token_indices.clone(); let token_names = token_indices_clone .iter() .map(|token_index| client.context.token(*token_index).name.to_owned()) .join(","); let mut instructions = PreparedInstructions::new(); for token_index in token_indices_clone.iter() { let token = client.context.token(*token_index); let banks_for_a_token = token.banks(); let oracle =; let mut ix = Instruction { program_id: mango_v4::id(), accounts: anchor_lang::ToAccountMetas::to_account_metas( &mango_v4::accounts::TokenUpdateIndexAndRate { group:, mint_info: token.mint_info_address, oracle, instructions: solana_program::sysvar::instructions::id(), }, None, ), data: anchor_lang::InstructionData::data( &mango_v4::instruction::TokenUpdateIndexAndRate {}, ), }; let mut banks = banks_for_a_token .iter() .map(|bank_pubkey| AccountMeta { pubkey: *bank_pubkey, is_signer: false, is_writable: true, }) .collect::>(); ix.accounts.append(&mut banks); let pix = PreparedInstructions::from_single( ix, client .context .compute_estimates .cu_token_update_index_and_rates, ); let sim_result = match client.simulate(pix.clone().to_instructions()).await { Ok(response) => response.value, Err(e) => { error!(, "simulation request error: {e:?}"); continue; } }; if let Some(e) = sim_result.err { error!(, "simulation error: {e:?} {:?}", sim_result.logs); continue; } instructions.append(pix); } let pre = Instant::now(); let sig_result = client .send_and_confirm_permissionless_tx(instructions.to_instructions()) .await; let duration_ms = pre.elapsed().as_millis(); if let Err(e) = sig_result {; info!( "metricName=UpdateTokensV4Failure tokens={} durationMs={} error={}", token_names, duration_ms, e ); error!("{:?}", e) } else {; METRIC_CONFIRMATION_TIMES.observe(duration_ms as f64); info!( "metricName=UpdateTokensV4Success tokens={} durationMs={}", token_names, duration_ms, ); info!("{:?}", sig_result); } } } pub async fn loop_consume_events( mango_client: Arc, pk: Pubkey, perp_market: &PerpMarketContext, interval: u64, ) { let mut interval = mango_v4_client::delay_interval(Duration::from_secs(interval)); loop { interval.tick().await; let client = mango_client.clone(); let find_accounts = || async { let mut num_of_events = 0; let mut event_queue: EventQueue = client .client .rpc_anchor_account(&perp_market.event_queue) .await?; // TODO: future, choose better constant of how many max events to pack // TODO: future, choose better constant of how many max mango accounts to pack let mut set = HashSet::new(); for _ in 0..10 { let event = match event_queue.peek_front() { None => break, Some(e) => e, }; match EventType::try_from(event.event_type)? { EventType::Fill => { let fill: &FillEvent = cast_ref(event); set.insert(fill.maker); set.insert(fill.taker); } EventType::Out => { let out: &OutEvent = cast_ref(event); set.insert(out.owner); } EventType::Liquidate => {} } event_queue.pop_front()?; num_of_events += 1; } if num_of_events == 0 { return Ok(None); } Ok(Some((set, num_of_events))) }; let event_info: anyhow::Result, u32)>> = find_accounts().await; let (event_accounts, num_of_events) = match event_info { Ok(Some(x)) => x, Ok(None) => continue, Err(err) => { error!("preparing consume_events ams: {err:?}"); continue; } }; let mut event_ams = event_accounts .iter() .map(|key| -> AccountMeta { AccountMeta { pubkey: *key, is_signer: false, is_writable: true, } }) .collect::>(); let pre = Instant::now(); let ix = Instruction { program_id: mango_v4::id(), accounts: { let mut ams = anchor_lang::ToAccountMetas::to_account_metas( &mango_v4::accounts::PerpConsumeEvents { group:, perp_market: pk, event_queue: perp_market.event_queue, }, None, ); ams.append(&mut event_ams); ams }, data: anchor_lang::InstructionData::data(&mango_v4::instruction::PerpConsumeEvents { limit: 10, }), }; let ixs = PreparedInstructions::from_single( ix, client.context.compute_estimates.cu_perp_consume_events_base + num_of_events * client .context .compute_estimates .cu_perp_consume_events_per_event, ); let sig_result = client .send_and_confirm_permissionless_tx(ixs.to_instructions()) .await; let duration_ms = pre.elapsed().as_millis(); if let Err(e) = sig_result {; info!( "metricName=ConsumeEventsV4Failure market={} durationMs={} consumed={} error={}",, duration_ms, num_of_events, e.to_string() ); error!("{:?}", e) } else {; METRIC_CONFIRMATION_TIMES.observe(duration_ms as f64); info!( "metricName=ConsumeEventsV4Success market={} durationMs={} consumed={}",, duration_ms, num_of_events, ); info!("{:?}", sig_result); } } } pub async fn loop_update_funding( mango_client: Arc, pk: Pubkey, perp_market: &PerpMarketContext, interval: u64, ) { let mut interval = mango_v4_client::delay_interval(Duration::from_secs(interval)); loop { interval.tick().await; let client = mango_client.clone(); let pre = Instant::now(); let ix = Instruction { program_id: mango_v4::id(), accounts: anchor_lang::ToAccountMetas::to_account_metas( &mango_v4::accounts::PerpUpdateFunding { group:, perp_market: pk, bids: perp_market.bids, asks: perp_market.asks, oracle:, }, None, ), data: anchor_lang::InstructionData::data(&mango_v4::instruction::PerpUpdateFunding {}), }; let ixs = PreparedInstructions::from_single( ix, client.context.compute_estimates.cu_perp_update_funding, ); let sig_result = client .send_and_confirm_permissionless_tx(ixs.to_instructions()) .await; let duration_ms = pre.elapsed().as_millis(); if let Err(e) = sig_result {; error!( "metricName=UpdateFundingV4Error market={} durationMs={} error={}",, duration_ms, e.to_string() ); error!("{:?}", e) } else {; METRIC_CONFIRMATION_TIMES.observe(duration_ms as f64); info!( "metricName=UpdateFundingV4Success market={} durationMs={}",, duration_ms, ); info!("{:?}", sig_result); } } } pub async fn loop_charge_collateral_fees( mango_client: Arc, interval: u64, max_cu_when_batching: u32, ) { if interval == 0 { return; } // Make a new one separate from the mango_client.account_fetcher, // because we don't want cached responses and we need a longer timeout let fetcher = { let config = mango_client.client.config(); RpcAccountFetcher { rpc: RpcClient::new_with_timeout_and_commitment( config.cluster.url().to_string(), Duration::from_secs(120), CommitmentConfig::confirmed(), ), } }; let group: Group = account_fetcher_fetch_anchor_account(&fetcher, & .await .unwrap(); let collateral_fee_interval = group.collateral_fee_interval; let mut interval = mango_v4_client::delay_interval(Duration::from_secs(interval)); loop { interval.tick().await; match charge_collateral_fees_inner( &mango_client, &fetcher, collateral_fee_interval, max_cu_when_batching, ) .await { Ok(()) => {} Err(err) => { error!("charge_collateral_fees error: {err:?}"); } } } } async fn charge_collateral_fees_inner( client: &MangoClient, fetcher: &RpcAccountFetcher, collateral_fee_interval: u64, max_cu_when_batching: u32, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mango_accounts = fetcher .fetch_program_accounts(&mango_v4::id(), MangoAccount::DISCRIMINATOR) .await .context("fetching mango accounts")? .into_iter() .filter_map( |(pk, data)| match MangoAccountValue::from_bytes(&[8..]) { Ok(acc) => Some((pk, acc)), Err(err) => { error!(pk=%pk, "charge_collateral_fees could not parse account: {err:?}"); None } }, ); let mut ix_to_send = Vec::new(); let now_ts = SystemTime::now() .duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) .unwrap() .as_secs() as u64; for (pk, account) in mango_accounts { if != { continue; } let should_reset = collateral_fee_interval == 0 && account.fixed.last_collateral_fee_charge > 0; let should_charge = collateral_fee_interval > 0 && now_ts > account.fixed.last_collateral_fee_charge + collateral_fee_interval; if !(should_reset || should_charge) { continue; } let ixs = match client .token_charge_collateral_fees_instruction((&pk, &account)) .await { Ok(ixs) => ixs, Err(err) => { error!(pk=%pk, "charge_collateral_fees could not build instruction: {err:?}"); continue; } }; ix_to_send.push(ixs); } let txsigs = send_batched_log_errors_no_confirm( client.transaction_builder().await?, &client.client, &ix_to_send, max_cu_when_batching, ) .await; info!("charge collateral fees: {:?}", txsigs); Ok(()) } /// Try to batch the instructions into transactions and send them async fn send_batched_log_errors_no_confirm( mut tx_builder: TransactionBuilder, client: &mango_v4_client::Client, ixs_list: &[PreparedInstructions], max_cu: u32, ) -> Vec { let mut txsigs = Vec::new(); let mut current_batch = PreparedInstructions::new(); for ixs in ixs_list { let previous_batch = current_batch.clone(); current_batch.append(ixs.clone()); tx_builder.instructions = current_batch.clone().to_instructions(); if tx_builder .transaction_size() .map(|ts| !ts.is_within_limit()) .unwrap_or(true) || > max_cu { tx_builder.instructions = previous_batch.to_instructions(); match tx_builder.send(client).await { Err(err) => error!("could not send transaction: {err:?}"), Ok(txsig) => txsigs.push(txsig), } current_batch = ixs.clone(); } } if !current_batch.is_empty() { tx_builder.instructions = current_batch.to_instructions(); match tx_builder.send(client).await { Err(err) => error!("could not send transaction: {err:?}"), Ok(txsig) => txsigs.push(txsig), } } txsigs }